        private void NALUnitParse()
            //3. NumBytesInNALunit is set equal to the number of bytes starting with the byte at the current position in the byte
            //stream up to and including the last byte that precedes the location of any of the following:
            //– A subsequent byte-aligned three-byte sequence equal to 0x000000,
            //– A subsequent byte-aligned three-byte sequence equal to 0x000001,
            //– The end of the byte stream, as determined by unspecified means.
            //4. NumBytesInNALunit bytes are removed from the bitstream and the current position in the byte stream is
            //advanced by NumBytesInNALunit bytes. This sequence of bytes is nal_unit( NumBytesInNALunit ) and is
            //decoded using the NAL unit decoding process.

            //5. When the current position in the byte stream is not at the end of the byte stream (as determined by unspecified
            //means) and the next bytes in the byte stream do not start with a three-byte sequence equal to 0x000001 and the
            //next bytes in the byte stream do not start with a four byte sequence equal to 0x00000001, the decoder extracts
            //and discards each trailing_zero_8bits syntax element, moving the current position in the byte stream forward
            //one byte at a time, until the current position in the byte stream is such that the next bytes in the byte stream form
            //the four-byte sequence 0x00000001 or the end of the byte stream has been encountered (as determined by
            //unspecified means).
            NALUnit cNALUnitAudio = null;
            NALUnit cNALUnitVideo = new NALUnit();

            cNALUnitVideo.nStart = _cStream.Position - 3;

            bool bNALStart = false;
            byte nStepVideo = 0, nStepAudio = 0;
            int  nByte = 0;

            //int nByteType = _cStream.ReadByte();
            //if (0 > nByteType)
            //    throw new Exception();
            while (true)
                if (_cStream.Position >= nDataSize + nDataStart || 0 > (nByte = _cStream.ReadByte()))
                    throw new Exception();

                if (0x00 == nByte)
                    nStepAudio = 0;
                    if (2 < nStepVideo)
                        bNALStart = true;
                else if (0x01 == nByte)
                    nStepAudio = 0;
                    if (1 < nStepVideo)
                        bNALStart = true;
                        nStepVideo = 0;
                    nStepVideo = 0;
                    if (0xFF == nByte)
                        nStepAudio = 1;
                    else if (0xFB == nByte && 1 == nStepAudio)
                    else if (_nAudioMP3ControlByte == nByte && 2 == nStepAudio)
                    else if ((0x64 == nByte || 0x44 == nByte) && 3 == nStepAudio)
                        long nPosition = _cStream.Position;
                        _cStream.Position += _cMP3WaveFormat.BlockSize - 4;
                        nByte              = _cStream.ReadByte();
                        if ((0 == nByte && 0 == _cStream.ReadByte() && 0 == _cStream.ReadByte()) || (0xFF == nByte && 0xFB == _cStream.ReadByte() && _nAudioMP3ControlByte == _cStream.ReadByte()))
                            if (null != cNALUnitVideo)
                                cNALUnitVideo.nBytesQty   = nPosition - cNALUnitVideo.nStart - 4;
                                cNALUnitVideo.bFrameStart = true;
                                lock (_cSyncRoot)
                                    _aFramesOffsets.Add(new FrameOffset(_aAudioNALs.Count + 1, _aVideoNALs.Count));
                                cNALUnitVideo = null;
                            cNALUnitAudio           = new NALUnit();
                            cNALUnitAudio.nStart    = nPosition - 4;
                            cNALUnitAudio.nBytesQty = (long)_cMP3WaveFormat.BlockSize;
                            _cStream.Position -= 3;
                            _cStream.Position = nPosition;
                        nStepAudio = 0;
                        nStepAudio = 0;
                if (bNALStart)
                    if (null != cNALUnitVideo)
                        cNALUnitVideo.nBytesQty = _cStream.Position - cNALUnitVideo.nStart - 2;
		private void ResponseCallback(IAsyncResult iAsynchronousResult)
				_ahMediaSourceAttributes = null;
				_aMediaStreamDescriptions = null;
				_cMP3WaveFormat = null;
				_cStream = new MediaStream(((HttpWebResponse)_cHttpWebRequest.EndGetResponse(iAsynchronousResult)).GetResponseStream());

