文件: Cotton.cs 项目: Godkong/Origins
 public override void OnSingleClick(Mobile from)
     if (this.Name != null)
         if (Amount >= 2)
             from.Send(new AsciiMessage(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Label, 0, 3, "", Amount + " " + this.Name));
             from.Send(new AsciiMessage(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Label, 0, 3, "", this.Name));
         if (Amount >= 2)
             from.Send(new AsciiMessage(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Label, 0, 3, "", Amount + " bales of cotton"));
             from.Send(new AsciiMessage(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Label, 0, 3, "", "a bale of cotton"));
		public override TimeSpan OnSwing( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender ) {
			// Make sure we've been standing still for one second
			if( DateTime.Now > (attacker.LastMoveTime + TimeSpan.FromSeconds( Core.AOS ? 0.5 : 1.0 )) || (Core.AOS && WeaponAbility.GetCurrentAbility( attacker ) is MovingShot) ) {
				bool canSwing = true;

				if( Core.AOS ) {
					canSwing = (!attacker.Paralyzed && !attacker.Frozen);

					if( canSwing ) {
						Spell sp = attacker.Spell as Spell;

						canSwing = (sp == null || !sp.IsCasting || !sp.BlocksMovement);

				if( canSwing && attacker.HarmfulCheck( defender ) ) {
					attacker.Send( new Swing( 0, attacker, defender ) );

					if( OnFired( attacker, defender ) ) {
						if( CheckHit( attacker, defender ) )
							OnHit( attacker, defender );
							OnMiss( attacker, defender );

				return GetDelay( attacker );
			} else {
				return TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 0.25 );
文件: Ring.cs 项目: Godkong/RunUO
        /*public override void OnSingleClick(Mobile from)
            if (this.Name != null)
                from.Send(new AsciiMessage(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Label, 0, 3, "", this.Name));
                from.Send(new AsciiMessage(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Label, 0, 3, "", "a ring"));
        public override void OnSingleClick(Mobile from)
            if (this.Name != null)
                from.Send(new AsciiMessage(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Label, 0, 3, "", this.Name));
                if (Effect != JewelEffect.None)
                    if (Identified || from.AccessLevel >= AccessLevel.GameMaster)
                        if (Effect == JewelEffect.Invisibility)
                            from.Send(new AsciiMessage(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Label, 0, 3, "", String.Format("a ring of invisibility ({0} charges)", Charges)));
                        else if (Effect == JewelEffect.Teleportation)
                            from.Send(new AsciiMessage(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Label, 0, 3, "", String.Format("a ring of teleportation ({0} charges)", Charges)));
                        from.Send(new AsciiMessage(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Label, 0, 3, "", "a magic ring"));

                    from.Send(new AsciiMessage(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Label, 0, 3, "", "a ring"));
 public override void OnDoubleClick(Mobile from)
     if (Utility.RandomBool())
         from.Send(new AsciiMessage(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Label, 0, 3, "", "Ankhs"));
         from.Send(new AsciiMessage(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Label, 0, 3, "", "Serpents"));
        public override void OnSingleClick(Mobile from)
            from.Send(new AsciiMessage(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Label, 0, 3, "", "a wooden chest"));

            if (this.Locked == false)
            from.Send( new AsciiMessage( Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Label, 0, 3, "", "(" + this.TotalItems + " items, " + this.TotalWeight + " stones)" ) );

            if (m_House != null && BaseHouse.DecayEnabled && m_House.DecayPeriod != TimeSpan.Zero)
                string message;
                string full;

                switch (m_House.DecayLevel)
                    case DecayLevel.Ageless: message = "ageless"; break;
                    case DecayLevel.Fairly: message = "fairly worn"; break;
                    case DecayLevel.Greatly: message = "greatly worn"; break;
                    case DecayLevel.LikeNew: message = "like new"; break;
                    case DecayLevel.Slightly: message = "slightly worn"; break;
                    case DecayLevel.Somewhat: message = "somewhat worn"; break;
                    default: message = "in danger of collapsing"; break;
                full = "This tent is " + message + ".";

                from.Send(new AsciiMessage(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Label, 0, 3, "", full));
文件: Cloth.cs 项目: Godkong/RunUO
 public override void OnSingleClick(Mobile from)
     if (this.Name != null)
         if (Amount >= 2)
             from.Send(new AsciiMessage(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Label, 0, 3, "", Amount + " " + this.Name));
             from.Send(new AsciiMessage(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Label, 0, 3, "", this.Name));
         if (Amount >= 2)
             from.Send(new AsciiMessage(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Label, 0, 3, "", String.Format("{0} pieces of cloth ({0} yards of cloth)", Amount)));
             from.Send(new AsciiMessage(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Label, 0, 3, "", "a piece of cloth (1 yard of cloth)"));
 public override void OnSingleClick(Mobile from)
     if (this.Name != null)
         from.Send(new AsciiMessage(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Label, 0, 3, "", this.Name));
         from.Send(new AsciiMessage(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Label, 0, 3, "", "a dungeon wall"));
        public override void OnSingleClick(Mobile from)
            int hue = Notoriety.GetHue(Server.Misc.NotorietyHandlers.CorpseNotoriety(from, this));

            if (this.ItemID == 0x2006) // Corpse form
                from.Send(new MessageLocalized(this.Serial, this.ItemID, MessageType.Label, hue, 3, 1049144, "", this.Name)); // the remains of ~1_NAME~ the apprentice
                from.Send(new MessageLocalized(this.Serial, this.ItemID, MessageType.Label, hue, 3, 1049145, "", "")); // the remains of a wizard's apprentice
 public override void OnSingleClick(Mobile from)
     if (this.Name != null)
         from.Send(new AsciiMessage(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Label, 0, 3, "", this.Name));
         from.Send(new AsciiMessage(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Label, 0, 3, "", "A plate decorated with a beautiful painting of Mondain's defeat as the Gem of Immortality shatters."));
 public override void OnSingleClick(Mobile from)
     if (this.Name != null)
         from.Send(new AsciiMessage(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Label, 0, 3, "", this.Name));
         from.Send(new AsciiMessage(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Label, 0, 3, "", (m_Owner == null ? "ribcage" : "ribcage of " + m_Owner)));
 public override void OnSingleClick(Mobile from)
     if (this.Name != null)
         from.Send(new AsciiMessage(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Label, 0, 3, "", this.Name));
         from.Send(new AsciiMessage(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Label, 0, 3, "", "In Commemoration of the 300th anniversary of Mondain's defeat"));
 public override void OnSingleClick(Mobile from)
     if (this.Name != null)
         from.Send(new AsciiMessage(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Label, 0, 3, "", this.Name));
         from.Send(new AsciiMessage(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Label, 0, 3, "", "a dressform"));
 public override void OnSingleClick(Mobile from)
     if (this.Name != null)
         from.Send(new AsciiMessage(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Label, 0, 3, "", this.Name));
         from.Send(new AsciiMessage(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Label, 0, 3, "", "(" + this.TotalItems + " items, " + this.TotalWeight + " stones)"));
         from.Send(new AsciiMessage(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Label, 0, 3, "", "a trash chest"));
         from.Send(new AsciiMessage(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Label, 0, 3, "", "(" + this.TotalItems + " items, " + this.TotalWeight + " stones)"));
		public static void SendTo( this Prompt prompt, Mobile m )
            if (m.NetState != null && m.NetState.Version.Major >= 67)
				m.Send( new PromptGumpStub( prompt, m ).GetPacket() );
				if ( prompt.MessageCliloc != 1042971 || prompt.MessageArgs != String.Empty )
					m.SendLocalizedMessage( prompt.MessageCliloc, prompt.MessageArgs, prompt.MessageHue );

				m.Send( new UnicodePrompt( prompt, m ) );
        public override void OnDoubleClick(Mobile from)
            BaseBook book;
            if (Toggle || mate == null) book = this;
            else book = mate;
            if (book.Title == null && book.Author == null && book.Writable == true)
                book.Title = "a book";
                book.Author = from.Name;

            from.Send(new BookHeader(from, book));
            from.Send(new BookPageDetails(book));
            Toggle = !Toggle;
 public override void OnEnter(Mobile m)
     if (m.NetState != null &&
         !TransformationSpellHelper.UnderTransformation(m, typeof(AnimalForm)) &&
         m.AccessLevel < AccessLevel.GameMaster)
		public override TimeSpan OnSwing( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender )
			// Make sure we've been standing still for .25/.5/1 second depending on Era
			if ( DateTime.Now > (attacker.LastMoveTime + TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 1.0 )) )
				if ( attacker.HarmfulCheck( defender ) )
					attacker.Send( new Swing( 0, attacker, defender ) );

					if ( OnFired( attacker, defender ) )
						if ( CheckHit( attacker, defender ) )
							OnHit( attacker, defender );
							OnMiss( attacker, defender );


				return GetDelay( attacker );

				return TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 0.25 );
        private void SendMessageTo(Mobile to, string text, int hue)
            if (Deleted || !to.CanSee(this))

            to.Send(new UnicodeMessage(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Regular, hue, 3, to.Language, "", text));
            protected override void OnTarget( Mobile from, object targeted )
                if ( targeted is Spellbook )
                    if ( from.CheckAlive() && !m_Scroll.Deleted && m_Scroll.Movable && m_Scroll.Amount >= 1 )
                        Spellbook book = (Spellbook)targeted;

                        SpellbookType type = Spellbook.GetTypeForSpell( m_Scroll.SpellID );

                        if ( type != book.SpellbookType )
                        else if ( book.HasSpell( m_Scroll.SpellID ) )
                            from.SendAsciiMessage( "That spell is already present in that spellbook." ); // That spell is already present in that spellbook.
                            int val = m_Scroll.SpellID - book.BookOffset;

                            if ( val >= 0 && val < book.BookCount )
                                book.Content |= (ulong)1 << val;


