        public void MergeWordsMultiChildTest()
            // Build a mergeWords with a parent with 3 children.
            var mergeWords = new MergeWords {
                Parent = Util.RandomWord(ProjId)
            const int numberOfChildren = 3;

            foreach (var _ in Enumerable.Range(0, numberOfChildren))
                var child = Util.RandomWord(ProjId);
                var id    = _wordRepo.Create(child).Result.Id;
                Assert.IsNotNull(_wordRepo.GetWord(ProjId, id).Result);
                mergeWords.Children.Add(new MergeSourceWord {
                    SrcWordId = id
            Assert.That(_wordRepo.GetFrontier(ProjId).Result, Has.Count.EqualTo(numberOfChildren));

            var mergeWordsList = new List <MergeWords> {
            var newWords = _mergeService.Merge(ProjId, mergeWordsList).Result;

            // Check for correct history length;
            var dbParent = newWords.First();

            Assert.That(dbParent.History, Has.Count.EqualTo(numberOfChildren));

            // Confirm that parent added to repo and children not in frontier.
            Assert.IsNotNull(_wordRepo.GetWord(ProjId, dbParent.Id).Result);
            Assert.That(_wordRepo.GetFrontier(ProjId).Result, Has.Count.EqualTo(1));
        /// <summary> Prepares a merge parent to be added to the database. </summary>
        /// <returns> Word to add. </returns>
        private async Task <Word> MergePrepParent(string projectId, MergeWords mergeWords)
            var parent = mergeWords.Parent.Clone();

            parent.ProjectId = projectId;
            parent.History   = new List <string>();

            // Add child to history.
            foreach (var childSource in mergeWords.Children)
                if (childSource.GetAudio)
                    var child = await _wordRepo.GetWord(projectId, childSource.SrcWordId);

                    if (child is null)
                        throw new KeyNotFoundException($"Unable to locate word: ${childSource.SrcWordId}");

            // Remove duplicates.
            parent.Audio   = parent.Audio.Distinct().ToList();
            parent.History = parent.History.Distinct().ToList();

            // Clear fields to be automatically regenerated.
            parent.Id       = "";
            parent.Modified = "";

        public void MergeWordsOneChildTest()
            var thisWord = Util.RandomWord(ProjId);

            thisWord = _wordRepo.Create(thisWord).Result;

            var mergeObject = new MergeWords
                Parent   = thisWord,
                Children = new List <MergeSourceWord>
                    new MergeSourceWord {
                        SrcWordId = thisWord.Id

            var newWords = _mergeService.Merge(ProjId, new List <MergeWords> {

            // There should only be 1 word added and it should be identical to what we passed in
            Assert.That(newWords, Has.Count.EqualTo(1));

            // Check that the only word in the frontier is the new word
            var frontier = _wordRepo.GetFrontier(ProjId).Result;

            Assert.That(frontier, Has.Count.EqualTo(1));
            Assert.That(frontier.First(), Is.EqualTo(newWords.First()));

            // Check that new word has the right history
            Assert.That(newWords.First().History, Has.Count.EqualTo(1));
            Assert.That(newWords.First().History.First(), Is.EqualTo(thisWord.Id));
        public async Task <IActionResult> Put(string projectId, [FromBody] MergeWords mergeWords)
            if (!_permissionService.HasProjectPermission(Permission.MergeAndCharSet, HttpContext))
                return(new ForbidResult());

            // Ensure project exists
            var proj = _projectService.GetProject(projectId);

            if (proj == null)
                return(new NotFoundObjectResult(projectId));

            // Ensure MergeWords is alright
            if (mergeWords == null || mergeWords.Parent == null)
                return(new BadRequestResult());

                var newWordList = await _wordService.Merge(projectId, mergeWords);

                return(new ObjectResult(newWordList.Select(i => i.Id).ToList()));
            catch (Exception)
                return(new BadRequestResult());
        public async Task <IActionResult> Put([FromBody] MergeWords mergeVals)
                var           parent   = mergeVals.parent;
                List <string> children = mergeVals.children;
                state         changes  = mergeVals.mergeType;

                foreach (string child in children)
                    var childWord = await _wordService.GetWord(child);

                    var parentWord = await _wordService.GetWord(parent);

                    //create duplicate nodes
                    Word newChild  = childWord;
                    Word newParent = parentWord;

                    newChild.Id  = null;
                    newParent.Id = null;
                    //set as deleted
                    newChild.Accessability = state.deleted;
                    //add to database to set ID
                    await _wordService.Create(newChild);

                    //add child to history of new child

                    //connect parent to child
                    //add newparent to collection
                    await _wordService.Create(newParent);

                    //upadate fronteir
                    await _wordService.DeleteFrontier(childWord.Id);

                    await _wordService.DeleteFrontier(parentWord.Id);

                    await _wordService.AddFrontier(newParent);
            catch (Exception)
                return(new NotFoundResult());

            return(new OkResult());
        public void MergeWords()
            // The parent word is inherently correct as it is calculated by the frontend as the desired result of the
            // merge
            var parentChildMergeObject = new MergeWords
                Parent = RandomWord(), Time = Util.RandString(), ChildrenWords = new List <MergeSourceWord>()

            // Set the child info
            var childWords = new List <Word> {
                RandomWord(), RandomWord(), RandomWord()

            foreach (var child in childWords)
                // Generate mergeSourceWord with new child Id and desired child state list
                var newGenChild = new MergeSourceWord
                    SrcWordId   = _repo.Add(child).Result.Id,
                    SenseStates = new List <State> {
                        State.Duplicate, State.Sense, State.Separate

            var newWordList = _wordService.Merge(_projId, parentChildMergeObject).Result;

