internal static string CreateWrapperClassForMember(IMember member, string fileName, TextEditor editor)
            if (member == null)
            StringBuilder result    = new StringBuilder();
            int           startLine = member.Location.Line;
            int           endLine   = member.Location.Line;

            if (!member.BodyRegion.IsEmpty)
                endLine = member.BodyRegion.End.Line + 1;

            string text;

            result.Append("class " + member.DeclaringType.Name + " {");
            if (editor != null)
                int col, maxLine;
                editor.GetLineColumnFromPosition(editor.TextLength - 1, out col, out maxLine);
                endLine = System.Math.Max(endLine, maxLine);

                int endPos = editor.GetPositionFromLineColumn(endLine, editor.GetLineLength(endLine));
                if (endPos < 0)
                    endPos = editor.TextLength;
                int startPos = Math.Max(0, editor.GetPositionFromLineColumn(startLine, 0));
                text = editor.GetText(startPos, endPos);
                Mono.TextEditor.Document doc = new Mono.TextEditor.Document();
                doc.Text  = File.ReadAllText(fileName) ?? "";
                startLine = Math.Min(doc.LineCount, Math.Max(1, startLine));
                endLine   = Math.Min(doc.LineCount, Math.Max(1, endLine));
                int startOffset = doc.LocationToOffset(startLine - 1, 0);
                text = doc.GetTextAt(startOffset, doc.LocationToOffset(endLine - 1, doc.GetLine(endLine - 1).EditableLength) - startOffset);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(text))

        MemberReference CreateReference(int line, int col, string name)
            int pos  = text.LocationToOffset(line - 1, col - 1);
            int spos = text.LocationToOffset(line - 1, 0);
            int epos = text.LocationToOffset(line, 0);

            if (epos == -1)
                epos = text.Length - 1;

            string txt;

            // FIXME: do we always need to do this? or just in my test cases so far? :)
            // use the base name and not the FullName
            name = GetNameWithoutPrefix(name);

            // FIXME: is there a better way to do this?
            // update @pos to point to the actual identifier and not the
            // public/private/whatever modifier.
            int i;

            txt = text.GetTextBetween(pos, text.Length - 1);
            if (txt != null && (i = txt.IndexOf(name)) > 0)
                pos += i;

            if (spos != -1)
                txt = text.GetTextBetween(spos, epos - 1);
                txt = null;

            return(new MemberReference(null, fileName, pos, line, col, name, txt));
		public void GoToDeclaration ()
			if (item is CompoundType) {
				CompoundType compoundType = (CompoundType)item;
				monitor = IdeApp.Workbench.ProgressMonitors.GetSearchProgressMonitor (true, true);
				using (monitor) {
					foreach (IType part in compoundType.Parts) {
						FileProvider provider = new FileProvider (part.CompilationUnit.FileName);
						Mono.TextEditor.Document doc = new Mono.TextEditor.Document ();
						System.IO.TextReader textReader = provider.Open ();
						doc.Text = textReader.ReadToEnd ();
						textReader.Close ();
						int position = doc.LocationToOffset (part.Location.Line, part.Location.Column);
						while (position + part.Name.Length < doc.Length) {
							if (doc.GetTextAt (position, part.Name.Length) == part.Name)
						monitor.ReportResult (new MonoDevelop.Ide.FindInFiles.SearchResult (provider, position, part.Name.Length));
			IdeApp.ProjectOperations.JumpToDeclaration (item);
        public override List <Change> PerformChanges(RefactoringOptions options, object properties)
            List <Change> result = new List <Change> ();
            IType         type   = options.SelectedItem as IType;

            if (type == null)
            string newName = GetCorrectFileName(type);

            if (type.CompilationUnit.Types.Count == 1)
                result.Add(new RenameFileChange(type.CompilationUnit.FileName, newName));
                StringBuilder content = new StringBuilder();

                if (options.Dom.Project is DotNetProject)
                    content.Append(StandardHeaderService.GetHeader(options.Dom.Project, newName, true) + Environment.NewLine);

                INRefactoryASTProvider                     provider = options.GetASTProvider();
                Mono.TextEditor.TextEditorData             data     = options.GetTextEditorData();
                ICSharpCode.NRefactory.Ast.CompilationUnit unit     = provider.ParseFile(options.Document.Editor.Text);

