 public void Int(IEnumerable<int> first, IEnumerable<int> second, IEqualityComparer<int> comparer, IEnumerable<int> expected)
     if (comparer == null)
         Assert.Equal(expected, first.Except(second));
     Assert.Equal(expected, first.Except(second, comparer));
 public void String(IEnumerable<string> first, IEnumerable<string> second, IEqualityComparer<string> comparer, IEnumerable<string> expected)
     if (comparer == null)
         Assert.Equal(expected, first.Except(second));
     Assert.Equal(expected, first.Except(second, comparer));
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ClassTypeTree"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="types">The types to build the tree out of.</param>
        public ClassTypeTree(IEnumerable<Type> types)
            // ReSharper disable DoNotCallOverridableMethodsInConstructor

            var childList = new List<ClassTypeTree>();

            // Remove duplicates
            types = types.Where(x => x.IsClass).Distinct();

            // Grab the lowest-level types
            var baseTypes = types.Where(x => !types.Any(y => x != y && y.IsAssignableFrom(x)));

            // Grab the possible child types
            var remainingTypes = types.Except(baseTypes);
            foreach (var bt in baseTypes)
                // Recursively build the tree
                childList.Add(CreateNode(this, bt, remainingTypes));

            // Add the wildcard for the base level
            childList.Add(CreateNode(this, null, null));

            // Store the children
            _children = FinalizeChildren(childList);

            // ReSharper restore DoNotCallOverridableMethodsInConstructor
        private static string GatherBucklingLengthsCollection(IEnumerable<BucklingLength> BucklingLengths)
            StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder();
            IEnumerable<BucklingLength> verticalMembers;
            IEnumerable<BucklingLength> horizontalMembers;

            verticalMembers = BucklingLengths.Where(bl => bl.Member.Type == MEMBERTYPE.COLUMN || bl.Member.Type == MEMBERTYPE.POST).OrderBy(bl => bl.Member.StartNode.z).ThenBy(bl => bl.Member.StartNode.x).ThenBy(bl => bl.Member.StartNode.y);
            horizontalMembers = BucklingLengths.Except(verticalMembers).OrderBy(bl => bl.Member.StartNode.y).ThenBy(bl => bl.Member.StartNode.z).ThenBy(bl => bl.Member.StartNode.x);

            // Output Columns
            output.AppendLine("*** COLUMNS & POSTS");
            foreach (BucklingLength bl in verticalMembers)
            // Output beams
            output.AppendLine("*** BEAMS & OTHERS");
            foreach (IGrouping<double, BucklingLength> bucklingLengthGroup in horizontalMembers.GroupBy(bl => bl.Member.StartNode.y))
                output.AppendLine(string.Format("*** EL+{0:0.000}", bucklingLengthGroup.Key));
                foreach (BucklingLength bl in bucklingLengthGroup)

            return output.ToString();
		public void AutoMap(IEnumerable<string> csvColumns)
			this.CsvColumns = csvColumns.ToArray();

			foreach (var propertyMap in this.PropertyMaps)
				var entityColumnName = propertyMap.EntityColumnName;
				var betterMatchCsvColumn = csvColumns.Select(x => new { csvColumn = x, distance = x.ComputeLevenshteinDistance(entityColumnName) })
													 .Where(x => x.distance < 2)
													 .OrderBy(x => x.distance)
													 .Select(x => x.csvColumn)
				if (betterMatchCsvColumn != null)
					propertyMap.CsvColumnName = betterMatchCsvColumn;
					propertyMap.CustomValue = null;
					propertyMap.CsvColumnName = null;

			//All not mapped properties may be a product property
			this.PropertyCsvColumns = csvColumns.Except(this.PropertyMaps.Where(x => x.CsvColumnName != null).Select(x => x.CsvColumnName)).ToArray();
			//Generate ETag for identifying csv format
			this.ETag = string.Join(";", this.CsvColumns).GetMD5Hash();
        public IEnumerable<PositionResultsViewModel> GetDetailedItems(long portfolioID, IEnumerable<StockDataItem> items)
                var results = new List<PositionResultsViewModel>();

                var positions = _portRepo.GetAllPositions(portfolioID);
                if (!positions.Any()) return new List<PositionResultsViewModel>();

                var tickers = positions.Select(p => p.Ticker).Distinct();
                var stockData = _stockRepo.GetStockQuotes(tickers);

                foreach (var position in positions)
                    var ticker = position.Ticker;
                    var tickerStockData = stockData.Single(stock => stock.Ticker == ticker);
                    var stockItems = GetStockItems(items, tickerStockData);
                    var remainingItemsToGet = items.Except(stockItems.Keys);
                    stockItems.AddRange(CalculateItems(remainingItemsToGet, position, tickerStockData));

                    var positionResults = new PositionResultsViewModel(position.ID ?? -1);
                    positionResults.Items = stockItems;

                return results;
            catch (Exception ex)
                Log.Error("GetDetailedItems", ex.ToString());
        public ScriptResult Execute(string code, string[] scriptArgs, AssemblyReferences references, IEnumerable<string> namespaces,
            ScriptPackSession scriptPackSession)
            Guard.AgainstNullArgument("references", references);
            Guard.AgainstNullArgument("scriptPackSession", scriptPackSession);


