        private async void OnMapSelectionChanged(ViewEventArgs obj)
            MapViewInternal view = obj.View as MapViewInternal;

            if (view == null)

            // retrieve the selection set
            var allSelectedFeatures = await SelectionSet.QuerySelection(view.Map);

            // loop through the layer, OID sets
            foreach (var layerOIDSetPair in allSelectedFeatures.GetSelection())
                var layer = layerOIDSetPair.Item1;
                var oids  = layerOIDSetPair.Item2;

                // open the table view showing only selected records
                if (layer != null)
                    TableManager.OpenTablePane(layer, TableViewMode.eSelectedRecords);
        ///// <summary>
        ///// Make a CIMPointGraphic that can be added to the map overlay
        ///// </summary>
        ///// <param name="point">The location of the graphic</param>
        ///// <returns></returns>
        //internal static CIMPointGraphicHelper MakeCIMPointGraphic(PointN point)
        //    return new CIMPointGraphicHelper(point);
        /// <summary>
        /// Add a point to the specified mapview
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mapView">The mapview to whose overlay the graphic will be added</param>
        /// <returns>The graphic id assigned to the graphic in the overlay</returns>
        public static async Task AddToMapOverlay(ArcGIS.Core.CIM.PointN point, MapViewInternal mapView)
            if (!mapView.Is2D)
                return;//only currently works for 2D
            CIMPointGraphicHelper graphicHlpr = new CIMPointGraphicHelper(point);

            graphicHlpr.graphicID = await mapView.AddOverlayGraphicAsync(graphicHlpr.XML);

            _lookup[mapView.Map.RepositoryID] = graphicHlpr;
        /// <summary>
        /// Remove the Point Graphic from the specified mapview
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mapView"></param>
        public static async Task RemoveFromMapOverlay(MapViewInternal mapView)
            if (!mapView.Is2D)
                return;//only currently works for 2D
            if (_lookup.ContainsKey(mapView.Map.RepositoryID))
                await mapView.RemoveOverlayGraphicAsync(_lookup[mapView.Map.RepositoryID].graphicID);

                CIMPointGraphicHelper graphicHlpr = _lookup[mapView.Map.RepositoryID];
                graphicHlpr = null;
 /// <summary>
 /// All-in-one. Update the graphic on the overlay if it was previously added
 /// otherwise, make it and add it
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="newLocation">The new location to be added to the map</param>
 /// <param name="mapView"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static void UpdateMapOverlay(ArcGIS.Core.CIM.PointN point, MapViewInternal mapView)
     if (!mapView.Is2D)
         return;//only currently works for 2D
     //CIMPointGraphicHelper graphicHlpr = null;
     if (_lookup.ContainsKey(mapView.Map.RepositoryID))
         ////graphicHlpr = _lookup[mapView.Map.ID];
         ////int id = graphicHlpr.graphicID;
         ////mapView.UpdateOverlayGraphic(ref id, graphicHlpr.XML);
         ////graphicHlpr.graphicID = id;
         AddToMapOverlay(point, mapView);
         //first time
         AddToMapOverlay(point, mapView);
        /// <summary>
        /// Default constructor. Provide the search text for geocoding and a flag indicating whether or not
        /// to escape the search text. The default is True (i.e. escape the text)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="text">The text to search for</param>
        /// <param name="maxResults">The number of results to search for</param>
        /// <param name="escape">True to escape the text, False to include it un-escaped</param>
        public GeocodeURI(string text, int maxResults, bool escape = true)
            //build the URL
            string queryStringFormat = "text={0}&outFields={1}&outSR={2}&maxLocations={3}&f={4}";

            MapViewInternal activeView = ProSDKSampleModule.ActiveMapViewInternal;

            int wkid = activeView.SpatialReference.WKID;

            wkid = 4326;
            //fill in the parameters
            string query = string.Format(queryStringFormat,
                                         escape ? System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlPathEncode(text) : text,

        private async void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // get the current module to access helper method
            ProSDKSampleModule module = ProSDKSampleModule.Current;

            // remove any existing graphics
            MapViewInternal mapView = ProSDKSampleModule.ActiveMapViewInternal;


