        // For functional testing
        public static ParseResult <object> ParseMethod(string exprString, IFunctions <string> functions = null)
            var parseResult = CSharpParser(functions).Parse(exprString);

            if (!parseResult.Success)
                return(new ParseResult <object>(parseResult.ParseErrors));

            var expr       = parseResult.Expression;
            var csharpExpr = expr.Evaluate(new CSharpObjectContext(ConcatStringMonad.Instance, Constants.DefaultContext));

            var(type, emitResult) = CodeGenCSharpClass.Generate("VcelTesting", csharpExpr);
            if (type == null)
                return(new ParseResult <object>(emitResult.Diagnostics.Select(
                                                    x => new ParseError(

            var method = type.GetMethod("Evaluate");

            return(new ParseResult <object>(new CSharpMethodExpr(null, method)));
    /// <summary>
    /// The Common Call Function expanded for multiple functions.
    /// </summary>
    public void Call(List <string> functionNames, params object[] args)
        bool ranLUAArgs = false;

        DynValue[] luaArgs = null;

        for (int i = 0; i < functionNames.Count; i++)
            if (functionNames[i] == null)
                UnityDebugger.Debugger.LogError(ModFunctionsLogChannel, "'" + functionNames[i] + "'  is not a LUA nor CSharp function!");

            IFunctions functions = GetFunctions(functionNames[i]);

            if (functions is LuaFunctions)
                if (ranLUAArgs == false)
                    luaArgs = new DynValue[args.Length];
                    for (int j = 0; j < args.Length; j++)
                        luaArgs[j] = functions.CreateInstance(args[j]);

                Call(functionNames[i], false, luaArgs);
                Call(functionNames[i], false, args);
        // For performance testing
        public static ParseResult <object> ParseDelegate(string exprString, IFunctions <string> functions = null)
            var parseResult = CSharpParser(functions).Parse(exprString);
            var expr        = parseResult.Expression;

            var csharpExpr = expr.Evaluate(new CSharpObjectContext(ConcatStringMonad.Instance, Constants.DefaultContext));

            var(type, emitResult) = CodeGenCSharpClass.Generate("VcelTesting", csharpExpr);
            if (type == null)
                return(new ParseResult <object>(emitResult.Diagnostics.Select(
                                                    x => new ParseError(

            var method = type.GetMethod("Evaluate");

            Debug.Assert(method != null, nameof(method) + " != null");
            var func = (Func <object, object>)Delegate.CreateDelegate(typeof(Func <object, object>), null, method);

            return(new ParseResult <object>(new CSharpDelegateExpr(null, func)));
 public ExpressionFactory(
     IMonad <T> monad,
     IFunctions <T> functions = null)
     Monad     = monad;
     Functions = functions ?? new DefaultFunctions <T>();
        public ParsedEquation(IFunctions functions)
            var k = Parse <Func <double, double, double, double> >(functions.K, "x", "t", "u").Compile();

            K = (x, t, u) => k(x, t, u);

            var dK_duFunc = Parse <Func <double, double, double, double> >(functions.dK_du, "x", "t", "u").Compile();

            dK_du = (x, t, u) => dK_duFunc(x, t, u);

            var gFunc = Parse <Func <double, double, double, double, double> >(functions.g, "x", "t", "u", "K").Compile();

            g = (x, t, u) => gFunc(x, t, u, K(x, t, u));

            var initCond = Parse <Func <double, double> >(functions.InitCond, "x").Compile();

            InitCond = x => initCond(x);

            var leftBoundCond = Parse <Func <double, double> >(functions.LeftBoundCond, "t").Compile();

            LeftBoundCond = t => leftBoundCond(t);

            var rightBoundCond = Parse <Func <double, double> >(functions.RightBoundCond, "t").Compile();

            RightBoundCond = t => rightBoundCond(t);

            u       = Compile(functions.u);
            du_dx   = Compile(functions.du_dx);
            d2u_dx2 = Compile(functions.d2u_dx2);
            du_dt   = Compile(functions.du_dt);
        public Implementation(IFunctions functions, IOptions <Configuration> options, ILogger <Implementation> logger)
            _functions = functions;
            _options   = options;
            _logger    = logger;