                                from.Send( new Network.PlaySound( 0x249, book.GetWorldLocation() ) );
		public override bool OnDragDropInto( Mobile from, Item dropped, Point3D point )
			BasePiece piece = dropped as BasePiece;

			if ( piece != null && piece.Board == this && base.OnDragDropInto( from, dropped, point ) )
				Packet p = new PlaySound( 0x127, GetWorldLocation() );


				if ( RootParent == from )
					from.Send( p );
					foreach ( NetState state in this.GetClientsInRange( 2 ) )
						state.Send( p );


				return true;
				return false;
        public static void OnEffectEnd(Mobile caster, Type type)
            int spellID = SpellRegistry.GetRegistryNumber(type);

            if (spellID > 0)
                caster.Send(new ToggleSpecialAbility(spellID + 1, false));
		public override void RemoveEffect( Mobile m )
			#region Mondain's Legacy
			if ( !( m.Region is Server.Regions.TwistedWealdDesert ) )
				m.Send( SpeedControl.Disable );
		private void SendMessageTo( Mobile to, int number, int hue )
			if ( Deleted || !to.CanSee( this ) )

			to.Send( new Network.MessageLocalized( Serial, ItemID, Network.MessageType.Regular, hue, 3, number, "", "" ) );
		private void SendMessageTo( Mobile to, string text, int hue )
			if ( Deleted || !to.CanSee( this ) )

			to.Send( new Network.UnicodeMessage( Serial, ItemID, Network.MessageType.Regular, hue, 3, "ENU", "", text ) );
 public override void OnExit(Mobile m)
     if (m.NetState != null &&
         !TransformationSpellHelper.UnderTransformation(m, typeof(AnimalForm)) &&
         !TransformationSpellHelper.UnderTransformation(m, typeof(Server.Spells.Spellweaving.ReaperFormSpell)))
		public override void OnSingleClick( Mobile from )

			int number = (Amount == 1) ? 1049122 : 1049121;

			from.Send( new MessageLocalized( Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Label, 0x3B2, 3, number, "", (Amount * 50).ToString() ) );
 public override void OnSingleClick( Mobile from )
     if ( this.Name == null )
         if ( this.Amount > 1 )
             from.Send( new AsciiMessage( this.Serial, 0, MessageType.Label, 0x3B2, 3, null, this.Amount + " agapite ingots" ) );
             from.Send( new AsciiMessage( this.Serial, 0, MessageType.Label, 0x3B2, 3, null, "an agapite ingot" ) );
         LabelTo( from, this.Name );
		public override TimeSpan OnSwing( Mobile attacker, Mobile defender )
			WeaponAbility a = WeaponAbility.GetCurrentAbility( attacker );

			// Make sure we've been standing still for .25/.5/1 second depending on Era
			if ( DateTime.Now > (attacker.LastMoveTime + TimeSpan.FromSeconds( Core.SE ? 0.25 : (Core.AOS ? 0.5 : 1.0) )) || (Core.AOS && WeaponAbility.GetCurrentAbility( attacker ) is MovingShot) )
				bool canSwing = true;

				if ( Core.AOS )
					canSwing = ( !attacker.Paralyzed && !attacker.Frozen );

					if ( canSwing )
						Spell sp = attacker.Spell as Spell;

						canSwing = ( sp == null || !sp.IsCasting || !sp.BlocksMovement );

                #region Dueling
                if (attacker is PlayerMobile)
                    PlayerMobile pm = (PlayerMobile)attacker;

                    if (pm.DuelContext != null && !pm.DuelContext.CheckItemEquip(attacker, this))
                        canSwing = false;

				if ( canSwing && attacker.HarmfulCheck( defender ) )
					attacker.Send( new Swing( 0, attacker, defender ) );

					if ( OnFired( attacker, defender ) )
						if ( CheckHit( attacker, defender ) )
							OnHit( attacker, defender );
							OnMiss( attacker, defender );


				return GetDelay( attacker );

				return TimeSpan.FromSeconds( 0.25 );
 public override void OnSingleClick( Mobile from )
     if ( this.Name == null )
         if ( this.Quality != ClothingQuality.Exceptional && this.LootType != LootType.Blessed )
             from.Send( new AsciiMessage( this.Serial, 0, MessageType.Label, 0x3B2, 3, null, "a bandana" ) );
         else if ( this.Quality != ClothingQuality.Exceptional && this.LootType == LootType.Blessed )
             from.Send( new AsciiMessage( this.Serial, 0, MessageType.Label, 0x3B2, 3, null, "a blessed bandana" ) );
         else if ( this.Quality == ClothingQuality.Exceptional )
             if ( this.LootType != LootType.Blessed )
                 if ( this.Crafter == null )
                     from.Send( new AsciiMessage( this.Serial, 0, MessageType.Label, 0x3B2, 3, null, "an exceptional bandana" ) );
                     from.Send( new AsciiMessage( this.Serial, 0, MessageType.Label, 0x3B2, 3, null, "an exceptional bandana (crafted by:" + this.Crafter.Name + ")" ) );
             else if ( this.LootType == LootType.Blessed )
                 if ( this.Crafter == null )
                     from.Send( new AsciiMessage( this.Serial, 0, MessageType.Label, 0x3B2, 3, null, "a blessed, exceptional bandana" ) );
                     from.Send( new AsciiMessage( this.Serial, 0, MessageType.Label, 0x3B2, 3, null, "a blessed, exceptional bandana (crafted by:" + this.Crafter.Name + ")" ) );
         base.OnSingleClick( from );
         LabelTo( from, this.Name );
			protected override void OnTarget( Mobile from, object o )
				if ( o is RecallRune )
					m_Owner.Target( (RecallRune) o );
					from.Send( new MessageLocalized( from.Serial, from.Body, MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 3, 501797, from.Name, "" ) ); // I cannot mark that object.
        public override void OnSingleClick(Mobile from)
            if (this.Name != null)
                from.Send(new AsciiMessage(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Label, 0, 3, "", this.Name));
                switch (m_Type)
                case 1:
                    from.Send(new AsciiMessage(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Label, 0, 3, "", "One: Seek ye signs of shattered stones! Seek ye gatherings of glimmers!")); break;

                case 2:
                    from.Send(new AsciiMessage(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Label, 0, 3, "", "Two: For alas and alack and lo! they fall from heavens to tempt all the sinners...")); break;

                case 3:
                    from.Send(new AsciiMessage(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Label, 0, 3, "", "Three: Complete the prophecy to find the secret of the days to come")); break;

                case 4:
                    from.Send(new AsciiMessage(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Label, 0, 3, "", "Four: For runes and crystals whisper rhymes to frighten everyone...")); break;

                case 11:
                    from.Send(new AsciiMessage(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Label, 0, 3, "", "One: Hast thou heard the dead shall walk?")); break;

                case 12:
                    from.Send(new AsciiMessage(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Label, 0, 3, "", "Two: 'Tis prophesied here that castles fall.")); break;

                case 13:
                    from.Send(new AsciiMessage(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Label, 0, 3, "", "Three: When crystals shatter and magic gathers")); break;

                case 14:
                    from.Send(new AsciiMessage(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Label, 0, 3, "", "Four: And spirits make their ghastly call.")); break;

                case 21:
                    from.Send(new AsciiMessage(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Label, 0, 3, "", "One: 'Pon this eve the aether flows and dances madly in the air")); break;

                case 22:
                    from.Send(new AsciiMessage(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Label, 0, 3, "", "Two: The spirits rise and walk again and slaughter in the moon's red glare")); break;

                case 23:
                    from.Send(new AsciiMessage(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Label, 0, 3, "", "Three: Beware, ye men of mortal flesh, lest ghosts seize all thy lifespan's time")); break;

                case 24:
                    from.Send(new AsciiMessage(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Label, 0, 3, "", "Four: For soon the night shall come and soon shall set the sun")); break;

                case 25:
                    from.Send(new AsciiMessage(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Label, 0, 3, "", "Five: And soon shall rise the bones to walk and seek the magic sign...")); break;

                case 31:
                    from.Send(new AsciiMessage(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Label, 0, 3, "", "One: Where bones of land rise broken from the earth")); break;

                case 32:
                    from.Send(new AsciiMessage(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Label, 0, 3, "", "Two: And where the wind whistles 'til the rock itself speaks,")); break;

                case 33:
                    from.Send(new AsciiMessage(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Label, 0, 3, "", "Three: By the sea, north of sandstone, south of swamp,")); break;

                case 34:
                    from.Send(new AsciiMessage(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Label, 0, 3, "", "Four: A magic sign doth rest 'pon the smallest of peaks.")); break;

                case 41:
                    from.Send(new AsciiMessage(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Label, 0, 3, "", "One: Some say a message floated in a corked and sunburnt bottle")); break;

                case 42:
                    from.Send(new AsciiMessage(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Label, 0, 3, "", "Two: And washed ashore where fisherfolk found it with a smile--")); break;

                case 43:
                    from.Send(new AsciiMessage(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Label, 0, 3, "", "Three: 'Til wounds did grow upon their flesh and disease did rot:")); break;

                case 44:
                    from.Send(new AsciiMessage(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Label, 0, 3, "", "Four: A magic sign must live lonely lost upon a deserted isle.")); break;

                case 51:
                    from.Send(new AsciiMessage(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Label, 0, 3, "", "One: Soon the world shall split, and lives will lose their luster.")); break;

                case 52:
                    from.Send(new AsciiMessage(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Label, 0, 3, "", "Two: The cadavers shall rise from their restless aching sleep!")); break;

                case 53:
                    from.Send(new AsciiMessage(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Label, 0, 3, "", "Three: Soon shall monsters walk with bones broke all asunder,")); break;

                case 54:
                    from.Send(new AsciiMessage(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Label, 0, 3, "", "Four: For a magic sign doth dwell in caverns dark and deep!")); break;

                case 61:
                    from.Send(new AsciiMessage(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Label, 0, 3, "", "One: Where swords were shattered and brothers fell")); break;

                case 62:
                    from.Send(new AsciiMessage(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Label, 0, 3, "", "Two: In battles well divided")); break;

                case 63:
                    from.Send(new AsciiMessage(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Label, 0, 3, "", "Three: Where naught can live save pride and sting")); break;

                case 64:
                    from.Send(new AsciiMessage(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Label, 0, 3, "", "Four: And dry is air in hiding")); break;

                case 65:
                    from.Send(new AsciiMessage(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Label, 0, 3, "", "Five: A magic sign is caught in sand and sun")); break;

                case 66:
                    from.Send(new AsciiMessage(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Label, 0, 3, "", "Six: Where blood lays idle")); break;

                case 71:
                    from.Send(new AsciiMessage(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Label, 0, 3, "", "One: Upon a day when snow doth fall")); break;

                case 72:
                    from.Send(new AsciiMessage(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Label, 0, 3, "", "Two: A gathering will form of noblemen")); break;

                case 73:
                    from.Send(new AsciiMessage(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Label, 0, 3, "", "Three: Among them some who quarrel still")); break;

                case 74:
                    from.Send(new AsciiMessage(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Label, 0, 3, "", "Four: Between free will and civil men")); break;

                case 75:
                    from.Send(new AsciiMessage(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Label, 0, 3, "", "Five: Whilst watched by mice and monsters both")); break;

                case 76:
                    from.Send(new AsciiMessage(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Label, 0, 3, "", "Six: A challenge shall be made")); break;

                case 77:
                    from.Send(new AsciiMessage(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Label, 0, 3, "", "Seven: That breaketh lances and severs growth")); break;

                case 78:
                    from.Send(new AsciiMessage(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Label, 0, 3, "", "Eight: And stains fair grass with hate")); break;

                case 79:
                    from.Send(new AsciiMessage(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Label, 0, 3, "", "Nine: Someday perhaps shall reconcile, (Wis)")); break;

                case 80:
                    from.Send(new AsciiMessage(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Label, 0, 3, "", "Ten: Two men whose hearts were once the same (Corp)")); break;

                case 81:
                    from.Send(new AsciiMessage(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Label, 0, 3, "", "Eleven: 'Til then the world shall tremble dire (Hur)")); break;

                case 82:
                    from.Send(new AsciiMessage(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Label, 0, 3, "", "Twelve: And none shall fix the blame... (Mani)")); break;

                case 0:
                    from.Send(new AsciiMessage(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Label, 0, 3, "", "I am broken. Page a GM.")); break;
        public override void OnDoubleClick(Mobile from)
            if (!from.InRange(GetWorldLocation(), 2))
                from.LocalOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 1019045); // I can't reach that.

