        /// <summary>
        /// The Infinity-Norm (maximum absolute row sum norm) of this matrix;
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        static public double InfNorm(this IMutableMatrixEx M)
            using (var tr = new FuncTrace()) {
                double normLoc = 0;

                int      L   = M.RowPartitioning.LocalLength;
                int[]    col = null;
                double[] val = null;
                int      Lr;
                for (int i = 0; i < L; i++)
                    double rownrm = 0;
                    Lr = M.GetRow(i + M.RowPartitioning.i0, ref col, ref val);
                    for (int j = 0; j < Lr; j++)
                        rownrm += Math.Abs(val[j]);

                    normLoc = Math.Max(normLoc, rownrm);

                //Console.WriteLine("local norm (R=" + M.RowPartitioning.Rank + ") = " + normLoc);
                //tr.Info("local norm " + normLoc);

                double normGlob = double.NaN;
                unsafe {
                    csMPI.Raw.Allreduce((IntPtr)(&normLoc), (IntPtr)(&normGlob), 1, csMPI.Raw._DATATYPE.DOUBLE, csMPI.Raw._OP.MAX, csMPI.Raw._COMM.WORLD);
        /// <summary>
        /// returns the number of off-diagonal non-zero entries in Row <paramref name="iRow"/>;
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="iRow">local row index</param>
        /// <param name="M">matrix to operate on</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        static public int GetNoOfOffDiagonalNonZerosPerRow(this IMutableMatrixEx M, int iRow)
            int cnt = 0;

            int[]    col = null;
            double[] val = null;
            int      L   = M.GetRow(iRow, ref col, ref val);

            for (int l = 0; l < L; l++)
                if (col[l] != iRow && val[l] != 0.0)
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes the matrix (including all zeros) into a string (for debugging purposes).
        /// Basically, it uses a tabulator separated format (which can e.g. be
        /// imported into Matlab via <code>matrix = dlmread(path)</code>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tis">
        /// the matrix to save
        /// </param>
        static public string ToStringDense(this IMutableMatrixEx tis)
            string OutputString = "";

            double[] val = null;
            int[]    col = null;
            int      L;

            for (int i = 0; i < tis.RowPartitioning.LocalLength; i++)
                L = tis.GetRow(i + tis.RowPartitioning.i0, ref col, ref val);
                int currentColumn = -1;

                string separator = "";
                for (int j = 0; j < L; j++)
                    // Beware of undefined entries (see MSREntry)

                    // Add zeros for missing columns (the sparse format does
                    // not store zero values)
                    for (int k = currentColumn + 1; k < col[j]; k++)
                        OutputString += String.Format(separator + "{0,14:F0}", 0.0);
                        separator     = "\t";

                    // Enforce use of . as decimal separator in scientific format
                    OutputString += (separator + val[j].ToString(
                                         "E", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).PadLeft(14));
                    currentColumn = col[j];
                    separator     = "\t";

                // Add zeros for columns following after the last entry
                for (int j = currentColumn + 1; j < tis.NoOfCols; j++)
                    OutputString += String.Format(separator + "{0,14:F0}", 0.0);

                OutputString += ("\n");
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets all entries in a row to 0
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="i">row index in global indices</param>
        static public void ClearRow(this IMutableMatrixEx M, int i)
            int[]    ColIdx = null;
            double[] Values = null;
            int      L      = M.GetRow(i, ref ColIdx, ref Values);

            Array.Clear(Values, 0, L);
            Debug.Assert(ColIdx.Length >= L);
            Debug.Assert(Values.Length >= L);
            if (ColIdx.Length > L)
                Array.Resize(ref ColIdx, L);
            if (Values.Length > L)
                Array.Resize(ref Values, L);
            M.SetValues(i, ColIdx, Values);
        /// <summary>
        /// converts an arbitrary mutable matrix to an <see cref="MsrMatrix"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="M"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        static public MsrMatrix ToMsrMatrix(this IMutableMatrixEx M)
            using (new FuncTrace()) {
                MsrMatrix R = new MsrMatrix(M.RowPartitioning, M.ColPartition);

                int[]    col = null;
                double[] val = null;
                int      i0 = (int)R.RowPartitioning.i0, L = R.RowPartitioning.LocalLength;
                for (int i = 0; i < L; i++)
                    int iRow = i0 + i;

                    int Lr = M.GetRow(iRow, ref col, ref val);
                    R.SetRow(iRow, col, val, Lr);

        /// <summary>
        /// performs the operation: <paramref name="Acc"/> = <paramref name="Acc"/> + <paramref name="alpha"/>*<paramref name="M"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Acc">
        /// Input/Output: the accumulator
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="alpha">
        /// scaling for accumulation
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="M">
        /// Input: the matrix that is accumulated; unchanged on exit.
        /// </param>
        public static void Acc(this IMutableMatrix Acc, double alpha, IMutableMatrixEx M)
            if (Acc.NoOfCols != M.NoOfCols)
                throw new ArgumentException("mismatch in number of columns");
            if (Acc.NoOfRows != M.NoOfRows)
                throw new ArgumentException("mismatch in number of rows");

            if (!Acc.RowPartitioning.EqualsPartition(M.RowPartitioning))
                throw new ArgumentException("unable to perform Acc - operation: matrices must have equal row partition.");

