// Update Database from Directory
        public Task LoadCustomSongs(string folder = "", string songid = "")
            if (MapDatabase.DatabaseLoading)

            DatabaseLoading = true;
            return(Task.Run(() =>
                if (songid == "")
                    this._chatManager.QueueChatMessage($"Starting song indexing {folder}");

                var StarTime = DateTime.UtcNow;

                if (folder == "")
                    folder = Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "customsongs");

                var files = new List <FileInfo>();        // List that will hold the files and subfiles in path
                var folders = new List <DirectoryInfo>(); // List that hold direcotries that cannot be accessed

                var di = new DirectoryInfo(folder);
                FullDirList(di, "*");

                if (RequestBotConfig.Instance.additionalsongpath != "")
                    di = new DirectoryInfo(RequestBotConfig.Instance.additionalsongpath);
                    FullDirList(di, "*");

                void FullDirList(DirectoryInfo dir, string searchPattern)
                    try {
                        foreach (var f in dir.GetFiles(searchPattern))
                            if (f.FullName.EndsWith("info.json"))
                    catch {
                        Console.WriteLine("Directory {0}  \n could not be accessed!!!!", dir.FullName);

                    foreach (var d in dir.GetDirectories())
                        FullDirList(d, searchPattern);

                // This might need some optimization

                this._chatManager.QueueChatMessage($"Processing {files.Count} maps. ");
                foreach (var item in files)
                    //msg.Add(item.FullName,", ");

                    string id = "", version = "0";

                    this.GetIdFromPath(item.DirectoryName, ref id, ref version);

                    try {
                        if (MapDatabase.MapLibrary.ContainsKey(id))

                        var song = JSONObject.Parse(File.ReadAllText(item.FullName)).AsObject;

                        string hash;

                        JSONNode difficultylevels = song["difficultyLevels"].AsArray;
                        var FileAccumulator = new StringBuilder();
                        foreach (var level in difficultylevels)
                            //Instance.QueueChatMessage($"key={level.Key} value={level.Value}");
                            try {
                            catch {
                                //Instance.QueueChatMessage($"key={level.Key} value={level.Value}");

                        hash = this.Bot.CreateMD5FromString(FileAccumulator.ToString());

                        var levelId = string.Join("∎", hash, song["songName"].Value, song["songSubName"].Value, song["authorName"], song["beatsPerMinute"].AsFloat.ToString()) + "∎";

                        if (LevelId.ContainsKey(levelId))
                            LevelId[levelId].Path = item.DirectoryName;

                        song.Add("id", id);
                        song.Add("version", version);
                        song.Add("hashMd5", hash);

                        this._songMapFactory.Create(song, levelId, item.DirectoryName);
                    catch (Exception) {
                        this._chatManager.QueueChatMessage($"Failed to process {item}.");
                var duration = DateTime.UtcNow - StarTime;
                if (songid == "")
                    this._chatManager.QueueChatMessage($"Song indexing done. ({duration.TotalSeconds} secs.");

                DatabaseImported = true;
                DatabaseLoading = false;
        // Early code... index a full zip archive.
        public async Task LoadZIPDirectory(string folder = "")
            if (MapDatabase.DatabaseLoading)

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(folder))
                folder = Environment.CurrentDirectory;

            await Task.Run(() =>
                var startingmem = GC.GetTotalMemory(true);

                this._chatManager.QueueChatMessage($"Starting to read archive.");
                var addcount = 0;
                var StarTime = DateTime.Now;

                var di = new DirectoryInfo(folder);

                foreach (var f in di.GetFiles("*.zip"))
                    try {
                        var x    = ZipFile.OpenRead(f.FullName);
                        var info = x.Entries.First <ZipArchiveEntry>(e => (e.Name.EndsWith("info.json")));

                        var id      = "";
                        var version = "";
                        this.GetIdFromPath(f.Name, ref id, ref version);

                        if (MapDatabase.MapLibrary.ContainsKey(id))
                            if (MapLibrary[id].Path != "")
                                MapLibrary[id].Path = f.FullName;

                        var song = JSONObject.Parse(this.Readzipjson(x)).AsObject;

                        string hash;

                        JSONNode difficultylevels = song["difficultyLevels"].AsArray;
                        var FileAccumulator       = new StringBuilder();
                        foreach (var level in difficultylevels)
                            try {
                                FileAccumulator.Append(this.Readzipjson(x, level.Value));
                            catch {
                                //Instance.QueueChatMessage($"key={level.Key} value={level.Value}");

                        hash = this.Bot.CreateMD5FromString(FileAccumulator.ToString());

                        var levelId = string.Join("∎", hash, song["songName"].Value, song["songSubName"].Value, song["authorName"], song["beatsPerMinute"].AsFloat.ToString()) + "∎";

                        if (LevelId.ContainsKey(levelId))
                            LevelId[levelId].Path = f.FullName;


                        song.Add("id", id);
                        song.Add("version", version);
                        song.Add("hashMd5", hash);

                        this._songMapFactory.Create(song, levelId, f.FullName);

                        x = null;
                    catch (Exception) {
                        this._chatManager.QueueChatMessage($"Failed to process {f.FullName}");
                this._chatManager.QueueChatMessage($"Archive indexing done, {addcount} files added. ({(DateTime.Now - StarTime).TotalSeconds} secs.");
                GCSettings.LargeObjectHeapCompactionMode = GCLargeObjectHeapCompactionMode.CompactOnce;
                this._chatManager.QueueChatMessage($"hashentries: {SongMap.HashCount} memory: {(GC.GetTotalMemory(false) - startingmem) / 1048576} MB");

            MapDatabase.DatabaseLoading = false;