        void LaunchChooseFromMasterCategoryListOnIdle(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Application.Idle -= LaunchChooseFromMasterCategoryListOnIdle;             // now being handled

            // now launch the dialog
            using (MasterCategoryListDlg dlg = new MasterCategoryListDlg())
                dlg.SetDlginfo(CategoryList, m_mediator, m_propertyTable, false, null);
                switch (dlg.ShowDialog(m_parentOfPopupMgr))
                case DialogResult.OK:
                    var sandboxMsa = new SandboxGenericMSA();
                    sandboxMsa.MainPOS = dlg.SelectedPOS;
                    sandboxMsa.MsaType = m_sense.GetDesiredMsaType();
                    UndoableUnitOfWorkHelper.Do(String.Format(LexTextControls.ksUndoSetX, FieldName),
                                                String.Format(LexTextControls.ksRedoSetX, FieldName), m_sense, () =>
                        m_sense.SandboxMSA = sandboxMsa;
                    // Under certain circumstances (LT-11548) 'this' was disposed during the EndUndotask above!
                    // That's why we're now launching this on idle.
                    // Here's hoping we can get away without doing this! (It doesn't seem to make a difference.)
                    // everything should be setup with new node selected, so return.

                case DialogResult.Yes:
                    // represents a click on the link to create a new Grammar Category.
                    // Post a message so that we jump to Grammar(area)/Categories tool.
                    // Do this before we close any parent dialog in case
                    // the parent wants to check to see if such a Jump is pending.
                    // NOTE: We use PostMessage here, rather than SendMessage which
                    // disposes of the PopupTree before we and/or our parents might
                    // be finished using it (cf. LT-2563).
                    m_mediator.PostMessage("FollowLink", new FwLinkArgs("posEdit", dlg.SelectedPOS.Guid));
                    if (m_parentOfPopupMgr != null && m_parentOfPopupMgr.Modal)
                        // Close the dlg that opened the master POS dlg,
                        // since its hotlink was used to close it,
                        // and a new POS has been created.
                        m_parentOfPopupMgr.DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel;

                    // NOTE: If the user has selected "Cancel", then don't change
                    // our m_lastConfirmedNode to the "More..." node. Keep it
                    // the value set by popupTree_PopupTreeClosed() when we
                    // called pt.Hide() above. (cf. comments in LT-2522)
        /// <summary>
        /// NOTE that this implementation IGNORES hvoTarget and selects the MSA indicated by the sense.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="popupTree"></param>
        /// <param name="hvoTarget"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected override TreeNode MakeMenuItems(PopupTree popupTree, int hvoTarget)
            Debug.Assert(m_sense != null);
            hvoTarget = m_sense.MorphoSyntaxAnalysisRA == null ? 0 : m_sense.MorphoSyntaxAnalysisRA.Hvo;
            TreeNode match = null;
            bool     fStem = m_sense.GetDesiredMsaType() == MsaType.kStem;

            if (fStem /*m_sense.Entry.MorphoSyntaxAnalysesOC.Count != 0*/)
                // We want the order to be:
                // 1. current msa items
                // 2. possible Parts of Speech
                // 3. "not sure" items
                // We also want the Parts of Speech to be sorted, but not the whole tree.
                // First add the part of speech items (which may be a tree...).
                int tagName = CmPossibilityTags.kflidName;
                // make sure they are sorted
                popupTree.Sorted = true;
                AddNodes(popupTree.Nodes, List.Hvo,
                         CmPossibilityListTags.kflidPossibilities, 0, tagName);
                // reset the sorted flag - we only want the parts of speech to be sorted.
                popupTree.Sorted = false;
                // Remember the (sorted) nodes in an array (so we can use the AddRange() method).
                TreeNode[] posArray = new TreeNode[popupTree.Nodes.Count];
                popupTree.Nodes.CopyTo(posArray, 0);
                // now clear out the nodes so we can get the order we want

                // Add the existing MSA items for the sense's owning entry.
                foreach (var msa in m_sense.Entry.MorphoSyntaxAnalysesOC)
                    HvoTreeNode node = AddTreeNodeForMsa(popupTree, msa);
                    if (msa.Hvo == hvoTarget)
                        match = node;

                // now add the sorted parts of speech


                //	1. "<Not Sure>" to produce a negligible Msa reference.
                //	2. "More..." command to launch category chooser dialog.
                TreeNode empty = AddNotSureItem(popupTree);
                if (match == null)
                    match = empty;
                int cMsa = m_sense.Entry.MorphoSyntaxAnalysesOC.Count;
                if (cMsa == 0)
                    //	1. "<Not Sure>" to produce a negligible Msa reference.
                    //	2. "Specify..." command.
                    //Debug.Assert(hvoTarget == 0);
                    match = AddNotSureItem(popupTree);
                    popupTree.Nodes.Add(new HvoTreeNode(TsStringUtils.MakeString(m_sSpecifyGramFunc, Cache.WritingSystemFactory.UserWs), kCreate));
                    // 1. Show the current Msa at the top.
                    // 2. "Modify ..." command.
                    // 3. Show other existing Msas next (if any).
                    // 4. <Not Sure> to produce a negligible Msa reference.
                    // 5. "Specify different..." command.
                    hvoTarget = 0;
                    // We should always have an MSA assigned to every sense, but sometimes this
                    // hasn't happened.  Don't crash if the data isn't quite correct.  See FWR-3090.
                    if (m_sense.MorphoSyntaxAnalysisRA != null)
                        hvoTarget = m_sense.MorphoSyntaxAnalysisRA.Hvo;
                    if (hvoTarget != 0)
                        ITsString   tssLabel = m_sense.MorphoSyntaxAnalysisRA.InterlinearNameTSS;
                        HvoTreeNode node     = new HvoTreeNode(tssLabel, hvoTarget);
                        match = node;
                        popupTree.Nodes.Add(new HvoTreeNode(TsStringUtils.MakeString(m_sModifyGramFunc, Cache.WritingSystemFactory.UserWs), kModify));
                    int cMsaExtra = 0;
                    foreach (var msa in m_sense.Entry.MorphoSyntaxAnalysesOC)
                        if (msa.Hvo == hvoTarget)
                        ITsString   tssLabel = msa.InterlinearNameTSS;
                        HvoTreeNode node     = new HvoTreeNode(tssLabel, msa.Hvo);
                    if (cMsaExtra > 0)
                    // Per final decision on LT-5084, don't want <not sure> for affixes.
                    //TreeNode empty = AddNotSureItem(popupTree, hvoTarget);
                    //if (match == null)
                    //    match = empty;
                    popupTree.Nodes.Add(new HvoTreeNode(TsStringUtils.MakeString(m_sSpecifyDifferent, Cache.WritingSystemFactory.UserWs), kCreate));