/// <summary>
        /// Executes an instrument bump test operation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The completed event for this bump test.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="FailedBumpTestException">
        /// If anything extraordinary happened during the bump test.
        /// </exception>
        public DockingStationEvent Execute()
            //Clear if any flags before initiating calibration once again
            Pump.IsBadPumpTubing = false;                                           // iNetDS
            Master.Instance.SwitchService.BadPumpTubingDetectedDuringCal  = false;  // iNetDS
            Master.Instance.SwitchService.BadPumpTubingDetectedDuringBump = false;  // iNetDS

            Stopwatch operationStopwatch = Log.TimingBegin("INSTRUMENT BUMP TEST"); // iNetDS

            _returnEvent = new InstrumentBumpTestEvent(this);
            _returnEvent.DockedInstrument = this.Instrument;       // TODO
            _returnEvent.DockingStation   = this.DockingStation;   // TODO
            //_detailsBuilder = new DetailsBuilder(EventDetails);    // _detailsBuilder = new DetailsBuilder(InstrumentHelper.EventDetails);    // IDS

            //Throw Exception if Instrument is undocked
            if (!Master.Instance.ControllerWrapper.IsDocked())
                throw new InstrumentNotDockedException();

            _returnEvent.Trigger = Trigger;
            _returnEvent.IsSensorFailureModeEnabled   = IsSensorFailureModeEnabled;   // DSW-1034 RHP Tango     TODO    IDS
            _returnEvent.IsSCSensorFailureModeEnabled = IsSCSensorFailureModeEnabled; // DSW-1068 RHP v9.5      TODO    IDS

            Log.Debug(string.Format("{0}.Execute {1}", Name, _returnEvent.DockedInstrument.SerialNumber));

            // Add the detail header.
            //_detailsBuilder.Add("", "DETAILS_BUMP_TEST_HEADER", string.Empty);  // IDS
            //_detailsBuilder.AddNewLine();                                       // IDS
            //_detailsBuilder.Add("    ", "DETAILS_INSTRUMENT_BUMPTHRESHOLD", this.BumpThreshold);    // IDS
            //_detailsBuilder.Add("    ", "DETAILS_INSTRUMENT_BUMPTIMEOUT", this.BumpTimeout);        // IDS

                = InstrumentController.SortSensorsByBumpOrder(_returnEvent.DockedInstrument.InstalledComponents);       //

            #region LogDebug
            Log.Debug("Candidate gases...");
            int pointCount = 0;
            foreach (GasEndPoint gasEndPoint in GasEndPoints)
                string msg = "GasEndPoint #" + ++pointCount;
                Cylinder cyl = gasEndPoint.Cylinder;
                msg = "...Pos " + gasEndPoint.Position
                      + ", FactID=" + cyl.FactoryId
                      + ", Part=" + cyl.PartNumber
                      + ", Fresh=" + cyl.IsFreshAir
                      + ", ZeroAir=" + cyl.IsZeroAir
                      + ", Pressure=" + cyl.Pressure.ToString();
                if (gasEndPoint.Cylinder.Volume != DomainModelConstant.NullInt)
                    msg += ", Vol=" + gasEndPoint.Cylinder.Volume;

                msg = "......";
                foreach (GasConcentration gasCon in cyl.GasConcentrations)
                    msg += "[" + gasCon.Type.Code + " ";
                    msg += (gasCon.Concentration == DomainModelConstant.NullDouble) ? "fresh" : gasCon.Concentration.ToString();
                    msg += "]";

            Log.Debug("Going to BUMP sensors in following ORDER...");
            int bumpOrder = 1;
            foreach (InstalledComponent ic in _returnEvent.DockedInstrument.InstalledComponents)
                if (!(ic.Component is Sensor))
                    continue; // It its not a sensor, ignore it.
                Log.Debug("...#" + bumpOrder++ + ", Position " + ic.Position + ", UID=" + ic.Component.Uid + ", " + ic.Component.Type.Code);

            // Open the serial port connection needed to communicate with the instrument.
                Stopwatch pingStopwatch = Log.TimingBegin("BUMP - PING");

                // Add a new line and section to the details.

                Log.TimingEnd("BUMP - PING", pingStopwatch);

                // See if there are any already failed sensors - go to calibration if there are.
                // TODO move this section for IDS prior to initiating Bump Test, probably something similar to iNetDS Scheduler

                // Load the BumpTimout and BumpThreshold from the database needed to perform the bump.
                LoadBumpLimits();   // TODO update for IDS, LOAD THESE INTO INSTRUMETN ACTION BEFORE BUMP TEST


                // Need to determine the next time this instrument will be bumped.
                // Put this date into the event so it can be uploaded to iNet, and also
                // update the global next date that's held in the switch service.
                _returnEvent.NextUtcScheduledDate             = Master.Instance.SwitchService.NextUtcBumpDate
                                                              = Master.Instance.Scheduler.GetNextGasOperationDate(_returnEvent);

            Log.TimingEnd("INSTRUMENT BUMP TEST", operationStopwatch);

            // IDS Updates Sensor's Bump Test Status on Cached Instrument - TODO TO BE HANDLED IN EVENT PROCESSOR FOR IDS.

            // Send back the results.
        private InstrumentNothingEvent DiscoverInstrument()
            // Create the return event.
            InstrumentNothingEvent instrumentNothingEvent = new InstrumentNothingEvent(this);

            InstrumentController instrumentController = SwitchService.CreateInstrumentController();

                // Open the serial port connection needed to communicate with the instrument.