                TypeFilterTransformer typeFilterTransformer = new TypeFilterTransformer((type is InstantiatedType) ? ((InstantiatedType)type).UninstantiatedType.DecoratedFullName : type.DecoratedFullName);
                unit.AcceptVisitor(typeFilterTransformer, null);
                if (typeFilterTransformer.TypeDeclaration == null)
                Mono.TextEditor.Document generatedDocument = new Mono.TextEditor.Document();
                generatedDocument.Text = provider.OutputNode(options.Dom, unit);

                int startLine = 0;
                int minLine   = typeFilterTransformer.TypeDeclaration.StartLocation.Line;
                foreach (var attr in typeFilterTransformer.TypeDeclaration.Attributes)
                    minLine = Math.Min(minLine, attr.StartLocation.Line);
                for (int i = minLine - 1; i >= 1; i--)
                    string lineText = data.Document.GetTextAt(data.Document.GetLine(i)).Trim();
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(lineText))
                    if (lineText.StartsWith("///"))
                        startLine = i;

                int start;
                if (startLine >= 1)
                    start = data.Document.GetLine(startLine).Offset;
                    var startLocation = typeFilterTransformer.TypeDeclaration.StartLocation;
                    startLocation.Column = 1;
                    foreach (var attr in typeFilterTransformer.TypeDeclaration.Attributes)
                        if (attr.StartLocation < startLocation)
                            startLocation = attr.StartLocation;

                    start = data.Document.LocationToOffset(startLocation.Line, 1);
                int length = data.Document.LocationToOffset(typeFilterTransformer.TypeDeclaration.EndLocation.Line, typeFilterTransformer.TypeDeclaration.EndLocation.Column) - start;

                ICSharpCode.NRefactory.Ast.CompilationUnit generatedCompilationUnit = provider.ParseFile(generatedDocument.Text);
                TypeSearchVisitor typeSearchVisitor = new TypeSearchVisitor();
                generatedCompilationUnit.AcceptVisitor(typeSearchVisitor, null);

                int genStart = generatedDocument.LocationToOffset(typeSearchVisitor.Types[0].StartLocation.Line, 0);
                foreach (var attr in typeSearchVisitor.Types[0].Attributes)
                    genStart = Math.Min(genStart, generatedDocument.LocationToOffset(attr.StartLocation.Line, 0));

                int genEnd = generatedDocument.LocationToOffset(typeSearchVisitor.Types[0].EndLocation.Line, typeSearchVisitor.Types[0].EndLocation.Column);
                ((Mono.TextEditor.IBuffer)generatedDocument).Replace(genStart, genEnd - genStart, data.Document.GetTextAt(start, length));

                result.Add(new CreateFileChange(newName, content.ToString()));

                TextReplaceChange removeDeclaration = new TextReplaceChange();
                removeDeclaration.Description  = "Remove type declaration";
                removeDeclaration.FileName     = type.CompilationUnit.FileName;
                removeDeclaration.Offset       = start;
                removeDeclaration.RemovedChars = length;
            result.Add(new SaveProjectChange(options.Document.Project));

