        public void OnChunkGeneratedEmpty(int hm)
            var vp            = Vector3Int.zero;
            var neighbourhood = neighbourhoodFor(ref vp);

            heightMapYValue = hm;

            var expectedLv = new LightValue()
                Sun = (hm < 0) ? maxIntensity : 0, Dynamic = 0

            for (int z = 0; z < chunkDimensions.z; z++)
                for (int y = 0; y < chunkDimensions.y; y++)
                    for (int x = 0; x < chunkDimensions.x; x++)
                        Assert.AreEqual(expectedLv, neighbourhood.GetLight(x, y, z),
                                        $"Light value not as expected for position {x},{y},{z}");
        public void OnChunkGeneratedUnderground()
            var chunkId = Vector3Int.down;

            var expectedLv = new LightValue()
                Sun = 0, Dynamic = 0

            //Generate chunk
            var neighbourhood = new ChunkNeighbourhood(chunkId, GetMockChunkData);

            //Ground level is at 0, so the chunk will think it has no sunlight
            heightMapYValue = 0;

            //PrintSlice(neighbourhood, 0,false);

            var chunkData = GetMockChunkData(chunkId);

            for (int z = 0; z < chunkDimensions.z; z++)
                for (int y = 0; y < chunkDimensions.y; y++)
                    for (int x = 0; x < chunkDimensions.x; x++)
                        Assert.AreEqual(expectedLv, chunkData.GetLight(x, y, z),
                                        $"Light value not as expected for position {x},{y},{z}");
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the coefficient to be used in order to display the results according to the preferences of the IResult
        /// object used to create the instance of this object. Returns the prefered functional unit divided by the functional unit.
        /// In case of the FunctionalUnit is null or the PreferedUnit is null, this method returns a ratio of 1. This is usefull to
        /// display the Inputs results and the TransportationSteps results which are accounted for all outputs and not a specific one.
        /// In these cases instead of defining a PreferedUnit for each output we prefer to define none to make things simpler (see InputResult.GetResults)
        /// Before display all results must be multiplied by this coefficient
        /// May return a NullReferenceExeption if the IResult object does not define FunctinoalUnit, PreferedDisplayedUnit or PreferedDisplayedAmount
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="results"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal static double GetFunctionalRatio(GData data, Results results, int producedResourceId)
            if (results != null && results.CustomFunctionalUnitPreference != null && results.CustomFunctionalUnitPreference.PreferredUnitExpression != null)
                LightValue functionalUnit = new LightValue(1.0, results.BottomDim);
                LightValue preferedFunctionalUnit = GetPreferedVisualizationFunctionalUnit(data, results, producedResourceId);

                switch (preferedFunctionalUnit.Dim)
                    case DimensionUtils.MASS: // HARDCODED
                            functionalUnit = data.ResourcesData[producedResourceId].ConvertToMass(functionalUnit);
                        } break;
                    case DimensionUtils.ENERGY: // HARDCODED
                            functionalUnit = data.ResourcesData[producedResourceId].ConvertToEnergy(functionalUnit);
                        } break;
                    case DimensionUtils.VOLUME: // HARDCODED
                            functionalUnit = data.ResourcesData[producedResourceId].ConvertToVolume(functionalUnit);
                        } break;
                return preferedFunctionalUnit.Value / functionalUnit.Value;
                return 1;
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the coefficient to be used in order to display the results according to the preferences of the IResult
        /// object used to create the instance of this object. Returns the prefered functional unit divided by the functional unit.
        /// In case of the FunctionalUnit is null or the PreferedUnit is null, this method returns a ratio of 1. This is usefull to
        /// display the Inputs results and the TransportationSteps results which are accounted for all outputs and not a specific one.
        /// In these cases instead of defining a PreferedUnit for each output we prefer to define none to make things simpler (see InputResult.GetResults)
        /// Before display all results must be multiplied by this coefficient
        /// May return a NullReferenceExeption if the IResult object does not define FunctinoalUnit, PreferedDisplayedUnit or PreferedDisplayedAmount
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="results"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal static double GetFunctionalRatio(GData data, Results results, int producedResourceId)
            if (results != null && results.CustomFunctionalUnitPreference != null && results.CustomFunctionalUnitPreference.PreferredUnitExpression != null)
                LightValue functionalUnit         = new LightValue(1.0, results.BottomDim);
                LightValue preferedFunctionalUnit = GetPreferedVisualizationFunctionalUnit(data, results, producedResourceId);

                switch (preferedFunctionalUnit.Dim)
                case DimensionUtils.MASS:     // HARDCODED
                    functionalUnit = data.ResourcesData[producedResourceId].ConvertToMass(functionalUnit);
                } break;

                case DimensionUtils.ENERGY:     // HARDCODED
                    functionalUnit = data.ResourcesData[producedResourceId].ConvertToEnergy(functionalUnit);
                } break;

                case DimensionUtils.VOLUME:     // HARDCODED
                    functionalUnit = data.ResourcesData[producedResourceId].ConvertToVolume(functionalUnit);
                } break;
                return(preferedFunctionalUnit.Value / functionalUnit.Value);
        public void Dynamic()
            LightValue lv = new LightValue();

            for (int i = 0; i < LightValue.IntensityRange; i++)
                lv.Dynamic = i;
                Assert.AreEqual(i, lv.Dynamic, $"Light incorrect for value {i}");
        public void Sunlight()
            LightValue lv = new LightValue();

            for (int i = 0; i < LightValue.IntensityRange; i++)
                lv.Sun = i;
                Assert.AreEqual(i, lv.Sun, $"Light incorrect for value {i}");
        public void OnChunkGeneratedWithLightWithNeighbourFullyGenerated(int hm)
            var vp            = Vector3Int.zero;
            var lampPos       = vp;
            var neighbourhood = neighbourhoodFor(ref vp);