            Point2D[] banks;
            PMList    moongates;

            if (from.Map == Map.Trammel)
                banks     = m_TrammelBanks;
                moongates = PMList.Trammel;
            else if (from.Map == Map.Felucca)
                banks     = m_FeluccaBanks;
                moongates = PMList.Felucca;
            else if (from.Map == Map.Ilshenar)
#if false
                banks     = m_IlshenarBanks;
                moongates = PMList.Ilshenar;
                from.Send(new MessageLocalized(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Label, 0x482, 3, 1061684, "", "")); // The magic of the sextant fails...
            else if (from.Map == Map.Malas)
                banks     = m_MalasBanks;
                moongates = PMList.Malas;
                banks     = null;
                moongates = null;

            Point3D closestMoongate  = Point3D.Zero;
            double  moongateDistance = double.MaxValue;
            if (moongates != null)
                foreach (PMEntry entry in moongates.Entries)
                    double dist = from.GetDistanceToSqrt(entry.Location);
                    if (moongateDistance > dist)
                        closestMoongate  = entry.Location;
                        moongateDistance = dist;

            Point2D closestBank  = Point2D.Zero;
            double  bankDistance = double.MaxValue;
            if (banks != null)
                foreach (Point2D p in banks)
                    double dist = from.GetDistanceToSqrt(p);
                    if (bankDistance > dist)
                        closestBank  = p;
                        bankDistance = dist;

            int moonMsg;
            if (moongateDistance == double.MaxValue)
                moonMsg = 1048021; // The sextant fails to find a Moongate nearby.
            else if (moongateDistance > m_LongDistance)
                moonMsg = 1046449 + (int)from.GetDirectionTo(closestMoongate); // A moongate is * from here
            else if (moongateDistance > m_ShortDistance)
                moonMsg = 1048010 + (int)from.GetDirectionTo(closestMoongate); // There is a Moongate * of here.
                moonMsg = 1048018; // You are next to a Moongate at the moment.
            from.Send(new MessageLocalized(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Label, 0x482, 3, moonMsg, "", ""));

            int bankMsg;
            if (bankDistance == double.MaxValue)
                bankMsg = 1048020; // The sextant fails to find a Bank nearby.
            else if (bankDistance > m_LongDistance)
                bankMsg = 1046462 + (int)from.GetDirectionTo(closestBank); // A town is * from here
            else if (bankDistance > m_ShortDistance)
                bankMsg = 1048002 + (int)from.GetDirectionTo(closestBank); // There is a city Bank * of here.
                bankMsg = 1048019; // You are next to a Bank at the moment.
            from.Send(new MessageLocalized(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Label, 0x5AA, 3, bankMsg, "", ""));
        public void DisplayTo(Mobile to)
            // The client must know about the spellbook or it will crash!

            if (Parent == null)
            else if (Parent is Item)
                if (to.NetState == null)

                // What will happen if the client doesn't know about our parent?
                if (to.NetState.IsPost6017)
                    to.Send(new ContainerContentUpdate6017(this));
                    to.Send(new ContainerContentUpdate(this));
            else if (Parent is Mobile)
                // What will happen if the client doesn't know about our parent?
                to.Send(new EquipUpdate(this));

            to.Send(new DisplaySpellbook(this));

            if (to.NetState == null)

            if (Core.AOS)
                if (to.NetState.Version != null && to.NetState.Version >= Version_400a)
                    to.Send(new NewSpellbookContent(this, ItemID, BookOffset + 1, m_Content));
                    to.Send(new SpellbookContent(m_Count, BookOffset + 1, m_Content, this));
                if (to.NetState.IsPost6017)
                    to.Send(new SpellbookContent6017(m_Count, BookOffset + 1, m_Content, this));
                    to.Send(new SpellbookContent(m_Count, BookOffset + 1, m_Content, this));
        public override void OnSingleClick(Mobile from)
            int number = (Amount == 1) ? 1049124 : 1049123;

            from.Send(new MessageLocalized(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 3, number, "", Amount.ToString()));
        public static MorphResult Morph(Mobile m, int entryID)
            if (entryID < 0 || entryID >= Entries.Length)

            var entry = Entries[entryID];

            m_LastAnimalForms[m] = entryID; // On OSI, it's the last /attempted/ one not the last succeeded one

            if (m.Skills.Ninjitsu.Value < entry.ReqSkill)
                var args = $"{entry.ReqSkill:F1}\t{SkillName.Ninjitsu}\t ";
                    ); // You need at least ~1_SKILL_REQUIREMENT~ ~2_SKILL_NAME~ skill to use that ability.

             * if (!m.CheckSkill( SkillName.Ninjitsu, entry.ReqSkill, entry.ReqSkill + 37.5 ))
             * return MorphResult.Fail;
             * On OSI,it seems you can only gain starting at '0' using Animal form.

            var ninjitsu = m.Skills.Ninjitsu.Value;

            if (ninjitsu < entry.ReqSkill + 37.5)
                var chance = (ninjitsu - entry.ReqSkill) / 37.5;

                if (chance < Utility.RandomDouble())

            m.CheckSkill(SkillName.Ninjitsu, 0.0, 37.5);

            if (!BaseFormTalisman.EntryEnabled(m, entry.Type))
                return(MorphResult.Success); // Still consumes mana, just no effect

            var bodyMod = entry.BodyMod;
            var hueMod  = entry.HueMod;

            m.BodyMod = bodyMod;
            m.HueMod  = hueMod;

            if (entry.SpeedBoost)

            SkillMod mod = null;

            if (entry.StealthBonus)
                mod = new DefaultSkillMod(SkillName.Stealth, true, 20.0)
                    ObeyCap = true

            SkillMod stealingMod = null;

            if (entry.StealingBonus)
                stealingMod = new DefaultSkillMod(SkillName.Stealing, true, 10.0)
                    ObeyCap = true

            Timer timer = new AnimalFormTimer(m, bodyMod, hueMod);


            AddContext(m, new AnimalFormContext(timer, mod, entry.SpeedBoost, entry.Type, stealingMod));
        public virtual void VendorBuy(Mobile from)
            if (!IsActiveSeller)

            if (!from.CheckAlive())

            if (!CheckVendorAccess(from))
                Say(501522);                   // I shall not treat with scum like thee!

            if (DateTime.UtcNow - m_LastRestock > RestockDelay)

            int count = 0;

            List <BuyItemState> list;

            IBuyItemInfo[]  buyInfo  = this.GetBuyInfo();
            IShopSellInfo[] sellInfo = this.GetSellInfo();

            list = new List <BuyItemState>(buyInfo.Length);
            Container cont = this.BuyPack;

            List <ObjectPropertyList> opls = null;

            for (int idx = 0; idx < buyInfo.Length; idx++)
                IBuyItemInfo buyItem = (IBuyItemInfo)buyInfo[idx];

                if (buyItem.Amount <= 0 || list.Count >= 250)

                GenericBuyInfo gbi  = (GenericBuyInfo)buyItem;
                IEntity        disp = gbi.GetDisplayEntity();

                list.Add(new BuyItemState(buyItem.Name, cont.Serial, disp == null ? (Serial)0x7FC0FFEE : disp.Serial, buyItem.Price, buyItem.Amount, buyItem.ItemID, buyItem.Hue));

                if (opls == null)
                    opls = new List <ObjectPropertyList>();

                if (disp is Item)
                    opls.Add((( Item )disp).PropertyList);

                else if (disp is Mobile)
                    opls.Add((( Mobile )disp).PropertyList);

            if (list.Count > 0)
                list.Sort(new BuyItemStateComparer());


                NetState ns = from.NetState;

                if (ns == null)

                if (ns.ContainerGridLines)
                    from.Send(new VendorBuyContent6017(list));

                    from.Send(new VendorBuyContent(list));

                from.Send(new VendorBuyList(this, list));

                if (ns.HighSeas)
                    from.Send(new DisplayBuyListHS(this));

                    from.Send(new DisplayBuyList(this));

                from.Send(new MobileStatusExtended(from));

                if (opls != null)
                    for (int i = 0; i < opls.Count; ++i)

                SayTo(from, 500186); // Greetings.  Have a look around.
        public void Start(Arena arena, Tournament tourney)
            TourneyParticipant first = Participants[0];

            DuelContext dc = new DuelContext(first.Players[0], tourney.Ruleset.Layout, false);


            for (int i = 0; i < Participants.Count; ++i)
                TourneyParticipant tourneyPart = Participants[i];
                Participant        duelPart    = new Participant(dc, tourneyPart.Players.Count)
                    TourneyPart = tourneyPart

                for (int j = 0; j < tourneyPart.Players.Count; ++j)

                for (int j = 0; j < duelPart.Players.Length; ++j)
                    if (duelPart.Players[j] != null)
                        duelPart.Players[j].Ready = true;


            if (tourney.EventController != null)
                dc.m_EventGame = tourney.EventController.Construct(dc);

            dc.m_Tournament = tourney;
            dc.m_Match      = this;

            dc.m_OverrideArena = arena;

            if (tourney.SuddenDeath > TimeSpan.Zero &&
                (tourney.SuddenDeathRounds == 0 || tourney.Pyramid.Levels.Count <= tourney.SuddenDeathRounds))


            if (dc.StartedBeginCountdown)
                Context = dc;

                for (int i = 0; i < Participants.Count; ++i)
                    TourneyParticipant p = Participants[i];

                    for (int j = 0; j < p.Players.Count; ++j)
                        Mobile mob = p.Players[j];

                        foreach (Mobile view in mob.GetMobilesInRange(18))
                            if (!mob.CanSee(view))

                        mob.LocalOverheadMessage(MessageType.Emote, 0x3B2, false,
                                                 "* Your mind focuses intently on the fight and all other distractions fade away *");
        public override bool OnDragDrop(Mobile from, Item dropped)
            if (dropped is TreasureMap)
                if (m_Entries.Count < 500)
                    TreasureMap tmap = (TreasureMap)dropped;
                    if (tmap.Completed)
                        from.SendMessage("This map is completed and can not be stored in this book");
                    if (tmap.ChestMap != null)
                        bool matched = false;

                        Point2D p2d       = tmap.ChestLocation;
                        Point3D p3d       = Point3D.Zero;
                        string  mapnumber = "B";

                        Console.WriteLine("Searching for TMap point matching {0}", p2d);

                        foreach (TMList list in TMList.UORLists)
                            foreach (TMEntry entry in list.Entries)
                                p3d       = entry.Location;
                                mapnumber = entry.Text;

                                if (p2d.X == p3d.X && p2d.Y == p3d.Y)
                                    matched = true;
                                    //Setting of Map #

                                    break;                                     // Escape from TMEntry loop.

