public BoundNamespaceExpression(SyntaxNode syntax, NamespaceSymbol namespaceSymbol, bool hasErrors = false) : this(syntax, namespaceSymbol, null, hasErrors) { }
public BoundNamespaceExpression Update(NamespaceSymbol namespaceSymbol) { return(Update(namespaceSymbol, this.AliasOpt)); }
public override void VisitNamespace(NamespaceSymbol @namespace) { VisitList(@namespace.GetMembers()); }
private static void GetTopLevelTypes(ArrayBuilder <Cci.INamespaceTypeDefinition> builder, NamespaceSymbol @namespace) { foreach (var member in @namespace.GetMembers()) { if (member.Kind == SymbolKind.Namespace) { GetTopLevelTypes(builder, (NamespaceSymbol)member); } else { builder.Add((Cci.INamespaceTypeDefinition)member); } } }
public static void FindCandidatesInNamespace(NamespaceSymbol root, ArrayBuilder <MethodSymbol> entryPointCandidates, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { EntryPointCandidateFinder finder = new EntryPointCandidateFinder(entryPointCandidates, visitNestedTypes: true, cancellationToken: cancellationToken); finder.Visit(root); }
private void ImportType(MetadataSource mdSource, TypeDefinition type, bool inScriptCoreAssembly, ScriptReference dependency, TypeSymbol outerType = null) { if (!type.IsPublic && !type.IsNestedPublic) { return; } if (inScriptCoreAssembly && MetadataHelpers.ShouldImportScriptCoreType(type) == false) { return; } string name = outerType is TypeSymbol ? $"{outerType.Name}${type.Name}" : type.Name; string namespaceName = outerType is TypeSymbol ? outerType.Namespace : type.Namespace; bool dummy; string scriptName = MetadataHelpers.GetScriptName(type, out dummy, out dummy); NamespaceSymbol namespaceSymbol = symbols.GetNamespace(namespaceName); TypeSymbol typeSymbol = null; if (type.IsInterface) { typeSymbol = new InterfaceSymbol(name, namespaceSymbol); } else if (MetadataHelpers.IsEnum(type)) { // NOTE: We don't care about the flags bit on imported enums // because this is only consumed by the generation logic. typeSymbol = new EnumerationSymbol(name, namespaceSymbol, /* flags */ false); if (MetadataHelpers.ShouldUseEnumNames(type)) { ((EnumerationSymbol)typeSymbol).SetNamedValues(); } else if (MetadataHelpers.ShouldUseEnumValues(type)) { ((EnumerationSymbol)typeSymbol).SetNumericValues(); } } else if (MetadataHelpers.IsDelegate(type)) { typeSymbol = new DelegateSymbol(name, namespaceSymbol); typeSymbol.SetTransformedName("Function"); } else { if (MetadataHelpers.ShouldTreatAsRecordType(type)) { typeSymbol = new RecordSymbol(name, namespaceSymbol); typeSymbol.SetTransformedName(nameof(Object)); } else { typeSymbol = new ClassSymbol(name, namespaceSymbol); } } if (typeSymbol != null) { if (type.HasGenericParameters) { List <GenericParameterSymbol> genericArguments = new List <GenericParameterSymbol>(); foreach (GenericParameter genericParameter in type.GenericParameters) { GenericParameterSymbol arg = new GenericParameterSymbol(genericParameter.Position, genericParameter.Name, true, symbols.GlobalNamespace); genericArguments.Add(arg); } typeSymbol.AddGenericParameters(genericArguments); } string dependencyName = MetadataHelpers.GetScriptDependencyName(type, out string dependencyIdentifier); if (dependencyName != null) { dependency = ScriptReferenceProvider.Instance.GetReference(dependencyName, dependencyIdentifier); } typeSymbol.SetImported(dependency); typeSymbol.SetMetadataToken(type, inScriptCoreAssembly); bool ignoreNamespace = MetadataHelpers.ShouldIgnoreNamespace(type); if (ignoreNamespace || dependency == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(dependency.Identifier)) { typeSymbol.SetIgnoreNamespace(); } else { typeSymbol.ScriptNamespace = dependency.Identifier; } typeSymbol.IsPublic = true; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(scriptName) == false) { typeSymbol.SetTransformedName(scriptName); } SetArrayTypeMetadata(type, typeSymbol, scriptName); typeSymbol.SetSource(dependency); namespaceSymbol.AddType(typeSymbol); importedTypes.Add(typeSymbol); if (outerType is TypeSymbol) { outerType.AddType(typeSymbol); } if (type.HasNestedTypes) { foreach (TypeDefinition nestedType in type.NestedTypes) { ImportType(mdSource, nestedType, inScriptCoreAssembly, dependency, typeSymbol); } } } }
