        static void CreateRaycastScene(Scene <PositionNormalCoordinate, Material> scene)
            Texture2D planeTexture = Texture2D.LoadFromFile("wood.jpeg");

            var sphereModel = Raycasting.UnitarySphere.AttributesMap(a => new PositionNormalCoordinate {
                Position = a, Coordinates = float2(atan2(a.z, a.x) * 0.5f / pi + 0.5f, a.y), Normal = normalize(a)

            // Adding elements of the scene
            scene.Add(sphereModel, new Material
                Specular      = float3(1, 1, 1),
                SpecularPower = 260,

                WeightDiffuse   = 0,
                WeightFresnel   = 1.0f, // Glass sphere
                RefractionIndex = 1.6f
                      Transforms.Translate(0, 1, -1.5f));

            scene.Add(sphereModel, new Material
                Specular      = float3(1, 1, 1),
                SpecularPower = 260,

                WeightDiffuse = 0,
                WeightMirror  = 1.0f, // Mirror sphere
                      Transforms.Translate(1.5f, 1, 0));

            Texture2D boxDiffuse = Texture2D.LoadFromFile("textures\\wall_texture.bmp");

            Materials <MyPositionNormalCoordinate> .CreateNoisyBumpMap("noisy.bmp", 0.05f, 400, 400);

            Materials <MyPositionNormalCoordinate> .CreateRoughStringBumpMap("rough.bmp", 10, 400, 400);

            var boxBump = Texture2D.LoadFromFile("noisy.bmp");

            boxBump = Texture2D.LoadFromFile("rough.bmp");
            //boxBump = null;

            var material = new Material
                DiffuseMap     = boxDiffuse,
                BumpMap        = boxBump,
                Diffuse        = float3(1, 1, 1),
                Specular       = float3(1, 1, 1) * .3f,
                SpecularPower  = 60,
                WeightGlossy   = .02f,
                WeightFresnel  = 0f,
                TextureSampler = new Sampler {
                    Wrap = WrapMode.Repeat, MinMagFilter = Filter.Linear

            scene.Add(sphereModel, new Material
                Specular      = float3(1, 1, 1) * 0.1f,
                SpecularPower = 60,
                Diffuse       = float3(1, 1, 1)
                      Transforms.Translate(-1.5f, 1, 0));

            var mesh = MeshShapeGenerator <PositionNormalCoordinate> .Box(5, 5, 5, false, false, false, false, false, allMat : material);

            var normal = float3(1, 0, 0);

            scene.Add(Raycasting.PlaneYZ.AttributesMap(a => new PositionNormalCoordinate
                Position    = a,
                Coordinates = float2(a.y, a.z),
                Normal      = normal
                      Transforms.Translate(-1.5f, 1, 0));

            scene.Add(Raycasting.PlaneXZ.AttributesMap(a => new PositionNormalCoordinate {
                Position = a, Coordinates = float2(a.x * 0.2f, a.z * 0.2f), Normal = float3(0, 1, 0)
                      new Material {
                DiffuseMap = planeTexture, Diffuse = float3(1, 1, 1), TextureSampler = new Sampler {
                    Wrap = WrapMode.Repeat, MinMagFilter = Filter.Linear

            // Light source
            scene.Add(sphereModel, new Material
                Emissive        = LightIntensity / (4 * pi), // power per unit area
                WeightDiffuse   = 0,
                WeightFresnel   = 1.0f,                      // Glass sphere
                RefractionIndex = 1.0f
                      mul(Transforms.Scale(2.4f, 0.4f, 2.4f), Transforms.Translate(LightPosition)));