private void setupKinectOrNoK() { if (_sensor != null) { // Create the image _kColorImage = new Image(); _kColorImage.Name = "UserPhoto"; _kColorImage.Width = contentBorder.Width; _kColorImage.Height = contentBorder.Height; kiddieHolder.Children.Add(_kColorImage); this.colorPixels = new byte[this._sensor.ColorStream.FramePixelDataLength]; this.colorBitmap = new WriteableBitmap(this._sensor.ColorStream.FrameWidth, this._sensor.ColorStream.FrameHeight, 96.0, 96.0, PixelFormats.Bgr32, null); this._kColorImage.Source = this.colorBitmap; _sensor.ColorFrameReady += kinectColorFrameReady; } else { // Create the kinect needed _noKinect = new KFWIcon(); _noKinect.Name = "kwfLogo"; _noKinect.Width = 328; _noKinect.Height = 180; _noKinect.HorizontalAlignment = System.Windows.HorizontalAlignment.Center; _noKinect.VerticalAlignment = System.Windows.VerticalAlignment.Center; kiddieHolder.Children.Add(_noKinect); } }
public void destroyInternals() { if (_sensor != null) { _sensor.ColorFrameReady -= kinectColorFrameReady; } if (_kColorImage != null) { if (kiddieHolder.Children.Contains(_kColorImage)) { kiddieHolder.Children.Remove(_kColorImage); } _kColorImage.Source = null; _kColorImage = null; this.colorPixels = null; this.colorBitmap = null; } if (_noKinect != null) { if (kiddieHolder.Children.Contains(_noKinect)) { kiddieHolder.Children.Remove(_noKinect); } _noKinect = null; } if (_photoSubmitter != null) { _photoSubmitter.ImageSubmissionComplete -= handlePhotoSubmittedToCMS; _photoSubmitter.destroyInternals(); _photoSubmitter = null; } destroySFXPlayer(); // Re-enable the cursors just in case if (_mainWin != null) { _mainWin.enableDisableAllCursors(true); } destroyed = true; }
private void setupKinectOrNoK(chromaKeyImageData _initalData) { // Create the background image reguardless _bgImage = new Image(); _bgImage.Name = "backgroundImage"; _bgImage.Width = _thisWidth; _bgImage.Height = _thisHeight; _bgImage.Stretch = Stretch.Fill; kiddieHolder.Children.Add(_bgImage); _bgImage.Source = _initalData.BackgroundImageBM; if (_sensor != null) { // Create the image _kColorImage = new Image(); _kColorImage.Name = "UserPhoto"; _kColorImage.Width = 640 * Properties.Settings.Default.kinectDepthImageScale; _kColorImage.Height = 480 * Properties.Settings.Default.kinectDepthImageScale; kiddieHolder.Children.Add(_kColorImage); // This does fill or exceede the visual area but the kinects depth stream is not as large as the color we need to offset the left and // top by a uniform ammount as we scale too. Canvas.SetTop(_kColorImage, _depthTopOffset); Canvas.SetLeft(_kColorImage, _depthLeftOffset); this.colorBitmap = new WriteableBitmap(this._sensor.ColorStream.FrameWidth, this._sensor.ColorStream.FrameHeight, 96.0, 96.0, PixelFormats.Bgr32, null); this.maskBitmap = new WriteableBitmap(_sensor.DepthStream.FrameWidth, _sensor.DepthStream.FrameHeight, 96, 96, PixelFormats.Bgra32, null); this._kColorImage.Source = this.colorBitmap; // colorBitmap serves as our main source for the player image - BUT we have an opacity mask on that guy too which is generated // from an image brush made by our "green screen" data. By having that secondary image we can use fast WPF blurs on it and do other // manipulations _blurMaskSource = new Image(); blurMaskEffect = new BlurEffect(); blurMaskEffect.Radius = _postblurAmmount; blurMaskVisualBrush = new VisualBrush(); blurMaskVisualBrush.Visual = _blurMaskSource; //_blurMaskSource.Source = maskBitmap; _blurMaskSource.Effect = blurMaskEffect; this._kColorImage.OpacityMask = this.blurMaskVisualBrush; // Init the green screen work horse _greenScreenProcessor = new GreenScreenImplementation(this._sensor); _blurMaskSource.Source = _greenScreenProcessor.greenScreenMask; _greenScreenProcessor.frameReadyForDisplay += greenScreenFrameReady; _sensor.AllFramesReady += kinectAllFramesReady; } else { // Create the kinect needed _noKinect = new KFWIcon(); _noKinect.Name = "kwfLogo"; _noKinect.Width = 328; _noKinect.Height = 180; _noKinect.HorizontalAlignment = System.Windows.HorizontalAlignment.Center; _noKinect.VerticalAlignment = System.Windows.VerticalAlignment.Center; kiddieHolder.Children.Add(_noKinect); } // Foreground too, but it may not have anything _fgImage = new Image(); _fgImage.Name = "foregroundImage"; _fgImage.Width = _thisWidth; _fgImage.Height = _thisHeight; _fgImage.Stretch = Stretch.Fill; kiddieHolder.Children.Add(_fgImage); if (_initalData.ForegroundImageBM != null) { _fgImage.Source = _initalData.ForegroundImageBM; } }
public void destroyInternals() { if (_sensor != null) { _sensor.AllFramesReady -= kinectAllFramesReady; } if (_greenScreenProcessor != null) { _greenScreenProcessor.frameReadyForDisplay -= greenScreenFrameReady; _greenScreenProcessor.destroyInternals(); _greenScreenProcessor = null; } if (_bgImage != null) { if (kiddieHolder.Children.Contains(_bgImage)) { kiddieHolder.Children.Remove(_bgImage); } _bgImage.Source = null; } if (_fgImage != null) { if (kiddieHolder.Children.Contains(_fgImage)) { kiddieHolder.Children.Remove(_fgImage); } _fgImage.Source = null; } if (_kColorImage != null) { if (kiddieHolder.Children.Contains(_kColorImage)) { kiddieHolder.Children.Remove(_kColorImage); } _kColorImage.Effect = null; _kColorImage.Source = null; _kColorImage = null; this.colorBitmap = null; _monoFX = null; } if (_noKinect != null) { if (kiddieHolder.Children.Contains(_noKinect)) { kiddieHolder.Children.Remove(_noKinect); } _noKinect = null; } if (_photoSubmitter != null) { _photoSubmitter.ImageSubmissionComplete -= handlePhotoSubmittedToCMS; _photoSubmitter.destroyInternals(); _photoSubmitter = null; } }