public override object Eval(object obj, MdaExprCtx ctx) { // parameter is ignored... this statement is rather an expression!! // find corresponding class to instanciate.. System.Type typ = factoryMdaClass.getModelClass(); // TODO TOCHECK // instanciate new object object newElt; try { newElt = System.Activator.CreateInstance(typ); } catch (System.Exception) { throw new System.Exception("failed to instanciante object: " + typ); } return newElt; }
public override object Eval(object obj, MdaExprCtx ctx) { IList<object> listObj = (IList<object>) obj; object res = listObj[index]; return res; }
public override object Eval(object obj, MdaExprCtx ctx) { return obj; }
public override object Eval(object obj, MdaExprCtx ctx) { System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<object, object> mapObj = (System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary <object, object>)obj; object res = mapObj[key]; return res; }
public override object Eval(object obj, MdaExprCtx ctx) { return field.GetValue(obj); }
public override object Eval(object obj, MdaExprCtx ctx) { throw new System.NotSupportedException("NOT SUPPORTED / NOT IMPLEMENTED YET"); }
public override object Eval(object obj, MdaExprCtx ctx) { return ctx.GetObjectByName(objectName); }
public override object Eval(object obj, MdaExprCtx ctx) { return constValue; }
public override object Eval(object obj, MdaExprCtx ctx) { object thisObj = (thisExpr != null) ? thisExpr.Eval(obj, ctx) : null; int size = (paramsExpr != null) ? paramsExpr.Length : 0; object[] paramsObj = new object[size]; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { paramsObj[i] = (paramsExpr[i] != null) ? paramsExpr[i].Eval(obj, ctx) : null; } object res = method.Invoke(thisObj, paramsObj); return res; }
public abstract object Eval(object arg, MdaExprCtx ctx);
public override object Eval(object obj, MdaExprCtx ctx) { object res; object childObj = parentExpr.Eval(obj, ctx); if (childObj != null) { res = subExpr.Eval(childObj, ctx); } else { res = null; } return res; }