/// <summary> /// Called when visiting a <see cref="NamespaceSymbol" />; Should override this method if /// want to visit members of the namespace; Calling <see /// cref="NamespaceOrTypeSymbol.GetMembers()" /> /// and loop over each member; calling <see cref="Visit" /> on it Or override this with /// specific implementation; Calling <see cref="DefaultVisit" /> if it's not /// overridden /// </summary> /// <param name="symbol">The visited symbol</param> /// <param name="argument">Additional argument</param> /// <returns></returns> public virtual TResult VisitNamespace(NamespaceSymbol symbol, TArgument argument) { return(DefaultVisit(symbol, argument)); }
public virtual TResult VisitNamespace(NamespaceSymbol symbol) { return(DefaultVisit(symbol)); }
private SynthesizedEmbeddedAttributeSymbol CreateParameterlessEmbeddedAttributeSymbol(string name, NamespaceSymbol containingNamespace, BindingDiagnosticBag diagnostics) => new SynthesizedEmbeddedAttributeSymbol( name, containingNamespace, SourceModule, baseType: GetWellKnownType(WellKnownType.System_Attribute, diagnostics));
private SynthesizedEmbeddedNativeIntegerAttributeSymbol CreateNativeIntegerAttributeSymbol(string name, NamespaceSymbol containingNamespace, BindingDiagnosticBag diagnostics) => new SynthesizedEmbeddedNativeIntegerAttributeSymbol( name, containingNamespace, SourceModule, GetWellKnownType(WellKnownType.System_Attribute, diagnostics), GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_Boolean, diagnostics));
public GenericParameterSymbol(int index, string name, bool typeParameter, NamespaceSymbol parent) : base(SymbolType.GenericParameter, name, parent) { Index = index; IsTypeParameter = typeParameter; }
public MethodDocumentationCommentTests() { _compilation = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib40AndDocumentationComments(@"namespace Acme { struct ValueType { public void M(int i) { } public static explicit operator ValueType (byte value) { return default(ValueType); } } class Widget: IProcess { public class NestedClass { public void M(int i) { } } /// <summary>M0 Summary.</summary> public static void M0() { } public void M1(char c, out float f, ref ValueType v) { } public void M2(short[] x1, int[,] x2, long[][] x3) { } public void M3(long[][] x3, Widget[][,,] x4) { } public unsafe void M4(char *pc, Color **pf) { } public unsafe void M5(void *pv, double *[][,] pd) { } public void M6(int i, params object[] args) { } public void M7((int x1, int x2, int x3, int x4, int x5, int x6, short x7) z) { } public void M8((int x1, int x2, int x3, int x4, int x5, int x6, short x7, int x8) z) { } public void M9((int x1, int x2, int x3, int x4, int x5, int x6, short x7, (string y1, string y2)) z) { } public void M10((int x1, short x2) y, System.Tuple<int, short> z) { } public unsafe void M11(delegate* <void> funcPtr) {} public unsafe void M12(delegate* <int, void> funcPtr) {} public unsafe void M13(delegate* <int, int> funcPtr) {} public unsafe void M14(delegate* managed<void> funcPtr) {} public unsafe void M15(delegate* managed<int, void> funcPtr) {} public unsafe void M16(delegate* managed<int, int> funcPtr) {} public unsafe void M17(delegate* unmanaged<void> funcPtr) {} public unsafe void M18(delegate* unmanaged[Cdecl]<void> funcPtr) {} public unsafe void M19(delegate* unmanaged[Stdcall]<void> funcPtr) {} public unsafe void M20(delegate* unmanaged[Thiscall]<void> funcPtr) {} public unsafe void M21(delegate* unmanaged[Fastcall]<void> funcPtr) {} public unsafe void M22(delegate* unmanaged[Cdecl,SuppressGCTransition]<void> funcPtr) {} public unsafe void M23(delegate* unmanaged[Stdcall,SuppressGCTransition]<void> funcPtr) {} public unsafe void M24(delegate* unmanaged[Thiscall,SuppressGCTransition]<void> funcPtr) {} public unsafe void M25(delegate* unmanaged[Fastcall,SuppressGCTransition]<void> funcPtr) {} } class MyList<T> { public void Test(T t) { } public void Zip(MyList<T> other) { } public void ReallyZip(MyList<MyList<T>> other) { } } class UseList { public void Process(MyList<int> list) { } public MyList<T> GetValues<T>(T inputValue) { return null; } } } "); _acmeNamespace = (NamespaceSymbol)_compilation.GlobalNamespace.GetMembers("Acme").Single(); _widgetClass = _acmeNamespace.GetTypeMembers("Widget").Single(); }