            //act as if this voxel was generated as part of the chunk
            neighbourhood.SetVoxel(vp.x, vp.y, vp.z, lampId);

            heightMapYValue = hm;

            //generate another chunk next to this one, the light should spill in from the zero chunk
            var tstChunkId = new Vector3Int(-1, 0, 0);


            //run the generation action for the zero chunk

            //PrintSlice(neighbourhood, 0);

            ///Should have propagated the lamp light only within the center chunk
            ///and the newly added chunk
            for (int z = -maxIntensity; z <= maxIntensity; z++)
                for (int y = -maxIntensity; y <= maxIntensity; y++)
                    for (int x = -maxIntensity; x <= maxIntensity; x++)
                        var pos        = new Vector3Int(x, y, z);
                        var expectedLv = new LightValue()
                            Sun = (hm < 0) ? maxIntensity : 0
                        expectedLv.Dynamic = math.max(maxIntensity - pos.ManhattanMagnitude(), 0);

                        if (!insideChunkId(pos, Vector3Int.zero) && !insideChunkId(pos, tstChunkId))
                            expectedLv.Dynamic = 0;
                            expectedLv.Sun     = 0;

                        if (pos.Equals(lampPos))
                        {//This is where the lamp is, lamps are opaque to sunlight
                            expectedLv.Sun = 0;

                        Assert.AreEqual(expectedLv, neighbourhood.GetLight(x, y, z),
                                        $"Light value not as expected for position {x},{y},{z}");
        public void MultiplePropagationsIntoSameChunkInOneUpdate()
            lightManager.Parallel = true;//Parallel execution

            //Ground level is at 0, so the lower chunk will at first think it has no sunlight
            heightMapYValue = 0;
            Vector3Int testChunkId = Vector3Int.down;
            var        upId        = testChunkId + Vector3Int.up;
            var        adjacentId  = testChunkId + Vector3Int.left;

            var neighbourhood = new ChunkNeighbourhood(testChunkId, GetMockChunkData);
            //The lamp in the adjacent chunk should cause a propagation update in the test chunk
            var lampPos = new Vector3Int(-1, 0, 0);

            neighbourhood.SetVoxel(lampPos.x, lampPos.y, lampPos.z, lampId);

            //generate test chunk

            //generate up chunk, then adjacent chunk.
            lightManager.Update();//Run propagations in the same update

            ///This order could result in no sunlight in the test chunk if race conditions are present,
            ///we are testing that there isn't a race condition.

            var expectedSunlight = LightValue.MaxIntensity;

            var testChunkData = GetMockChunkData(testChunkId);

            for (int z = 0; z < chunkDimensions.z; z++)
                for (int y = 0; y < chunkDimensions.y; y++)
                    for (int x = 0; x < chunkDimensions.x; x++)
                        var pos             = new Vector3Int(x, y, z);
                        var expectedDynamic = math.max(maxIntensity - (pos - lampPos).ManhattanMagnitude(), 0);
                        var expectedLv      = new LightValue()
                            Dynamic = expectedDynamic, Sun = expectedSunlight

                        Assert.AreEqual(expectedLv, testChunkData.GetLight(x, y, z),
                                        $"Light value not as expected for position {x},{y},{z}");
        public void OnChunksGeneratedSunlightTriple(int[] order)
            Vector3Int[] ids = new Vector3Int[] {
                Vector3Int.down * 2

            IChunkData[] chunkDatas = new IChunkData[]

            //Ground level is at 0, so the lower chunk will at first think it has no sunlight
            heightMapYValue = 0;

            foreach (var index in order)

            //var bottomNeigh = new ChunkNeighbourhood(lowChunkData, GetMockChunkData);
            //PrintSlice(bottomNeigh, 15,false);
            //PrintSlice(bottomNeigh, 0, false);

            var expectedLv = new LightValue()
                Sun = maxIntensity, Dynamic = 0

            for (int z = 0; z < chunkDimensions.z; z++)
                for (int y = 0; y < chunkDimensions.y; y++)
                    for (int x = 0; x < chunkDimensions.x; x++)
                        for (int i = 0; i < ids.Length; i++)
                            Assert.AreEqual(expectedLv, chunkDatas[i].GetLight(x, y, z),
                                            $"Light value not as expected for position {x},{y},{z} in chunk {i}");
        internal static string NiceValueWithAttribute(LightValue value, string preferedExpression = "")
            double automaticScalingSlope = 1;
            string overrideUnitAttribute = "";