            (_entryPoint, _completion) = CreatePipeline();
 public ListExpressionFactory(
     IMonad <List <object> > monad,
     IFunctions <List <object> > functions = null)
     : base(
         functions ?? new DefaultFunctions <List <object> >())
 public TransformationumlToRdbms(IMetaModelInterface editor, IFunctions Functions)
     this.editor    = editor;  this.RelationPackageToSchema = new RelationPackageToSchema(editor, this);
     this.Functions = Functions;  this.RelationClassToTable = new RelationClassToTable(editor, this);
     this.Functions = Functions;  this.RelationPrimitiveAttributeToColumn = new RelationPrimitiveAttributeToColumn(editor, this);
     this.Functions = Functions;  this.RelationComplexAttributeToColumn = new RelationComplexAttributeToColumn(editor, this);
     this.Functions = Functions;  this.RelationSuperAttributeToColumn = new RelationSuperAttributeToColumn(editor, this);
     this.Functions = Functions;  this.RelationAssocToFKey = new RelationAssocToFKey(editor, this);
     this.Functions = Functions;  this.RelationAttributeToColumn = new RelationAttributeToColumn(editor, this);
     this.Functions = Functions;
 public ToCSharpFunction(
     IMonad <string> monad,
     string name,
     IReadOnlyList <IExpression <string> > args,
     IFunctions <string> functions)
     this.Monad     = monad;
     this.name      = name;
     this.args      = args;
     this.functions = functions ?? new DefaultCSharpFunctions();
        public bool FSelect(IFunctions Name)
            lock (WriteLock)
                if (IFunctionsClass.ServerList[_servername].Functions.ContainsKey(Name.ToString().ToLower()))
                    return(IFunctionsClass.ServerList[_servername].Functions[Name.ToString().ToLower()] == SchumixBase.On);

        // For functional testing
        public static ParseResult <string> ParseCode(string exprString, IFunctions <string> functions = null)
            var parseResult = CSharpParser(functions).Parse(exprString);

            if (!parseResult.Success)
                return(new ParseResult <string>(parseResult.ParseErrors));

            var csharpString = parseResult.Expression.Evaluate(new CSharpObjectContext(ConcatStringMonad.Instance, Constants.DefaultContext));

            return(new ParseResult <string>(new CSharpStringExpr(null, csharpString)));
    public T Call <T>(string functionName, params object[] args)
        IFunctions functions = GetFunctions(functionName);

        if (functions != null)
            return(functions.Call <T>(functionName, args));
            Debug.ULogChannel(ModFunctionsLogChannel, "'" + functionName + "' is not a LUA nor CSharp function!");
 /// <summary>
 /// Try get function.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="functions"></param>
 /// <param name="functionName"></param>
 /// <param name="func"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static bool TryGetValue(this IFunctions functions, string functionName, out IFunction func)
     if (functions == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(functions));
     if (functionName == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(functionName));
     if (functions is IFunctionsQueryable queryable)
         return(queryable.TryGetValue(functionName, out func));
     func = null;
        static Functions()
            dbType = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["dbType"].ToUpper();

            switch (dbType)
            case "SQL":
                providerFunctions = new DocsPaDbManagement.Functions.SqlServer.Functions();

            case "ORACLE":
                providerFunctions = new DocsPaDbManagement.Functions.Oracle.Functions();
                //case "ORACLENATIVE":
                //    providerFunctions = new DocsPaDbManagement.Functions.OracleNative.Functions();
                //    break;
        /// <summary>
        /// Try get function.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="functions"></param>
        /// <param name="functionName"></param>
        /// <returns>function</returns>
        /// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">If </exception>
        /// <exception cref="KeyNotFoundException">If function is not found</exception>
        public static IFunction GetValue(this IFunctions functions, string functionName)
            if (functions == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(functions));
            if (functionName == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(functionName));
            IFunction func;

            if (functions is IFunctionsQueryable queryable && queryable.TryGetValue(functionName, out func))
            throw new KeyNotFoundException(functionName);
    private DynValue Call(string functionName, bool throwError, params object[] args)
        IFunctions functions = GetFunctions(functionName);

        if (functions != null)
            return(functions.Call(functionName, args));
            UnityDebugger.Debugger.Log(ModFunctionsLogChannel, "'" + functionName + "' is not a LUA nor is it a CSharp function!");

            if (throwError)
                throw new Exception("'" + functionName + "' is not a LUA nor is it a CSharp function!");

    public T CreateInstance <T>(string className, bool throwError, params object[] args)
        string     fullClassName = className + (args.Length > 0 ? string.Join(",", args.Select(x => x.GetType().Name).ToArray()) : string.Empty);
        IFunctions functions     = GetFunctions(fullClassName, true);

        if (functions != null)
            return(functions.CreateInstance <T>(fullClassName, args));
            UnityDebugger.Debugger.Log(ModFunctionsLogChannel, "'" + className + "' is not a LUA function nor is it a CSharp constructor!");

            if (throwError)
                throw new Exception("'" + className + "' is not a LUA function nor is it a CSharp constructor!");