private SynthesizedEmbeddedNullablePublicOnlyAttributeSymbol CreateNullablePublicOnlyAttributeSymbol(string name, NamespaceSymbol containingNamespace, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) => new SynthesizedEmbeddedNullablePublicOnlyAttributeSymbol( name, containingNamespace, SourceModule, GetWellKnownType(WellKnownType.System_Attribute, diagnostics), GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_Boolean, diagnostics));
public void AccessCheckApi1() { CSharpCompilation c = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(@" using System.Collections.Generic; class A { static private int priv; static public int pub; protected int prot; static private Foo unknowntype; private class K {} private K[] karray; private A[] aarray; private IEnumerable<K> kenum; private IEnumerable<A> aenum; } class B {} class ADerived: A {} class ADerived2: A {} "); NamespaceSymbol globalNS = c.GlobalNamespace; AssemblySymbol sourceAssem = c.SourceModule.ContainingAssembly; AssemblySymbol mscorlibAssem = c.GetReferencedAssemblySymbol(c.ExternalReferences[0]); NamedTypeSymbol classA = globalNS.GetMembers("A").Single() as NamedTypeSymbol; NamedTypeSymbol classADerived = globalNS.GetMembers("ADerived").Single() as NamedTypeSymbol; NamedTypeSymbol classADerived2 = globalNS.GetMembers("ADerived2").Single() as NamedTypeSymbol; NamedTypeSymbol classB = globalNS.GetMembers("B").Single() as NamedTypeSymbol; NamedTypeSymbol classK = classA.GetMembers("K").Single() as NamedTypeSymbol; FieldSymbol privField = classA.GetMembers("priv").Single() as FieldSymbol; FieldSymbol pubField = classA.GetMembers("pub").Single() as FieldSymbol; FieldSymbol protField = classA.GetMembers("prot").Single() as FieldSymbol; TypeSymbol karrayType = (classA.GetMembers("karray").Single() as FieldSymbol).Type; TypeSymbol aarrayType = (classA.GetMembers("aarray").Single() as FieldSymbol).Type; TypeSymbol kenumType = (classA.GetMembers("kenum").Single() as FieldSymbol).Type; TypeSymbol aenumType = (classA.GetMembers("aenum").Single() as FieldSymbol).Type; TypeSymbol unknownType = (classA.GetMembers("unknowntype").Single() as FieldSymbol).Type; var semanticModel = c.GetSemanticModel(c.SyntaxTrees[0]); Assert.True(Symbol.IsSymbolAccessible(classA, classB)); Assert.True(Symbol.IsSymbolAccessible(pubField, classB)); Assert.False(Symbol.IsSymbolAccessible(privField, classB)); Assert.False(Symbol.IsSymbolAccessible(karrayType, classB)); Assert.True(Symbol.IsSymbolAccessible(aarrayType, classB)); Assert.False(Symbol.IsSymbolAccessible(kenumType, classB)); Assert.True(Symbol.IsSymbolAccessible(aenumType, classB)); Assert.True(Symbol.IsSymbolAccessible(unknownType, classB)); Assert.True(Symbol.IsSymbolAccessible(globalNS, classB)); Assert.True(Symbol.IsSymbolAccessible(protField, classA)); Assert.True(Symbol.IsSymbolAccessible(protField, classA, classADerived)); Assert.False(Symbol.IsSymbolAccessible(protField, classB)); Assert.False(Symbol.IsSymbolAccessible(protField, classB, classADerived)); Assert.True(Symbol.IsSymbolAccessible(protField, classA)); Assert.True(Symbol.IsSymbolAccessible(protField, classADerived, classADerived)); Assert.False(Symbol.IsSymbolAccessible(protField, classADerived, classADerived2)); Assert.True(Symbol.IsSymbolAccessible(classA, sourceAssem)); Assert.True(Symbol.IsSymbolAccessible(aarrayType, sourceAssem)); Assert.False(Symbol.IsSymbolAccessible(karrayType, sourceAssem)); Assert.False(Symbol.IsSymbolAccessible(classA, mscorlibAssem)); Assert.True(Symbol.IsSymbolAccessible(unknownType, sourceAssem)); Assert.True(Symbol.IsSymbolAccessible(mscorlibAssem, sourceAssem)); }