            // Check for parent is in the db
            var dbParent = newWordList.FirstOrDefault();

            Assert.AreEqual(dbParent.Senses.Count, 3);
            Assert.AreEqual(dbParent.History.Count, 3);

            // Check the separarte words were made
            Assert.AreEqual(newWordList.Count, 4);

            foreach (var word in newWordList)
                Assert.Contains(_repo.GetWord(_projId, word.Id).Result, _repo.GetAllWords(_projId).Result);
        public void MergeWordsIdentity()
            var thisWord = RandomWord();

            thisWord = _repo.Create(thisWord).Result;

            var mergeObject = new MergeWords
                Parent        = thisWord,
                ChildrenWords = new List <MergeSourceWord>
                    new MergeSourceWord
                        SrcWordId   = thisWord.Id,
                        SenseStates = new List <State> {
                            State.Sense, State.Sense, State.Sense

            var newWords = _wordService.Merge(_projId, mergeObject).Result;

            // There should only be 1 word added and it should be identical to what we passed in
            Assert.That(newWords, Has.Count.EqualTo(1));

            // Check that the only word in the frontier is the new word
            var frontier = _repo.GetFrontier(_projId).Result;

            Assert.That(frontier, Has.Count.EqualTo(1));
            Assert.AreEqual(frontier.First(), newWords.First());

            // Check that new word has the right history
            Assert.That(newWords.First().History, Has.Count.EqualTo(1));
            var intermediateWord = _repo.GetWord(_projId, newWords.First().History.First()).Result;

            Assert.That(intermediateWord.History, Has.Count.EqualTo(1));
            Assert.AreEqual(intermediateWord.History.First(), thisWord.Id);
        public void MergeWordsMultipleTest()
            var mergeWordsA = new MergeWords {
                Parent = Util.RandomWord(ProjId)
            var mergeWordsB = new MergeWords {
                Parent = Util.RandomWord(ProjId)
            var mergeWordsList = new List <MergeWords> {
                mergeWordsA, mergeWordsB
            var newWords = _mergeService.Merge(ProjId, mergeWordsList).Result;

            Assert.That(newWords, Has.Count.EqualTo(2));
            Assert.AreNotEqual(newWords.First().Id, newWords.Last().Id);

            var frontier = _wordRepo.GetFrontier(ProjId).Result;

            Assert.That(frontier, Has.Count.EqualTo(2));
            Assert.AreNotEqual(frontier.First().Id, frontier.Last().Id);
            Assert.Contains(frontier.First(), newWords);
            Assert.Contains(frontier.Last(), newWords);
        /// <summary> Makes a parent from merging other words and some number of separate words </summary>
        /// <returns> List of words added: Parent first, followed by separate words in order added </returns>
        public async Task <List <Word> > Merge(string projectId, MergeWords mergeWords)
            var newWordsList = new List <Word>();

            var addParent = mergeWords.Parent.Clone();

            addParent.History = new List <string>();

            // Generate new child words form child word field
            foreach (var newChildWordState in mergeWords.ChildrenWords)
                // Get child word
                var currentChildWord = await _repo.GetWord(projectId, newChildWordState.SrcWordId);

                // Remove child from frontier
                await _repo.DeleteFrontier(projectId, currentChildWord.Id);

                // Iterate through senses of that word and change to corresponding state in mergewords
                if (currentChildWord.Senses.Count != newChildWordState.SenseStates.Count)
                    throw new FormatException("Sense counts don't match");
                for (var i = 0; i < currentChildWord.Senses.Count; i++)
                    currentChildWord.Senses[i].Accessibility = (int)newChildWordState.SenseStates[i];

                // Change the child word's history to its previous self
                currentChildWord.History = new List <string>()

                // Add child word to the database
                currentChildWord.Id = "";
                var newChildWord = await _repo.Add(currentChildWord);

                // Handle different states
                var separateWord = currentChildWord.Clone();
                separateWord.Senses = new List <Sense>();
                separateWord.Id     = "";
                for (var i = 0; i < currentChildWord.Senses.Count; i++)
                    switch (newChildWordState.SenseStates[i])
                    // Add the word to the parent's history
                    case State.Sense:
                    case State.Duplicate:
                        if (!addParent.History.Contains(currentChildWord.Id))

                    // Add the sense to a separate word and the word to its history
                    case State.Separate:
                        currentChildWord.Senses[i].Accessibility = (int)State.Active;
                        if (!separateWord.History.Contains(currentChildWord.Id))

                        throw new NotSupportedException();

                // Add a new word to the database with all of the senses with separate tags from this word
                if (separateWord.Senses.Count != 0)
                    separateWord.ProjectId = projectId;
                    var newSeparate = await _repo.Create(separateWord);


            // Add parent with child history to the database
            addParent.ProjectId = projectId;
            var newParent = await _repo.Create(addParent);

            newWordsList.Insert(0, newParent);
        /// <summary> Deletes all the merge children from the frontier. </summary>
        /// <returns> Number of words deleted. </returns>
        private async Task <long> MergeDeleteChildren(string projectId, MergeWords mergeWords)
            var childIds = mergeWords.Children.Select(c => c.SrcWordId).ToList();

            return(await _wordRepo.DeleteFrontier(projectId, childIds));