                                          , 2 //DEFINES THE FORMATTING FOR VALUES
                                          , out overrideUnitAttribute
                                          , out automaticScalingSlope
                                          , false
                                          , 16                    //DEFINES HOW MANY DIGITS YOU WANT TO SEE
                                          , value.Dim
                                          , preferedExpression)); // +" " + overrideUnitAttribute;
        public void Mixed()
            LightValue lv = new LightValue();

            for (int i = 0; i < LightValue.IntensityRange; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < LightValue.IntensityRange; j++)
                    lv.Sun = i;
                    Assert.AreEqual(i, lv.Sun, $"Sun light incorrect for value {i},{j}");

                    lv.Dynamic = j;
                    Assert.AreEqual(j, lv.Dynamic, $"Dynamic light incorrect for value {i},{j}");
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the functional unit to be used on display: User prefered, default million btu or functional unit of the
        /// process in case of the database does not contains enough information to convert to one million btu
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data"></param>
        /// <param name="results"></param>
        /// <param name="producedResourceId"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal static LightValue GetPreferedVisualizationFunctionalUnit(GData data, Results results, int producedResourceId)
            LightValue preferedFunctionalUnit;

            if (results.CustomFunctionalUnitPreference.enabled)
                preferedFunctionalUnit = new LightValue(results.CustomFunctionalUnitPreference.Amount, results.CustomFunctionalUnitPreference.PreferredUnitExpression);
            else if (data.ResourcesData[producedResourceId].CanConvertTo(DimensionUtils.ENERGY, new LightValue(1.0, results.BottomDim)))
                preferedFunctionalUnit = new LightValue(1, "MJ");
                preferedFunctionalUnit = new LightValue(1.0, results.BottomDim);
        public void OnChunksGeneratedSunlight(bool topToBottom)
            int first  = 0;
            int second = 1;

            if (!topToBottom)
                Utils.Helpers.Swap(ref first, ref second);

            Vector3Int[] ids = new Vector3Int[] {

            var upChunkData  = GetMockChunkData(ids[0]);
            var lowChunkData = GetMockChunkData(ids[1]);

            var expectedLv = new LightValue()
                Sun = 0, Dynamic = 0

            //Ground level is at 0, so the lower chunk will at first think it has no sunlight
            heightMapYValue = 0;

            //Generate first chunk

            //Second chunk should not have sunlight yet
            var secondChunkData = GetMockChunkData(ids[second]);

            for (int z = 0; z < chunkDimensions.z; z++)
                for (int y = 0; y < chunkDimensions.y; y++)
                    for (int x = 0; x < chunkDimensions.x; x++)
                        Assert.AreEqual(expectedLv, secondChunkData.GetLight(x, y, z),
                                        $"Light value not as expected for position {x},{y},{z} in second chunk");

            //Generate second chunk

            var bottomNeigh = new ChunkNeighbourhood(lowChunkData, GetMockChunkData);

            //PrintSlice(bottomNeigh, 15,false);
            //PrintSlice(bottomNeigh, 0, false);

            expectedLv = new LightValue()
                Sun = maxIntensity, Dynamic = 0

            for (int z = 0; z < chunkDimensions.z; z++)
                for (int y = 0; y < chunkDimensions.y; y++)
                    for (int x = 0; x < chunkDimensions.x; x++)
                        Assert.AreEqual(expectedLv, upChunkData.GetLight(x, y, z),
                                        $"Light value not as expected for position {x},{y},{z} in upper chunk");
                        Assert.AreEqual(expectedLv, lowChunkData.GetLight(x, y, z),
                                        $"Light value not as expected for position {x},{y},{z} in lower chunk");
 internal static string NiceValueWithAttribute(LightValue value, string preferedExpression = "")
     double automaticScalingSlope = 1;
     string overrideUnitAttribute = "";
     return GuiUtils.FormatSIValue(value.Value
         , out overrideUnitAttribute
         , out automaticScalingSlope
         , false
         , value.Dim
         , preferedExpression);// +" " + overrideUnitAttribute;
        public override bool GetSFRValue(Bitmap bmp, ref SFRValue SFRValue, ref RectInfo rectInfo, Rectangle[] rectangles, ref LightValue lightValue, bool TestLight = false)
            SFRInfo info = new SFRInfo();
            //   Rectangle[] rectangles = new Rectangle[13];
            SFR_C_Info sFR_C_Info = new SFR_C_Info();
            SFR_C_Info YData      = new SFR_C_Info();
            double     frequency  = ParamSetMgr.GetInstance().GetDoubleParam("[SFR] dSFR_Parameter");
            bool       bRet       = false;

                if (bmp == null)
                Bitmap temp     = (Bitmap)bmp.Clone();
                int    nWidth   = temp.Width;
                int    nHeight  = temp.Height;
                byte[] byBuffer = ImageChangeHelper.Instance.Rgb2Gray(bmp);
                    fixed(byte *byBufferptr = byBuffer)
                        bRet = ActiveAlignment.CalibrationMode_Collimators(byBufferptr, nWidth, nHeight, ref sFR_C_Info, ref YData);
                //sfr 转换
                SFRValue = AlgChangeHelper.Collimator_Info2Value(sFR_C_Info);
                rectInfo = AlgChangeHelper.Collimator_Info2Rect(sFR_C_Info);
            catch { }
            double[] value = new double[5];
                value[0] = YData.block[0].dValue;
                value[1] = YData.block[1].dValue;
                value[2] = YData.block[2].dValue;
                value[3] = YData.block[3].dValue;
                value[4] = YData.block[4].dValue;
            catch (Exception ex)
                value[0] = -1;
                value[1] = -1;
                value[2] = -1;
                value[3] = -1;
                value[4] = -1;
                //return false;
            lightValue.blockValue = value;

        public bool GetSFRValue(Bitmap bmp, ref SFRValue SFRValue, ref RectInfo rectInfo, Rectangle[] rectangles, ref LightValue lightValue, bool TestLight = false)
            if (!bLoad)
            AlgorithmBase tempModuleBase = GetAlgByIndexID();

            if (tempModuleBase != null)
                bool result = tempModuleBase.GetSFRValue(bmp, ref SFRValue, ref rectInfo, rectangles, ref lightValue, TestLight);
                if (SFRValue != null)
                    for (int i = 0; i < SFRValue.block.Length; i++)
                        if (SFRValue.block[i].dValue > ParamSetMgr.GetInstance().GetDoubleParam("SFR最大值"))
                            SFRValue.block[i].dValue = -1;

        private FaceDescriptor makeFaceDescriptor(VoxelTypeID typeId, Direction originalDirection, LightValue lightValue, VoxelRotation rotation = default)
            if (typeId == VoxelTypeID.AIR_ID)

            var faceDirection = originalDirection;

            if (!rotation.isBlank)
                ///Face direction needs to be the direction index of the face currently pointing in the original
                ///direction. Therefore it is the direction such that applying the rotation gives the original direction.
                faceDirection = directionRotator.GetDirectionBeforeRotation(originalDirection, rotation);

