        static async void BotClient_OnCallbackQuery(object sender, CallbackQueryEventArgs e)
            //Click on competition
            if (e.CallbackQuery.Data.Contains("competition"))
                var matches = matchRequestService.GetMatchesByCompetition(e.CallbackQuery.Data);
                logger.Debug($"There was request for api.football-data.org");
                var isLive = e.CallbackQuery.Data.Contains("Live") ? true : false;
                InlineKeyboardMarkup myInlineKeyboard = MarkupCreator.CreateMatchListButtons(matches, isLive);
                await botClient.SendTextMessageAsync(
                    chatId : e.CallbackQuery.Message.Chat,
                    text : "Please select the match from choosen competition",
                    replyMarkup : myInlineKeyboard

            //Click on match
            if (e.CallbackQuery.Data.Contains("match"))
                var matchId          = Int32.Parse(e.CallbackQuery.Data.Split(' ')[1]);
                var isLiveMatch      = e.CallbackQuery.Data.Contains("matchLive") ? true : false;
                var chatId           = e.CallbackQuery.Message.Chat.Id;
                var myInlineKeyboard = markupCreator.CreateMatchDetailsButtons(matchId, isLiveMatch, chatId);

                await botClient.SendTextMessageAsync(
                    chatId : e.CallbackQuery.Message.Chat,
                    text : "Select match details",
                    replyMarkup : myInlineKeyboard

            //Click on add to fav
            if (e.CallbackQuery.Data.Contains("add"))
                var matchId = Int32.Parse(e.CallbackQuery.Data.Split(' ')[1]);
                var chatId  = e.CallbackQuery.Message.Chat.Id;

                userFavouriteService.AddUserFavourite(chatId, matchId);
                logger.Debug($"New favourite match has been added for user with id {e.CallbackQuery.Message.Chat.Id}");

                await botClient.SendTextMessageAsync(
                    chatId : e.CallbackQuery.Message.Chat,
                    text : "Match was added to Favourite!"

            //Click on remove from fav
            if (e.CallbackQuery.Data.Contains("delete"))
                var matchId = Int32.Parse(e.CallbackQuery.Data.Split(' ')[1]);

                userFavouriteService.RemoveUserFavourite(e.CallbackQuery.Message.Chat.Id, matchId);
                logger.Debug($"Existing favourite match has been removed by user with id {e.CallbackQuery.Message.Chat.Id}");

                await botClient.SendTextMessageAsync(
                    chatId : e.CallbackQuery.Message.Chat,
                    text : "Match was removed from Favourite!"

            //Click on stadium info
            if (e.CallbackQuery.Data == "stadiumInfo")
                await botClient.SendTextMessageAsync(
                    chatId : e.CallbackQuery.Message.Chat,
                    text : "Enter the name of stadium starting with 'stadium' (for example, stadium Camp Nou)"

            //Click on championship info
            if (e.CallbackQuery.Data == "championshipInfo")
                var buttonsForPopularChampionships = MarkupCreator.CreateButtonsForPopularChampionships();

                await botClient.SendTextMessageAsync(
                    chatId : e.CallbackQuery.Message.Chat,
                    text : "Please select the competition",
                    replyMarkup : buttonsForPopularChampionships

            //Click on championship from championship info
            if (e.CallbackQuery.Data.Contains("championshipInfoId"))
                var competitionId = Int32.Parse(e.CallbackQuery.Data.Split(' ')[1]);

                var chapmionshipDetailsButtons = MarkupCreator.CreateChapmionshipDetailsButtons(competitionId);

                await botClient.SendTextMessageAsync(
                    chatId : e.CallbackQuery.Message.Chat,
                    text : "Please select the competition",
                    replyMarkup : chapmionshipDetailsButtons

            //Click on standings from championship info
            if (e.CallbackQuery.Data.Contains("championshipStandings"))
                var    competitionId   = Int32.Parse(e.CallbackQuery.Data.Split(' ')[1]);
                string standingsResult = "";
                var    standings       = matchRequestService.GetStandingsByCompetition(competitionId);
                logger.Debug($"There was request for api.football-data.org");
                var totalStandings = standings.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Type == "TOTAL");

                foreach (var table in totalStandings.Table)
                    standingsResult += $"{table.Position}. {table.Team.Name}      {table.Points} \n";

                await botClient.SendTextMessageAsync(
                    chatId : e.CallbackQuery.Message.Chat,
                    text : standingsResult