        /// <summary>
        /// Call 0-arguments function.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="functions"></param>
        /// <param name="functionName"></param>
        /// <param name="ctx"></param>
        /// <param name="result">Object, String, Long, Double or null</param>
        /// <returns>true if evaluated, false if not</returns>
        /// <exception cref="Exception">On unexpected error</exception>
        public static bool TryEvaluate(this IFunctions functions, string functionName, ref FunctionEvaluationContext ctx, out object result)
            if (functions == null || functionName == null)
                result = null; return(false);
            IFunction func;

            if (functions is IFunctionsQueryable queryable && queryable.TryGetValue(functionName, out func))
                if (func is IFunction0 func0 && func0.TryEvaluate(ref ctx, out result))
                if (func is IFunctionN funcN && funcN.TryEvaluate(ref ctx, no_args, out result))
            result = null; return(false);
        /// <summary>
        /// Call 3-argument function.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="functions"></param>
        /// <param name="functionName"></param>
        /// <param name="ctx"></param>
        /// <param name="arg0">Function argument</param>
        /// <param name="arg1"></param>
        /// <param name="arg2"></param>
        /// <param name="result">Object, String, Long, Double or null</param>
        /// <returns>true if evaluated, false if not</returns>
        /// <exception cref="Exception">On unexpected error</exception>
        public static bool TryEvaluate(this IFunctions functions, string functionName, ref FunctionEvaluationContext ctx, object arg0, object arg1, object arg2, out object result)
            if (functions == null || functionName == null)
                result = null; return(false);
            IFunction func;

            if (functions is IFunctionsQueryable queryable && queryable.TryGetValue(functionName, out func))
                if (func is IFunction3 func3 && func3.TryEvaluate(ref ctx, arg0, arg1, arg2, out result))
                if (func is IFunctionN funcN && funcN.TryEvaluate(ref ctx, new object[] { arg0, arg1, arg2 }, out result))
            result = null; return(false);
        /// <summary>
        /// Search linked list and finds the effective (left-most) <see cref="ILineFunctions"/> key.
        /// Returns parameter "Functions" value as <see cref="IFunctions"/>, if <paramref name="resolver"/> is provided.
        /// If implements <see cref="ILineFunctions"/> returns the type.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="line"></param>
        /// <param name="resolver">(optional) type resolver that resolves "IFunctions" parameter into type. Returns null, if could not resolve, exception if resolve fails</param>
        /// <returns>type info or null</returns>
        /// <exception cref="Exception">from <paramref name="resolver"/></exception>
        public static IFunctions FindFunctions(this ILine line, IResolver resolver = null)
            IFunctions type = null;

            for (ILine l = line; l != null; l = l.GetPreviousPart())
                if (l is ILineFunctions part && part.Functions != null)
                    type = part.Functions; continue;
                if (resolver != null && l is ILineParameterEnumerable lineParameters)
                    IFunctions tt = null;
                    foreach (ILineParameter parameter in lineParameters)
                        if (parameter.ParameterName == "Functions" && parameter.ParameterValue != null)
                            tt = resolver.Resolve <IFunctions>(parameter.ParameterValue);
                            if (tt != null)
                    if (tt != null)
                        type = tt; continue;
                if (resolver != null && l is ILineParameter lineParameter && lineParameter.ParameterName == "Functions" && lineParameter.ParameterValue != null)
                    IFunctions t = resolver.Resolve <IFunctions>(lineParameter.ParameterValue);
                    if (t != null)
                        type = t;
        public static double CalculateVolume(double height, string heightUnits, double length, string lengthUnits, double width, string widthUnits, string volumeUnits)
            //Initialise Tedds
            ICalculator teddsCalc = new Calculator();
            dynamic teddsCalc = Activator.CreateInstance(Type.GetTypeFromProgID("Tedds.Calculator"));

            //Initialise calculator

            IFunctions functions = teddsCalc.Functions;
            dynamic functions = teddsCalc.Functions;

            //Set inputs
            functions.SetVar("Height", height, heightUnits);
            functions.SetVar("Length", length, lengthUnits);
            functions.SetVar("Width", width, widthUnits);

