 public void TestProductRepositoryConstructor()
     Lab3NS.Product           product           = new Lab3NS.Product(1, "ceapa", "de mancat", new System.DateTime(2011, 12, 13), new System.DateTime(2019, 12, 14), 20, 30);
     Lab3NS.Product           product2          = new Lab3NS.Product(2, "strugure", "de mancat", new System.DateTime(2011, 12, 13), new System.DateTime(2019, 12, 14), 20, 30);
     Lab3NS.Product           product3          = new Lab3NS.Product(3, "albina", "de mancat", new System.DateTime(2011, 12, 13), new System.DateTime(2019, 12, 14), 20, 30);
     Lab3NS.ProductRepository productRepository = new Lab3NS.ProductRepository(product, product2, product3);
 public void TestfindAllProducts()
     Lab3NS.Product           product           = new Lab3NS.Product(1, "ceapa", "de mancat", new System.DateTime(2011, 12, 13), new System.DateTime(2019, 12, 14), 20, 30);
     Lab3NS.Product           product2          = new Lab3NS.Product(2, "strugure", "de mancat", new System.DateTime(2011, 12, 13), new System.DateTime(2019, 12, 14), 20, 30);
     Lab3NS.Product           product3          = new Lab3NS.Product(3, "albina", "de mancat", new System.DateTime(2011, 12, 13), new System.DateTime(2019, 12, 14), 20, 30);
     Lab3NS.ProductRepository productRepository = new Lab3NS.ProductRepository(product, product2, product3);
     Assert.AreEqual(3, productRepository.findAllProducts().Count, "List of products incomplete");
 public void TestGetProductByPosition()
     Lab3NS.Product           product           = new Lab3NS.Product(1, "ceapa", "de mancat", new System.DateTime(2011, 12, 13), new System.DateTime(2019, 12, 14), 20, 30);
     Lab3NS.Product           product2          = new Lab3NS.Product(2, "strugure", "de mancat", new System.DateTime(2011, 12, 13), new System.DateTime(2019, 12, 14), 20, 30);
     Lab3NS.Product           product3          = new Lab3NS.Product(3, "albina", "de mancat", new System.DateTime(2011, 12, 13), new System.DateTime(2019, 12, 14), 20, 30);
     Lab3NS.ProductRepository productRepository = new Lab3NS.ProductRepository(product, product2, product3);
     Assert.AreEqual(product, productRepository.GetProductbyPosition(1), "Wrong product returned");
 public void TestAddProduct()
     Lab3NS.Product           product           = new Lab3NS.Product(1, "ceapa", "de mancat", new System.DateTime(2011, 12, 13), new System.DateTime(2019, 12, 14), 20, 30);
     Lab3NS.Product           product2          = new Lab3NS.Product(2, "strugure", "de mancat", new System.DateTime(2011, 12, 13), new System.DateTime(2019, 12, 14), 20, 30);
     Lab3NS.Product           product3          = new Lab3NS.Product(3, "albina", "de mancat", new System.DateTime(2011, 12, 13), new System.DateTime(2019, 12, 14), 20, 30);
     Lab3NS.ProductRepository productRepository = new Lab3NS.ProductRepository(product, product2, product3);
     Lab3NS.Product           product4          = new Lab3NS.Product(4, "gelu", "de mancat", new System.DateTime(2011, 12, 13), new System.DateTime(2019, 12, 14), 20, 30);
     Assert.AreEqual(product4, productRepository.GetProductByName("gelu"), "Product not added");
 public void TestComputeVATForInvalidOutput()
     Lab3NS.Product product = new Lab3NS.Product(1, "ceapa", "de mancat", new System.DateTime(2011, 12, 13), new System.DateTime(2019, 12, 14), 15.5, 25);
     Assert.AreNotEqual(product.ComputeVAT(), 19, "This shouldn't be equal");
 public void TestComputeVATGivenValidData()
     Lab3NS.Product product = new Lab3NS.Product(1, "ceapa", "de mancat", new System.DateTime(2011, 12, 13), new System.DateTime(2019, 12, 14), 15.5, 25);
     Assert.AreEqual(product.ComputeVAT(), 19.375, "This should be equal");
 public void TestIsValidGivenEndDateBefortToday()
     Lab3NS.Product product = new Lab3NS.Product(1, "ceapa", "de mancat", new System.DateTime(2011, 12, 13), new System.DateTime(2017, 12, 14), 20, 30);
     Assert.AreEqual(product.IsValid(), false, "This should be false");
 public void TestIsValidGivenCorrectData()
     Lab3NS.Product product = new Lab3NS.Product(1, "ceapa", "de mancat", new System.DateTime(2011, 12, 13), new System.DateTime(2019, 12, 14), 20, 30);
     Assert.AreEqual(product.IsValid(), true, "This should be true");