public void TestPtrStructureConvert() { IntPtr pStructure = IntPtr.Zero; try { TestStructure structure = new TestStructure { Uint64Val = 1, StringVal = "hello", IntPtrVal = (IntPtr)0x123455, Uint32Val = 18, BoolVal = false, EnumVal = TestEnum.One }; pStructure = MarshalUtils.StructureToPtr(structure); Assert.AreNotEqual(pStructure, IntPtr.Zero); TestStructure convertedStructure = MarshalUtils.PtrToStructure <TestStructure>(pStructure); Assert.NotNull(convertedStructure); AssertStructureEquals(structure, convertedStructure); } finally { MarshalUtils.SafeFreeHGlobal(pStructure); } }
private SearchResultAttributeCollection GetLdapAttributes(SafeHandle ld, IntPtr entry, ref IntPtr ber) { var attributes = new SearchResultAttributeCollection(); for (var attr = Native.ldap_first_attribute(ld, entry, ref ber); attr != IntPtr.Zero; attr = Native.ldap_next_attribute(ld, entry, ber)) { var vals = Native.ldap_get_values_len(ld, entry, attr); if (vals != IntPtr.Zero) { var attrName = Encoder.Instance.PtrToString(attr); if (attrName != null) { var directoryAttribute = new DirectoryAttribute { Name = attrName }; directoryAttribute.AddValues(MarshalUtils.BerValArrayToByteArrays(vals)); attributes.Add(directoryAttribute); } Native.ldap_value_free_len(vals); } Native.ldap_memfree(attr); } return(attributes); }
public void MarshalUtils_StructureArrayToPtr_LDAPMod(params LdapModifyAttribute[] attributes) { var data = attributes .Select(_ => { var values = _.Values.Union(new string[] { null }).ToArray(); var ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(IntPtr.Size * values.Length); MarshalUtils.StringArrayToPtr(values, ptr); return(new Native.LDAPMod { mod_op = (int)_.LdapModOperation, mod_type = Encoder.Instance.StringToPtr(_.Type), mod_vals_u = new Native.LDAPMod.mod_vals { modv_strvals = ptr } }); }) .ToArray(); var actual = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(IntPtr.Size * (data.Length + 1)); MarshalUtils.StructureArrayToPtr(data, actual, true); var actualData = new List <LdapModifyAttribute>(); var count = 0; var tempPtr = Marshal.ReadIntPtr(actual, IntPtr.Size * count); while (tempPtr != IntPtr.Zero) { var mod = Marshal.PtrToStructure <Native.LDAPMod>(tempPtr); var length = 0; var values = new List <string>(); var ptr = Marshal.ReadIntPtr(mod.mod_vals_u.modv_strvals, IntPtr.Size * length); while (ptr != IntPtr.Zero) { values.Add(Encoder.Instance.PtrToString(ptr)); length++; ptr = Marshal.ReadIntPtr(mod.mod_vals_u.modv_strvals, IntPtr.Size * length); } actualData.Add(new LdapModifyAttribute { Type = Encoder.Instance.PtrToString(mod.mod_type), LdapModOperation = (Native.LdapModOperation)mod.mod_op, Values = values }); count++; tempPtr = Marshal.ReadIntPtr(actual, IntPtr.Size * count); } foreach (var ldapMod in data) { Marshal.FreeHGlobal(ldapMod.mod_vals_u.modv_strvals); Marshal.FreeHGlobal(ldapMod.mod_type); } Marshal.FreeHGlobal(actual); Assert.NotEmpty(actualData); Assert.Equal(attributes, actualData, new LambdaEqualityComparer <LdapModifyAttribute>((e, a) => e.LdapModOperation == a.LdapModOperation && e.Type == a.Type && e.Values.SequenceEqual(a.Values))); }
public void TestPtrToString() { string testString = "this is test string"; byte[] bufferWithoutTrash = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(testString); byte[] bufferWithEmoji = { 65, 32, /* 🤪 */ 0xf0, 0x9f, 0xa4, 0xaa }; byte[] bufferWithNonUtf = { 65, 32, 0xff, 32, 0x7f, 32 }; byte[] bufferWithLatin1 = Encoding.GetEncoding("ISO-8859-1").GetBytes("hèllò"); List <byte[]> buffers = new List <byte[]> { bufferWithoutTrash, bufferWithEmoji, bufferWithNonUtf, bufferWithLatin1 }; foreach (var buffer in buffers) { IntPtr pBuffer = IntPtr.Zero; try { pBuffer = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(buffer.Length); Marshal.Copy(buffer, 0, pBuffer, buffer.Length); Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => { MarshalUtils.PtrToString(pBuffer); }); } finally { MarshalUtils.SafeFreeHGlobal(pBuffer); } } }