				_cStream.Position = 0;
				// Initialize data structures to pass to the Media pipeline via the MediaStreamSource
				_ahMediaSourceAttributes = new Dictionary<MediaSourceAttributesKeys, string>();
				_aMediaStreamDescriptions = new List<MediaStreamDescription>();

				Dictionary<MediaStreamAttributeKeys, string> ahMediaStreamAttributes = new Dictionary<MediaStreamAttributeKeys, string>();

				ahMediaStreamAttributes[MediaStreamAttributeKeys.VideoFourCC] = "H264";
				ahMediaStreamAttributes[MediaStreamAttributeKeys.Width] = _nVideoFrameWidth.ToString();
				ahMediaStreamAttributes[MediaStreamAttributeKeys.Height] = _nVideoFrameHeight.ToString();
				_nCurrentFrameVideo = 0;
				_nCurrentFrameAudio = 0;

				_cMediaStreamVideoDescription = new MediaStreamDescription(MediaStreamType.Video, ahMediaStreamAttributes);

				FileTypeCompatibility cFtyp = (FileTypeCompatibility)Atom.Read(_cStream);
				Wide cWide = (Wide)cFtyp.cNext;
				MovieData cMdat = (MovieData)cWide.cNext;

				nDataStart = cMdat.DataOffsetGet();
				nDataSize = cMdat.DataSizeGet();

				//1. When the next four bytes in the bitstream form the four-byte sequence 0x00000001, the next byte in the byte
				//stream (which is a zero_byte syntax element) is extracted and discarded and the current position in the byte
				//stream is set equal to the position of the byte following this discarded byte.
				while (true)
					if (0 == _cStream.ReadByte() && 0 == _cStream.ReadByte() && 0 == _cStream.ReadByte() && 1 == _cStream.ReadByte())

				//2. The next three-byte sequence in the byte stream (which is a start_code_prefix_one_3bytes) is extracted and
				//discarded and the current position in the byte stream is set equal to the position of the byte following this
				//three-byte sequence.

				_cMP3WaveFormat = new MpegLayer3WaveFormat();
				_cMP3WaveFormat.WaveFormatEx = new WaveFormatEx();

				_cMP3WaveFormat.WaveFormatEx.FormatTag = WaveFormatEx.FormatMP3;
				//_cMP3WaveFormat.WaveFormatEx.Channels = (short)((mpegLayer3Frame.Channels == MediaParsers.Channel.SingleChannel) ? 1 : 2);
				_cMP3WaveFormat.WaveFormatEx.Channels = (short)2;
				//_cMP3WaveFormat.WaveFormatEx.SamplesPerSec = mpegLayer3Frame.SamplingRate;
				_cMP3WaveFormat.WaveFormatEx.SamplesPerSec = _nAudioSampleRate;
				//_cMP3WaveFormat.WaveFormatEx.AvgBytesPerSec = mpegLayer3Frame.Bitrate / 8;
				_cMP3WaveFormat.WaveFormatEx.AvgBytesPerSec = _nAudioBitRate / 8;
				_cMP3WaveFormat.WaveFormatEx.BlockAlign = 1;
				_cMP3WaveFormat.WaveFormatEx.BitsPerSample = 0;
				_cMP3WaveFormat.WaveFormatEx.Size = 12;

				_cMP3WaveFormat.Id = 1;
				_cMP3WaveFormat.BitratePaddingMode = 0;
				_cMP3WaveFormat.FramesPerBlock = 1;
				//_cMP3WaveFormat.BlockSize = (short)mpegLayer3Frame.FrameSize; //(short)(144 * nBitRate / _nAudioSampleRate + _cMP3WaveFormat.BitratePaddingMode);
				_cMP3WaveFormat.BlockSize = (short)(144 * _nAudioBitRate / _nAudioSampleRate + _cMP3WaveFormat.BitratePaddingMode);
				_cMP3WaveFormat.CodecDelay = 0;

				ahMediaStreamAttributes = new Dictionary<MediaStreamAttributeKeys, string>();
				ahMediaStreamAttributes[MediaStreamAttributeKeys.CodecPrivateData] = _cMP3WaveFormat.ToHexString();
				_cMediaStreamAudioDescription = new MediaStreamDescription(MediaStreamType.Audio, ahMediaStreamAttributes);