                            if (matched)
                                break;                                 // Escape from TMList loop.

                        if (matched)
                            Console.WriteLine("Matched TMap point: {0} - {1}", p3d, mapnumber);
                            Console.WriteLine("Unable to find valid spot @ {0}", p3d);
                            mapnumber = "Unknown Spot";

                        Point3D p3D = new Point3D(0, 0, 0);
                        m_Entries.Add(new DaviesLockerEntry(1, tmap.Level, tmap.Decoder, tmap.ChestMap, tmap.ChestLocation, p3D, tmap.Bounds, mapnumber));
                        from.Send(new PlaySound(0x42, GetWorldLocation()));

                        from.SendGump(new DaviesLockerGump(from, this));

                        from.SendMessage("This map is invalid");
                    from.SendMessage("This TMap Book is full");

            else if (dropped is SOS)
                if (m_Entries.Count < 500)
                    SOS     sos = (SOS)dropped;
                    Point2D p2D = new Point2D(0, 0);
                    m_Entries.Add(new DaviesLockerEntry(2, sos.Level, null, sos.TargetMap, p2D, sos.TargetLocation, new Rectangle2D(0, 0, 0, 0), "Blank"));
                    from.Send(new PlaySound(0x42, GetWorldLocation()));

                    from.SendGump(new DaviesLockerGump(from, this));

                    from.SendMessage("This TMap Book is full");
            else if (dropped is MessageInABottle)
                if (m_Entries.Count < 500)
                    MessageInABottle bottle = (MessageInABottle)dropped;
                    Point2D          p2D    = new Point2D(0, 0);
                    Point3D          p3D    = new Point3D(0, 0, 0);
                    m_Entries.Add(new DaviesLockerEntry(3, bottle.Level, null, bottle.TargetMap, p2D, p3D, new Rectangle2D(0, 0, 0, 0), "Blank"));
                    from.Send(new PlaySound(0x42, GetWorldLocation()));

                    from.SendGump(new DaviesLockerGump(from, this));

                    from.SendMessage("This TMap Book is full");

        public override void OnSingleClick(Mobile from)
            string durabilitylevel = GetDurabilityString();
            string accuracylevel   = GetAccuracyString();
            string damagelevel     = GetDamageString();
            string beginning;

            if ((durabilitylevel == "indestructible") || (accuracylevel == "accurate") || (accuracylevel == "eminently accurate") || (accuracylevel == "exceedingly accurate"))
                beginning = "an ";
                beginning = "a ";

            if (this.Name != null)
                from.Send(new AsciiMessage(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Label, 0, 3, "", this.Name));
                if (this.Quality == WeaponQuality.Exceptional)
                    if (this.Crafter != null)
                        from.Send(new AsciiMessage(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Label, 0, 3, "", String.Format("an exceptional cutlass (crafted by {0})", this.Crafter.Name)));
                        from.Send(new AsciiMessage(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Label, 0, 3, "", "an exceptional cutlass"));
                else if ((this.IsInIDList(from) == false) && ((this.DamageLevel != WeaponDamageLevel.Regular) || (Slayer == SlayerName.Silver) || (Effect != WeaponEffect.None) || (this.DurabilityLevel != WeaponDurabilityLevel.Regular) || (this.AccuracyLevel != WeaponAccuracyLevel.Regular)))
                    from.Send(new AsciiMessage(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Label, 0, 3, "", "a magic cutlass"));
                else if (IsInIDList(from) || from.AccessLevel >= AccessLevel.GameMaster)
                    if ((this.DamageLevel > WeaponDamageLevel.Regular || Effect != WeaponEffect.None) && ((this.DurabilityLevel == WeaponDurabilityLevel.Regular) && (this.AccuracyLevel == WeaponAccuracyLevel.Regular)))
                        from.Send(new AsciiMessage(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Label, 0, 3, "", "a " + (Slayer == SlayerName.Silver ? "silver " : "") + "cutlass " + damagelevel));
                    else if ((this.DurabilityLevel > WeaponDurabilityLevel.Regular) && ((this.DamageLevel == WeaponDamageLevel.Regular && Effect == WeaponEffect.None) && (this.AccuracyLevel == WeaponAccuracyLevel.Regular)))
                        from.Send(new AsciiMessage(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Label, 0, 3, "", beginning + durabilitylevel + " cutlass"));
                    else if ((this.AccuracyLevel > WeaponAccuracyLevel.Regular) && ((this.DamageLevel == WeaponDamageLevel.Regular && Effect == WeaponEffect.None) && (this.DurabilityLevel == WeaponDurabilityLevel.Regular)))
                        from.Send(new AsciiMessage(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Label, 0, 3, "", beginning + accuracylevel + " cutlass"));

                    else if (((this.DamageLevel > WeaponDamageLevel.Regular || Effect != WeaponEffect.None) && (this.DurabilityLevel > WeaponDurabilityLevel.Regular)) && (this.AccuracyLevel == WeaponAccuracyLevel.Regular))
                        from.Send(new AsciiMessage(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Label, 0, 3, "", beginning + durabilitylevel + " cutlass " + damagelevel));
                    else if ((this.DamageLevel > WeaponDamageLevel.Regular || Effect != WeaponEffect.None) && (this.AccuracyLevel > WeaponAccuracyLevel.Regular) && (this.DurabilityLevel == WeaponDurabilityLevel.Regular))
                        from.Send(new AsciiMessage(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Label, 0, 3, "", beginning + accuracylevel + " cutlass " + damagelevel));
                    else if ((this.DurabilityLevel > WeaponDurabilityLevel.Regular) && (this.AccuracyLevel > WeaponAccuracyLevel.Regular) && (this.DamageLevel == WeaponDamageLevel.Regular && Effect == WeaponEffect.None))
                        from.Send(new AsciiMessage(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Label, 0, 3, "", beginning + durabilitylevel + ", " + accuracylevel + " cutlass"));
                    else if ((this.DurabilityLevel > WeaponDurabilityLevel.Regular) && (this.AccuracyLevel > WeaponAccuracyLevel.Regular) && (this.DamageLevel > WeaponDamageLevel.Regular || Effect != WeaponEffect.None))
                        from.Send(new AsciiMessage(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Label, 0, 3, "", beginning + durabilitylevel + ", " + accuracylevel + " cutlass " + damagelevel));
                        from.Send(new AsciiMessage(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Label, 0, 3, "", "a " + (Slayer == SlayerName.Silver ? "silver " : "") + "cutlass"));
                    from.Send(new AsciiMessage(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Label, 0, 3, "", "a cutlass"));
            protected override void OnTarget(Mobile from, object o)
                if (o is RecallRune)
                    RecallRune rune = (RecallRune)o;

                    if (rune.Marked)
                        m_Owner.Effect(rune.Target, rune.TargetMap, true);
                        from.SendLocalizedMessage(501805); // That rune is not yet marked.
                else if (o is Runebook)
                    RunebookEntry e = ((Runebook)o).Default;

                    if (e != null)
                        m_Owner.Effect(e.Location, e.Map, true);
                        from.SendLocalizedMessage(502354); // Target is not marked.
                else if (o is Key && ((Key)o).KeyValue != 0 && ((Key)o).Link is BaseBoat)
                    BaseBoat boat = ((Key)o).Link as BaseBoat;

                    if (!boat.Deleted && boat.CheckKey(((Key)o).KeyValue))
                        m_Owner.Effect(boat.GetMarkedLocation(), boat.Map, false);
                        from.Send(new MessageLocalized(from.Serial, from.Body, MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 3, 502357, from.Name, "")); // I can not recall from that object.
                else if (o is SoulSliver)
                    SoulSliver soul = (SoulSliver)o;

                    if (soul.Marked)
                        TeiravonMobile summoned = soul.Target as TeiravonMobile;

                        if (summoned.Map != Map.Internal && summoned != null)
                            from.SendMessage("The soul lies dormant and does not answer your summons.");
                        from.SendMessage("This sliver has not been attuned.");
                    from.Send(new MessageLocalized(from.Serial, from.Body, MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 3, 502357, from.Name, "")); // I can not recall from that object.
 public static void PlayerSendASCII(Mobile player, int index)
     player.Send(new AsciiMessage(Serial.MinusOne, 0xFFFF, MessageType.Label, MsgParams[index][0], MsgParams[index][1], null, Msgs[index]));
        public override bool OnDragDrop(Mobile from, Item dropped)
            if (dropped is RecallRune)
                if (!CheckAccess(from))
                    from.SendLocalizedMessage(502413);                       // That cannot be done while the book is locked down.
                else if (IsOpen(from))
                    from.SendLocalizedMessage(1005571);                       // You cannot place objects in the book while viewing the contents.
                else if (m_Entries.Count < 16)
                    RecallRune rune = (RecallRune)dropped;

                    if (rune.Marked && rune.TargetMap != null)
                        m_Entries.Add(new RunebookEntry(rune.Target, rune.TargetMap, rune.Description, rune.House));


                        from.Send(new PlaySound(0x42, GetWorldLocation()));

                        string desc = rune.Description;

                        if (desc == null || (desc = desc.Trim()).Length == 0)
                            desc = "(indescript)";


                        from.SendLocalizedMessage(502409);                           // This rune does not have a marked location.
                    from.SendLocalizedMessage(502401);                       // This runebook is full.
            else if (dropped is RecallScroll)
                if (m_CurCharges < m_MaxCharges)
                    from.Send(new PlaySound(0x249, GetWorldLocation()));

                    int amount = dropped.Amount;

                    if (amount > (m_MaxCharges - m_CurCharges))
                        dropped.Consume(m_MaxCharges - m_CurCharges);
                        m_CurCharges = m_MaxCharges;
                        m_CurCharges += amount;

                    from.SendLocalizedMessage(502410);                       // This book already has the maximum amount of charges.

        public override void OnSingleClick(Mobile from)

            from.Send(new UnicodeMessage(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 3, "ENU", "", "(single use)"));
        public override void OnResponse(GameClient sender, RelayInfo info)
            Mobile from = sender.Mobile;

            if (info.ButtonID == 0 || m_Plant.Deleted || m_Plant.PlantStatus >= PlantStatus.DecorativePlant)

            if (((info.ButtonID >= 6 && info.ButtonID <= 10) || info.ButtonID == 12) && !from.InRange(m_Plant.GetWorldLocation(), 3))
                from.LocalOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, 0x3E9, 500446);                   // That is too far away.