/// <summary> /// This method is called from the CoreLibs and passed to managed code /// </summary> /// <param name="attachment">Pointer to the native logger</param> /// <param name="logLevel">Log level</param> /// <param name="pMessage">Pointer to the log message</param> /// <param name="length">Message length</param> private static void AGOnDnsLogged( IntPtr attachment, AGDnsApi.ag_log_level logLevel, IntPtr pMessage, UInt32 length) { try { LogBylogLevel logByLogLevel = LOG_LEVELS_MAPPING[logLevel]; MarshalUtils.ag_buffer agBuffer = new MarshalUtils.ag_buffer { data = pMessage, size = length }; string message = MarshalUtils.AgBufferToString(agBuffer); // We have to forcibly trim trailing CR due to // message = message.TrimEnd(Environment.NewLine.ToCharArray()); logByLogLevel(message); } catch (Exception ex) { DnsExceptionHandler.HandleManagedException(ex); } }
/// <summary> /// 本接口用来开始一路ISR会话,并在参数中指定本路ISR会话用到的语法列表,本次会话所用的参数等。 /// </summary> /// <param name="grammarList"></param> /// <param name="_params"></param> /// <returns>会话ID。</returns> public static string SessionBegin(string grammarList, string _params) { MspErrors result = 0; IntPtr ptr = QISRSessionBegin(grammarList, _params, out result); switch (result) { case MspErrors.MSP_SUCCESS: //成功 return(MarshalUtils.Ptr2Str(ptr)); break; case MspErrors.MSP_ERROR_NOT_INIT: throw new Exception("未初始化。"); case MspErrors.MSP_ERROR_INVALID_PARA: throw new Exception("无效的参数。"); case MspErrors.MSP_ERROR_NO_LICENSE: throw new Exception("开始一路会话失败。"); default: throw new Exception("QISR会话初始化失败,错误代码: " + result); } }
public void TestDnsStampConverter() { DnsStamp dnsStamp = new DnsStamp { ProtoType = new AGDnsApi.ag_stamp_proto_type(), ServerAddress = "addressTest", ProviderName = "Nametest", DoHPath = "DoHPathTest", Hashes = new List <byte[]> { new byte[] { 12, 34, 15 }, new byte[] { 10, 8, 16, 3 } }, Properties = new AGDnsApi.ag_server_informal_properties() }; Queue <IntPtr> allocatedPointers = new Queue <IntPtr>(); AGDnsApi.ag_dns_stamp stampNative = DnsApiConverter.ToNativeObject(dnsStamp, allocatedPointers); string address = MarshalUtils.PtrToString(stampNative.ServerAddress); Assert.AreEqual(address, dnsStamp.ServerAddress); DnsStamp dnsStampConverted = DnsApiConverter.FromNativeObject(stampNative); Assert.AreEqual(dnsStamp.ServerAddress, dnsStampConverted.ServerAddress); Assert.AreEqual(dnsStamp.Hashes.Count, dnsStampConverted.Hashes.Count); for (int i = 0; i < dnsStamp.Hashes.Count; i++) { Assert.IsTrue(CollectionUtils.CollectionsEquals(dnsStamp.Hashes[i], dnsStampConverted.Hashes[i])); } Assert.AreEqual(dnsStamp.Hashes.Capacity, dnsStampConverted.Hashes.Capacity); }
private LdapSearchResultReference GetLdapReference(SafeHandle ld, IntPtr msg) { var ctrls = IntPtr.Zero; try { var referencePtr = IntPtr.Zero; var rc = Native.ldap_parse_reference(ld, msg, ref referencePtr, ref ctrls, 0); Native.ThrowIfError(ld, rc, nameof(Native.ldap_parse_reference)); var arr = MarshalUtils.GetPointerArray(referencePtr); var uris = arr.Select(_ => new Uri(Encoder.Instance.PtrToString(_))).ToArray(); if (uris.Any()) { return(new LdapSearchResultReference(uris, null)); } } finally { if (ctrls != IntPtr.Zero) { Native.ldap_controls_free(ctrls); } } return(null); }