            FaceDescriptor faceDescriptor = new FaceDescriptor()
                typeId        = typeId,
                faceDirection = faceDirection,
                rotation      = rotation,
                lightValue    = lightValue

 /// <summary>
 /// Returns the functional unit to be used on display: User prefered, default million btu or functional unit of the
 /// process in case of the database does not contains enough information to convert to one million btu
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="data"></param>
 /// <param name="results"></param>
 /// <param name="producedResourceId"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 internal static LightValue GetPreferedVisualizationFunctionalUnit(GData data, Results results, int producedResourceId)
     LightValue preferedFunctionalUnit;
     if (results.CustomFunctionalUnitPreference.enabled)
         preferedFunctionalUnit = new LightValue(results.CustomFunctionalUnitPreference.Amount, results.CustomFunctionalUnitPreference.PreferredUnitExpression);
     else if (data.ResourcesData[producedResourceId].CanConvertTo(DimensionUtils.ENERGY, new LightValue(1.0, results.BottomDim)))
         preferedFunctionalUnit = new LightValue(1, "MJ");
         preferedFunctionalUnit = new LightValue(1.0, results.BottomDim);
     return preferedFunctionalUnit;
        public override bool GetSFRValue(Bitmap bmp, ref SFRValue SFRValue, ref RectInfo rectInfo, Rectangle[] rectangles, ref LightValue lightValue, bool TestLight = false)
            SFRInfo    info       = new SFRInfo();
            ObjectInfo objectInfo = new ObjectInfo();

            //   Rectangle[] rectangles = new Rectangle[13];

            if (bmp == null)
            Bitmap temp    = (Bitmap)bmp.Clone();
            bool   bRet    = false;
            int    nWidth  = temp.Width;
            int    nHeight = temp.Height;

            byte[] byBuffer = ImageChangeHelper.Instance.Rgb2Gray(bmp);
                fixed(byte *byBufferptr = byBuffer)
                    bRet = ActiveAlignment.GetSFRValue_Sector(byBufferptr, nWidth, nHeight, ref info, ref objectInfo, rectangles);
            //sfr 转换
            if (TestLight)
                double[] value = new double[5];
                HObject  ho_Image = null, ho_GrayImage = null;
                    HObject ho_SelectedRegions0 = null;
                    HObject ho_SelectedRegions1 = null;
                    HObject ho_SelectedRegions2 = null;
                    HObject ho_SelectedRegions3 = null;
                    HObject ho_SelectedRegions4 = null;
                    HTuple  hv_XField = null, hv_YField = null;
                    HTuple  hv_CenterROIR = null, hv_CenterROIC = null, hv_CenterMinArea = null, hv_CenterSFRThreshold = null, hv_CenterClosing = null;
                    HTuple  hv_Corner1ROIR = null, hv_Corner1ROIC = null, hv_Corner1MinArea = null, hv_Corner1SFRThreshold = null, hv_Corner1Closing = null;
                    HTuple  CenterMean = null, CenterDeviation = null;
                    HTuple  Corner1Mean = null, Corner1Deviation = null;
                    HTuple  Corner2Mean = null, Corner2Deviation = null;
                    HTuple  Corner3Mean = null, Corner3Deviation = null;
                    HTuple  Corner4Mean = null, Corner4Deviation = null;
                    hv_CenterROIR          = ParamSetMgr.GetInstance().GetIntParam("[SFR] nCenterROIW");
                    hv_CenterROIC          = ParamSetMgr.GetInstance().GetIntParam("[SFR] nCenterROIH");
                    hv_CenterMinArea       = ParamSetMgr.GetInstance().GetDoubleParam("MF中心对心最小面积");
                    hv_CenterSFRThreshold  = ParamSetMgr.GetInstance().GetDoubleParam("MF中心对心阈值设置");
                    hv_CenterClosing       = ParamSetMgr.GetInstance().GetDoubleParam("MF中心对心膨胀系数");
                    hv_XField              = ParamSetMgr.GetInstance().GetDoubleParam("[SFR] dCorner1XField");
                    hv_YField              = ParamSetMgr.GetInstance().GetDoubleParam("[SFR] dCorner1YField");
                    hv_Corner1ROIR         = ParamSetMgr.GetInstance().GetIntParam("[SFR] nCorner1ROIW");
                    hv_Corner1ROIC         = ParamSetMgr.GetInstance().GetIntParam("[SFR] nCorner1ROIH");
                    hv_Corner1MinArea      = ParamSetMgr.GetInstance().GetDoubleParam("MF_Corner1最小面积");
                    hv_Corner1SFRThreshold = ParamSetMgr.GetInstance().GetDoubleParam("MF_Corner1阈值设置");
                    hv_Corner1Closing      = ParamSetMgr.GetInstance().GetDoubleParam("MF_Corner1膨胀系数");
                    ImageChangeHelper.Instance.Bitmap2HObject((Bitmap)bmp.Clone(), ref ho_Image);
                    FindCenterRegions(ho_Image, hv_CenterROIR, hv_CenterROIC, 0, 0, hv_CenterMinArea, hv_CenterSFRThreshold, hv_CenterClosing, ref ho_SelectedRegions0);
                    FindCenterRegions(ho_Image, hv_Corner1ROIR, hv_Corner1ROIC, -hv_XField, -hv_YField, hv_Corner1MinArea, hv_Corner1SFRThreshold, hv_Corner1Closing, ref ho_SelectedRegions1);
                    FindCenterRegions(ho_Image, hv_Corner1ROIR, hv_Corner1ROIC, hv_XField, -hv_YField, hv_Corner1MinArea, hv_Corner1SFRThreshold, hv_Corner1Closing, ref ho_SelectedRegions2);
                    FindCenterRegions(ho_Image, hv_Corner1ROIR, hv_Corner1ROIC, -hv_XField, hv_YField, hv_Corner1MinArea, hv_Corner1SFRThreshold, hv_Corner1Closing, ref ho_SelectedRegions3);
                    FindCenterRegions(ho_Image, hv_Corner1ROIR, hv_Corner1ROIC, hv_XField, hv_YField, hv_Corner1MinArea, hv_Corner1SFRThreshold, hv_Corner1Closing, ref ho_SelectedRegions4);
                    HOperatorSet.Intensity(ho_SelectedRegions0, ho_Image, out CenterMean, out CenterDeviation);
                    HOperatorSet.Intensity(ho_SelectedRegions1, ho_Image, out Corner1Mean, out Corner1Deviation);
                    HOperatorSet.Intensity(ho_SelectedRegions2, ho_Image, out Corner2Mean, out Corner2Deviation);
                    HOperatorSet.Intensity(ho_SelectedRegions3, ho_Image, out Corner3Mean, out Corner3Deviation);
                    HOperatorSet.Intensity(ho_SelectedRegions4, ho_Image, out Corner4Mean, out Corner4Deviation);