            if (!m_Plant.IsUsableBy(from))
                m_Plant.LabelTo(from, 1061856);                   // You must have the item in your backpack or locked down in order to use it.

            switch (info.ButtonID)
            case 1:                     // Reproduction menu
                if (m_Plant.PlantStatus > PlantStatus.BowlOfDirt)
                    from.SendGump(new ReproductionGump(m_Plant));
                    from.SendLocalizedMessage(1061885);                                       // You need to plant a seed in the bowl first.

                    from.SendGump(new MainPlantGump(m_Plant));


            case 2:                                        // Infestation
                from.Send(new DisplayHelpTopic(54, true)); // INFESTATION LEVEL

                from.SendGump(new MainPlantGump(m_Plant));


            case 3:                                        // Fungus
                from.Send(new DisplayHelpTopic(56, true)); // FUNGUS LEVEL

                from.SendGump(new MainPlantGump(m_Plant));


            case 4:                                        // Poison
                from.Send(new DisplayHelpTopic(58, true)); // POISON LEVEL

                from.SendGump(new MainPlantGump(m_Plant));


            case 5:                                        // Disease
                from.Send(new DisplayHelpTopic(60, true)); // DISEASE LEVEL

                from.SendGump(new MainPlantGump(m_Plant));


            case 6:                     // Water
                Item[] item = from.Backpack.FindItemsByType(typeof(BaseBeverage));

                bool foundUsableWater = false;

                if (item != null && item.Length > 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < item.Length; ++i)
                        BaseBeverage beverage = (BaseBeverage)item[i];

                        if (!beverage.IsEmpty && beverage.Pourable && beverage.Content == BeverageType.Water)
                            foundUsableWater = true;
                            m_Plant.Pour(from, beverage);

                if (!foundUsableWater)
                    from.Target = new PlantPourTarget(m_Plant);
                    from.SendLocalizedMessage(1060808, "#" + m_Plant.GetLocalizedPlantStatus().ToString());                                       // Target the container you wish to use to water the ~1_val~.

                from.SendGump(new MainPlantGump(m_Plant));


            case 7:                     // Poison potion
                AddPotion(from, PotionEffect.PoisonGreater, PotionEffect.PoisonDeadly);


            case 8:                     // Cure potion
                AddPotion(from, PotionEffect.CureGreater);


            case 9:                     // Heal potion
                AddPotion(from, PotionEffect.HealGreater);


            case 10:                     // Strength potion
                AddPotion(from, PotionEffect.StrengthGreater);


            case 11:                                       // Help
                from.Send(new DisplayHelpTopic(48, true)); // PLANT GROWING

                from.SendGump(new MainPlantGump(m_Plant));


            case 12:                     // Empty the bowl
                from.SendGump(new EmptyTheBowlGump(m_Plant));

        public SecureTrade(Mobile from, Mobile to)
            m_Valid = true;

            m_From = new SecureTradeInfo(this, from, new SecureTradeContainer(this));
            m_To   = new SecureTradeInfo(this, to, new SecureTradeContainer(this));

            var from6017 = (from.NetState != null && from.NetState.ContainerGridLines);
            var to6017   = (to.NetState != null && to.NetState.ContainerGridLines);

            var from704565 = (from.NetState != null && from.NetState.NewSecureTrading);
            var to704565   = (to.NetState != null && to.NetState.NewSecureTrading);

            from.Send(new MobileStatus(from, to));
            from.Send(new UpdateSecureTrade(m_From.Container, false, false));

            if (from6017)
                from.Send(new SecureTradeEquip6017(m_To.Container, to));
                from.Send(new SecureTradeEquip(m_To.Container, to));

            from.Send(new UpdateSecureTrade(m_From.Container, false, false));

            if (from6017)
                from.Send(new SecureTradeEquip6017(m_From.Container, from));
                from.Send(new SecureTradeEquip(m_From.Container, from));

            from.Send(new DisplaySecureTrade(to, m_From.Container, m_To.Container, to.Name));
            from.Send(new UpdateSecureTrade(m_From.Container, false, false));

            if (from.Account != null && from704565)
                    new UpdateSecureTrade(m_From.Container, TradeFlag.UpdateLedger, from.Account.TotalGold, from.Account.TotalPlat));

            to.Send(new MobileStatus(to, from));
            to.Send(new UpdateSecureTrade(m_To.Container, false, false));

            if (to6017)
                to.Send(new SecureTradeEquip6017(m_From.Container, from));
                to.Send(new SecureTradeEquip(m_From.Container, from));

            to.Send(new UpdateSecureTrade(m_To.Container, false, false));

            if (to6017)
                to.Send(new SecureTradeEquip6017(m_To.Container, to));
                to.Send(new SecureTradeEquip(m_To.Container, to));

            to.Send(new DisplaySecureTrade(from, m_To.Container, m_From.Container, from.Name));
            to.Send(new UpdateSecureTrade(m_To.Container, false, false));

            if (to.Account != null && to704565)
                to.Send(new UpdateSecureTrade(m_To.Container, TradeFlag.UpdateLedger, to.Account.TotalGold, to.Account.TotalPlat));
            protected override void OnTarget(Mobile src, object targ)
                bool foundAnything = false;

                double  srcSkill = src.Skills[SkillName.DetectHidden].Value;
                Point3D p;

                if (targ is Mobile)
                    p = ((Mobile)targ).Location;
                else if (targ is Item)
                    p = ((Item)targ).Location;
                else if (targ is IPoint3D)
                    p = new Point3D((IPoint3D)targ);
                    p = src.Location;

                double skillLevel = src.Skills.DetectHidden.Value;

                bool success = src.CheckSkill(SkillName.DetectHidden, 0.0, 100.0);
                int  range   = ((int)Math.Min(100.0, skillLevel)) / 25;

                BaseHouse house   = BaseHouse.FindHouseAt(p, src.Map, 16);
                bool      inHouse = (house != null && house.IsFriend(src));

                if (success || inHouse)
                    IPooledEnumerable inRange = src.Map.GetMobilesInRange(p, inHouse ? 22 : range);
                    foreach (Mobile trg in inRange)
                        if (trg.Hidden && src != trg)
                            double ss = srcSkill + Utility.RandomMinMax(-20, 20);
                            double ts = trg.Skills[SkillName.Hiding].Value + Utility.RandomMinMax(-20, 20);
                            if (src.AccessLevel >= trg.AccessLevel && (!inHouse && ss >= ts || inHouse && house.IsInside(trg)))
                                trg.SendLocalizedMessage(500814); // You have been revealed!
                                foundAnything = true;

                    inRange = src.Map.GetItemsInRange(p, range);
                    foreach (Item trg in inRange)
                        if (!(trg is TrapableContainer))
                        TrapableContainer cont = (TrapableContainer)trg;
                        if (cont.Visible && cont.Trapped && Utility.RandomDouble() * 100 < skillLevel)
                            int hue;
                            switch (cont.TrapType)
                            case TrapType.DartTrap:
                                hue = 123;

                            case TrapType.ExplosionTrap:
                            case TrapType.MagicTrap:
                                hue = 0x7D;

                            case TrapType.PoisonTrap:
                                hue = 90;

                                hue = 0x3B2;
                            src.Send(new Server.Network.MessageLocalized(cont.Serial, cont.ItemID, Server.Network.MessageType.Regular, hue, 3, 500813, "", "")); // [trapped]
                            foundAnything = true;

                if (!foundAnything)
                    src.SendLocalizedMessage(500817); // You can see nothing hidden there.
        public virtual void VendorSell(Mobile from)
            if (!IsActiveBuyer)

            if (!from.CheckAlive())

            if (!CheckVendorAccess(from))
                Say(501522);                   // I shall not treat with scum like thee!


            //TEST: Figure Out Budgets Concept
            if (m_Budgets.ContainsKey(from.Serial))
                 *              if ( from.AccessLevel >= AccessLevel.GameMaster )
                 *              {
                 *                      SayTo( from, true, "Your current budget is {0}, which resets at {1}",
                 *                              m_Budgets[from.Serial].CurrentBudget, m_Budgets[from.Serial].ResetBudgetAt );
                 *              }

                if (DateTime.UtcNow < m_Budgets[from.Serial].ResetBudgetAt)

                    m_Budgets[from.Serial].CurrentBudget = 0;
                    m_Budgets[from.Serial].ResetBudgetAt = DateTime.UtcNow + Budget.TimeFrame;

                m_Budgets.Add(from.Serial, new Budget(0, DateTime.UtcNow + Budget.TimeFrame));

            Container pack = from.Backpack;

            if (pack != null)
                IShopSellInfo[] info    = GetSellInfo();
                IBuyItemInfo[]  buyinfo = GetBuyInfo();

                Hashtable table = new Hashtable();

                int numItemsNotCraftedBySeller = 0;

                foreach (IShopSellInfo ssi in info)
                    Item[] items = pack.FindItemsByType(ssi.Types);

                    foreach (Item item in items)
                        if (item is Container && ((Container)item).Items.Count != 0)

                        if (item.IsStandardLoot() && item.Movable && ssi.IsSellable(item))
                            int price = ssi.GetSellPriceFor(item);

                            for (int idx = 0; idx < buyinfo.Length; idx++)
                                IBuyItemInfo   buyItem = (IBuyItemInfo)buyinfo[idx];
                                GenericBuyInfo gbi     = (GenericBuyInfo)buyItem;

                                if (item.GetType().IsAssignableFrom(gbi.Type) && !(item is BaseWeapon) && !(item is BaseArmor))
                                    if (price >= buyItem.Price)
                                        price = buyItem.Price - 1;

                            table[item] = new SellItemState(item, price, ssi.GetNameFor(item));

                if (table.Count > 0)

                    from.Send(new VendorSellList(this, table));

                    Say(true, "You have nothing I would be interested in.");
            protected override void OnTarget(Mobile from, object targeted)
                int OldHue = 0;

                if (from == targeted)
                    from.LocalOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, true, "You know yourself quite well enough already.");                       // You know yourself quite well enough already.
                else if (targeted is TownCrier)
                    ((TownCrier)targeted).SayTo(from, true, "This person looks fine to me, though he may have some news...");
                    //((TownCrier)targeted).PrivateOverheadMessage( MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 500322, from.NetState ); // This person looks fine to me, though he may have some news...
                else if (targeted is BaseVendor && ((BaseVendor)targeted).IsInvulnerable)
                    OldHue = ((BaseVendor)targeted).SpeechHue;
                    ((BaseVendor)targeted).SpeechHue = 0;
                    ((BaseVendor)targeted).SayTo(from, true, "That can not be inspected.");
                    //((BaseVendor)targeted).PrivateOverheadMessage( MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 500326, from.NetState ); // That can not be inspected.
                    ((BaseVendor)targeted).SpeechHue = OldHue;
                else if (targeted is Mobile)
                    Mobile targ = (Mobile)targeted;