            //Calculate volume
            functions.SetVarExpr("Volume", "Height * Length * Width");

            //Get volume
            double volume = functions.GetVar("Volume").ToDouble(volumeUnits);

            //Close Tedds
            functions = null;
            teddsCalc = null;

 public override void CreateFunctions(BoxModuleI boxModule, out Ice.Object iceObject, out IFunctions functions)
     EquidistantIntervalsAttributeFunctionsI result = new EquidistantIntervalsAttributeFunctionsI();
     iceObject = (Ice.Object)result;
     functions = (IFunctions)result;
 public override void CreateFunctions(BoxModuleI boxModule, out Ice.Object iceObject, out IFunctions functions)
     MutualInformationNormalizedFunctionsI result = new MutualInformationNormalizedFunctionsI();
     iceObject = (Ice.Object)result;
     functions = (IFunctions)result;
        public bool FSelect(IFunctions Name)
                    return IFunctionsClass.ServerList[_servername].Functions[Name.ToString().ToLower()] == SchumixBase.On;

                return false;
 internal ClientSessionBuilder(FasterKV <Key, Value> fasterKV, IFunctions <Key, Value, Input, Output, Context> functions)
     _fasterKV  = fasterKV;
     _functions = functions;
 public AccountController(IFunctions Functions)
     uiw            = new UnitOfWork();
     this.Functions = Functions;
     //ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback += (o, c, ch, er) => true;
 public HomeController(IFunctions Functions)
     uiw = new UnitOfWork();
     this.Functions = Functions;
 public override void CreateFunctions(BoxModuleI boxModule, out Ice.Object iceObject, out IFunctions functions)
     SDKLTaskFunctionsI result = new SDKLTaskFunctionsI();
     iceObject = (Ice.Object)result;
     functions = (IFunctions)result;
 public override void CreateFunctions(BoxModuleI boxModule, out Ice.Object iceObject, out IFunctions functions)
     BooleanPartialCedentSettingFunctionsI result = new BooleanPartialCedentSettingFunctionsI();
     iceObject = (Ice.Object)result;
     functions = (IFunctions)result;
 public override void CreateFunctions(BoxModuleI boxModule, out Ice.Object iceObject, out IFunctions functions)
     LiteralSettingFunctionsI result = new LiteralSettingFunctionsI();
     iceObject = (Ice.Object)result;
     functions = (IFunctions)result;
 public override void CreateFunctions(BoxModuleI boxModule, out Ice.Object iceObject, out IFunctions functions)
     InformationDependencyFunctionsI result = new InformationDependencyFunctionsI();
     iceObject = (Ice.Object)result;
     functions = (IFunctions)result;
 public override void CreateFunctions(BoxModuleI boxModule, out Ice.Object iceObject, out IFunctions functions)
     DoubleCriticalImplicationFunctionsI result = new DoubleCriticalImplicationFunctionsI();
     iceObject = (Ice.Object)result;
     functions = (IFunctions)result;
 public override void CreateFunctions(BoxModuleI boxModule, out Ice.Object iceObject, out IFunctions functions)
     ConditionalEntropyFunctionsI result = new ConditionalEntropyFunctionsI();
     iceObject = (Ice.Object)result;
     functions = (IFunctions)result;
 public HomeController(IFunctions Functions)
     uiw            = new UnitOfWork();
     this.Functions = Functions;
 public override void CreateFunctions(BoxModuleI boxModule, out Ice.Object iceObject, out IFunctions functions)
     EachValueOneCategoryAttributeFunctionsI result = new EachValueOneCategoryAttributeFunctionsI();
     iceObject = (Ice.Object)result;
     functions = (IFunctions)result;
 public override void CreateFunctions(BoxModuleI boxModule, out Ice.Object iceObject, out IFunctions functions)
     EquivalenceClassFunctionsI result = new EquivalenceClassFunctionsI();
     iceObject = (Ice.Object)result;
     functions = (IFunctions)result;
 public override void CreateFunctions(BoxModuleI boxModule, out Ice.Object iceObject, out IFunctions functions)
     GeometricAverageFunctionsI result = new GeometricAverageFunctionsI();
     iceObject = (Ice.Object)result;
     functions = (IFunctions)result;
 public override void CreateFunctions(BoxModuleI boxModule, out Ice.Object iceObject, out IFunctions functions)
     DiscreteOrdinaryVariationFunctionsI result = new DiscreteOrdinaryVariationFunctionsI();
     iceObject = (Ice.Object)result;
     functions = (IFunctions)result;
 public override void CreateFunctions(BoxModuleI boxModule, out Ice.Object iceObject, out IFunctions functions)