                    value[0] = CenterMean.D;
                    value[1] = Corner1Mean.D;
                    value[2] = Corner2Mean.D;
                    value[3] = Corner3Mean.D;
                    value[4] = Corner4Mean.D;
                catch (Exception ex)
                    value[0] = -1;
                    value[1] = -1;
                    value[2] = -1;
                    value[3] = -1;
                    value[4] = -1;
                    //return false;
                lightValue.blockValue = value;
            SFRValue = AlgChangeHelper.Sector_Info2Value(info);
            rectInfo = AlgChangeHelper.Sector_Info2Value(objectInfo);
        /// <summary>
        /// Program entry point
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args"></param>
        static void Main(string[] args)
            #region preproceiing parsing the user inputs
            Console.WriteLine("Parsing given parameters...");
            //Using the filename provided as the first argument
            string fileName = args[0];

            //Using the years defined in the second argument
            string years = args[1];
            string[] yearsSplit = years.Split(',');
            List<int> yearsList = new List<int>();
            int temp;
            foreach (string y in yearsSplit)
                if (int.TryParse(y, out temp))

            //Using the pathways and mix id provided in the third argument
            string pm = args[2];
            string[] pms = pm.Split(',');
            List<InputResourceReference> inRef = new List<InputResourceReference>();
            foreach (string s in pms)
                if (s[0] == 'p')
                {//this is a pathway reference
                    if (int.TryParse(s.Substring(1, s.Length - 1), out temp))
                        InputResourceReference pRef = new InputResourceReference(-1, temp, Enumerators.SourceType.Pathway);
                else if (s[0] == 'm')
                {//this is a mix reference
                    if (int.TryParse(s.Substring(1, s.Length - 1), out temp))
                        InputResourceReference mRef = new InputResourceReference(-1, temp, Enumerators.SourceType.Mix);

            #region loading units file and data file
            Console.WriteLine("Building units context...");
            //Build units context before loading the database

            Console.WriteLine("Loading datafile...");
            //Loading the database
            GProject project = new GProject();

            #region preprocessing the pathways/mixes we want to record by finding their main output resource
            //Assign main output resource IDs to all the inputsResourceReferences
            foreach (InputResourceReference iref in inRef)
                if (iref.SourceType == Greet.DataStructureV4.Interfaces.Enumerators.SourceType.Pathway)
                    if (project.Dataset.PathwaysData.ContainsKey(iref.SourceMixOrPathwayID))
                        iref.ResourceId = project.Dataset.PathwaysData[iref.SourceMixOrPathwayID].MainOutputResourceID;
                else if (iref.SourceType == Greet.DataStructureV4.Interfaces.Enumerators.SourceType.Mix)
                    if (project.Dataset.MixesData.ContainsKey(iref.SourceMixOrPathwayID))
                        iref.ResourceId = project.Dataset.MixesData[iref.SourceMixOrPathwayID].MainOutputResourceID;

            #region running the calculations for each year and storing the results
            //Creating a new instance of a dictionary used to store results of the simulations
            Dictionary<InputResourceReference, Dictionary<int, Results>> savedResults = new Dictionary<InputResourceReference, Dictionary<int, Results>>();

            //Running simulations for every provided years
            foreach (int simulationYear in yearsList)
                Console.WriteLine("Running calculations for year " + simulationYear);
                //Set the current year for simulations
                BasicParameters.SelectedYear = project.Dataset.ParametersData.CreateUnregisteredParameter(project.Dataset, "", simulationYear);
                Calculator calc = new Calculator();