                    OldHue         = targ.SpeechHue;
                    targ.SpeechHue = 0;

                    int marginOfError = Math.Max(0, 25 - (int)(from.Skills[SkillName.Anatomy].Value / 4));

                    int str = targ.Str + Utility.RandomMinMax(-marginOfError, +marginOfError);
                    int dex = targ.Dex + Utility.RandomMinMax(-marginOfError, +marginOfError);
                    int stm = ((targ.Stam * 100) / Math.Max(targ.StamMax, 1)) + Utility.RandomMinMax(-marginOfError, +marginOfError);

                    int strMod = str / 10;
                    int dexMod = dex / 10;
                    int stmMod = stm / 10;

                    if (strMod < 0)
                        strMod = 0;
                    else if (strMod > 10)
                        strMod = 10;

                    if (dexMod < 0)
                        dexMod = 0;
                    else if (dexMod > 10)
                        dexMod = 10;

                    if (stmMod > 10)
                        stmMod = 10;
                    else if (stmMod < 0)
                        stmMod = 0;

                    if (from.CheckTargetSkill(SkillName.Anatomy, targ, 0, 100))
                        switch (strMod)
                        case 0:
                            switch (dexMod)
                            case 0: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks like they have trouble lifting small objects and like they barely manage to stay standing."); break;

                            case 1: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks like they have trouble lifting small objects and very clumsy."); break;

                            case 2: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks like they have trouble lifting small objects and somewhat uncoordinated."); break;

                            case 3: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks like they have trouble lifting small objects and moderately dexterous."); break;

                            case 4: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks like they have trouble lifting small objects and somewhat agile."); break;

                            case 5: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks like they have trouble lifting small objects and very agile."); break;

                            case 6: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks like they have trouble lifting small objects and extremely agile."); break;

                            case 7: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks like they have trouble lifting small objects and extraordinarily agile."); break;

                            case 8: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks like they have trouble lifting small objects and moves like quicksilver."); break;

                            case 9: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks like they have trouble lifting small objects and faster than anything you have ever seen."); break;

                            case 10: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks like they have trouble lifting small objects and superhumanly agile."); break;

                        case 1:
                            switch (dexMod)
                            case 0: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks rather feeble and like they barely manage to stay standing."); break;

                            case 1: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks rather feeble and very clumsy."); break;

                            case 2: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks rather feeble and somewhat uncoordinated."); break;

                            case 3: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks rather feeble and moderately dexterous."); break;

                            case 4: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks rather feeble and somewhat agile."); break;

                            case 5: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks rather feeble and very agile."); break;

                            case 6: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks rather feeble and extremely agile."); break;

                            case 7: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks rather feeble and extraordinarily agile."); break;

                            case 8: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks rather feeble and moves like quicksilver."); break;

                            case 9: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks rather feeble and faster than anything you have ever seen."); break;

                            case 10: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks rather feeble and superhumanly agile."); break;

                        case 2:
                            switch (dexMod)
                            case 0: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks somewhat weak and like they barely manage to stay standing."); break;

                            case 1: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks somewhat weak and very clumsy."); break;

                            case 2: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks somewhat weak and somewhat uncoordinated."); break;

                            case 3: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks somewhat weak and moderately dexterous."); break;

                            case 4: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks somewhat weak and somewhat agile."); break;

                            case 5: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks somewhat weak and very agile."); break;

                            case 6: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks somewhat weak and extremely agile."); break;

                            case 7: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks somewhat weak and extraordinarily agile."); break;

                            case 8: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks somewhat weak and moves like quicksilver."); break;

                            case 9: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks somewhat weak and faster than anything you have ever seen."); break;

                            case 10: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks somewhat weak and superhumanly agile."); break;

                        case 3:
                            switch (dexMod)
                            case 0: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks to be of normal strength and like they barely manage to stay standing."); break;

                            case 1: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks to be of normal strength and very clumsy."); break;

                            case 2: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks to be of normal strength and somewhat uncoordinated."); break;

                            case 3: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks to be of normal strength and moderately dexterous."); break;

                            case 4: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks to be of normal strength and somewhat agile."); break;

                            case 5: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks to be of normal strength and very agile."); break;

                            case 6: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks to be of normal strength and extremely agile."); break;

                            case 7: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks to be of normal strength and extraordinarily agile."); break;

                            case 8: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks to be of normal strength and moves like quicksilver."); break;

                            case 9: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks to be of normal strength and faster than anything you have ever seen."); break;

                            case 10: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks to be of normal strength and superhumanly agile."); break;

                        case 4:
                            switch (dexMod)
                            case 0: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks somewhat strong and like they barely manage to stay standing."); break;

                            case 1: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks somewhat strong and very clumsy."); break;

                            case 2: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks somewhat strong and somewhat uncoordinated."); break;

                            case 3: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks somewhat strong and moderately dexterous."); break;

                            case 4: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks somewhat strong and somewhat agile."); break;

                            case 5: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks somewhat strong and very agile."); break;

                            case 6: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks somewhat strong and extremely agile."); break;

                            case 7: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks somewhat strong and extraordinarily agile."); break;

                            case 8: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks somewhat strong and moves like quicksilver."); break;

                            case 9: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks somewhat strong and faster than anything you have ever seen."); break;

                            case 10: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks somewhat strong and superhumanly agile."); break;

                        case 5:
                            switch (dexMod)
                            case 0: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks very strong and like they barely manage to stay standing."); break;

                            case 1: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks very strong and very clumsy."); break;

                            case 2: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks very strong and somewhat uncoordinated."); break;

                            case 3: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks very strong and moderately dexterous."); break;

                            case 4: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks very strong and somewhat agile."); break;

                            case 5: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks very strong and very agile."); break;

                            case 6: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks very strong and extremely agile."); break;

                            case 7: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks very strong and extraordinarily agile."); break;

                            case 8: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks very strong and moves like quicksilver."); break;

                            case 9: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks very strong and faster than anything you have ever seen."); break;

                            case 10: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks very strong and superhumanly agile."); break;

                        case 6:
                            switch (dexMod)
                            case 0: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks extremely strong and like they barely manage to stay standing."); break;

                            case 1: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks extremely strong and very clumsy."); break;

                            case 2: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks extremely strong and somewhat uncoordinated."); break;

                            case 3: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks extremely strong and moderately dexterous."); break;

                            case 4: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks extremely strong and somewhat agile."); break;

                            case 5: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks extremely strong and very agile."); break;

                            case 6: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks extremely strong and extremely agile."); break;

                            case 7: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks extremely strong and extraordinarily agile."); break;

                            case 8: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks extremely strong and moves like quicksilver."); break;

                            case 9: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks extremely strong and faster than anything you have ever seen."); break;

                            case 10: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks extremely strong and superhumanly agile."); break;

                        case 7:
                            switch (dexMod)
                            case 0: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks extraordinarily strong and like they barely manage to stay standing."); break;

                            case 1: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks extraordinarily strong and very clumsy."); break;

                            case 2: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks extraordinarily strong and somewhat uncoordinated."); break;

                            case 3: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks extraordinarily strong and moderately dexterous."); break;

                            case 4: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks extraordinarily strong and somewhat agile."); break;

                            case 5: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks extraordinarily strong and very agile."); break;

                            case 6: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks extraordinarily strong and extremely agile."); break;

                            case 7: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks extraordinarily strong and extraordinarily agile."); break;

                            case 8: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks extraordinarily strong and moves like quicksilver."); break;

                            case 9: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks extraordinarily strong and faster than anything you have ever seen."); break;

                            case 10: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks extraordinarily strong and superhumanly agile."); break;

                        case 8:
                            switch (dexMod)
                            case 0: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks strong as an ox and like they barely manage to stay standing."); break;

                            case 1: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks strong as an ox and very clumsy."); break;

                            case 2: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks strong as an ox and somewhat uncoordinated."); break;

                            case 3: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks strong as an ox and moderately dexterous."); break;

                            case 4: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks strong as an ox and somewhat agile."); break;

                            case 5: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks strong as an ox and very agile."); break;

                            case 6: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks strong as an ox and extremely agile."); break;

                            case 7: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks strong as an ox and extraordinarily agile."); break;

                            case 8: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks strong as an ox and moves like quicksilver."); break;

                            case 9: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks strong as an ox and faster than anything you have ever seen."); break;

                            case 10: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks strong as an ox and superhumanly agile."); break;

                        case 9:
                            switch (dexMod)
                            case 0: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks stronger than anything you have ever seen and like they barely manage to stay standing."); break;

                            case 1: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks stronger than anything you have ever seen and very clumsy."); break;

                            case 2: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks stronger than anything you have ever seen and somewhat uncoordinated."); break;

                            case 3: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks stronger than anything you have ever seen and moderately dexterous."); break;

                            case 4: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks stronger than anything you have ever seen and somewhat agile."); break;

                            case 5: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks stronger than anything you have ever seen and very agile."); break;

                            case 6: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks stronger than anything you have ever seen and extremely agile."); break;

                            case 7: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks stronger than anything you have ever seen and extraordinarily agile."); break;

                            case 8: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks stronger than anything you have ever seen and moves like quicksilver."); break;

                            case 9: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks stronger than anything you have ever seen and faster than anything you have ever seen."); break;

                            case 10: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks stronger than anything you have ever seen and superhumanly agile."); break;

                        case 10:
                            switch (dexMod)
                            case 0: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks superhumanly strong and superhumanly agile."); break;

                            case 1: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks superhumanly strong and superhumanly agile."); break;

                            case 2: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks superhumanly strong and superhumanly agile."); break;

                            case 3: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks superhumanly strong and superhumanly agile."); break;

                            case 4: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks superhumanly strong and superhumanly agile."); break;

                            case 5: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks superhumanly strong and superhumanly agile."); break;

                            case 6: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks superhumanly strong and superhumanly agile."); break;

                            case 7: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks superhumanly strong and superhumanly agile."); break;

                            case 8: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks superhumanly strong and superhumanly agile."); break;

                            case 9: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks superhumanly strong and superhumanly agile."); break;

                            case 10: targ.SayTo(from, true, "That looks superhumanly strong and superhumanly agile."); break;
                        //targ.PrivateOverheadMessage( MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 1038045 + (strMod * 11) + dexMod, from.NetState ); // That looks [strong] and [dexterous].