				switch (_nAudioBitRate)
					case 64000:
						_nAudioMP3ControlByte = 0x54;
					case 128000:
						_nAudioMP3ControlByte = 0x94;
						throw new Exception("unsupported audio bit rate:" + _nAudioBitRate);
				_aFramesOffsets.Add(new FrameOffset(0, 0));
				_nFrameDuration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds((double)1 / 25).Ticks; //FPS
				_nSampleDuration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(((double)1 / _nAudioSampleRate) * 1152).Ticks;

					long nBufferTicks = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(_nBufferSeconds).Ticks;
					while ((ulong)_nBufferSeconds > _nFramesQty || nBufferTicks > (_aAudioNALs.Count * _nSampleDuration)) //если длительность меньше буфера, то крутим до исключения, по которому и выйдем из цикла
					_cThread = new System.Threading.Thread(NALUnitsReceive);
					_bCached = true;

				TimeSpan tsDuration;
				if (1 > _nFramesQty)
					lock (_cSyncRoot)
						long nDurationAudio = (long)(_aAudioNALs.Count * _nSampleDuration);
						long nDurationVideo = (long)(_aVideoNALs.Count(row => row.bFrameStart) * _nFrameDuration);
						tsDuration = TimeSpan.FromTicks(nDurationAudio > nDurationVideo ? nDurationAudio : nDurationVideo);
					tsDuration = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(_nFramesQty * 40); //FPS

				_ahMediaSourceAttributes[MediaSourceAttributesKeys.Duration] = tsDuration.Ticks.ToString(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
				_ahMediaSourceAttributes[MediaSourceAttributesKeys.CanSeek] = true.ToString();

				ReportOpenMediaCompleted(_ahMediaSourceAttributes, _aMediaStreamDescriptions);
			catch (WebException e)
				// Need to handle the exception
        private void ResponseCallback(IAsyncResult iAsynchronousResult)
                _ahMediaSourceAttributes  = null;
                _aMediaStreamDescriptions = null;
                _cMP3WaveFormat           = null;
                _cStream = new MediaStream(((HttpWebResponse)_cHttpWebRequest.EndGetResponse(iAsynchronousResult)).GetResponseStream());

                _cStream.Position = 0;
                // Initialize data structures to pass to the Media pipeline via the MediaStreamSource
                _ahMediaSourceAttributes  = new Dictionary <MediaSourceAttributesKeys, string>();
                _aMediaStreamDescriptions = new List <MediaStreamDescription>();

                Dictionary <MediaStreamAttributeKeys, string> ahMediaStreamAttributes = new Dictionary <MediaStreamAttributeKeys, string>();

                ahMediaStreamAttributes[MediaStreamAttributeKeys.VideoFourCC] = "H264";
                ahMediaStreamAttributes[MediaStreamAttributeKeys.Width]       = _nVideoFrameWidth.ToString();
                ahMediaStreamAttributes[MediaStreamAttributeKeys.Height]      = _nVideoFrameHeight.ToString();
                _nCurrentFrameVideo = 0;
                _nCurrentFrameAudio = 0;

                _cMediaStreamVideoDescription = new MediaStreamDescription(MediaStreamType.Video, ahMediaStreamAttributes);

                FileTypeCompatibility cFtyp = (FileTypeCompatibility)Atom.Read(_cStream);
                Wide      cWide             = (Wide)cFtyp.cNext;
                MovieData cMdat             = (MovieData)cWide.cNext;

                nDataStart = cMdat.DataOffsetGet();
                nDataSize  = cMdat.DataSizeGet();

                //1. When the next four bytes in the bitstream form the four-byte sequence 0x00000001, the next byte in the byte
                //stream (which is a zero_byte syntax element) is extracted and discarded and the current position in the byte
                //stream is set equal to the position of the byte following this discarded byte.
                while (true)
                    if (0 == _cStream.ReadByte() && 0 == _cStream.ReadByte() && 0 == _cStream.ReadByte() && 1 == _cStream.ReadByte())

                //2. The next three-byte sequence in the byte stream (which is a start_code_prefix_one_3bytes) is extracted and
                //discarded and the current position in the byte stream is set equal to the position of the byte following this
                //three-byte sequence.