     StandardDeviationFunctionsI result = new StandardDeviationFunctionsI();
     iceObject = (Ice.Object)result;
     functions = (IFunctions)result;
 public override void CreateFunctions(BoxModuleI boxModule, out Ice.Object iceObject, out IFunctions functions)
     VariationRatioFunctionsI result = new VariationRatioFunctionsI();
     iceObject = (Ice.Object)result;
     functions = (IFunctions)result;
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates <see cref="T:Ice.Object"/> implementing Ice interface of
 /// the box module i.e. box`s functions declared in slice design.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="boxModule">Box module, to which created functions
 /// will belong to.</param>
 /// <param name="iceObject">An out parameter returning <see cref="T:Ice.Object"/>
 /// implementing box`s "ice" functions. This value is same as value
 /// of <c>functions</c>.</param>
 /// <param name="functions">An out parameter returning <see cref="T:Ice.Object"/>
 /// implementing box`s "ice" functions. This value is same as value
 /// of <c>iceObject</c>.</param>
 /// <example>
 /// Please see an example for <see cref="T:Ferda.Modules.Boxes.IBoxInfo">IBoxInfo`s</see>
 /// 	<see cref="M:Ferda.Modules.Boxes.IBoxInfo.CreateFunctions(Ferda.Modules.BoxModuleI,Ice.Object,Ferda.Modules.IFunctions)"/>.
 /// </example>
 /// <remarks>
 /// Each instance of the box module has its own functions object but
 /// class implementing <see cref="T:Ferda.Modules.Boxes.IBoxInfo">
 /// this interface</see> is shared by all instances of the box modules
 /// of the same type <see cref="P:Ferda.Modules.Boxes.IBoxInfo.Identifier"/>
 /// </remarks>
 public override void CreateFunctions(BoxModuleI boxModule, out Ice.Object iceObject, out IFunctions functions)
     BodyMassIndexFunctionsI result = new BodyMassIndexFunctionsI();
     iceObject = (Ice.Object)result;
     functions = (IFunctions)result;
 /// <summary>
 /// Helper method to specify callback function instance along with Input, Output and Context types
 /// </summary>
 /// <typeparam name="Input"></typeparam>
 /// <typeparam name="Output"></typeparam>
 /// <typeparam name="Context"></typeparam>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public ClientSessionBuilder <Input, Output, Context> For <Input, Output, Context>(IFunctions <Key, Value, Input, Output, Context> functions)
     return(new ClientSessionBuilder <Input, Output, Context>(this, functions));
 public StudentsController(IFunctions Functions)
     uiw = new UnitOfWork();
     this.Functions = Functions;
 /// <summary>
 /// Start a new client session with FASTER.
 /// For performance reasons, please use FasterKV&lt;Key, Value&gt;.For(functions).NewSession&lt;Functions&gt;(...) instead of this overload.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="functions">Callback functions</param>
 /// <param name="sessionId">ID/name of session (auto-generated if not provided)</param>
 /// <param name="threadAffinitized">For advanced users. Specifies whether session holds the thread epoch across calls. Do not use with async code.
 ///     Ensure thread calls session Refresh periodically to move the system epoch forward.</param>
 /// <param name="sessionVariableLengthStructSettings">Session-specific variable-length struct settings</param>
 /// <returns>Session instance</returns>
 public ClientSession <Key, Value, Input, Output, Context, IFunctions <Key, Value, Input, Output, Context> > NewSession <Input, Output, Context>(IFunctions <Key, Value, Input, Output, Context> functions, string sessionId = null,
                                                                                                                                                 bool threadAffinitized = false, SessionVariableLengthStructSettings <Value, Input> sessionVariableLengthStructSettings = null)
     return(NewSession <Input, Output, Context, IFunctions <Key, Value, Input, Output, Context> >(functions, sessionId, threadAffinitized, sessionVariableLengthStructSettings));
 /// <summary>
 /// 构造函数
 /// </summary>
 public Functions()  : base()
     base.Init(this.GetType().FullName, System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Name);
     baseDal.OnOperationLog += new OperationLogEventHandler(OperationLog.OnOperationLog);//如果需要记录操作日志,则实现这个事件
     functionDal             = baseDal as IFunctions;
 /// <summary>