            MsrMatrix _M = M as MsrMatrix;

            int I  = Acc.RowPartitioning.LocalLength;
            int i0 = (int)Acc.RowPartitioning.i0;

            double[] val = null;
            int[]    col = null;
            int      L;

            for (int i = 0; i < I; i++)
                int iRow = i + i0;

                L = M.GetRow(iRow, ref col, ref val);

                for (int l = 0; l < L; l++)
                    Acc[iRow, col[l]] += alpha * val[l];
        /// <summary>
        /// collects all locally stored rows of matrix <paramref name="M"/>
        /// </summary>
        static public MsrMatrix.MatrixEntry[][] GetAllEntries(this IMutableMatrixEx M)
            int i0 = (int)(M.RowPartitioning.i0), L = M.RowPartitioning.LocalLength;

            MsrMatrix.MatrixEntry[][] ret = new MsrMatrix.MatrixEntry[L][];

            double[] val = null;
            int[]    col = null;
            int      Lr;

            for (int i = 0; i < L; i++)
                //ret[i] = M.GetRow(i + i0);
                Lr = M.GetRow(i + i0, ref col, ref val);
                var row = new MsrMatrix.MatrixEntry[Lr];
                for (int lr = 0; lr < Lr; lr++)
                    row[lr].m_ColIndex = col[lr];
                    row[lr].Value      = val[lr];
                ret[i] = row;
        /// <summary>
        /// only for debugging and testing; converts the matrix to a full matrix;
        /// when running in parallel, the matrix is collected on process 0.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>
        /// null on all MPI processes, except on rank 0;
        /// </returns>
        static public MultidimensionalArray ToFullMatrixOnProc0(this IMutableMatrixEx tis)
            var comm = tis.MPI_Comm;
            int Rank = tis.RowPartitioning.MpiRank;
            int Size = tis.RowPartitioning.MpiSize;

            double[,] ret = null;
            if (Rank == 0)
                ret = new double[tis.NoOfRows, tis.NoOfCols];

            SerialisationMessenger sms = new SerialisationMessenger(comm);

            if (Rank > 0)

            Tuple <int, int[], double[]>[] data;
                int L = tis.RowPartitioning.LocalLength;
                data = new Tuple <int, int[], double[]> [L];

                int i0 = (int)tis.RowPartitioning.i0;
                for (int i = 0; i < L; i++)
                    double[] val = null; // this mem. must be inside the loop/allocated for every i and cannot be reused because we need all rows later.
                    int[]    col = null;
                    int      Lr  = tis.GetRow(i + i0, ref col, ref val);
                    data[i] = new Tuple <int, int[], double[]>(Lr, col, val);

            if (Rank > 0)
                sms.Transmitt(0, data);

            int rcvProc = 0;

            if (Rank == 0)
                    int i0 = (int)tis.RowPartitioning.GetI0Offest(rcvProc);
                    if (data.Length != tis.RowPartitioning.GetLocalLength(rcvProc))
                        throw new ApplicationException("internal error");

                    for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
                        //foreach (MsrMatrix.MatrixEntry entry in data[i]) {
                        //    if (entry.m_ColIndex >= 0)
                        //        ret[i + i0, entry.m_ColIndex] = entry.Value;
                        int      Lr  = data[i].Item1;
                        int[]    col = data[i].Item2;
                        double[] val = data[i].Item3;
                        for (int lr = 0; lr < Lr; lr++)
                            ret[i + i0, col[lr]] = val[lr];
                } while (sms.GetNext(out rcvProc, out data));
                if (sms.GetNext(out rcvProc, out data))
                    throw new ApplicationException("internal error");

            if (Rank == 0)
                var _ret = MultidimensionalArray.Create(ret.GetLength(0), ret.GetLength(1));
                for (int i = 0; i < _ret.NoOfRows; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < _ret.NoOfCols; j++)
                        _ret[i, j] = ret[i, j];
        /// <summary>
        /// accumulates a dense matrix <paramref name="FullMtx"/> to a sparse matrix
        /// -- certainly, only adviseable for small matrices.
        /// </summary>
        static public void AccDenseMatrix(this IMutableMatrixEx tis, double alpha, IMatrix FullMtx)
            if (tis.RowPartitioning.LocalLength != FullMtx.NoOfRows)
                throw new ArgumentException("Mismatch in number of rows.");
            if (tis.ColPartition.TotalLength != FullMtx.NoOfCols)
                throw new ArgumentException("Mismatch in number of columns.");

            int i0 = tis.RowPartitioning.i0;
            int I  = tis.RowPartitioning.LocalLength;
            int J  = tis.ColPartition.TotalLength;

            int[]    col = null;
            double[] val = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < I; i++)
                int Lr     = tis.GetRow(i + i0, ref col, ref val);
                var oldRow = new MsrMatrix.MatrixEntry[Lr];
                for (int lr = 0; lr < Lr; lr++)
                    oldRow[i].m_ColIndex = col[lr];
                    oldRow[i].Value      = val[lr];

                List <int>    NewColIdx = new List <int>(J);
                List <double> NewVals   = new List <double>(J);
                for (int j = 0; j < J; j++)
                    double FMij = FullMtx[i, j];
                    if (FMij != 0.0)
                        NewVals.Add(alpha * FMij);