            SessionState<Evaluator> sessionState;
            if (!scriptPackSession.State.ContainsKey(SessionKey))
                Logger.Debug("Creating session");
                var context = new CompilerContext(new CompilerSettings
                    AssemblyReferences = references.PathReferences.ToList()
                }, new ConsoleReportPrinter());

                var evaluator = new Evaluator(context);
                var allNamespaces = namespaces.Union(scriptPackSession.Namespaces).Distinct();

                var host = _scriptHostFactory.CreateScriptHost(new ScriptPackManager(scriptPackSession.Contexts), scriptArgs);

                evaluator.InteractiveBaseClass = typeof(MonoHost);

                sessionState = new SessionState<Evaluator>
                    References = new AssemblyReferences(references.PathReferences, references.Assemblies),
                    Namespaces = new HashSet<string>(),
                    Session = evaluator

                ImportNamespaces(allNamespaces, sessionState);

                scriptPackSession.State[SessionKey] = sessionState;
                Logger.Debug("Reusing existing session");
                sessionState = (SessionState<Evaluator>)scriptPackSession.State[SessionKey];

                var newReferences = sessionState.References == null ? references : references.Except(sessionState.References);
                foreach (var reference in newReferences.PathReferences)
                    Logger.DebugFormat("Adding reference to {0}", reference);

                sessionState.References = new AssemblyReferences(references.PathReferences, references.Assemblies);

                var newNamespaces = sessionState.Namespaces == null ? namespaces : namespaces.Except(sessionState.Namespaces);
                ImportNamespaces(newNamespaces, sessionState);

            Logger.Debug("Starting execution");
            var result = Execute(code, sessionState.Session);
            Logger.Debug("Finished execution");
            return result;
        public void UpdateSession(IEnumerable<EventSourceSettings> updatedEventSources)
            Guard.ArgumentNotNull(updatedEventSources, "updatedEventSources");

            var eventSourceComparer = new EventSourceSettingsEqualityComparer(nameOnly: true);

            // updated sources
            foreach (var currentSource in this.eventSources.Intersect(updatedEventSources, eventSourceComparer).ToArray())
                var updatedSource = updatedEventSources.Single(s => s.Name == currentSource.Name);
                if (updatedSource.Level != currentSource.Level ||
                    updatedSource.MatchAnyKeyword != currentSource.MatchAnyKeyword)
                    TraceEventUtil.EnableProvider(this.session, updatedSource.EventSourceId, updatedSource.Level, updatedSource.MatchAnyKeyword, sendManifest: false);
                    currentSource.Level = updatedSource.Level;
                    currentSource.MatchAnyKeyword = updatedSource.MatchAnyKeyword;

            // new sources
            foreach (var newSource in updatedEventSources.Except(this.eventSources, eventSourceComparer).ToArray())
                TraceEventUtil.EnableProvider(this.session, newSource.EventSourceId, newSource.Level, newSource.MatchAnyKeyword, sendManifest: true);

            // removed sources
            foreach (var removedSource in this.eventSources.Except(updatedEventSources, eventSourceComparer).ToArray())
 private static async Task<SimpleHttpResponse> DoForContainersAsync(string container,
     HttpStatusCode successStatus,
     Func<CloudBlobContainer, Task> action,
     IEnumerable<CloudStorageAccount> accounts,
     bool ignoreNotFound,
     IEnumerable<CloudStorageAccount> excludeAccounts)
     SimpleHttpResponse retval = new SimpleHttpResponse
         StatusCode = successStatus,
     if (excludeAccounts != null)
         accounts = accounts.Except(excludeAccounts);
     var actionTasks = accounts
         .Select(account => action(NamespaceHandler.GetContainerByName(account, container)));
         await Task.WhenAll(actionTasks.ToArray());
     catch (AggregateException aggEx)
         aggEx.Handle(ex => ProcessException(ex, ignoreNotFound, retval));
     catch (Exception ex)
         if (!ProcessException(ex, ignoreNotFound, retval))
     return retval;
        private IEnumerable<Attribute> FilterAttributes(
            IEnumerable<Attribute> attributes, string validationRule)
            var validatorAttributes = attributes.OfType<ValidatorAttribute>();
            var nonValidatorAttributes = attributes.Except(validatorAttributes);
            List<ValidatorAttribute> validValidatorAttributes = new List<ValidatorAttribute>();