public override int SendRequest(SafeHandle handle, DirectoryRequest request, ref int messageId) { if (request is ModifyRequest modifyRequest) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(modifyRequest.DistinguishedName)) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(modifyRequest.DistinguishedName)); } var attrs = modifyRequest.Attributes.Select(ToLdapMod).ToList(); var ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(IntPtr.Size * (attrs.Count + 1)); // alloc memory for list with last element null MarshalUtils.StructureArrayToPtr(attrs, ptr, true); var result = Native.ldap_modify_ext(handle, modifyRequest.DistinguishedName, ptr, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, ref messageId ); attrs.ForEach(_ => { MarshalUtils.BerValuesFree(_.mod_vals_u.modv_bvals); Marshal.FreeHGlobal(_.mod_vals_u.modv_bvals); Marshal.FreeHGlobal(_.mod_type); }); Marshal.FreeHGlobal(ptr); return(result); } return(0); }
protected override int SendRequest(SafeHandle handle, DirectoryRequest request, IntPtr serverControlArray, IntPtr clientControlArray, ref int messageId) { if (request is CompareRequest compareRequest) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(compareRequest.DistinguishedName) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(compareRequest.Assertion?.Name) || compareRequest.Assertion.GetRawValues().Count != 1 ) { throw new LdapException(new LdapExceptionData("Wrong assertion")); } var value = compareRequest.Assertion.GetRawValues().Single(); var stringValue = value as string; var berValuePtr = IntPtr.Zero; if (value is byte[] binaryValue && binaryValue.Length != 0) { berValuePtr = MarshalUtils.ByteArrayToBerValue(binaryValue); } var result = Native.Compare(handle, compareRequest.DistinguishedName, compareRequest.Assertion.Name, stringValue, berValuePtr, serverControlArray, clientControlArray, ref messageId); MarshalUtils.BerValFree(berValuePtr); return(result); } return(0); }
private static int EncodingMultiByteArrayHelper(BerSafeHandle berElement, byte[][] value, char fmt) { var stringArray = IntPtr.Zero; int rc; try { if (value != null) { var intPtrArray = value.Select(_ => { var byteArray = _ ?? new byte[0]; var valPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(byteArray.Length + 1); Marshal.Copy(byteArray, 0, valPtr, byteArray.Length); Marshal.WriteByte(valPtr, byteArray.Length, 0); return(valPtr); }).Concat(new[] { IntPtr.Zero }).ToArray(); stringArray = MarshalUtils.WriteIntPtrArray(intPtrArray); } rc = LdapNative.Instance.ber_printf_berarray(berElement, new string(fmt, 1), stringArray); } finally { MarshalUtils.FreeIntPtrArray(stringArray); } return(rc); }
public static void Init() { IEngineSubSystem subSystem; Program.Core.GetSubSystem(E_ENGINE_SUB_SYSTEM.ESS_FILE_SYSTEM, out subSystem); IMainFileSystem mainFileSystem = subSystem as DGLE.IMainFileSystem; String[] registredFileSystems = MarshalUtils.MarshalString((pnt, length) => { mainFileSystem.GetRegisteredVirtualFileSystems(pnt, out length); return(length); }).Split(';').ToList().Where(name => name.Trim().Length > 0).ToArray(); SupportedFileSystems = new Dictionary <string, VirtualFileSystem>(registredFileSystems.Length); registredFileSystems.ToList().ForEach(ext => { IFileSystem fileSystem; mainFileSystem.GetVirtualFileSystem(ext, out fileSystem); string desc = MarshalUtils.MarshalString((pnt, length) => { mainFileSystem.GetVirtualFileSystemDescription(ext, pnt, out length); return(length); }); SupportedFileSystems.Add(ext, new VirtualFileSystem(fileSystem, ext, desc)); }); }