public void PresentCorLib() { var assemblies = MetadataTestHelpers.GetSymbolsForReferences(new[] { NetCoreApp.SystemRuntime }); MetadataOrSourceAssemblySymbol msCorLibRef = (MetadataOrSourceAssemblySymbol)assemblies[0]; var knownMissingTypes = new HashSet <int>() { }; for (int i = 1; i <= (int)SpecialType.Count; i++) { var t = msCorLibRef.GetSpecialType((SpecialType)i); Assert.Equal((SpecialType)i, t.SpecialType); Assert.Same(msCorLibRef, t.ContainingAssembly); if (knownMissingTypes.Contains(i)) { // not present on dotnet core 3.1 Assert.Equal(TypeKind.Error, t.TypeKind); } else { Assert.NotEqual(TypeKind.Error, t.TypeKind); } } Assert.False(msCorLibRef.KeepLookingForDeclaredSpecialTypes); assemblies = MetadataTestHelpers.GetSymbolsForReferences(mrefs: new[] { MetadataReference.CreateFromImage(Net50.Resources.SystemRuntime) }); msCorLibRef = (MetadataOrSourceAssemblySymbol)assemblies[0]; Assert.True(msCorLibRef.KeepLookingForDeclaredSpecialTypes); Queue <NamespaceSymbol> namespaces = new Queue <NamespaceSymbol>(); namespaces.Enqueue(msCorLibRef.Modules[0].GlobalNamespace); int count = 0; while (namespaces.Count > 0) { foreach (var m in namespaces.Dequeue().GetMembers()) { NamespaceSymbol ns = m as NamespaceSymbol; if (ns != null) { namespaces.Enqueue(ns); } else if (((NamedTypeSymbol)m).SpecialType != SpecialType.None) { count++; } if (count >= (int)SpecialType.Count) { Assert.False(msCorLibRef.KeepLookingForDeclaredSpecialTypes); } } } Assert.Equal((int)SpecialType.Count, count + knownMissingTypes.Count); Assert.Equal(knownMissingTypes.Any(), msCorLibRef.KeepLookingForDeclaredSpecialTypes); }
public void SetContainer(Symbol container) { this.container = (NamespaceSymbol)container; }
private LookupResult MemberLookupInNamespace(NamespaceSymbol ns, string name, int arity) { LookupResult result = new LookupResult(); IEnumerable<Symbol> members = ns.GetMembers(name); foreach (Symbol member in members) { LookupResult resultOfThisMember; DiagnosticInfo diagInfo; if (WrongArity(member, arity, out diagInfo)) resultOfThisMember = LookupResult.WrongArity(member, diagInfo); else if (!IsMemberAccessible(member)) resultOfThisMember = LookupResult.Inaccessible(member); else resultOfThisMember = LookupResult.Good(member); result = MergeLookupsInSameScope(result, resultOfThisMember); } return result; }
public void TestMergedNamespaces() { NamespaceSymbol root1 = (NamespaceSymbol)CreateMockSymbol(new NamespaceExtent(new MockAssemblySymbol("Assem1")), XElement.Parse( @"<ns name=''> <ns name='A'> <ns name='D'/> <ns name='E'/> <ns name='F'> <ns name='G'/> </ns> </ns> <ns name='B'/> <ns name='C'/> <ns name='U'/> <class name='X'/> </ns>")); NamespaceSymbol root2 = (NamespaceSymbol)CreateMockSymbol(new NamespaceExtent(new MockAssemblySymbol("Assem2")), XElement.Parse( @"<ns name=''> <ns name='B'> <ns name='K'/> </ns> <ns name='C'/> <class name='X'/> <class name='Y'/> </ns>")); NamespaceSymbol root3 = (NamespaceSymbol)CreateMockSymbol(new NamespaceExtent(new MockAssemblySymbol("Assem3")), XElement.Parse( @"<ns name=''> <ns name='A'> <ns name='D'/> <ns name='E'> <ns name='H'/> </ns> </ns> <ns name='B'> <ns name='K'> <ns name='L'/> <class name='L'/> </ns> </ns> <class name='Z'/> </ns>")); NamespaceSymbol merged = MergedNamespaceSymbol.Create(new NamespaceExtent(new MockAssemblySymbol("Merged")), null, new NamespaceSymbol[] { root1, root2, root3 }.AsImmutable()); string expected = @"namespace [Assembly: Merged] { namespace A [Assembly: Merged] { namespace D [Assembly: Merged] namespace E [Assembly: Merged] { namespace H [Assembly: Assem3] } namespace F [Assembly: Assem1] { namespace G [Assembly: Assem1] } } namespace B [Assembly: Merged] { namespace K [Assembly: Merged] { class L namespace L [Assembly: Assem3] } } namespace C [Assembly: Merged] namespace U [Assembly: Assem1] class X class X class Y class Z }".Replace("Assembly: Merged", "Assembly: Merged, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null") .Replace("Assembly: Assem1", "Assembly: Assem1, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null") .Replace("Assembly: Assem3", "Assembly: Assem3, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null"); Assert.Equal(expected, DumpSymbol(merged)); NamespaceSymbol merged2 = MergedNamespaceSymbol.Create(new NamespaceExtent(new MockAssemblySymbol("Merged2")), null, new NamespaceSymbol[] { root1 }.AsImmutable()); Assert.Same(merged2, root1); }