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(validationRule))
                validValidatorAttributes.AddRange(validatorAttributes.Where(v => string.IsNullOrEmpty(v.RuleName)));
                var groups = from validator in validatorAttributes
                             group validator by validator.GetType();
                foreach (var group in groups)
                    ValidatorAttribute validatorAttribute = group.Where(v => string.Compare(v.RuleName, validationRule, true) == 0).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (null != validatorAttribute)
                        validatorAttribute = group.Where(v => string.IsNullOrEmpty(v.RuleName)).FirstOrDefault();
                        if (null != validatorAttribute)
            return nonValidatorAttributes.Union(validValidatorAttributes);
        public string[] GetFilenamesNotInCache(IEnumerable<string> filenamesToCheck)
            var filenamesInCache = ListFiles().Select(fi => fi.Name);
            var filenamesNotInCache = filenamesToCheck.Except(filenamesInCache);

            return filenamesNotInCache.ToArray();
        public List<GameObject> Build(IEnumerable<GameObject> gameObjects)
            if (IsCompleted)
                return gameObjects.ToList();

            var availableObjects = new List<GameObject>();

            foreach (var buildItem in BuildItems)
                if (_percentLeftToBuild <= 0)

                var percentPerBuild = Math.Min(_percentLeftToBuild, PercentPerAction);

                var buildItemCount = percentPerBuild / buildItem.PercentPerItem;
                buildItemCount = (buildItemCount * buildItem.PercentPerItem) < percentPerBuild ? buildItemCount + 1 : buildItemCount;
                var buildItemAVObjects = gameObjects.Where(lgo => buildItem.CheckObject(lgo)).Take(buildItemCount).ToList();

                buildItem.CountUsedToBuild += buildItemAVObjects.Count;
                _percentLeftToBuild = _percentLeftToBuild - buildItemAVObjects.Count * buildItem.PercentPerItem;

            availableObjects.ForEach(go => go.RemoveFromContainer());

            return gameObjects.Except(availableObjects).ToList();
        public virtual void Execute(int userId, int vehicleId, IEnumerable<FillupEntry> importedFillups)
            if (importedFillups == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("importedFillups");

                Vehicle vehicle = _vehicleRepository.GetVehicle(userId, vehicleId);

                if (vehicle != null)
                    foreach (FillupEntry newFillup in importedFillups)
                        newFillup.VehicleId = vehicleId;

                    // Import all fillups, ignoring duplicates
                    foreach (FillupEntry newFillup in importedFillups.Except(vehicle.Fillups))

                        _fillupRepository.Create(userId, vehicleId, newFillup);
            catch (InvalidOperationException ex)
                throw new BusinessServicesException(Resources.UnableToAddFillupToVehicleExceptionMessage, ex);
        public async Task UpdateEndpointSubscriptions(string endpoint, IEnumerable<Subscription> subscriptions)
            // lazy initialization, ensures only one thread runs the initialize function
            await this.initializationTask.Value;

            var storedSubscriptions = await this.store.GetByEndpoint(endpoint);

            var subscriptionsToAdd = subscriptions.Except(storedSubscriptions);
            var subscriptionsToRemove = storedSubscriptions.Except(subscriptions);

            var tasks = new List<Task>();

            foreach (var subscription in subscriptionsToAdd)

            foreach (var subscription in subscriptionsToRemove)

            if (tasks.Count > 0)
                await Task.WhenAll(tasks.ToArray());
        private void GetNextSteps(Stack<Node> currentChain, IEnumerable<Node> greyList, Node currentNode)

            var newGreyList =

            if (newGreyList.Count() == 0)

                MaxConcurrency = Math.Max(MaxConcurrency, (int) currentChain.Count);

            foreach (var newPossible in newGreyList)
                if (_previouslySeenRoots.Contains(newPossible)) continue;

                GetNextSteps(currentChain, newGreyList, newPossible);

        public IEnumerable<Card> Match(IEnumerable<Card> cardsToMatch)
            var nofAKind = new NofAKind();
            var threeOfAKind = nofAKind.Find(cardsToMatch, 3);

            if (threeOfAKind != null)
                var restOfTheCards = cardsToMatch.Except(threeOfAKind);