		public override List<Change> PerformChanges (RefactoringOptions options, object properties)
			List<Change> result = new List<Change> ();
			IType type = options.SelectedItem as IType;
			if (type == null)
				return result;
			string newName = GetCorrectFileName (type);
			if (type.CompilationUnit.Types.Count == 1) {
				result.Add (new RenameFileChange (type.CompilationUnit.FileName, newName));
			} else {
				StringBuilder content = new StringBuilder ();
				if (options.Dom.Project is DotNetProject)
					content.Append (StandardHeaderService.GetHeader (options.Dom.Project, type.CompilationUnit.FileName, true) + Environment.NewLine);
				INRefactoryASTProvider provider = options.GetASTProvider ();
				Mono.TextEditor.TextEditorData data = options.GetTextEditorData ();
				ICSharpCode.NRefactory.Ast.CompilationUnit unit = provider.ParseFile (options.Document.TextEditor.Text);
				TypeFilterTransformer typeFilterTransformer = new TypeFilterTransformer ((type is InstantiatedType) ? ((InstantiatedType)type).UninstantiatedType.DecoratedFullName : type.DecoratedFullName);
				unit.AcceptVisitor (typeFilterTransformer, null);
				if (typeFilterTransformer.TypeDeclaration == null)
					return result;
				Mono.TextEditor.Document generatedDocument = new Mono.TextEditor.Document ();
				generatedDocument.Text = provider.OutputNode (options.Dom, unit);
				int startLine = -1;
				int minLine = typeFilterTransformer.TypeDeclaration.StartLocation.Line;
				foreach (var attr in typeFilterTransformer.TypeDeclaration.Attributes) {
					minLine = Math.Min (minLine, attr.StartLocation.Line);
				for (int i = minLine - 2; i >= 0; i--) {
					string lineText = data.Document.GetTextAt (data.Document.GetLine (i)).Trim ();
					if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (lineText))
					if (lineText.StartsWith ("///")) {
						startLine = i;
					} else {
				int start;
				if (startLine >= 0) {
					start = data.Document.GetLine (startLine).Offset;
				} else {
					var startLocation = typeFilterTransformer.TypeDeclaration.StartLocation;
					startLocation.Column = 0;
					foreach (var attr in typeFilterTransformer.TypeDeclaration.Attributes) {
						if (attr.StartLocation < startLocation)
							startLocation = attr.StartLocation;
					start = data.Document.LocationToOffset (startLocation.Line - 1, 0);
				int length = data.Document.LocationToOffset (typeFilterTransformer.TypeDeclaration.EndLocation.Line - 1, typeFilterTransformer.TypeDeclaration.EndLocation.Column) - start;
				ICSharpCode.NRefactory.Ast.CompilationUnit generatedCompilationUnit = provider.ParseFile (generatedDocument.Text);
				TypeSearchVisitor typeSearchVisitor = new TypeSearchVisitor ();
				generatedCompilationUnit.AcceptVisitor (typeSearchVisitor, null);
				int genStart = generatedDocument.LocationToOffset (typeSearchVisitor.Types[0].StartLocation.Line - 1, 0);
				foreach (var attr in typeSearchVisitor.Types[0].Attributes) {
					genStart = Math.Min (genStart, generatedDocument.LocationToOffset (attr.StartLocation.Line - 1, 0));
				int genEnd   = generatedDocument.LocationToOffset (typeSearchVisitor.Types[0].EndLocation.Line - 1, typeSearchVisitor.Types[0].EndLocation.Column - 1);
				((Mono.TextEditor.IBuffer)generatedDocument).Replace (genStart, genEnd - genStart, data.Document.GetTextAt (start, length));
				content.Append (generatedDocument.Text);
				result.Add (new CreateFileChange (newName, content.ToString ()));
				TextReplaceChange removeDeclaration = new TextReplaceChange ();
				removeDeclaration.Description = "Remove type declaration";
				removeDeclaration.FileName = type.CompilationUnit.FileName;
				removeDeclaration.Offset = start;
				removeDeclaration.RemovedChars = length;
				result.Add (removeDeclaration);
			result.Add (new SaveProjectChange (options.Document.Project));
			return result;
        internal static string CreateWrapperClassForMember(IMember member, string fileName, TextEditor editor)
            if (member == null)
                return "";
            StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder ();
            int startLine = member.Location.Line;
            int endLine   = member.Location.Line;
            if (!member.BodyRegion.IsEmpty)
                endLine = member.BodyRegion.End.Line + 1;
            string text;
            result.Append ("class " + member.DeclaringType.Name + " {");
            if (editor != null) {
                int col, maxLine;
                editor.GetLineColumnFromPosition (editor.TextLength - 1, out col, out maxLine);
                endLine = System.Math.Max (endLine, maxLine);

                int endPos = editor.GetPositionFromLineColumn (endLine, editor.GetLineLength (endLine));
                if (endPos < 0)
                    endPos = editor.TextLength;
                text = editor.GetText (editor.GetPositionFromLineColumn (startLine, 0), endPos);
            } else {
                Mono.TextEditor.Document doc = new Mono.TextEditor.Document ();
                doc.Text = File.ReadAllText (fileName) ?? "";
                startLine = Math.Min (doc.LineCount, Math.Max (1, startLine));
                endLine   = Math.Min (doc.LineCount, Math.Max (1, endLine));
                int startOffset = doc.LocationToOffset (startLine - 1, 0);
                text = doc.GetTextAt (startOffset, doc.LocationToOffset (endLine  - 1, doc.GetLine (endLine - 1).EditableLength) - startOffset);
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty (text))
                result.Append (text);
            result.Append ("}");

            return result.ToString ();
 public int GetPositionFromLineColumn(int line, int column)
     return(document.LocationToOffset(line, column));