                        if (from.Skills[SkillName.Anatomy].Base >= 65.0)
                            switch (stmMod)
                            case 0: targ.SayTo(from, true, "This being is at zero percent endurance."); break;

                            case 1: targ.SayTo(from, true, "This being is at ten percent endurance."); break;

                            case 2: targ.SayTo(from, true, "This being is at twenty percent endurance."); break;

                            case 3: targ.SayTo(from, true, "This being is at thirty percent endurance."); break;

                            case 4: targ.SayTo(from, true, "This being is at forty percent endurance."); break;

                            case 5: targ.SayTo(from, true, "This being is at fifty percent endurance."); break;

                            case 6: targ.SayTo(from, true, "This being is at sixty percent endurance."); break;

                            case 7: targ.SayTo(from, true, "This being is at seventy percent endurance."); break;

                            case 8: targ.SayTo(from, true, "This being is at eighty percent endurance."); break;

                            case 9: targ.SayTo(from, true, "This being is at ninety percent endurance."); break;

                            case 10: targ.SayTo(from, true, "This being is at one-hundred percent endurance."); break;
                            //targ.PrivateOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 1038303 + stmMod, from.NetState); // That being is at [10,20,...] percent endurance.
                            targ.SpeechHue = OldHue;
                        OldHue         = targ.SpeechHue;
                        targ.SpeechHue = 0;
                        targ.SayTo(from, true, "You can not quite get a sense of their physical characteristics.");
                        targ.SpeechHue = OldHue;
                        //targ.PrivateOverheadMessage( MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 1042666, from.NetState ); // You can not quite get a sense of their physical characteristics.
                else if (targeted is Item)
                    from.Send(new AsciiMessage(((Item)targeted).Serial, ((Item)targeted).ItemID, MessageType.Regular, 0, 3, "", "Only living things have anatomies!"));
                    //((Item)targeted).SendLocalizedMessageTo( from, 500323, "" ); // Only living things have anatomies!
 public void OnRequestedAnimation(Mobile from)
     from.Send(new UpdateStatueAnimation(this, 1, this.m_Animation, this.m_Frames));
        public virtual void VendorBuy(Mobile from)
            if (!IsActiveSeller)

            if (!from.CheckAlive())

            if (!CheckVendorAccess(from))
                Say(501522);                   // I shall not treat with scum like thee!

            if (DateTime.Now - m_LastRestock > RestockDelay)


            int       count = 0;
            ArrayList list;

            IBuyItemInfo[]  buyInfo  = this.GetBuyInfo();
            IShopSellInfo[] sellInfo = this.GetSellInfo();

            list = new ArrayList(buyInfo.Length);
            Container cont = this.BuyPack;

            ArrayList opls = new ArrayList();

            for (int idx = 0; idx < buyInfo.Length; idx++)
                IBuyItemInfo buyItem = (IBuyItemInfo)buyInfo[idx];

                if (buyItem.Amount <= 0 || list.Count >= 250)

                // NOTE: Only GBI supported; if you use another implementation of IBuyItemInfo, this will crash
                GenericBuyInfo gbi  = (GenericBuyInfo)buyItem;
                IEntity        disp = gbi.GetDisplayObject() as IEntity;

                list.Add(new BuyItemState(buyItem.Name, cont.Serial, disp == null ? (Serial)0x7FC0FFEE : disp.Serial, buyItem.Price, buyItem.Amount, buyItem.ItemID, buyItem.Hue));

                if (disp is Item)
                    opls.Add((disp as Item).PropertyList);
                else if (disp is Mobile)
                    opls.Add((disp as Mobile).PropertyList);

            List <Item> playerItems = cont.Items;

            for (int i = playerItems.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i)
                if (i >= playerItems.Count)

                Item item = playerItems[i];

                if ((item.LastMoved + InventoryDecayTime) <= DateTime.Now)

            for (int i = 0; i < playerItems.Count; ++i)
                Item item = playerItems[i];

                int    price = 0;
                string name  = null;

                foreach (IShopSellInfo ssi in sellInfo)
                    if (ssi.IsSellable(item))
                        price = ssi.GetBuyPriceFor(item);
                        name  = ssi.GetNameFor(item);

                if (name != null && list.Count < 250)
                    list.Add(new BuyItemState(name, cont.Serial, item.Serial, price, item.Amount, item.ItemID, item.Hue));


            //one (not all) of the packets uses a byte to describe number of items in the list.  Osi = dumb.
            //if ( list.Count > 255 )
            //	Console.WriteLine( "Vendor Warning: Vendor {0} has more than 255 buy items, may cause client errors!", this );

            if (list.Count > 0)
                list.Sort(new BuyItemStateComparer());


                from.Send(new VendorBuyContent(list));
                from.Send(new VendorBuyList(this, list));
                from.Send(new DisplayBuyList(this));
                from.Send(new MobileStatusExtended(from));                    //make sure their gold amount is sent

                for (int i = 0; i < opls.Count; ++i)
                    from.Send(opls[i] as Packet);

                SayTo(from, 500186);                   // Greetings.  Have a look around.
 public override void RemoveEffect(Mobile m)
        public override void OnResponse(NetState sender, RelayInfo info)
            Mobile from = sender.Mobile;

            if (info.ButtonID == 0 || m_Plant.Deleted || m_Plant.PlantStatus >= PlantStatus.DecorativePlant)

            if (info.ButtonID == 3 && !from.InRange(m_Plant.GetWorldLocation(), 3))
                from.LocalOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, 0x3E9, 500446); // That is too far away.

            if (!m_Plant.IsUsableBy(from))
                m_Plant.LabelTo(from, 1061856); // You must have the item in your backpack or locked down in order to use it.

            switch (info.ButtonID)
            case 1:     // Cancel
                from.SendGump(new MainPlantGump(m_Plant));


            case 2:                                        // Help
                from.Send(new DisplayHelpTopic(71, true)); // EMPTYING THE BOWL

                from.SendGump(new EmptyTheBowlGump(m_Plant));


            case 3:     // Ok
                PlantBowl bowl = new PlantBowl();

                if (!from.PlaceInBackpack(bowl))

                    m_Plant.LabelTo(from, 1053047);         // You cannot empty a bowl with a full pack!
                    from.SendGump(new MainPlantGump(m_Plant));


                if (m_Plant.PlantStatus != PlantStatus.BowlOfDirt && m_Plant.PlantStatus < PlantStatus.Plant)
                    Seed seed = new Seed(m_Plant.PlantType, m_Plant.PlantHue, m_Plant.ShowType);

                    if (!from.PlaceInBackpack(seed))

                        m_Plant.LabelTo(from, 1053047);         // You cannot empty a bowl with a full pack!
                        from.SendGump(new MainPlantGump(m_Plant));



        public void Fire(Mobile from)
            BaseRanged bow = from.Weapon as BaseRanged;

            if (bow == null)
                from.Send(new AsciiMessage(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Regular, 0, 3, "", "You must practice with ranged weapons on this."));
                //from.LocalOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, true, "You must practice with ranged weapons on this.");
                //SendLocalizedMessageTo( from, 500593 ); // You must practice with ranged weapons on this.

            if (DateTime.Now < (m_LastUse + UseDelay))

            Point3D worldLoc = GetWorldLocation();

            if (FacingEast ? from.X <= worldLoc.X : from.Y <= worldLoc.Y)
                from.LocalOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, true, "You would do better to stand in front of the archery butte.");                   // You would do better to stand in front of the archery butte.

            if (FacingEast ? from.Y != worldLoc.Y : from.X != worldLoc.X)
                from.LocalOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, true, "You aren't properly lined up with the archery butte to get an accurate shot.");                   // You aren't properly lined up with the archery butte to get an accurate shot.

            if (!from.InRange(worldLoc, 6))
                from.LocalOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, true, "You are too far away from the archery butte to get an accurate shot.");                   // You are too far away from the archery butte to get an accurate shot.
            else if (from.InRange(worldLoc, 4))
                from.LocalOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, true, "You are too close to the target.");                   // You are too close to the target.

            Container pack     = from.Backpack;
            Type      ammoType = bow.AmmoType;

            bool isArrow = (ammoType == typeof(Arrow));
            bool isBolt  = (ammoType == typeof(Bolt));
            bool isKnown = (isArrow || isBolt);

            if (pack == null || !pack.ConsumeTotal(ammoType, 1))
                if (isArrow)
                    from.LocalOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, true, "You do not have any arrows with which to practice.");                       // You do not have any arrows with which to practice.
                else if (isBolt)
                    from.LocalOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, true, "You do not have any crossbow bolts with which to practice.");                       // You do not have any crossbow bolts with which to practice.
                    from.Send(new AsciiMessage(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Regular, 0, 3, "", "You must practice with ranged weapons on this."));
                //SendLocalizedMessageTo( from, 500593 ); // You must practice with ranged weapons on this.


            m_LastUse = DateTime.Now;

            from.Direction = from.GetDirectionTo(GetWorldLocation());
            from.MovingEffect(this, bow.EffectID, 18, 1, false, false);

            ScoreEntry se = GetEntryFor(from);

            if (!from.CheckSkill(bow.Skill, m_MinSkill, m_MaxSkill))

                PublicOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, true, String.Format("{0} misses the target altogether.", from.Name));
                //PublicOverheadMessage( MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 500604, from.Name ); // You miss the target altogether.


                if (se.Count == 1)
                    PublicOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, true, String.Format("Score: {0} after the first shot.", se.Total.ToString()));
                    PublicOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, true, String.Format("Score: {0} after {1} shots.", se.Total, se.Count));                     //1042683, String.Format( "{0}\t{1}", se.Total, se.Count ) );
                if (0.4 >= Utility.RandomDouble())
                    if (isArrow)
                        Item Ammo = new Arrow();
                        Ammo.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(this.X + Utility.RandomMinMax(-1, 1), this.Y + Utility.RandomMinMax(-1, 1), this.Z), this.Map);
                    else if (isBolt)
                        Item Ammo = new Bolt();
                        Ammo.MoveToWorld(new Point3D(this.X + Utility.RandomMinMax(-1, 1), this.Y + Utility.RandomMinMax(-1, 1), this.Z), this.Map);