                Array.Sort <MsrMatrix.MatrixEntry>(oldRow);
                int k1 = 0, k2 = 0, K1 = oldRow.Length, K2 = NewVals.Count;
                while (k1 < K1 && k2 < K2)
                    int j1 = oldRow[k1].m_ColIndex;
                    int j2 = NewColIdx[k2];

                    if (j1 < 0)
                        // should also chrash in RELEASE, therefor -> Exception.
                        throw new ApplicationException("expecting a row without un-allocated entries.");

                    if (j1 > j2)
                        k2++; // new row neds to catch up
                    else if (j1 < j2)
                        NewVals[k2] += oldRow[k1].Value;

                tis.SetValues(i + i0, NewColIdx.ToArray(), NewVals.ToArray());
        /// <summary>
        /// finds maximum and minimum entry -- within the part that is stored on the local MPI process --
        /// of some matrix.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="M">input; the matrix to work on</param>
        /// <param name="Min">output: the minimum entry of <paramref name="M"/> within the local MPI process</param>
        /// <param name="MinRow">output: the row index, where <paramref name="Min"/> is located</param>
        /// <param name="MinCol">output: the column index, where <paramref name="Min"/> is located</param>
        /// <param name="Max">output: the maximum entry of <paramref name="M"/> within the local MPI process</param>
        /// <param name="MaxRow">output: the row index, where <paramref name="Max"/> is located</param>
        /// <param name="MaxCol">output: the column index, where <paramref name="Max"/> is located</param>
        public static void GetMinimumAndMaximum_MPILocal(this IMutableMatrixEx M,
                                                         out double Min, out int MinRow, out int MinCol,
                                                         out double Max, out int MaxRow, out int MaxCol)
            Min    = double.MaxValue;
            Max    = double.MinValue;
            MinRow = int.MinValue;
            MinCol = int.MinValue;
            MaxRow = int.MinValue;
            MaxCol = int.MinValue;

            MsrMatrix _M = M as MsrMatrix;

            bool t  = false;
            int  I  = M.RowPartitioning.LocalLength;
            int  i0 = (int)M.RowPartitioning.i0;

            double[] val = null;
            int[]    col = null;
            int      L;

            for (int i = 0; i < I; i++)
                int iRow = i + i0;

                L = M.GetRow(iRow, ref col, ref val);

                for (int l = 0; l < L; l++)
                    t = true;

                    int    ColIndex = col[l];
                    double Value    = val[l];

                    if (Value > Max)
                        Max    = Value;
                        MaxRow = iRow;
                        MaxCol = ColIndex;

                    if (Value < Min)
                        Min    = Value;
                        MinRow = iRow;
                        MinCol = ColIndex;

            if (!t)
                // matrix is completely empty -> min and max is 0.0, 1st occurrence per def. @ (0,0)
                Min    = 0;
                MinCol = 0;
                MinRow = 0;
                Max    = 0;
                MaxCol = 0;
                MaxRow = 0;
        /// <summary>
        /// matrix assembly; must be called by each implementation,
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="M"></param>
        protected void PackMatrix(IMutableMatrixEx M)

            IPartitioning rp = M.RowPartitioning;
            IPartitioning cp = m_ColPart;

            // define Comm List
            // ================

            SortedDictionary <int, List <int> > CommLists = new SortedDictionary <int, List <int> >();
            // keys: processor rank p
            // values: List of global indices, which processor p needs to send to this processor

            int Lr;

            double[] val = null;
            int[]    col = null;

            int L  = rp.LocalLength;
            int i0 = (int)rp.i0;

            for (int iLoc = 0; iLoc < L; iLoc++)   // loop over all matrix rows...
                int iGlob = i0 + iLoc;

                //MsrMatrix.MatrixEntry[] row = (asMsr==null) ? M.GetRow(iGlob) : asMsr.GetRowShallow(iGlob);
                Lr = M.GetOccupiedColumnIndices(iGlob, ref col);

                for (int j = 0; j < Lr; j++)   // loop over all nonzero entries in row 'iGlob'
                    int jGlob = col[j];

                    if (cp.i0 <= jGlob && jGlob < (cp.i0 + cp.LocalLength))
                        // Entry on current processor
                        int proc = cp.FindProcess(jGlob);
                        // Entry on Processor proc

                        if (!CommLists.ContainsKey(proc))
                            CommLists.Add(proc, new List <int>());

                        List <int> CommList_proc = CommLists[proc];
                        if (!CommList_proc.Contains(jGlob)) // a lot of room for optimization

            // sort com list
            // =============
                foreach (List <int> cl in CommLists.Values)

            // define matrix
            // =============
                TempCSR intTmp = new TempCSR();

                SortedDictionary <int, ExternalTmp> extTmp = new SortedDictionary <int, ExternalTmp>();
                foreach (int proc in CommLists.Keys)
                    extTmp.Add(proc, new ExternalTmp());

                for (int iLoc = 0; iLoc < L; iLoc++)
                    int iGlob = i0 + iLoc;

                    Lr = M.GetRow(iGlob, ref col, ref val);

                    for (int j = 0; j < Lr; j++)
                        int    jGlob = col[j];
                        double Value = val[j];

                        bool bIsDiag = (iGlob == jGlob);

                        if (cp.i0 <= jGlob && jGlob < (cp.i0 + cp.LocalLength))
                            // Entry on current processor