/// <summary> /// Gets current DNS proxy version /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public static string GetDnsProxyVersion() { IntPtr pDnsProxyVersion = AGDnsApi.ag_dnsproxy_version(); string dnsProxyVersion = MarshalUtils.PtrToString(pDnsProxyVersion); return(dnsProxyVersion); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the DNS stamp pretty url specified by <see cref="DnsStamp"/> object /// </summary> /// <param name="dnsStamp">DNS stamp object /// (<seealso cref="DnsStamp"/>)</param> /// <returns>DNS stamp as a string</returns> public static string GetDnsStampPrettyUrl(DnsStamp dnsStamp) { IntPtr pPrettyUrl = IntPtr.Zero; Queue <IntPtr> allocatedPointers = new Queue <IntPtr>(); try { AGDnsApi.ag_dns_stamp dnsStampC = DnsApiConverter.ToNativeObject(dnsStamp, allocatedPointers); IntPtr pDnsStampC = MarshalUtils.StructureToPtr(dnsStampC, allocatedPointers); pPrettyUrl = AGDnsApi.ag_dns_stamp_pretty_url(pDnsStampC); string prettyUrl = MarshalUtils.PtrToString(pPrettyUrl); return(prettyUrl); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Verbose("Getting DNS stamp pretty url failed with an error {0}", ex); return(null); } finally { MarshalUtils.SafeFreeHGlobal(allocatedPointers); AGDnsApi.ag_str_free(pPrettyUrl); } }
public override int SendRequest(SafeHandle handle, DirectoryRequest request, ref int messageId) { if (request is AddRequest addRequest) { var entry = addRequest.LdapEntry; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(entry.Dn)) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(entry.Dn)); } if (entry.Attributes == null) { entry.Attributes = new Dictionary <string, List <string> >(); } var attrs = entry.Attributes.Select(ToLdapMod).ToList(); var ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(IntPtr.Size * (attrs.Count + 1)); // alloc memory for list with last element null MarshalUtils.StructureArrayToPtr(attrs, ptr, true); return(Native.ldap_add_ext(handle, addRequest.LdapEntry.Dn, ptr, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero, ref messageId )); } return(0); }
/// <summary> /// Gets the DNS stamp string specified by <see cref="DnsStamp"/> object /// </summary> /// <param name="dnsStamp">DNS stamp object /// (<seealso cref="DnsStamp"/>)</param> /// <returns>DNS stamp as a string</returns> public static string GetDnsStampString(DnsStamp dnsStamp) { // Don't invoke "dnsStamp.ToString()" within this method to prevent infinite recursion Logger.Verbose("Start getting DNS stamp string from {0}", dnsStamp.ServerAddress); IntPtr pDnsStampString = IntPtr.Zero; Queue <IntPtr> allocatedPointers = new Queue <IntPtr>(); try { AGDnsApi.ag_dns_stamp dnsStampC = DnsApiConverter.ToNativeObject(dnsStamp, allocatedPointers); IntPtr pDnsStampC = MarshalUtils.StructureToPtr(dnsStampC, allocatedPointers); pDnsStampString = AGDnsApi.ag_dns_stamp_to_str(pDnsStampC); string dnsStampString = MarshalUtils.PtrToString(pDnsStampString); Logger.Verbose("Getting DNS stamp string has been successfully completed"); return(dnsStampString); } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.Verbose("Getting DNS stamp string failed with an error {0}", ex); return(null); } finally { MarshalUtils.SafeFreeHGlobal(allocatedPointers); AGDnsApi.ag_str_free(pDnsStampString); } }
private static int BerScanfaString(BerSafeHandle berElement, char fmt, out object byteArray) { var result = IntPtr.Zero; byteArray = null; var rc = LdapNative.Instance.ber_scanf_ptr(berElement, new string(fmt, 1), ref result); try { if (rc != -1 && result != IntPtr.Zero) { byteArray = MarshalUtils.GetBytes(result).ToArray(); } } finally { if (result != IntPtr.Zero) { LdapNative.Instance.ber_memfree(result); } } return(rc); }
