        static void Main(string[] args)
            // The StreamInsight engine is a server that can be embedded (in-memory) or remote (e.g. the Azure Service).
            // We first use Server.Create to create a server instance and return a handle to that instance.
            using (Server server = Server.Create("Default"))
                Application application = server.CreateApplication("app");

                // We will be building a query that takes a stream of SensorReading events.
                // It will work the same way on real-time data or past recorded events.
                IQStreamable <SensorReading> inputStream = null;

                Console.WriteLine("Press L for Live or H for Historic Data");
                ConsoleKeyInfo key = Console.ReadKey();

                if (key.Key == ConsoleKey.L)
                    inputStream = CreateStream(application, true);
                else if (key.Key == ConsoleKey.H)
                    inputStream = CreateStream(application, false);
                    Console.WriteLine("invalid key");

                // The query is detecting when a threshold is crossed upwards.
                // See the Visio drawing TresholdCrossedUpward.vsd for the intuition.
                int threshold = 42;

                // Alter all events 1 sec in the future.
                var alteredForward = inputStream.AlterEventStartTime(s => s.StartTime.AddSeconds(1));

                // Compare each event that occurs at input with the previous event.
                // Note that, this one works for strictly ordered, strictly (e.g 1 sec) regular streams.
                var crossedThreshold = from evt in inputStream
                                       from prev in alteredForward
                                       where prev.Value <threshold && evt.Value> threshold
                                       select new
                    Time = evt.Time,
                    Low  = prev.Value,
                    High = evt.Value

                foreach (var outputSample in crossedThreshold.ToEnumerable())

                Console.WriteLine("Done. Press ENTER to terminate");
        static void Main()
            using (Server server = Server.Create("Default")) {
                Application application = server.CreateApplication("app");

                IQStreamable <YahooQuote> inputStream = null;

                Console.WriteLine("Press L for Live or H for Historic Data");
                ConsoleKeyInfo key = Console.ReadKey();

                if (key.Key == ConsoleKey.L)
                    inputStream = CreateStream(application, true);
                else if (key.Key == ConsoleKey.H)
                    inputStream = CreateStream(application, false);
                    Console.WriteLine("Invalid Key");

                decimal threshold = new decimal(14.00);

                var alteredForward = inputStream.AlterEventStartTime(s => s.StartTime.AddSeconds(1));

                var crossedThreshold = from evt in inputStream
                                       from prev in alteredForward
                                       where prev.LastTradePrice <threshold && evt.LastTradePrice> threshold
                                       select new {
                    LastUpdate = evt.LastUpdate,
                    Low        = prev.LastTradePrice,
                    High       = evt.LastTradePrice

                foreach (var outputSample in crossedThreshold.ToEnumerable())

                Console.WriteLine("Done. Press ENTER to terminate");
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Server      server      = Server.Create("MyInstance");
            Application application = server.CreateApplication("app");

            Console.WriteLine("server+application ready");
            DateTime startTime = new DateTime(2019, 1, 1);
            IQStreamable <SensorReading> inputStream =
                application.DefineObservable(() => SimulateLiveData()).ToPointStreamable(
                    r => PointEvent <SensorReading> .CreateInsert(startTime.AddSeconds(r.Time), r),
            int threshold = 42;

            // Alter all events 1 sec in the future.
            var alteredForward = inputStream.AlterEventStartTime(s => s.StartTime.AddSeconds(1));

            Console.WriteLine("stream ready");

            // Compare each event that occurs at input with the previous event.
            // Note that, this one works for strictly ordered, strictly (e.g 1 sec) regular streams.
            var crossedThreshold = from evt in inputStream
                                   from prev in alteredForward
                                   where prev.Value <threshold && evt.Value> threshold
                                   select new
                Time = evt.Time,
                Low  = prev.Value,
                High = evt.Value

            Console.WriteLine("query ready");
            var query = crossedThreshold.ToEnumerable(); // lazy初始化

            foreach (var outputSample in query)          // 迭代访问query的过程会触发inputStream的产生
                Console.WriteLine(outputSample);         // 打印outputSample, 也就是select new的结果

            Console.WriteLine("Done. Press ENTER to terminate");