                            intTmp.AddEntry(jGlob - (int)cp.i0, Value, bIsDiag);
                            int proc = cp.FindProcess(jGlob);
                            // Entry on Processor proc

                            List <int> CommList_proc = CommLists[proc];
                            int        jloc          = CommList_proc.IndexOf(jGlob);

                            ExternalTmp et = extTmp[proc];
                            et.AddEntry(jloc, jGlob, Value);

                    foreach (ExternalTmp et in extTmp.Values)

                m_LocalMtx = AssembleFinalFormat(intTmp);

                ExtMatrix = new Dictionary <int, External>();
                foreach (int proc in extTmp.Keys)
                    ExtMatrix.Add(proc, extTmp[proc].GetFinalObj());

            // send/receive & transform  Comm lists
            // ====================================
                SerialisationMessenger        sms         = new SerialisationMessenger(csMPI.Raw._COMM.WORLD);
                SortedDictionary <int, int[]> CommListsTo = new SortedDictionary <int, int[]>();

                foreach (int proc in CommLists.Keys)

                foreach (int proc in CommLists.Keys)
                    sms.Transmitt(proc, CommLists[proc].ToArray());

                int   _proc;
                int[] CommListReceived;
                sms.GetNext(out _proc, out CommListReceived);
                int Lcol  = m_ColPart.LocalLength;
                int i0col = (int)m_ColPart.i0;
                while (CommListReceived != null)
                    // convert indices to local coordinates
                    for (int i = 0; i < CommListReceived.Length; i++)
                        CommListReceived[i] -= i0col;

                        // check:
                        if (CommListReceived[i] < 0 || CommListReceived[i] >= Lcol)
                            throw new ApplicationException("internal error: something wrong with received Comm List.");

                    CommListsTo.Add(_proc, CommListReceived);

                    sms.GetNext(out _proc, out CommListReceived);


                m_SpmvCommPattern          = new SpmvCommPattern();
                m_SpmvCommPattern.ComLists = CommListsTo;

            // record the number of elements which we receive
            // ==============================================
                m_SpmvCommPattern.NoOfReceivedEntries = new Dictionary <int, int>();
                foreach (int p in CommLists.Keys)
                    m_SpmvCommPattern.NoOfReceivedEntries.Add(p, CommLists[p].Count);
        public Matrix(IMutableMatrixEx M)
            if (M.RowPartitioning.IsMutable)
                throw new NotSupportedException();
            if (M.ColPartition.IsMutable)
                throw new NotSupportedException();

            if (M.NoOfCols != M.NoOfRows)
                throw new ArgumentException("Matrix must be quadratic.", "M");
            if ((M is MsrMatrix) && ((MsrMatrix)M).AssumeSymmetric)
                this.Symmetric = 2;
            RowPart = M.RowPartitioning;

            int size = M.RowPartitioning.MpiSize, rank = M.RowPartitioning.MpiRank;

            Debug.Assert(M.RowPartitioning.MpiRank == M.ColPartition.MpiRank);
            Debug.Assert(M.RowPartitioning.MpiSize == M.ColPartition.MpiSize);
            var comm = M.MPI_Comm;

            int LR;

            int[]    col = null;
            double[] val = null;

            if (size == 0)
                // serial init on one processor
                // ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

                n = (int)M.RowPartitioning.TotalLength;

                int len;
                if (Symmetric == 2)
                    // upper triangle + diagonal (diagonal entries are
                    // always required, even if 0.0, for symmetric matrices in PARDISO)

                    len = M.GetGlobalNoOfUpperTriangularNonZeros() + n;
                    len = M.GetTotalNoOfNonZerosPerProcess();
                int Nrows = M.RowPartitioning.LocalLength;
                nz = len;
                int cnt = 0;
                irn = new int[len];
                jrn = new int[len];
                a   = new double[len];
                for (int i = 0; i < Nrows; i++)
                    //irn[i] = cnt;
                    int iRow = M.RowPartitioning.i0 + i;

                    LR = M.GetRow(iRow, ref col, ref val);

                    double diagelem = M[iRow, iRow];
                    if (Symmetric == 2 && diagelem == 0)
                        // in the symmetric case, we always need to provide the diagonal element
                        jrn[cnt] = iRow;
                        a[cnt]   = 0.0;
                    for (int j = 0; j < LR; j++)
                        if (val[j] != 0.0)
                            if (Symmetric == 2 && col[j] < iRow)
                                // entry is in lower triangular matrix -> ignore (for symmetric mtx.)
                                irn[cnt] = iRow + 1;
                                jrn[cnt] = col[j] + 1;
                                a[cnt]   = val[j];

                    //if (M.GetTotalNoOfNonZeros() != len)
                    //    throw new Exception();

                if (len != cnt)
                    throw new ApplicationException("internal error.");
                // collect local matrices
                // +++++++++++++++++++++++

                // Number of elements, start indices for index pointers
                // ====================================================

                int len_loc;
                if (Symmetric == 2)
                    // number of entries is:
                    // upper triangle + diagonal (diagonal entries are
                    // always required, even if 0.0, for symmetric matrices in PARDISO)
                    len_loc = M.GetLocalNoOfUpperTriangularNonZeros() + M.RowPartitioning.LocalLength;
                    len_loc = M.GetTotalNoOfNonZerosPerProcess();