            Effects.PlaySound(Location, Map, /*0x2B1*/ 564);

            double rand = Utility.RandomDouble();

            int area, score, splitScore;

            if (0.10 > rand)
                area       = 0;           // bullseye
                score      = 50;
                splitScore = 100;
            else if (0.25 > rand)
                area       = 1;           // inner ring
                score      = 10;
                splitScore = 20;
            else if (0.50 > rand)
                area       = 2;           // middle ring
                score      = 5;
                splitScore = 15;
                area       = 3;           // outer ring
                score      = 2;
                splitScore = 5;

            bool split = (isKnown && ((m_Arrows + m_Bolts) * 0.02) > Utility.RandomDouble());

            if (split)
                if (isArrow)
                    switch (area)
                    case 0: PublicOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, true, String.Format("{0} robinhoods another arrow in the bullseye!", from.Name)); break;

                    case 1: PublicOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, true, String.Format("{0} robinhoods another arrow in the inner ring!", from.Name)); break;

                    case 2: PublicOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, true, String.Format("{0} robinhoods another arrow in the middle ring.", from.Name)); break;

                    case 3: PublicOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, true, String.Format("{0} robinhoods another arrow in the outer ring.", from.Name)); break;
                    switch (area)
                    case 0: PublicOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, true, String.Format("{0} robinhoods another bolt in the bullseye!", from.Name)); break;

                    case 1: PublicOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, true, String.Format("{0} robinhoods another bolt in the inner ring!", from.Name)); break;

                    case 2: PublicOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, true, String.Format("{0} robinhoods another bolt in the middle ring.", from.Name)); break;

                    case 3: PublicOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, true, String.Format("{0} robinhoods another bolt in the outer ring.", from.Name)); break;
                //PublicOverheadMessage( MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 1010027 + (isArrow ? 0 : 4) + area, from.Name );
                switch (area)
                case 0: PublicOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, true, String.Format("{0} hits the bullseye!", from.Name)); break;

                case 1: PublicOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, true, String.Format("{0} hits the inner ring!", from.Name)); break;

                case 2: PublicOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, true, String.Format("{0} hits the middle ring.", from.Name)); break;

                case 3: PublicOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, true, String.Format("{0} hits the outer ring.", from.Name)); break;
                //PublicOverheadMessage( MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 1010035 + area, from.Name );

                if (isArrow)
                else if (isBolt)

            se.Record(split ? splitScore : score);

            /*if ( se.Count == 1 )
             *      PublicOverheadMessage( MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 1062719, se.Total.ToString() );
             * else
             *      PublicOverheadMessage( MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 1042683, String.Format( "{0}\t{1}", se.Total, se.Count ) );*/
            if (se.Count == 1)
                PublicOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, true, String.Format("Score: {0} after the first shot.", se.Total.ToString()));
                PublicOverheadMessage(MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, true, String.Format("Score: {0} after {1} shots.", se.Total, se.Count));//1042683, String.Format( "{0}\t{1}", se.Total, se.Count ) );
        public override void OnResponse(NetState sender, RelayInfo info)
            Mobile from = sender.Mobile;

            if (info.ButtonID == 0 || m_Plant.Deleted || m_Plant.PlantStatus >= PlantStatus.DecorativePlant || m_Plant.PlantStatus == PlantStatus.BowlOfDirt || !from.InRange(m_Plant.GetWorldLocation(), 3))

            if (!m_Plant.IsUsableBy(from))
                m_Plant.LabelTo(from, 1061856);                   // You must have the item in your backpack or locked down in order to use it.

            switch (info.ButtonID)
            case 1:                     // Main menu
                from.SendGump(new MainPlantGump(m_Plant));


            case 2:                     // Set to decorative
                if (m_Plant.PlantStatus == PlantStatus.Stage9)
                    from.SendGump(new SetToDecorativeGump(m_Plant));


            case 3:                                        // Pollination
                from.Send(new DisplayHelpTopic(67, true)); // POLLINATION STATE

                from.SendGump(new ReproductionGump(m_Plant));


            case 4:                                        // Resources
                from.Send(new DisplayHelpTopic(69, true)); // RESOURCE PRODUCTION

                from.SendGump(new ReproductionGump(m_Plant));


            case 5:                                        // Seeds
                from.Send(new DisplayHelpTopic(68, true)); // SEED PRODUCTION

                from.SendGump(new ReproductionGump(m_Plant));


            case 6:                     // Gather pollen
                if (!m_Plant.IsCrossable)
                    m_Plant.LabelTo(from, 1053050);                               // You cannot gather pollen from a mutated plant!
                else if (!m_Plant.PlantSystem.PollenProducing)
                    m_Plant.LabelTo(from, 1053051);                               // You cannot gather pollen from a plant in this stage of development!
                else if (m_Plant.PlantSystem.Health < PlantHealth.Healthy)
                    m_Plant.LabelTo(from, 1053052);                               // You cannot gather pollen from an unhealthy plant!
                    from.Target = new PollinateTarget(m_Plant);
                    from.SendLocalizedMessage(1053054);                               // Target the plant you wish to cross-pollinate to.


                from.SendGump(new ReproductionGump(m_Plant));


            case 7:                     // Gather resources
                PlantResourceInfo resInfo = PlantResourceInfo.GetInfo(m_Plant.PlantType, m_Plant.PlantHue);
                PlantSystem       system  = m_Plant.PlantSystem;

                if (resInfo == null)
                    if (m_Plant.IsCrossable)
                        m_Plant.LabelTo(from, 1053056);                                   // This plant has no resources to gather!
                        m_Plant.LabelTo(from, 1053055);                                   // Mutated plants do not produce resources!
                else if (system.AvailableResources == 0)
                    m_Plant.LabelTo(from, 1053056);                               // This plant has no resources to gather!
                    Item resource = resInfo.CreateResource();

                    if (from.PlaceInBackpack(resource))
                        m_Plant.LabelTo(from, 1053059);                                   // You gather resources from the plant.
                        m_Plant.LabelTo(from, 1053058);                                   // You attempt to gather as many resources as you can hold, but your backpack is full.

                from.SendGump(new ReproductionGump(m_Plant));


            case 8:                     // Gather seeds
                PlantSystem system = m_Plant.PlantSystem;

                if (!m_Plant.IsCrossable)
                    m_Plant.LabelTo(from, 1053060);                               // Mutated plants do not produce seeds!
                else if (system.AvailableSeeds == 0)
                    m_Plant.LabelTo(from, 1053061);                               // This plant has no seeds to gather!
                    Seed seed = new Seed(system.SeedType, system.SeedHue, true);

                    if (from.PlaceInBackpack(seed))
                        m_Plant.LabelTo(from, 1053063);                                   // You gather seeds from the plant.
                        m_Plant.LabelTo(from, 1053062);                                   // You attempt to gather as many seeds as you can hold, but your backpack is full.

                from.SendGump(new ReproductionGump(m_Plant));

 public static void SendCommandTo(Mobile to, ChatCommand type, string param1 = null, string param2 = null)
     to?.Send(new ChatMessagePacket(null, (int)type + 20, param1, param2));
 public virtual void SayPriceTo(Mobile m)
     m.Send(new MessageLocalizedAffix(this.Serial, this.Body, MessageType.Regular, this.SpeechHue, 3, 1008052, this.Name, AffixType.Append, this.JoinCost.ToString(), ""));
            protected override void OnTarget(Mobile from, object o)
                if (o is RecallRune)
                    RecallRune rune = (RecallRune)o;

                    if (rune.Marked)
                        if (rune.Type == RecallRuneType.Ship)
                            m_Owner.Effect(rune.Target, rune.TargetMap, true);
                        from.SendLocalizedMessage(501805); // That rune is not yet marked.
                else if (o is Runebook)
                    RunebookEntry e = ((Runebook)o).Default;

                    if (e != null)
                        if (e.Type == RecallRuneType.Ship)
                            m_Owner.Effect(e.Location, e.Map, true);
                        from.SendLocalizedMessage(502354); // Target is not marked.
                else if (o is Key && ((Key)o).KeyValue != 0 && ((Key)o).Link is BaseBoat)
                    BaseBoat boat = ((Key)o).Link as BaseBoat;

                    if (!boat.Deleted && boat.CheckKey(((Key)o).KeyValue))
                        m_Owner.Effect(boat.GetMarkedLocation(), boat.Map, false, true);
                        from.Send(new MessageLocalized(from.Serial, from.Body, MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 3, 502357, from.Name, "")); // I can not recall from that object.
                else if (o is Engines.NewMagincia.WritOfLease)
                    Engines.NewMagincia.WritOfLease lease = (Engines.NewMagincia.WritOfLease)o;

                    if (lease.RecallLoc != Point3D.Zero && lease.Facet != null && lease.Facet != Map.Internal)
                        m_Owner.Effect(lease.RecallLoc, lease.Facet, false);
                        from.Send(new MessageLocalized(from.Serial, from.Body, MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 3, 502357, from.Name, "")); // I can not recall from that object.

                    from.Send(new MessageLocalized(from.Serial, from.Body, MessageType.Regular, 0x3B2, 3, 502357, from.Name, "")); // I can not recall from that object.
        public static MorphResult Morph(Mobile m, int entryID)
            if (entryID < 0 || entryID >= m_Entries.Length)

            AnimalFormEntry entry = m_Entries[entryID];

            m_LastAnimalForms[m] = entryID;             //On OSI, it's the last /attempted/ one not the last succeeded one

            if (m.Skills.Ninjitsu.Value < entry.ReqSkill)
                string args = String.Format("{0}\t{1}\t ", entry.ReqSkill.ToString("F1"), SkillName.Ninjitsu);
                m.SendLocalizedMessage(1063013, args);                   // You need at least ~1_SKILL_REQUIREMENT~ ~2_SKILL_NAME~ skill to use that ability.

             * if( !m.CheckSkill( SkillName.Ninjitsu, entry.ReqSkill, entry.ReqSkill + 37.5 ) )
             *      return MorphResult.Fail;
             * On OSI,it seems you can only gain starting at '0' using Animal form.

            double ninjitsu = m.Skills.Ninjitsu.Value;

            if (ninjitsu < entry.ReqSkill + 37.5)
                double chance = (ninjitsu - entry.ReqSkill) / 37.5;

                if (chance < Utility.RandomDouble())

            m.CheckSkill(SkillName.Ninjitsu, 0.0, 37.5);


            m.BodyMod = entry.BodyMod;

            if (entry.HueMod > 0)
                m.HueMod = entry.HueMod;

            if (entry.SpeedBoost)

            SkillMod mod = null;

            if (entry.StealthBonus)
                mod         = new DefaultSkillMod(SkillName.Stealth, true, 20.0);
                mod.ObeyCap = true;

            #region Heritage Items
            else if (entry.StealingBonus)
                mod         = new DefaultSkillMod(SkillName.Stealing, true, 10.0);
                mod.ObeyCap = true;

            m.Target = null;

            Timer timer = new AnimalFormTimer(m, entry.BodyMod, entry.HueMod);

            AddContext(m, new AnimalFormContext(timer, mod, entry.SpeedBoost, entry.Type, entry.StealingBonus));
 public override void OnSingleClick(Mobile from)
     from.Send(new MessageLocalizedAffix(Serial, ItemID, MessageType.Label, 0x3B2, 3, 1041361, "", AffixType.Append, String.Concat(" ", m_Worth.ToString()), ""));                   // A bank check:
        public override void DoEffect(Mobile m)