            //Click on scorers from championship info
            if (e.CallbackQuery.Data.Contains("championshipScorers"))
                var    competitionId = Int32.Parse(e.CallbackQuery.Data.Split(' ')[1]);
                string scorersResult = "";
                var    scorers       = matchRequestService.GetScorersByCompetition(competitionId);
                logger.Debug($"There was request for api.football-data.org");
                int i = 1;

                foreach (var scorer in scorers)
                    scorersResult += $"{i}. {scorer.Player.Name} ({scorer.Team.Name})      {scorer.NumberOfGoals} goals \n";

                await botClient.SendTextMessageAsync(
                    chatId : e.CallbackQuery.Message.Chat,
                    text : scorersResult
        static async void Bot_OnMessage(object sender, MessageEventArgs e)
            if (e.Message.Text != null)
                //Bot start
                if (e.Message.Text == "/start")
                    logger.Info($"User with id {e.Message.Chat.Id} started using bot");
                    await botClient.SendTextMessageAsync(
                        chatId : e.Message.Chat,
                        text : "Welcome to LiveScoreBot! Select command entering / and follow bot's instructions."

                //Live matches
                if (e.Message.Text == "/live")
                    logger.Info($"User with id {e.Message.Chat.Id} requested live matches");
                        var competitionsInPlay = matchRequestService.GetCompetitions(isLive: true);
                        logger.Debug($"There was request for api.football-data.org");
                        var champioshipsListButtons = MarkupCreator.CreateChampioshipsListButtons(competitionsInPlay, isLive: true);
                        await botClient.SendTextMessageAsync(
                            chatId : e.Message.Chat,
                            text : "Please select the competition",
                            replyMarkup : champioshipsListButtons
                    catch (Exception)
                        logger.Error($"There has been an error getting live matches.");
                        await botClient.SendTextMessageAsync(
                            chatId : e.Message.Chat,
                            text : "There has been an error getting live matches.");

                //Scheduled matches
                if (e.Message.Text == "/schedule")
                        logger.Info($"User with id {e.Message.Chat.Id} requested scheduled matches");
                        var competitions = matchRequestService.GetCompetitions();
                        logger.Debug($"There was request for api.football-data.org");
                        var champioshipsListButtons = MarkupCreator.CreateChampioshipsListButtons(competitions);
                        await botClient.SendTextMessageAsync(
                            chatId : e.Message.Chat,
                            text : "Please select the competition",
                            replyMarkup : champioshipsListButtons
                    catch (Exception)
                        logger.Error($"There has been an error getting scheduled matches.");
                        await botClient.SendTextMessageAsync(
                            chatId : e.Message.Chat,
                            text : "There has been an error getting scheduled matches.");

                //Favourite matches
                if (e.Message.Text == "/fav")
                        logger.Info($"User with id {e.Message.Chat.Id} requested favourite matches");
                        var favouriteMatches = userFavouriteService.GetUserFavourites(e.Message.Chat.Id);
                        logger.Debug($"Favourite matches for user id {e.Message.Chat.Id} were got from Database");
                        var allMatches = matchRequestService.GetAllMatches();
                        logger.Debug($"There was request for api.football-data.org");
                        var matches = new List <Match>();

                        foreach (var match in allMatches)
                            foreach (var favouriteMatch in favouriteMatches)
                                if (favouriteMatch.MatchId == match.Id)

                        var matchListButtons = MarkupCreator.CreateMatchListButtons(matches, true);

                        await botClient.SendTextMessageAsync(
                            chatId : e.Message.Chat,
                            text : "Select match from favourite list",
                            replyMarkup : matchListButtons
                    catch (Exception)
                        logger.Error($"There has been an error getting favourite matches.");
                        await botClient.SendTextMessageAsync(
                            chatId : e.Message.Chat,
                            text : "There has been an error getting favourite matches.");

                if (e.Message.Text == "/info")
                    logger.Info($"User with id {e.Message.Chat.Id} requested information");
                    var infoButtons = MarkupCreator.CreateInfoButtons();

                    await botClient.SendTextMessageAsync(
                        chatId : e.Message.Chat,
                        text : "Select what do you want to see information about",
                        replyMarkup : infoButtons

                //Stadium input
                if (e.Message.Text.Contains("stadium"))
                    var stadiumName = e.Message.Text.Substring(8);
                    var stadium     = stadiumService.GetStadiumByName(stadiumName);
                    logger.Debug($"Stadium with name {stadiumName} were got from Database");

                    if (stadium != null)
                        await botClient.SendPhotoAsync(
                            $@"Name: {stadium.Name}
HomeTeam: {stadium.HomeTeam}
Opened: {stadium.Opened}
Capacity: {stadium.Capacity}
FifaRate: {stadium.FifaRate} stars");
                        await botClient.SendTextMessageAsync(
                            chatId : e.Message.Chat,
                            text : "Sorry, stadium with this name hasn't been found. Try one more time!"