/// <summary> /// <para>Sets the application name. LibVLC passes this as the user agent string</para> /// <para>when a protocol requires it.</para> /// </summary> /// <param name="name">human-readable application name, e.g. "FooBar player 1.2.3"</param> /// <param name="http">HTTP User Agent, e.g. "FooBar/1.2.3 Python/2.6.0"</param> /// <remarks>LibVLC 1.1.1 or later</remarks> public void SetUserAgent(string name, string http) { var nameUtf8 = name.ToUtf8(); var httpUtf8 = http.ToUtf8(); MarshalUtils.PerformInteropAndFree(() => Native.LibVLCSetUserAgent(NativeReference, nameUtf8, httpUtf8), nameUtf8, httpUtf8); }
/// <summary> /// Managed implementation of CEEInfo::getClassAlignmentRequirementStatic /// </summary> private static int GetClassAlignmentRequirement(MetadataType type) { int alignment = type.Context.Target.PointerSize; if (type.HasLayout()) { if (type.IsSequentialLayout || MarshalUtils.IsBlittableType(type)) { alignment = type.InstanceFieldAlignment.AsInt; } } if (type.Context.Target.Architecture == TargetArchitecture.ARM && alignment < 8 && type.RequiresAlign8()) { // If the structure contains 64-bit primitive fields and the platform requires 8-byte alignment for // such fields then make sure we return at least 8-byte alignment. Note that it's technically possible // to create unmanaged APIs that take unaligned structures containing such fields and this // unconditional alignment bump would cause us to get the calling convention wrong on platforms such // as ARM. If we see such cases in the future we'd need to add another control (such as an alignment // property for the StructLayout attribute or a marshaling directive attribute for p/invoke arguments) // that allows more precise control. For now we'll go with the likely scenario. alignment = 8; } return(alignment); }
private static int DecodingMultiByteArrayHelper(BerSafeHandle berElement, char fmt, out byte[][] result) { int rc; var ptrResult = IntPtr.Zero; result = null; try { rc = LdapNative.Instance.ber_scanf_ptr(berElement, new string(fmt, 1), ref ptrResult); if (rc != -1 && ptrResult != IntPtr.Zero) { result = MarshalUtils.GetPointerArray(ptrResult) .Select(MarshalUtils.GetBytes) .Select(_ => _.ToArray()) .ToArray(); } } finally { if (ptrResult != IntPtr.Zero) { LdapNative.Instance.ber_memfree(ptrResult); } } return(rc); }
protected override int SendRequest(SafeHandle handle, DirectoryRequest request, IntPtr serverControlArray, IntPtr clientControlArray, ref int messageId) { if (request is AddRequest addRequest) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(addRequest.DistinguishedName)) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(addRequest.DistinguishedName)); } var attrs = addRequest.Attributes.Select(ToLdapMod).ToList(); var ptr = MarshalUtils.AllocHGlobalIntPtrArray(addRequest.Attributes.Count + 1); MarshalUtils.StructureArrayToPtr(attrs, ptr, true); var result = Native.ldap_add_ext(handle, addRequest.DistinguishedName, ptr, serverControlArray, clientControlArray, ref messageId ); attrs.ForEach(_ => { MarshalUtils.BerValuesFree(_.mod_vals_u.modv_bvals); Marshal.FreeHGlobal(_.mod_vals_u.modv_bvals); Marshal.FreeHGlobal(_.mod_type); }); Marshal.FreeHGlobal(ptr); return(result); } return(0); }
/// <summary> /// Parses a specified DNS stamp string (<seealso cref="dnsStampStr"/>) /// </summary> /// <param name="dnsStampStr">DNS stamp string</param> /// <returns>DNS stamp as a <see cref="DnsStamp"/> instance</returns> internal static DnsStamp ParseDnsStamp(string dnsStampStr) { LOG.InfoFormat("Start parsing DNS stamp {0}", dnsStampStr); IntPtr pDnsStampResult = IntPtr.Zero; try { pDnsStampResult = AGDnsApi.ag_parse_dns_stamp(dnsStampStr); AGDnsApi.ag_parse_dns_stamp_result dnsStampResult = MarshalUtils.PtrToStructure <AGDnsApi.ag_parse_dns_stamp_result>(pDnsStampResult); if (dnsStampResult.error != IntPtr.Zero) { string error = MarshalUtils.PtrToString(dnsStampResult.error); LOG.InfoFormat("Parsing DNS stamp {0} failed with an error {1}", dnsStampStr, error); return(null); } LOG.Info("Parsing DNS stamp has been completed successfully"); DnsStamp dnsStamp = DnsApiConverter.FromNativeObject(dnsStampResult.stamp); return(dnsStamp); } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.InfoException("Parsing DNS stamp failed with an error {0}", ex); return(null); } finally { AGDnsApi.ag_parse_dns_stamp_result_free(pDnsStampResult); } }
public void Modify(LdapModifyEntry entry) { ThrowIfNotBound(); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(entry.Dn)) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(entry.Dn)); } if (entry.Attributes == null) { entry.Attributes = new List <LdapModifyAttribute>(); } var attrs = entry.Attributes.Select(ToLdapMod).ToList(); var ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(IntPtr.Size * (attrs.Count + 1)); // alloc memory for list with last element null MarshalUtils.StructureArrayToPtr(attrs, ptr, true); try { ThrowIfError(_ld, ldap_modify_ext_s(_ld, entry.Dn, ptr, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero ), nameof(ldap_modify_ext_s)); } finally { Marshal.FreeHGlobal(ptr); attrs.ForEach(_ => { Marshal.FreeHGlobal(_.mod_vals_u.modv_strvals); }); } }
private static int DecodingBerValMultiByteArrayHelper(BerSafeHandle berElement, char fmt, out byte[][] result) { int rc; var ptrResult = IntPtr.Zero; result = null; try { rc = LdapNative.Instance.ber_scanf_ptr(berElement, new string(fmt, 1), ref ptrResult); if (rc != -1 && ptrResult != IntPtr.Zero) { result = MarshalUtils.BerValArrayToByteArrays(ptrResult).ToArray(); } } finally { if (ptrResult != IntPtr.Zero) { LdapNative.Instance.ber_bvecfree(ptrResult); } } return(rc); }
/// <summary> /// Creates a binary value or ascii value metadata entry from data received from the native layer. /// We trust C core to give us well-formed data, so we don't perform any checks or defensive copying. /// </summary> internal static Entry CreateUnsafe(string key, byte[] valueBytes) { if (HasBinaryHeaderSuffix(key)) { return(new Entry(key, null, valueBytes)); } return(new Entry(key, MarshalUtils.GetStringASCII(valueBytes), null)); }
private static void FreeAttributes(IntPtr attributes) { foreach (var tempPtr in MarshalUtils.GetPointerArray(attributes)) { Marshal.FreeHGlobal(tempPtr); } Marshal.FreeHGlobal(attributes); }
/// <summary> /// Close log file handle /// </summary> /// <returns>true if no file to close or close operation successful, false otherwise</returns> public bool CloseLogFile() { if (_logFileHandle == IntPtr.Zero) { return(true); } return(MarshalUtils.Close(_logFileHandle)); }
public Dictionary(IDictionary dictionary) : this() { if (dictionary == null) { throw new NullReferenceException($"Parameter '{nameof(dictionary)} cannot be null.'"); } MarshalUtils.IDictionaryToDictionary(dictionary, GetPtr()); }
/// <summary> /// Media discoverer constructor /// </summary> /// <param name="libVLC">libvlc instance this will be attached to</param> /// <param name="name">name from one of LibVLC.MediaDiscoverers</param> public MediaDiscoverer(LibVLC libVLC, string name) : base(() => { var nameUtf8 = name.ToUtf8(); return(MarshalUtils.PerformInteropAndFree(() => Native.LibVLCMediaDiscovererNew(libVLC.NativeReference, nameUtf8), nameUtf8)); }, Native.LibVLCMediaDiscovererRelease) { }
public Array(IEnumerable collection) : this() { if (collection == null) { throw new NullReferenceException($"Parameter '{nameof(collection)} cannot be null.'"); } MarshalUtils.EnumerableToArray(collection, GetPtr()); }