//There must also be an Admin view for a site administrator.This page must:

        //GET: Admin
        public ActionResult Index()
            using (InsuranceQuoteEntities2 db = new InsuranceQuoteEntities2())
                var dbquotes  = db.Register1.ToList();
                var QuoteList = new List <Register1>();
                foreach (var q in dbquotes) //Show all quotes issued
                    var quotes = new Register1();
                    quotes.FirstName    = q.FirstName;    //along with the user's first name
                    quotes.LastName     = q.LastName;     //last name
                    quotes.EmailAddress = q.EmailAddress; //and email address.

        //Use the following rules to calculate a quote:
        public ActionResult Quote(string FirstName, string LastName, string EmailAddress, DateTime Age,
                                  string vYear, string vMake, string vModel, string DUI, string Speeder, string Coverage)
            // {

            decimal Price  = 50; //Start with a base of $50 / month.
            var     quotes = new List <Register1>();
            var     Q      = new CarInsuranceQuoteApp.Models.Register1();

            Q.FirstName    = FirstName;
            Q.LastName     = LastName;
            Q.EmailAddress = EmailAddress;
            Q.Price        = 50;

            var AgeCheck = DateTime.Now.Year - Age.Year;

            if (AgeCheck < 18) //If the user is under 18, add $100 to the monthly total.
                Price += 100;

            else if (AgeCheck < 25) //If the user is under 25, add $25 to the monthly total.
                Price += 25;

            else if (AgeCheck > 100)
                Price += 25;

            if (Convert.ToInt32(vYear) < 2000) //If the car's year is before 2000, add $25 to the monthly total.
                Price += 25;

            else if (Convert.ToInt32(vYear) > 2015) //If the car's year is after 2015, add $25 to the monthly total.
                Price += 25;


            var make = vMake.ToUpper();

            if (make == "Porche")     //If the car's Make is a Porsche, add $25 to the Price.
                Price += 25;
            var model = vModel.ToUpper();

            if (make == "Porche" && model == "911 Carrera")     //If the car's Make is a Porsche and its model is a 911 Carrera, add an additional $25 to the Price.
                Price += 25;

            for (int i = 0; i < Convert.ToInt32(Speeder); i++)     //Add $10 to the monthly total for every speeding ticket the user has.
                Price += 10;
            var dui = DUI.ToUpper();

            if (dui == "Yes")     //If the user has ever had a DUI, add 25 % to the total.
                Price = Price + (Price / 4);

            var coverage = Coverage.ToUpper();

            if (coverage == "1")     //If it's full coverage, add 50% to the total.
                Price = Price + (Price / 2);
            Price   = TruncateDecimal(Price, 2);
            Q.Price = Convert.ToDouble(Price);

            using (InsuranceQuoteEntities2 db = new InsuranceQuoteEntities2())
                Q              = new Register1();
                Q.FirstName    = FirstName;
                Q.LastName     = LastName;
                Q.EmailAddress = EmailAddress;

            // }
            // {
            //return View("Error");