                // initiate the search
                CandidateResponse results = GeocodeUtils.SearchFor(this.SearchText.Text, 1);
                if (results.OrderedResults.Count > 0)
                    // add a point graphic overlay
                    GeocodeUtils.UpdateMapOverlay(results.OrderedResults[0].ToPointN(), mapView);
                    // zoom to the location
                    await GeocodeUtils.ZoomToLocation(results.OrderedResults[0].Extent);

                    // add the search results to the dialog window
                    this.LastSearch.Text = string.Format("Last Match: {0}", results.OrderedResults[0].CandidateDetails);
                        string.Format("No results returned for {0}", this.SearchText.Text), "GeocodeExample");
            catch (Exception ex)
                string errorName = "Search Error";
                System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}: {1}", errorName, ex.ToString()));
                ArcGIS.Desktop.Internal.Framework.DialogManager.ShowMessageBox(errorName, this.SearchText.Text);
        /// <summary>
        /// Pans to a bookmark in a map view
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bookMark"> Mapping module Bookmark object</param>
        /// <param name="mapView"> A Map view</param>
        public static async void PanTo(this MapViewInternal mapView, Bookmark bookMark)
            ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMBookmark bmkDef = await bookMark.GetDefinitionAsync();

        ///// <summary>
        ///// Make a CIMPointGraphic that can be added to the map overlay
        ///// </summary>
        ///// <param name="point">The location of the graphic</param>
        ///// <returns></returns>
        //internal static CIMPointGraphicHelper MakeCIMPointGraphic(PointN point)
        //    return new CIMPointGraphicHelper(point);
        /// <summary>
        /// Add a point to the specified mapview
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mapView">The mapview to whose overlay the graphic will be added</param>
        /// <returns>The graphic id assigned to the graphic in the overlay</returns>
        public static async Task AddToMapOverlay(ArcGIS.Core.CIM.PointN point, MapViewInternal mapView) {
            if (!mapView.Is2D)
                return;//only currently works for 2D

            CIMPointGraphicHelper graphicHlpr = new CIMPointGraphicHelper(point);
            graphicHlpr.graphicID = await mapView.AddOverlayGraphicAsync(graphicHlpr.XML);
            _lookup[mapView.Map.RepositoryID] = graphicHlpr;

        /// <summary>
        /// Remove the Point Graphic from the specified mapview
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mapView"></param>
        public static async Task RemoveFromMapOverlay(MapViewInternal mapView)
            if (!mapView.Is2D)
                return;//only currently works for 2D
            if (_lookup.ContainsKey(mapView.Map.RepositoryID)) {
                await mapView.RemoveOverlayGraphicAsync(_lookup[mapView.Map.RepositoryID].graphicID);
                CIMPointGraphicHelper graphicHlpr = _lookup[mapView.Map.RepositoryID];
                graphicHlpr = null;

        /// <summary>
        /// All-in-one. Update the graphic on the overlay if it was previously added
        /// otherwise, make it and add it
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="newLocation">The new location to be added to the map</param>
        /// <param name="mapView"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static void UpdateMapOverlay(ArcGIS.Core.CIM.PointN point, MapViewInternal mapView)
            if (!mapView.Is2D)
                return;//only currently works for 2D

            //CIMPointGraphicHelper graphicHlpr = null;
            if (_lookup.ContainsKey(mapView.Map.RepositoryID)) {
                ////graphicHlpr = _lookup[mapView.Map.ID];
                ////int id = graphicHlpr.graphicID;
                ////mapView.UpdateOverlayGraphic(ref id, graphicHlpr.XML);
                ////graphicHlpr.graphicID = id;
                AddToMapOverlay(point, mapView);
            else {
                //first time
                AddToMapOverlay(point, mapView);
        /// <summary>
        /// Zooms to a bookmark in a map view
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bookMark"> Mapping module Bookmark object</param>
        /// <param name="mapView"> A Map view</param>
        public static async void ZoomTo(this MapViewInternal mapView, Bookmark bookMark)
            ArcGIS.Core.CIM.CIMBookmark bmkDef = await bookMark.QueryDefinition();

            mapView.Extent = bmkDef.Location;