    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if ((Request.Cookies["FirstName"] != null))
            string name = Request.Cookies["FirstName"].Value;
            lblConfirmation.Text = "Thank you for your order, " + name + " !";
        Order currentOrder;

        //retrieve cart object from session state on every post back
        if (Session["OrderIDReciept"] != null)
            string orderid = Session["OrderIDReciept"].ToString();
            currentOrder = OrderDA.OrderReceipt(orderid); //pull receipt from DB

            string subtotal = String.Format("\tORDER SUBTOTAL: ${0:C}", Math.Round((currentOrder.Subtotal), 2).ToString());
            string tax      = String.Format("\tTAX: ${0:C}", Math.Round((currentOrder.Tax), 2).ToString());
            string discount = String.Format("\tAPPLIED DISCOUNTS:  ${0:C} saved on your order today", Math.Round((currentOrder.Discount), 2).ToString());
            string total    = String.Format("\tORDER TOTAL:  ${0:C}", Math.Round((currentOrder.OrderTotal), 2).ToString());

            Subtotal.Text = subtotal;
            Tax.Text      = tax;
            Discount.Text = discount;
            Total.Text    = total;

            Label5.Text = "*An email confirmation will be sent when your order is ready to be picked up";
        //on initial page load, add cart items to list control

        //assign values to text boxes