 /// Resume (continue) prior client session with FASTER; used during recovery from failure.
 /// For performance reasons this overload is not recommended if functions is value type (struct).
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="functions">Callback functions</param>
 /// <param name="sessionId">ID/name of previous session to resume</param>
 /// <param name="commitPoint">Prior commit point of durability for session</param>
 /// <param name="threadAffinitized">For advanced users. Specifies whether session holds the thread epoch across calls. Do not use with async code.
 ///     Ensure thread calls session Refresh periodically to move the system epoch forward.</param>
 /// <param name="sessionVariableLengthStructSettings">Session-specific variable-length struct settings</param>
 /// <returns>Session instance</returns>
 public ClientSession <Key, Value, Input, Output, Context, IFunctions <Key, Value, Input, Output, Context> > ResumeSession <Input, Output, Context>(IFunctions <Key, Value, Input, Output, Context> functions, string sessionId,
                                                                                                                                                    out CommitPoint commitPoint, bool threadAffinitized = false, SessionVariableLengthStructSettings <Value, Input> sessionVariableLengthStructSettings = null)
     return(ResumeSession <Input, Output, Context, IFunctions <Key, Value, Input, Output, Context> >(functions, sessionId, out commitPoint, threadAffinitized, sessionVariableLengthStructSettings));
 public override void CreateFunctions(BoxModuleI boxModule, out Ice.Object iceObject, out IFunctions functions)
     AboveAverageImplicationFunctionsI result = new AboveAverageImplicationFunctionsI();
     iceObject = (Ice.Object)result;
     functions = (IFunctions)result;
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates <see cref="T:Ice.Object"/> implementing Ice interface of
 /// the box module i.e. box`s functions declared in slice design.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="boxModule">Box module, to which created functions
 /// will belong to.</param>
 /// <param name="iceObject">An out parameter returning <see cref="T:Ice.Object"/>
 /// implementing box`s "ice" functions. This value is same as value
 /// of <c>functions</c>.</param>
 /// <param name="functions">An out parameter returning <see cref="T:Ice.Object"/>
 /// implementing box`s "ice" functions. This value is same as value
 /// of <c>iceObject</c>.</param>
 /// <example>
 /// Please see an example for <see cref="T:Ferda.Modules.Boxes.IBoxInfo">IBoxInfo`s</see> 
 /// <see cref="M:Ferda.Modules.Boxes.IBoxInfo.CreateFunctions(Ferda.Modules.BoxModuleI,Ice.Object,Ferda.Modules.IFunctions)"/>.
 /// </example>
 /// <remarks>
 /// Each instance of the box module has its own functions object but
 /// class implementing <see cref="T:Ferda.Modules.Boxes.IBoxInfo">
 /// this interface</see> is shared by all instances of the box modules
 /// of the same type <see cref="P:Ferda.Modules.Boxes.IBoxInfo.Identifier"/>
 /// </remarks>
 public abstract void CreateFunctions(BoxModuleI boxModule, out Ice.Object iceObject, out IFunctions functions);
 public override void CreateFunctions(BoxModuleI boxModule, out Ice.Object iceObject, out IFunctions functions)
     ChiSquaredFunctionsI result = new ChiSquaredFunctionsI();
     iceObject = (Ice.Object)result;
     functions = (IFunctions)result;
 public ToJsCodeFactory(
     IMonad <string> monad,
     IFunctions <string> functions = null)
     : base(monad, functions)
 public override void CreateFunctions(BoxModuleI boxModule, out Ice.Object iceObject, out IFunctions functions)
     FunctionSumOfRowsFunctionsI result = new FunctionSumOfRowsFunctionsI();
     iceObject = (Ice.Object)result;
     functions = (IFunctions)result;
 public MaybeExpressionFactory(
     IMonad <Maybe <object> > monad,
     IFunctions <Maybe <object> > functions = null)
     : base(monad, functions ?? new DefaultFunctions <Maybe <object> >())
 public override void CreateFunctions(BoxModuleI boxModule, out Ice.Object iceObject, out IFunctions functions)
     DataMatrixFunctionsI result = new DataMatrixFunctionsI();
     iceObject = (Ice.Object)result;
     functions = (IFunctions)result;
 public AccountController(IFunctions Functions)
     uiw = new UnitOfWork();
     this.Functions = Functions;
     //ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback += (o, c, ch, er) => true;