                Partitioning part = new Partitioning(len_loc, comm);
                if (part.TotalLength > int.MaxValue)
                    throw new ApplicationException("too many matrix entries for MUMPS - more than maximum 32-bit signed integer");

                // local matrix assembly
                // =====================
                int n_loc = M.RowPartitioning.LocalLength;
                this.nz_loc = len_loc;
                int[]    ia_loc = new int[len_loc];
                int[]    ja_loc = new int[len_loc];
                double[] a_loc  = new double[len_loc];
                    int cnt = 0;
                    int i0  = (int)part.i0;

                    for (int i = 0; i < n_loc; i++)
                        //ia_loc[i] = cnt + 1 + i0; // fortran indexing
                        int iRow = i + (int)M.RowPartitioning.i0;

                        LR = M.GetRow(iRow, ref col, ref val);

                        double diagelem = M[iRow, iRow];
                        if (Symmetric == 2 && diagelem == 0)
                            // in the symmetric case, we always need to provide the diagonal element
                            ja_loc[cnt] = iRow + 1; // fortran indexing
                            a_loc[cnt]  = 0.0;
                        for (int j = 0; j < LR; j++)
                            if (val[j] != 0.0)
                                if (Symmetric == 2 && col[j] < iRow)
                                    // entry is in lower triangular matrix -> ignore (for symmetric mtx.)
                                    ia_loc[cnt] = iRow + 1;
                                    ja_loc[cnt] = col[j] + 1; // fortran indexing
                                    a_loc[cnt]  = val[j];

                    if (cnt != len_loc)
                        throw new ApplicationException("internal error.");

                nz = part.TotalLength;

                n = (int)M.RowPartitioning.TotalLength;

                this.a_loc   = a_loc;
                this.irn_loc = ia_loc;
                this.jrn_loc = ja_loc;
                this.n_loc   = (int)M.RowPartitioning.TotalLength;

文件: Matrix.cs 项目: octwanna/BoSSS
        /// <summary>
        /// initializes this matrix as a copy of the matrix <paramref name="M"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="M"></param>
        public Matrix(IMutableMatrixEx M)
            if (M.RowPartitioning.IsMutable)
                throw new NotSupportedException();
            if (M.ColPartition.IsMutable)
                throw new NotSupportedException();

            if (M.NoOfCols != M.NoOfRows)
                throw new ArgumentException("Matrix must be quadratic.", "M");
            this.Symmetric = (M is MsrMatrix) && ((MsrMatrix)M).AssumeSymmetric;
            RowPart        = M.RowPartitioning;

            int size = M.RowPartitioning.MpiSize, rank = M.RowPartitioning.MpiRank;

            Debug.Assert(M.RowPartitioning.MpiRank == M.ColPartition.MpiRank);
            Debug.Assert(M.RowPartitioning.MpiSize == M.ColPartition.MpiSize);
            var comm = M.MPI_Comm;

            int LR;

            int[]    col = null;
            double[] val = null;

            if (size == 1)
                // serial init on one processor
                // ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

                n = (int)M.RowPartitioning.TotalLength;

                int len;
                if (Symmetric)
                    // upper triangle + diagonal (diagonal entries are
                    // always required, even if 0.0, for symmetric matrices in PARDISO)

                    len = M.GetGlobalNoOfUpperTriangularNonZeros() + n;
                    len = M.GetTotalNoOfNonZerosPerProcess();
                int Nrows = M.RowPartitioning.LocalLength;

                int cnt = 0;
                ia = new int[n + 1];
                ja = new int[len];
                a  = new double[len];
                for (int i = 0; i < Nrows; i++)
                    ia[i] = cnt + 1; // fortran indexing
                    int iRow = M.RowPartitioning.i0 + i;

                    LR = M.GetRow(iRow, ref col, ref val);

                    double diagelem = M[iRow, iRow];
                    if (Symmetric && diagelem == 0)
                        // in the symmetric case, we always need to provide the diagonal element
                        ja[cnt] = iRow + 1; // fortran indexing
                        a[cnt]  = 0.0;
                    for (int j = 0; j < LR; j++)
                        if (val[j] != 0.0)
                            if (Symmetric && col[j] < iRow)
                                // entry is in lower triangular matrix -> ignore (for symmetric mtx.)
                                ja[cnt] = col[j] + 1; // fortran indexing
                                a[cnt]  = val[j];

                    //if (M.GetTotalNoOfNonZeros() != len)
                    //    throw new Exception();
                ia[Nrows] = cnt + 1; // fortran indexing

                if (len != cnt)
                    throw new ApplicationException("internal error.");
                // collect matrix on processor 0
                // +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

                // Number of elements, start indices for index pointers
                // ====================================================

                int len_loc;
                if (Symmetric)
                    // number of entries is:
                    // upper triangle + diagonal (diagonal entries are
                    // always required, even if 0.0, for symmetric matrices in PARDISO)
                    len_loc = M.GetLocalNoOfUpperTriangularNonZeros() + M.RowPartitioning.LocalLength;
                    len_loc = M.GetTotalNoOfNonZerosPerProcess();

                Partitioning part = new Partitioning(len_loc, comm);
                if (part.TotalLength > int.MaxValue)
                    throw new ApplicationException("too many matrix entries for PARDISO - more than maximum 32-bit signed integer");