                //Run the simulations for the loaded project and defined year, we need to wait completion as the RunCalculationMethod is Async
                var manualEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false);
                calc.CalculationDoneEvent += () => manualEvent.Set();

                //Loop over all the pathways and mixes ID that we wish to save
                foreach (InputResourceReference pathMixToSave in inRef)
                    if (!savedResults.ContainsKey(pathMixToSave))
                        savedResults.Add(pathMixToSave, new Dictionary<int, Results>());
                        //Pull the results and add them to the dictionary used to store results
                        Results results;
                        if(pathMixToSave.SourceType == Enumerators.SourceType.Pathway)
                            results = Convenience.Clone(project.Dataset.PathwaysData[pathMixToSave.SourceMixOrPathwayID].getMainOutputResults().Results);
                            results = Convenience.Clone(project.Dataset.MixesData[pathMixToSave.SourceMixOrPathwayID].getMainOutputResults().Results);
                        savedResults[pathMixToSave].Add(simulationYear, results);

            #region exporting all the results in a text file per pathway and per mix
            //Export all the desired results to an Excel spreadsheet
            Console.WriteLine("Export all selected results...");
            string preferedMass = "g";
            string preferedEnergy = "Btu";
            string preferedVolume = "gal";

            foreach (KeyValuePair<InputResourceReference, Dictionary<int, Results>> pair in savedResults)
                DataTable dt = new DataTable();
                List<string> resGroups = new List<string>() { "Total Energy", "Fossil Fuel", "Coal Fuel", "Natural Gas Fuel", "Petroleum Fuel", "Water" };
                List<string> pollutants = new List<string>() { "VOC", "CO", "NOx", "PM10", "PM2.5", "SOx", "BC", "POC", "CH4", "N2O", "CO2", "CO2_Biogenic" };
                List<string> polGroups = new List<string>() { "GHG-100" };
                List<string> urbanPoll = new List<string>() { "VOC", "CO", "NOx", "PM10", "PM2.5", "SOx", "BC", "POC", "CH4", "N2O" };

                Results resultsFU = pair.Value.Values.FirstOrDefault();
                string functionalUnit = "Per ";
                if (resultsFU != null)
                    functionalUnit += GetPreferedVisualizationFunctionalUnitString(project.Dataset, resultsFU, pair.Key.ResourceId);

                dt.Columns.Add("Items " + functionalUnit);
                foreach (int simulationYear in pair.Value.Keys)
                List<string> rowString = new List<string>();

                #region total energy and energy groups
                foreach (string resGrp in resGroups)
                    rowString = new List<string>();
                    if (resGrp=="Water")
                        rowString.Add(resGrp+" ("+preferedVolume+")");
                        rowString.Add(resGrp + " (" + preferedEnergy + ")");

                    foreach (int simulationYear in pair.Value.Keys)
                        Results results = pair.Value[simulationYear];
                        double amountRatio = GetFunctionalRatio(project.Dataset, results, pair.Key.ResourceId);

                        if (resGrp == "Total Energy")
                            LightValue totalE = results.wellToProductEnem.materialsAmounts.TotalEnergy();
                            rowString.Add(NiceValueWithAttribute(totalE * amountRatio, preferedEnergy));
                            Dictionary<int, IValue> resGroupes = results.WellToProductResourcesGroups(project.Dataset);
                            Group resGrpSelected = project.Dataset.ResourcesData.Groups.Values.SingleOrDefault(item => item.Name == resGrp);
                            if (resGrpSelected != null)
                                int resGrpId = resGrpSelected.Id;
                                LightValue groupValue = new LightValue(resGroupes[resGrpId].Value, resGroupes[resGrpId].UnitExpression);
                                if (groupValue.Dim == DimensionUtils.ENERGY)
                                    rowString.Add(NiceValueWithAttribute(groupValue * amountRatio, preferedEnergy));
                                    rowString.Add(NiceValueWithAttribute(groupValue * amountRatio, preferedVolume));

                #region wtp emissions
                foreach (string poll in pollutants)
                    rowString = new List<string>();
                    rowString.Add(poll+" ("+preferedMass+")");
                    foreach (int simulationYear in pair.Value.Keys)
                        Results results = pair.Value[simulationYear];
                        double amountRatio = GetFunctionalRatio(project.Dataset, results, pair.Key.ResourceId);

                        int polId = project.Dataset.GasesData.Values.Single(item => item.Name == poll).Id;
                            new LightValue(results.wellToProductEnem.emissions[polId], DimensionUtils.MASS) * amountRatio
                            , preferedMass));

                #region wtp Groups (here only GHG 100)
                foreach (string resGrp in polGroups)
                    rowString = new List<string>();
                    rowString.Add(resGrp+ " ("+ preferedMass+")");
                    foreach (int simulationYear in pair.Value.Keys)
                        Results results = pair.Value[simulationYear];
                        double amountRatio = GetFunctionalRatio(project.Dataset, results, pair.Key.ResourceId);

                        Dictionary<int, IValue> emGroupes = pair.Value[simulationYear].WellToProductEmissionsGroups(project.Dataset);
                        Group resGrpSelected = project.Dataset.GasesData.Groups.Values.SingleOrDefault(item => item.Name == resGrp);
                        if (resGrpSelected != null)
                            int grpId = resGrpSelected.Id;
                            rowString.Add(NiceValueWithAttribute(new LightValue(emGroupes[grpId].Value, emGroupes[grpId].UnitExpression) * amountRatio, preferedMass));