public override bool VisitNamespace(NamespaceSymbol symbol) { return(VisitList(symbol.GetMembers())); }
internal static NamespaceSymbol ExpandPreviousSubmissionNamespace(NamespaceSymbol originalNamespace, NamespaceSymbol expandedGlobalNamespace) { // Soft assert: we'll still do the right thing if it fails. Debug.Assert(!originalNamespace.IsGlobalNamespace, "Global using to global namespace"); // Hard assert: we depend on this. Debug.Assert(expandedGlobalNamespace.IsGlobalNamespace, "Global namespace required"); var nameParts = ArrayBuilder <string> .GetInstance(); var curr = originalNamespace; while (!curr.IsGlobalNamespace) { nameParts.Add(curr.Name); curr = curr.ContainingNamespace; } var expandedNamespace = expandedGlobalNamespace; for (int i = nameParts.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { // Note, the name may have become ambiguous (e.g. if a type with the same name // is now in scope), but we're not rebinding - we're just expanding to the // current contents of the same namespace. expandedNamespace = expandedNamespace.GetMembers(nameParts[i]).OfType <NamespaceSymbol>().Single(); } nameParts.Free(); return(expandedNamespace); }
// local function static object[] CreateRow(NamespaceSymbol @namespace) => new object[] { @namespace };
private bool AreNamespacesEqual(NamespaceSymbol @namespace, NamespaceSymbol other) { Debug.Assert(StringOrdinalComparer.Equals(@namespace.MetadataName, other.MetadataName)); return(true); }
private static void AppendNamespace(this ICollection <SymbolMarkupToken> markup, NamespaceSymbol symbol, SymbolDisplayFormat format) { if (format == SymbolDisplayFormat.QuickInfo) { markup.AppendKeyword("namespace"); markup.AppendSpace(); if (symbol.Parent != null) { markup.AppendParentScope(symbol.Parent); } } markup.AppendName(SymbolMarkupKind.NamespaceName, symbol.Name); }
public RecordSymbol(string name, NamespaceSymbol parent) : base(SymbolType.Record, name, parent) { }
// For the purposes of SemanticModel, it is convenient to have an AliasSymbol for the "global" namespace that "global::" binds // to. This alias symbol is returned only when binding "global::" (special case code). internal static AliasSymbol CreateGlobalNamespaceAlias(NamespaceSymbol globalNamespace, Binder globalNamespaceBinder) { return(new AliasSymbol(globalNamespaceBinder, globalNamespace, "global", ImmutableArray <Location> .Empty)); }
public virtual void VisitNamespace(NamespaceSymbol symbol) { DefaultVisit(symbol); }
public NamespaceBinder(SharedBinderState sharedBinderState, Binder parent, NamespaceSymbol namespaceSymbol) : base(sharedBinderState, parent) { NamespaceSymbol = namespaceSymbol; }
public BoundNamespaceExpression(SyntaxNode syntax, NamespaceSymbol namespaceSymbol) : this(syntax, namespaceSymbol, null) { }
internal NamespaceSymbol(string name, NamespaceSymbol parent) { Name = name; ParentNamespace = parent; }
public static NamedTypeSymbol ChildType(this NamespaceSymbol ns, string name, int arity) { return(ns.GetMembers() .OfType <NamedTypeSymbol>() .Single(n => n.Name.Equals(name) && n.Arity == arity)); }
internal NamespaceSymbol() { Name = null; ParentNamespace = null; }
private static void AppendNamespace(this ICollection<SymbolMarkupToken> markup, NamespaceSymbol symbol) { markup.AppendKeyword("namespace"); markup.AppendSpace(); if (symbol.Parent != null) markup.AppendParentScope(symbol.Parent); markup.AppendName(SymbolMarkupKind.NamespaceName, symbol.Name); }
public static object GetErrorReportingName(NamespaceSymbol @namespace) { return @namespace.IsGlobalNamespace ? MessageID.IDS_GlobalNamespace.Localize() : (object) @namespace.GetFullName(); }