                // local matrix assembly
                // =====================
                int      n_loc  = M.RowPartitioning.LocalLength;
                int[]    ia_loc = new int[n_loc];
                int[]    ja_loc = new int[len_loc];
                double[] a_loc  = new double[len_loc];
                    int cnt = 0;
                    int i0  = (int)part.i0;

                    for (int i = 0; i < n_loc; i++)
                        ia_loc[i] = cnt + 1 + i0; // fortran indexing
                        int iRow = i + (int)M.RowPartitioning.i0;

                        LR = M.GetRow(iRow, ref col, ref val);

                        double diagelem = M[iRow, iRow];
                        if (Symmetric && diagelem == 0)
                            // in the symmetric case, we always need to provide the diagonal element
                            ja_loc[cnt] = iRow + 1; // fortran indexing
                            a_loc[cnt]  = 0.0;
                        for (int j = 0; j < LR; j++)
                            if (val[j] != 0.0)
                                if (Symmetric && col[j] < iRow)
                                    // entry is in lower triangular matrix -> ignore (for symmetric mtx.)
                                    ja_loc[cnt] = col[j] + 1; // fortran indexing
                                    a_loc[cnt]  = val[j];

                    if (cnt != len_loc)
                        throw new ApplicationException("internal error.");

                // assemble complete matrix on proc. 0
                // ===================================
                if (rank == 0)
                    n = M.RowPartitioning.TotalLength;

                    // process 0: collect data from other processors
                    // +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

                    this.ia = new int[M.RowPartitioning.TotalLength + 1];
                    this.ja = new int[part.TotalLength];
                    this.a  = new double[part.TotalLength];

                    Array.Copy(ia_loc, 0, this.ia, 0, ia_loc.Length);
                    Array.Copy(ja_loc, 0, this.ja, 0, ja_loc.Length);
                    Array.Copy(a_loc, 0, this.a, 0, a_loc.Length);

                        fixed(int *pia = &this.ia[0], pja = &this.ja[0])
                            fixed(double *pa = &this.a[0])
                                for (int rcv_rank = 1; rcv_rank < size; rcv_rank++)
                                    MPI_Status status;
                                    csMPI.Raw.Recv((IntPtr)(pa + part.GetI0Offest(rcv_rank)), part.GetLocalLength(rcv_rank), csMPI.Raw._DATATYPE.DOUBLE, rcv_rank, 321555 + rcv_rank, comm, out status);
                                    csMPI.Raw.Recv((IntPtr)(pja + part.GetI0Offest(rcv_rank)), part.GetLocalLength(rcv_rank), csMPI.Raw._DATATYPE.INT, rcv_rank, 32155 + rcv_rank, comm, out status);
                                    csMPI.Raw.Recv((IntPtr)(pia + M.RowPartitioning.GetI0Offest(rcv_rank)), M.RowPartitioning.GetLocalLength(rcv_rank), csMPI.Raw._DATATYPE.INT, rcv_rank, 3215 + rcv_rank, comm, out status);

                    this.ia[M.RowPartitioning.TotalLength] = (int)part.TotalLength + 1;
                    // send data to process 0
                    // ++++++++++++++++++++++

                        fixed(void *pia = &ia_loc[0], pja = &ja_loc[0], pa = &a_loc[0])
                            csMPI.Raw.Send((IntPtr)pa, a_loc.Length, csMPI.Raw._DATATYPE.DOUBLE, 0, 321555 + rank, csMPI.Raw._COMM.WORLD);
                            csMPI.Raw.Send((IntPtr)pja, ja_loc.Length, csMPI.Raw._DATATYPE.INT, 0, 32155 + rank, csMPI.Raw._COMM.WORLD);
                            csMPI.Raw.Send((IntPtr)pia, ia_loc.Length, csMPI.Raw._DATATYPE.INT, 0, 3215 + rank, csMPI.Raw._COMM.WORLD);

                ia_loc = null; ja_loc = null; a_loc = null;

            //if(rank == 0) {
            //    Console.WriteLine("PARDISO.Matrix: Number of nonzeros: " + this.a.Length);
            //    Console.WriteLine("PARDISO.Matrix: sum of entries: " + this.a.Sum());

        /// <summary>
        /// initializes this matrix as a copy of the matrix <paramref name="M"/>.
        /// </summary>
        public Matrix(IMutableMatrixEx M, bool __UseDoublePrecision)
            using (var tr = new FuncTrace())
                this.UseDoublePrecision = __UseDoublePrecision;
                if (M.RowPartitioning.IsMutable)
                    throw new NotSupportedException();
                if (M.ColPartition.IsMutable)
                    throw new NotSupportedException();

                if (M.NoOfCols != M.NoOfRows)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Matrix must be quadratic.", "M");
                this.Symmetric = (M is MsrMatrix) && ((MsrMatrix)M).AssumeSymmetric;
                RowPart        = M.RowPartitioning;

                int size = M.RowPartitioning.MpiSize, rank = M.RowPartitioning.MpiRank;
                Debug.Assert(M.RowPartitioning.MpiRank == M.ColPartition.MpiRank);
                Debug.Assert(M.RowPartitioning.MpiSize == M.ColPartition.MpiSize);
                m_comm = M.MPI_Comm;

                int      LR;
                int[]    col = null;
                double[] val = null;

                if (size == 1)
                    // serial init on one processor
                    // ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
                    using (new BlockTrace("serial init", tr))
                        n = (int)M.RowPartitioning.TotalLength;