                #region urban emissions
                foreach (string poll in pollutants)
                    rowString = new List<string>();
                    rowString.Add("Urban " +poll+" ("+preferedMass+")");
                    foreach (int simulationYear in pair.Value.Keys)
                        Results results = pair.Value[simulationYear];
                        double amountRatio = GetFunctionalRatio(project.Dataset, results, pair.Key.ResourceId);

                        int polId = project.Dataset.GasesData.Values.Single(item => item.Name == poll).Id;
                        rowString.Add(NiceValueWithAttribute(new LightValue(results.wellToProductUrbanEmission[polId], DimensionUtils.MASS) * amountRatio, preferedMass));

                string value = ConvertDataTableToString(dt);
                System.IO.File.WriteAllText("Results-" + pair.Key.SourceType.ToString() + "-" + pair.Key.SourceMixOrPathwayID.ToString() + ".txt", value);
 public void SetLight(Vector3Int pos, LightValue lightValue)
     lightChunk[pos.x, pos.y, pos.z] = lightValue;
        public void SetLight(int x, int y, int z, LightValue value)
            var chunkData = extendedIndex(ref x, ref y, ref z);

            chunkData.SetLight(x, y, z, value);
        /// <summary>
        /// Program entry point
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args"></param>
        static void Main(string[] args)
            #region preproceiing parsing the user inputs
            Console.WriteLine("Parsing given parameters...");
            //Using the filename provided as the first argument
            string fileName = args[0];

            //Using the years defined in the second argument
            string     years      = args[1];
            string[]   yearsSplit = years.Split(',');
            List <int> yearsList  = new List <int>();
            int        temp;
            foreach (string y in yearsSplit)
                if (int.TryParse(y, out temp))

            //Using the pathways and mix id provided in the third argument
            string   pm  = args[2];
            string[] pms = pm.Split(',');
            List <InputResourceReference> inRef = new List <InputResourceReference>();
            foreach (string s in pms)
                if (s[0] == 'p')
                {//this is a pathway reference
                    if (int.TryParse(s.Substring(1, s.Length - 1), out temp))
                        InputResourceReference pRef = new InputResourceReference(-1, temp, Enumerators.SourceType.Pathway);
                else if (s[0] == 'm')
                {//this is a mix reference
                    if (int.TryParse(s.Substring(1, s.Length - 1), out temp))
                        InputResourceReference mRef = new InputResourceReference(-1, temp, Enumerators.SourceType.Mix);

            #region loading units file and data file
            Console.WriteLine("Building units context...");
            //Build units context before loading the database

            Console.WriteLine("Loading datafile...");
            //Loading the database
            GProject project = new GProject();

            #region preprocessing the pathways/mixes we want to record by finding their main output resource
            //Assign main output resource IDs to all the inputsResourceReferences
            foreach (InputResourceReference iref in inRef)
                if (iref.SourceType == Greet.DataStructureV4.Interfaces.Enumerators.SourceType.Pathway)
                    if (project.Dataset.PathwaysData.ContainsKey(iref.SourceMixOrPathwayID))
                        iref.ResourceId = project.Dataset.PathwaysData[iref.SourceMixOrPathwayID].MainOutputResourceID;
                else if (iref.SourceType == Greet.DataStructureV4.Interfaces.Enumerators.SourceType.Mix)
                    if (project.Dataset.MixesData.ContainsKey(iref.SourceMixOrPathwayID))
                        iref.ResourceId = project.Dataset.MixesData[iref.SourceMixOrPathwayID].MainOutputResourceID;

            #region running the calculations for each year and storing the results
            //Creating a new instance of a dictionary used to store results of the simulations
            Dictionary <InputResourceReference, Dictionary <int, Results> > savedResults = new Dictionary <InputResourceReference, Dictionary <int, Results> >();

            //Running simulations for every provided years
            foreach (int simulationYear in yearsList)
                Console.WriteLine("Running calculations for year " + simulationYear);
                //Set the current year for simulations
                BasicParameters.SelectedYear = project.Dataset.ParametersData.CreateUnregisteredParameter(project.Dataset, "", simulationYear);
                Calculator calc = new Calculator();

                //Run the simulations for the loaded project and defined year, we need to wait completion as the RunCalculationMethod is Async
                var manualEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false);
                calc.CalculationDoneEvent += () => manualEvent.Set();

                //Loop over all the pathways and mixes ID that we wish to save
                foreach (InputResourceReference pathMixToSave in inRef)
                    if (!savedResults.ContainsKey(pathMixToSave))
                        savedResults.Add(pathMixToSave, new Dictionary <int, Results>());
                    if (!savedResults[pathMixToSave].ContainsKey(simulationYear))
                        //Pull the results and add them to the dictionary used to store results
                        Results results;
                        if (pathMixToSave.SourceType == Enumerators.SourceType.Pathway)
                            results = Convenience.Clone(project.Dataset.PathwaysData[pathMixToSave.SourceMixOrPathwayID].getMainOutputResults().Results);
                            results = Convenience.Clone(project.Dataset.MixesData[pathMixToSave.SourceMixOrPathwayID].getMainOutputResults().Results);
                        savedResults[pathMixToSave].Add(simulationYear, results);

