private void RemovingUpdate() { float t = tForState(); if (t > 1.0f) { if (currentNotificationIndex == (activeNotifications.Count - 1)) { // then we are in the rightmost position (dont have to worry about shifting) current_state = NotificationSystemState.STATIC; activeNotifications.Remove(currentNotification); stateStartTime = Time.time; } else { // then we have to worry about shifting current_state = NotificationSystemState.SHIFTING_LEFT; stateStartTime = Time.time; } } else { moveNotificationByYOffset(NotificationInstances[currentNotification] as GameObject, startYOffset, t); } }
// -- Actual logic -- // private void addNotification(NotificationType typeToAdd) { if (current_state == NotificationSystemState.STATIC) { GameObject prefabToAdd = retriveNotificatioinPrefab(typeToAdd); bool mainRecipeType = isMainRecipeType(typeToAdd); currentNotification = typeToAdd; stateStartTime = Time.time; if (mainRecipeType) { // then we have to insert to the front of the notifications currentNotificationIndex = 0; if (activeNotifications.Count > 0) { current_state = NotificationSystemState.SHIFTING_RIGHT; } else { current_state = NotificationSystemState.ADDING; } } else { // then we are simply adding it to the back of the notifications current_state = NotificationSystemState.ADDING; currentNotificationIndex = activeNotifications.Count; } // instantiate object at currentNotificationIndex, and off screen Vector3 rectTransformPos = gameObject.GetComponent <RectTransform>().position; GameObject instanceToAdd = Instantiate(prefabToAdd, canvas.transform) as GameObject; //// set up rectTransform RectTransform instanceRectTransform = instanceToAdd.GetComponent <RectTransform>(); instanceRectTransform.SetParent(canvas.transform, false); instanceRectTransform.localScale =; instanceRectTransform.localPosition =; instanceRectTransform.anchorMin = new Vector2(0.0f, 1.0f); instanceRectTransform.anchorMax = new Vector2(0.0f, 1.0f); instanceRectTransform.pivot = new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f); instanceRectTransform.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(getStartXFromIndex(currentNotificationIndex), firstNotificationLoc.y); NotificationInstances[typeToAdd] = instanceToAdd; } else { toAddBuffer.Enqueue(typeToAdd); } }
private void removeNotification(NotificationType typeToRemove) { if (current_state == NotificationSystemState.STATIC) { currentNotification = typeToRemove; int index = findIndexFromList(activeNotifications, typeToRemove); currentNotificationIndex = index; stateStartTime = Time.time; current_state = NotificationSystemState.REMOVING; } else { toRemoveBuffer.Enqueue(typeToRemove); } }
private void AddingUpdate() { float t = tForState(); if (t > 1.0f) { current_state = NotificationSystemState.STATIC; stateStartTime = Time.time; activeNotifications.Insert(currentNotificationIndex, currentNotification); } else { moveNotificationByYOffset(NotificationInstances[currentNotification] as GameObject, -startYOffset, t); } }
// -- Update functions -- // private void ShiftingRightUpdate() { float t = tForState(); if (t > 1.0f) { // then we are ready to add object current_state = NotificationSystemState.ADDING; stateStartTime = Time.time; } else { moveAllToRightOfIndex(currentNotificationIndex, notificationRadius * 2.0f, t); } }
private void ShiftingLeftUpdate() { float t = tForState(); if (t > 1.0f) { // then we have finished removing the object current_state = NotificationSystemState.STATIC; activeNotifications.Remove(currentNotification); stateStartTime = Time.time; } else { moveAllToRightOfIndex(currentNotificationIndex, -(2.0f * notificationRadius), t); } }