                        int len;
                        if (Symmetric)
                            // upper triangle + diagonal (diagonal entries are
                            // always required, even if 0.0, for symmetric matrices in PARDISO)

                            len = M.GetGlobalNoOfUpperTriangularNonZeros() + n;
                            len = M.GetTotalNoOfNonZerosPerProcess();
                        int Nrows = M.RowPartitioning.LocalLength;

                        int cnt = 0;
                        ia = new int[n + 1];
                        ja = new int[len];
                        IntPtr ObjectSize;
                        if (UseDoublePrecision)
                            ObjectSize = (IntPtr)(((long)len) * sizeof(double));
                            ObjectSize = (IntPtr)(((long)len) * sizeof(float));
                        this.aPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(ObjectSize);

                            float * a_S = (float *)aPtr;
                            double *a_D = (double *)aPtr;

                            for (int i = 0; i < Nrows; i++)
                                ia[i] = cnt + 1; // fortran indexing
                                int iRow = M.RowPartitioning.i0 + i;

                                LR = M.GetRow(iRow, ref col, ref val);

                                double diagelem = M[iRow, iRow];
                                if (Symmetric && diagelem == 0)
                                    // in the symmetric case, we always need to provide the diagonal element
                                    ja[cnt] = iRow + 1; // fortran indexing
                                    if (UseDoublePrecision)
                                        //a_D[cnt] = 0.0;
                                        *a_D = 0.0;
                                        //a_S[cnt] = 0.0f;
                                        *(a_S) = 0.0f;
                                for (int j = 0; j < LR; j++)
                                    if (val[j] != 0.0)
                                        if (Symmetric && col[j] < iRow)
                                            // entry is in lower triangular matrix -> ignore (for symmetric mtx.)
                                            ja[cnt] = col[j] + 1; // fortran indexing
                                            if (UseDoublePrecision)
                                                //a_D[cnt] = val[j];
                                                *a_D = val[j];
                                                //a_S[cnt] = (float)(val[j]);
                                                *a_S = (float)(val[j]);

                                //if (M.GetTotalNoOfNonZeros() != len)
                                //    throw new Exception();
                            ia[Nrows] = cnt + 1; // fortran indexing

                            if (len != cnt)
                                throw new ApplicationException("internal error.");
                    // collect matrix on processor 0
                    // +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
                    using (new BlockTrace("Collect matrix on proc 0", tr))
                        // Number of elements, start indices for index pointers
                        // ====================================================

                        int len_loc;
                        if (Symmetric)
                            // number of entries is:
                            // upper triangle + diagonal (diagonal entries are
                            // always required, even if 0.0, for symmetric matrices in PARDISO)
                            len_loc = M.GetLocalNoOfUpperTriangularNonZeros() + M.RowPartitioning.LocalLength;
                            len_loc = M.GetTotalNoOfNonZerosPerProcess();

                        Partitioning part = new Partitioning(len_loc, m_comm);
                        if (part.TotalLength > int.MaxValue)
                            throw new ApplicationException("too many matrix entries for PARDISO - more than maximum 32-bit signed integer");

                        // local matrix assembly
                        // =====================

                        int      n_loc   = M.RowPartitioning.LocalLength;
                        int[]    ia_loc  = new int[n_loc];
                        int[]    ja_loc  = new int[len_loc];
                        double[] a_loc_D = null;
                        float[]  a_loc_S = null;
                        using (new BlockTrace("local matrix assembly", tr))
                            if (UseDoublePrecision)
                                a_loc_D = new double[len_loc];
                                a_loc_S = new float[len_loc];
                                int cnt = 0;
                                int i0  = (int)part.i0;

                                for (int i = 0; i < n_loc; i++)
                                    ia_loc[i] = cnt + 1 + i0; // fortran indexing
                                    int iRow = i + (int)M.RowPartitioning.i0;

                                    LR = M.GetRow(iRow, ref col, ref val);

                                    double diagelem = M[iRow, iRow];
                                    if (Symmetric && diagelem == 0)
                                        // in the symmetric case, we always need to provide the diagonal element
                                        ja_loc[cnt] = iRow + 1; // fortran indexing
                                        if (UseDoublePrecision)
                                            a_loc_D[cnt] = 0.0;
                                            a_loc_S[cnt] = 0.0f;
                                    for (int j = 0; j < LR; j++)
                                        if (val[j] != 0.0)
                                            if (Symmetric && col[j] < iRow)
                                                // entry is in lower triangular matrix -> ignore (for symmetric mtx.)
                                                ja_loc[cnt] = col[j] + 1; // fortran indexing
                                                if (UseDoublePrecision)
                                                    a_loc_D[cnt] = val[j];
                                                    a_loc_S[cnt] = (float)val[j];

                                if (cnt != len_loc)
                                    throw new ApplicationException("internal error.");

                        // assemble complete matrix on proc. 0
                        // ===================================
                        if (rank == 0)
                            n = M.RowPartitioning.TotalLength;