                IEnumerable<Card> currentPair, highestPair = null;

                while ((currentPair = nofAKind.Find(restOfTheCards, 2)) != null)
                    if (highestPair == null
                        || currentPair.First().Rank > highestPair.First().Rank)
                        highestPair = currentPair;
                        restOfTheCards = restOfTheCards.Except(currentPair);

                return highestPair != null ? threeOfAKind.Union(highestPair) : null;

            return null;
            /// <summary>
            /// Determines whether the given folder contains only the given files, and no others
            /// </summary>
            /// <returns></returns>
            protected bool FolderContainsExclusive(string relFolderPath, IEnumerable<string> filenames, Anomalies anomalies = null)
                var dirPath = Path.Combine(this.TargetDir, relFolderPath);
                var exists = Directory.Exists(dirPath);
                if (!exists)
                    return false;
                    var folderFiles = new DirectoryInfo(dirPath).GetFiles();

                    var filesInFolder = folderFiles.Select(f => f.Name).Except(filenames).ToList();
                    var expectedFiles = filenames.Except(folderFiles.Select(f => f.Name)).ToList();

                    if (anomalies != null)

                    return !(filesInFolder.Any())
                        && !(expectedFiles.Any());
        static Types()
            BuiltIn = new[]
                              typeof (Boolean),
                              typeof (Byte),
                              typeof (SByte),
                              typeof (Char),
                              typeof (Single),
                              typeof (Double),
                              typeof (Decimal),
                              typeof (Int16),
                              typeof (Int32),
                              typeof (Int64),
                              typeof (UInt16),
                              typeof (UInt32),
                              typeof (UInt64),
                              typeof (String),
                              typeof (Object)

            Simple = BuiltIn.Except(new[] { typeof(String), typeof(Object) }).ToArray();
            Comparable = Simple.Except(new[] { typeof(Boolean) }).ToArray();
            Empty = Enumerable.Empty<Type>();
        /// <summary>
        /// Obtain the set between two lists
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="before"></param>
        /// <param name="after"></param>
        /// <returns>List of Unique Application Names</returns>
        public static List<string> GetAppsToDelete(IEnumerable<string> before, IEnumerable<string> after)
            var applicationNames = before.Except(after);

            var enumerable = applicationNames as IList<string> ?? applicationNames.ToList();
            return enumerable.Any() ? enumerable.ToList() : null;
		public MergeWritingSystemDlg(FdoCache cache, IWritingSystem ws, IEnumerable<IWritingSystem> wss, IHelpTopicProvider helpTopicProvider)
			m_cache = cache;
			m_ws = ws;

			// Required for Windows Form Designer support

			Icon infoIcon = SystemIcons.Information;
			m_infoPictureBox.Image = infoIcon.ToBitmap();
			m_infoPictureBox.Size = infoIcon.Size;

			foreach (IWritingSystem curWs in wss.Except(new[] { ws }))
			m_wsListBox.SelectedIndex = 0;

			m_helpTopicProvider = helpTopicProvider;

			if (m_helpTopicProvider != null) // m_helpTopicProvider could be null for testing
				m_helpProvider = new HelpProvider();
				m_helpProvider.HelpNamespace = m_helpTopicProvider.HelpFile;
				m_helpProvider.SetHelpKeyword(this, m_helpTopicProvider.GetHelpString(HelpTopic));
				m_helpProvider.SetHelpNavigator(this, HelpNavigator.Topic);
        /// <summary>
        /// Compares two sets of formal attributes.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="setA">The first set to compare.</param>
        /// <param name="setB">The second set to compare.s</param>
        /// <returns>True, if both sets contain the same elements. Otherwise return false.</returns>
        public static bool SetEquals(this IEnumerable<Attribute> setA, IEnumerable<Attribute> setB)
            var AnotB = setA.Except(setB);
            var BnotA = setB.Except(setA);

            return ((AnotB == null || !AnotB.Any()) && (BnotA == null || !BnotA.Any()));
        protected async Task ProcessDifferences(IEnumerable<Champion> itemsFromApi, IEnumerable<Champion> itemsFromCollection)
            var itemsDifferentFromDb = itemsFromApi.Except(itemsFromCollection);
            int itemsDifferentFromDbCount = itemsDifferentFromDb.Count();

            var itemsMissingFromApi = itemsFromCollection.Except(itemsFromApi);

            if (itemsDifferentFromDbCount > 0)
                var itemsDifferentThanApi = itemsMissingFromApi.Where(c => itemsDifferentFromDb.All(i => i.ChampionId == c.ChampionId));
                itemsMissingFromApi = itemsMissingFromApi.Except(itemsDifferentThanApi);