                _cMP3WaveFormat = new MpegLayer3WaveFormat();
                _cMP3WaveFormat.WaveFormatEx = new WaveFormatEx();

                _cMP3WaveFormat.WaveFormatEx.FormatTag = WaveFormatEx.FormatMP3;
                //_cMP3WaveFormat.WaveFormatEx.Channels = (short)((mpegLayer3Frame.Channels == MediaParsers.Channel.SingleChannel) ? 1 : 2);
                _cMP3WaveFormat.WaveFormatEx.Channels = (short)2;
                //_cMP3WaveFormat.WaveFormatEx.SamplesPerSec = mpegLayer3Frame.SamplingRate;
                _cMP3WaveFormat.WaveFormatEx.SamplesPerSec = _nAudioSampleRate;
                //_cMP3WaveFormat.WaveFormatEx.AvgBytesPerSec = mpegLayer3Frame.Bitrate / 8;
                _cMP3WaveFormat.WaveFormatEx.AvgBytesPerSec = _nAudioBitRate / 8;
                _cMP3WaveFormat.WaveFormatEx.BlockAlign     = 1;
                _cMP3WaveFormat.WaveFormatEx.BitsPerSample  = 0;
                _cMP3WaveFormat.WaveFormatEx.Size           = 12;

                _cMP3WaveFormat.Id = 1;
                _cMP3WaveFormat.BitratePaddingMode = 0;
                _cMP3WaveFormat.FramesPerBlock     = 1;
                //_cMP3WaveFormat.BlockSize = (short)mpegLayer3Frame.FrameSize; //(short)(144 * nBitRate / _nAudioSampleRate + _cMP3WaveFormat.BitratePaddingMode);
                _cMP3WaveFormat.BlockSize  = (short)(144 * _nAudioBitRate / _nAudioSampleRate + _cMP3WaveFormat.BitratePaddingMode);
                _cMP3WaveFormat.CodecDelay = 0;

                ahMediaStreamAttributes = new Dictionary <MediaStreamAttributeKeys, string>();
                ahMediaStreamAttributes[MediaStreamAttributeKeys.CodecPrivateData] = _cMP3WaveFormat.ToHexString();
                _cMediaStreamAudioDescription = new MediaStreamDescription(MediaStreamType.Audio, ahMediaStreamAttributes);

                switch (_nAudioBitRate)
                case 64000:
                    _nAudioMP3ControlByte = 0x54;

                case 128000:
                    _nAudioMP3ControlByte = 0x94;

                    throw new Exception("unsupported audio bit rate:" + _nAudioBitRate);
                _aFramesOffsets.Add(new FrameOffset(0, 0));
                _nFrameDuration  = TimeSpan.FromSeconds((double)1 / 25).Ticks;                //FPS
                _nSampleDuration = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(((double)1 / _nAudioSampleRate) * 1152).Ticks;

                    long nBufferTicks = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(_nBufferSeconds).Ticks;
                    while ((ulong)_nBufferSeconds > _nFramesQty || nBufferTicks > (_aAudioNALs.Count * _nSampleDuration))                     //если длительность меньше буфера, то крутим до исключения, по которому и выйдем из цикла
                    _cThread = new System.Threading.Thread(NALUnitsReceive);
                    _bCached = true;

                TimeSpan tsDuration;
                if (1 > _nFramesQty)
                    lock (_cSyncRoot)
                        long nDurationAudio = (long)(_aAudioNALs.Count * _nSampleDuration);
                        long nDurationVideo = (long)(_aVideoNALs.Count(row => row.bFrameStart) * _nFrameDuration);
                        tsDuration = TimeSpan.FromTicks(nDurationAudio > nDurationVideo ? nDurationAudio : nDurationVideo);
                    tsDuration = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(_nFramesQty * 40);                     //FPS
                _ahMediaSourceAttributes[MediaSourceAttributesKeys.Duration] = tsDuration.Ticks.ToString(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                _ahMediaSourceAttributes[MediaSourceAttributesKeys.CanSeek]  = true.ToString();

                ReportOpenMediaCompleted(_ahMediaSourceAttributes, _aMediaStreamDescriptions);
            catch (WebException e)
                // Need to handle the exception