                            // process 0: collect data from other processors
                            // +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
                            this.ia = new int[M.RowPartitioning.TotalLength + 1];
                            this.ja = new int[part.TotalLength];
                            int partLeng = part.TotalLength;
                            //long partLeng2 = (long)part.TotalLength;
                            //Console.WriteLine("Partitioning total length is as int: "+ partLeng + "and in 64-bit: "+ partLeng2);

                            //if (UseDoublePrecision)
                            //    Console.WriteLine("if UseDoublePrecision");
                            //    this.a_D = new double[part.TotalLength];
                            //    Console.WriteLine("else...");
                            //    this.a_S = new float[part.TotalLength];

                            IntPtr ObjectSize;
                            if (UseDoublePrecision)
                                ObjectSize = (IntPtr)(((long)partLeng) * sizeof(double));
                                ObjectSize = (IntPtr)(((long)partLeng) * sizeof(float));
                            aPtr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(ObjectSize);
                            aPtr = IntPtr.Zero;
                        //int partLeng = part.TotalLength;
                        //long partLeng2 = (long)part.TotalLength;
                        //Console.WriteLine("Partitioning total length is as int: "+ partLeng + "and in 64-bit: "+ partLeng2);

                        using (new BlockTrace("UNSAFE", tr))
                                float * pa_S = (float *)aPtr;
                                double *pa_D = (double *)aPtr;

                                int *displs     = stackalloc int[size];
                                int *recvcounts = stackalloc int[size];
                                for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                                    recvcounts[i] = part.GetLocalLength(i);
                                    displs[i]     = part.GetI0Offest(i);

                                fixed(void *pa_loc_D = a_loc_D, pa_loc_S = a_loc_S)
                                    if (UseDoublePrecision)

                                fixed(void *pja_loc = ja_loc, pja = ja)

                                for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                                    displs[i]     = M.RowPartitioning.GetI0Offest(i);
                                    recvcounts[i] = M.RowPartitioning.GetLocalLength(i);

                                fixed(void *pia_loc = ia_loc, pia = ia)

                        if (rank == 0)
                            this.ia[M.RowPartitioning.TotalLength] = (int)part.TotalLength + 1;

                        ia_loc = null; ja_loc = null; a_loc_S = null; a_loc_D = null;
文件: _IJMatrix.cs 项目: xyuan/BoSSS
        /// <summary>
        /// initializes this matrix to be a copy of <paramref name="mtx"/>;
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mtx"></param>
        public IJMatrix(IMutableMatrixEx mtx)
            if (mtx.RowPartitioning.MPI_Comm != mtx.ColPartition.MPI_Comm)
                throw new ArgumentException();
            if (mtx.RowPartitioning.IsMutable)
                throw new ArgumentException();
            if (mtx.ColPartition.IsMutable)
                throw new ArgumentException();

            m_RowPartition = mtx.RowPartitioning;
            m_ColPartition = mtx.ColPartition;

            if (mtx.NoOfRows != mtx.NoOfCols)
                throw new ArgumentException("matrix must be quadratic.", "mtx");

            if (mtx.NoOfRows > (int.MaxValue - 2))
                throw new ApplicationException("unable to create HYPRE matrix: no. of matrix rows is larger than HYPRE index type (32 bit signed int);");
            if (mtx.NoOfCols > (int.MaxValue - 2))
                throw new ApplicationException("unable to create HYPRE matrix: no. of matrix columns is larger than HYPRE index type (32 bit signed int);");

            // matrix: init
            MPI_Comm comm   = csMPI.Raw._COMM.WORLD;
            int      ilower = (int)mtx.RowPartitioning.i0;
            int      iupper = (int)ilower + mtx.RowPartitioning.LocalLength - 1;
            int      jlower = (int)mtx.ColPartition.i0;
            int      jupper = (int)jlower + mtx.ColPartition.LocalLength - 1;

            HypreException.Check(Wrappers.IJMatrix.Create(comm, ilower, iupper, jlower, jupper, out m_IJMatrix));
            HypreException.Check(Wrappers.IJMatrix.SetObjectType(m_IJMatrix, Wrappers.Constants.HYPRE_PARCSR));

            // matrix: set values, row by row ...
            int nrows, lmax = mtx.GetMaxNoOfNonZerosPerRow();

            int[]    rows   = new int[1], cols = new int[lmax], ncols = new int[1];
            double[] values = new double[lmax];
            int      LR;

            int[]    col = null;
            double[] val = null;
            for (int i = 0; i < mtx.RowPartitioning.LocalLength; i++)
                int iRowGlob = i + mtx.RowPartitioning.i0;
                LR = mtx.GetRow(iRowGlob, ref col, ref val);

                nrows    = 1;
                rows[0]  = iRowGlob;
                ncols[0] = LR;
                int cnt = 0;
                for (int j = 0; j < LR; j++)
                    if (val[j] != 0.0)
                        cols[cnt]   = col[j];
                        values[cnt] = val[j];
                if (cnt <= 0)
                    throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Zero matrix row detected (local row index: {0}, global row index: {1}).", i, iRowGlob));

                HypreException.Check(Wrappers.IJMatrix.SetValues(m_IJMatrix, nrows, ncols, rows, cols, values));

            // matrix: assembly
            HypreException.Check(Wrappers.IJMatrix.GetObject(m_IJMatrix, out m_ParCSR_matrix));