                // MX4 is the default instrument controller created for MX4 docking stations.
                if (instrumentController is MX4)
                    // VPRO instrument controller may need created instead depending on type of docked instrument.
                    if (instrumentController.GetInstrumentType() == DeviceType.VPRO)
                        // Clean up MX4 controller.

                        // Create and initialize VPRO controller.
                        instrumentController = new VPRO();

                // If we make it through InstrumentController.Initialize without throwing, then
                // we assume the instrument is now on, or at least it's IrDA is.
                InstrumentOff = false;

                Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();

                // TxRxRetries value is returned by modbuslibrary.dll. It continally increments the value and never resets it back to zero.
                // So, before reading data from the instrument, we get the current value. Farther below, when we're finished reading, we get
                // the value again, and subtract this starting value to determine how many retries occurred during this particular discovery.
                // Getting this starting value also lets us subtract out any of the retries occurring during initializing above.
                int startTxRxRetries = instrumentController.Driver.TxRxRetries;

                // Retrieve the docked instrument.
                instrumentNothingEvent.DockedInstrument = instrumentController.DiscoverDockedInstrument(true);

                // INS-8228 RHP v7.6,  Service accounts need to perform auto-upgrade on instruments even in error/fail state
                Master.Instance.SwitchService.IsInstrumentInSystemAlarm = instrumentController.IsInstrumentInSystemAlarm;

                int    txRxCount          = instrumentController.Driver.TxRxCount;
                double txRxCountPerSecond = (double)txRxCount / (sw.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000.0);
                int    txRxRetries        = instrumentController.Driver.TxRxRetries - startTxRxRetries;
                Log.Debug(string.Format("Modbus statistics:  stopwatch={0}ms, TxRx={1} ({2}/s), retries={3}",
                                        sw.ElapsedMilliseconds, txRxCount, txRxCountPerSecond.ToString("f0"), txRxRetries));
            catch (InstrumentSystemAlarmException) // SGF  Nov-23-2009  DSW-355  (DS2 v7.6)
                // If the user docked an instrument in system alarm, then just rethrow up to the service
                // that invoked this discovery and let it deal with it.
            catch (HardwareConfigurationException)
                // If user failed to reconfigure the docking station hardware, then just rethrow up to the service
                // that invoked this discovery and let it deal with it.
            catch (Exception e)
                Log.Error(this.GetType().ToString() + ".Execute.DiscoverDockedInstrument", e);

                // ********************************************************************
                // See INS-6671 and INS-6682 as to why the second discover was removed.
                // ********************************************************************

            } // end-catch

        /// <summary>
        /// IOperating implementation. Performs an instrument calibration operation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Docking station event</returns>
        public DockingStationEvent Execute()
        //Clear if any flags before initiating calibration once again 
        Pump.IsBadPumpTubing = false;
        Master.Instance.SwitchService.BadPumpTubingDetectedDuringCal = false;
        Master.Instance.SwitchService.BadPumpTubingDetectedDuringBump = false;

        Stopwatch stopwatch = Log.TimingBegin("INSTRUMENT CALIBRATION");

        _returnEvent.DockedInstrument = (ISC.iNet.DS.DomainModel.Instrument)Master.Instance.SwitchService.Instrument.Clone();
        _returnEvent.DockingStation = Master.Instance.ControllerWrapper.GetDockingStation();

        Log.Debug( string.Format( "{0}.Execute {1}", Name, _returnEvent.DockedInstrument.SerialNumber ) );

        // Sort sensors by calibration order.
        _returnEvent.DockedInstrument.InstalledComponents = InstrumentController.SortSensorsByCalibrationOrder( _returnEvent.DockedInstrument.InstalledComponents );

        #region LogDebug
        Log.Debug( "Candidate gases..." );
        int pointCount = 0;
		foreach ( GasEndPoint gasEndPoint in GasEndPoints )
            string msg = "GasEndPoint #" + ++pointCount;
            Cylinder cyl = gasEndPoint.Cylinder;
            msg = "...Pos: " + gasEndPoint.Position
                //+ ", ID: " + cyl.ID
                + ", FactID: " + cyl.FactoryId
                + ", Part: " + cyl.PartNumber
                + ", Fresh: " + cyl.IsFreshAir
                + ", ZeroAir: " + cyl.IsZeroAir
                + ", Pressure: " + cyl.Pressure.ToString();

            Log.Debug( msg );
            msg = "......";
            foreach ( GasConcentration gasCon in cyl.GasConcentrations )
                msg += "[" + gasCon.Type.Code + " ";
                msg += ( gasCon.Concentration == DomainModelConstant.NullDouble ) ? "fresh" : gasCon.Concentration.ToString();
                msg += "]";
            Log.Debug( msg );

        Log.Debug( "Going to CALIBRATE sensors in following ORDER..." );
        int calOrder = 1;
        foreach ( InstalledComponent ic in _returnEvent.DockedInstrument.InstalledComponents )
            if ( !( ic.Component is Sensor ) )
                continue; // Skip non-sensors.
            Log.Debug( "...#" + calOrder++ + ", Position " + ic.Position + ", UID=" + ic.Component.Uid + ", " + ic.Component.Type.Code );




                // Need to determine the next time this instrument will be calibrated.  
                // Put this date into the event so it can be uploaded to iNet, and also 
                // update the global next date that's held in the switch service.
                _returnEvent.NextUtcScheduledDate = Master.Instance.SwitchService.NextUtcCalibrationDate
                 = Master.Instance.Scheduler.GetNextGasOperationDate( _returnEvent );
            // Dispose of the operation utility.

        Log.TimingEnd( "INSTRUMENT CALIBRATION", stopwatch );

        return _returnEvent;