            #region exporting all the results in a text file per pathway and per mix
            //Export all the desired results to an Excel spreadsheet
            Console.WriteLine("Export all selected results...");
            string preferedMass   = "g";
            string preferedEnergy = "Btu";
            string preferedVolume = "gal";

            foreach (KeyValuePair <InputResourceReference, Dictionary <int, Results> > pair in savedResults)
                DataTable     dt        = new DataTable();
                List <string> resGroups = new List <string>()
                    "Total Energy", "Fossil Fuel", "Coal Fuel", "Natural Gas Fuel", "Petroleum Fuel", "Water"
                List <string> pollutants = new List <string>()
                    "VOC", "CO", "NOx", "PM10", "PM2.5", "SOx", "BC", "POC", "CH4", "N2O", "CO2", "CO2_Biogenic"
                List <string> polGroups = new List <string>()
                List <string> urbanPoll = new List <string>()
                    "VOC", "CO", "NOx", "PM10", "PM2.5", "SOx", "BC", "POC", "CH4", "N2O"

                Results resultsFU      = pair.Value.Values.FirstOrDefault();
                string  functionalUnit = "Per ";
                if (resultsFU != null)
                    functionalUnit += GetPreferedVisualizationFunctionalUnitString(project.Dataset, resultsFU, pair.Key.ResourceId);

                dt.Columns.Add("Items " + functionalUnit);
                foreach (int simulationYear in pair.Value.Keys)
                List <string> rowString = new List <string>();

                #region total energy and energy groups
                foreach (string resGrp in resGroups)
                    rowString = new List <string>();
                    if (resGrp == "Water")
                        rowString.Add(resGrp + " (" + preferedVolume + ")");
                        rowString.Add(resGrp + " (" + preferedEnergy + ")");

                    foreach (int simulationYear in pair.Value.Keys)
                        Results results     = pair.Value[simulationYear];
                        double  amountRatio = GetFunctionalRatio(project.Dataset, results, pair.Key.ResourceId);

                        if (resGrp == "Total Energy")
                            LightValue totalE = results.wellToProductEnem.materialsAmounts.TotalEnergy();
                            rowString.Add(NiceValueWithAttribute(totalE * amountRatio, preferedEnergy));
                            Dictionary <int, IValue> resGroupes = results.WellToProductResourcesGroups(project.Dataset);
                            Group resGrpSelected = project.Dataset.ResourcesData.Groups.Values.SingleOrDefault(item => item.Name == resGrp);
                            if (resGrpSelected != null)
                                int        resGrpId   = resGrpSelected.Id;
                                LightValue groupValue = new LightValue(resGroupes[resGrpId].Value, resGroupes[resGrpId].UnitExpression);
                                if (groupValue.Dim == DimensionUtils.ENERGY)
                                    rowString.Add(NiceValueWithAttribute(groupValue * amountRatio, preferedEnergy));
                                    rowString.Add(NiceValueWithAttribute(groupValue * amountRatio, preferedVolume));

                #region wtp emissions
                foreach (string poll in pollutants)
                    rowString = new List <string>();
                    rowString.Add(poll + " (" + preferedMass + ")");
                    foreach (int simulationYear in pair.Value.Keys)
                        Results results     = pair.Value[simulationYear];
                        double  amountRatio = GetFunctionalRatio(project.Dataset, results, pair.Key.ResourceId);

                        int polId = project.Dataset.GasesData.Values.Single(item => item.Name == poll).Id;
                                          new LightValue(results.wellToProductEnem.emissions[polId], DimensionUtils.MASS) * amountRatio
                                          , preferedMass));

                #region wtp Groups (here only GHG 100)
                foreach (string resGrp in polGroups)
                    rowString = new List <string>();
                    rowString.Add(resGrp + " (" + preferedMass + ")");
                    foreach (int simulationYear in pair.Value.Keys)
                        Results results     = pair.Value[simulationYear];
                        double  amountRatio = GetFunctionalRatio(project.Dataset, results, pair.Key.ResourceId);

                        Dictionary <int, IValue> emGroupes = pair.Value[simulationYear].WellToProductEmissionsGroups(project.Dataset);
                        Group resGrpSelected = project.Dataset.GasesData.Groups.Values.SingleOrDefault(item => item.Name == resGrp);
                        if (resGrpSelected != null)
                            int grpId = resGrpSelected.Id;
                            rowString.Add(NiceValueWithAttribute(new LightValue(emGroupes[grpId].Value, emGroupes[grpId].UnitExpression) * amountRatio, preferedMass));

                #region urban emissions
                foreach (string poll in pollutants)
                    rowString = new List <string>();
                    rowString.Add("Urban " + poll + " (" + preferedMass + ")");
                    foreach (int simulationYear in pair.Value.Keys)
                        Results results     = pair.Value[simulationYear];
                        double  amountRatio = GetFunctionalRatio(project.Dataset, results, pair.Key.ResourceId);

                        int polId = project.Dataset.GasesData.Values.Single(item => item.Name == poll).Id;
                        rowString.Add(NiceValueWithAttribute(new LightValue(results.wellToProductUrbanEmission[polId], DimensionUtils.MASS) * amountRatio, preferedMass));

                string value = ConvertDataTableToString(dt);
                System.IO.File.WriteAllText("Results-" + pair.Key.SourceType.ToString() + "-" + pair.Key.SourceMixOrPathwayID.ToString() + ".txt", value);
 public abstract bool GetSFRValue(Bitmap bmp, ref SFRValue SFRValue, ref RectInfo rectInfo, Rectangle[] rectangles, ref LightValue lightValue, bool TestLight = false);
 public void SetLight(int x, int y, int z, LightValue lightValue)
     lightChunk[x, y, z] = lightValue;