            var itemsMissingFromApiCount = itemsMissingFromApi.Count();

            if (itemsDifferentFromDbCount > 0)
                this.logger.InfoFormat("Champions different in database count: {0}", itemsDifferentFromDbCount);
                await this.ProcessItemsMissingFromDb(itemsDifferentFromDb);

            if (itemsMissingFromApiCount > 0)
                this.logger.InfoFormat("Champions missing from API count: {0}", itemsMissingFromApiCount);
                await this.ProcessItemsMissingFromApi(itemsMissingFromApi);
        private IEnumerable<EmployeeLogin> SRVCUpdateLogins(Helpers.Log.SessionInfo logSession, Repository.Logic.Repository rep,
            long employeeId, IEnumerable<string> addLogins, IEnumerable<string> removeLogins)
#pragma warning disable 618
            logSession.Add($"Try to get employee with id = {employeeId}");
            var emp = rep.Get<Repository.Model.Employee>(e => e.EmployeeId == employeeId, false, new string[] { "Logins" }).FirstOrDefault();
            if (emp == null)
                throw new Exception(string.Format(Properties.Resources.STUFFINGSERVICE_EmployeeNotFound, employeeId));

            var existedLogins = emp.Logins.Select(r => r.DomainLogin);

            #region Add logins

            if (addLogins != null && addLogins.Any())
                logSession.Add($"Add logins...");
                var addLoginsUpper = addLogins
                    .Select(r => rep.New<Repository.Model.EmployeeLogin>((er) =>
                        er.EmployeeLoginId = emp.EmployeeId;
                        er.DomainLogin = r;

                logSession.Add($"Add this logins {addLoginsUpper.Concat(r => r.DomainLogin, ",")} for employee id = {employeeId}");
                foreach (var r in addLoginsUpper)

                rep.AddRange(addLoginsUpper, saveAfterInsert: false);

            #region Remove rights

            if (removeLogins != null && removeLogins.Any())
                logSession.Add($"Remove logins...");
                var removeLoginsUpper = removeLogins
                    .Join(emp.Logins, r => r, er => er.DomainLogin.ToUpper(), (r, er) => er)

                logSession.Add($"Remove this logins {removeLoginsUpper.Concat(r => r.DomainLogin, ",")} for employee id = {employeeId}");
                foreach (var r in removeLoginsUpper)

                rep.RemoveRange(removeLoginsUpper, saveAfterRemove: false);



            return emp.Logins.Select(er => AutoMapper.Mapper.Map<EmployeeLogin>(er));
#pragma warning restore 618
 static IEnumerable<int[]> Crossover(IEnumerable<int> father, IEnumerable<int> mother)
         intersect = father.Intersect(mother), motherRest = mother.Except(intersect), fatherRest = father.Except(intersect);
     int motherRestHalfSize = motherRest.Count() / 2, fatherRestRestHalfSize = fatherRest.Count() / 2;
     yield return intersect.Concat(motherRest.Take(motherRestHalfSize)).Concat(fatherRest.Skip(fatherRestRestHalfSize)).ToArray();
     yield return intersect.Concat(motherRest.Skip(motherRestHalfSize)).Concat(fatherRest.Take(fatherRestRestHalfSize)).ToArray();
        public IEnumerable<string> FilesToDelete(IEnumerable<string> duplicates)
            var keep = duplicates
                       	.FirstOrDefault(x => InPath(_keepDirectory, x)) ??

            return duplicates.Except(new[] { keep });
 private static void ShowDuplicateClothes(IEnumerable<ClothingArticle> clothes, IEnumerable<ClothingArticle> newClothes)
     var duplicatedClothes = clothes.Except(newClothes);
     foreach (var clothingArticle in duplicatedClothes)
         Console.WriteLine("Found duplicate clothing article: {0}.", clothingArticle);
        public void Check(IEnumerable<IComponent> components, IStore<string, IArtificialIntelligence> aiStore)
            var groupedByOwener = components.GroupBy(x => x.OwnerId);

            foreach (var group in groupedByOwener) {
                var enemies = components.Except(group).OfType<IFieldOfVision>();
                foreach (var component in group) {
                    foreach (var enemy in enemies) {
                        var isInFieldOfVision = enemy.IsInFieldOfVision(component.Position);
                        if (isInFieldOfVision) {
                            var artificialIntelligence = aiStore.Get(enemy.OwnerId);
                            artificialIntelligence.Fire(new ComponentSpottedEvent(enemy.OwnerId, enemy.Id, component.Id, component.OwnerId, component.Position.X, component.Position.Y, component.GetType()));
                            SpottedUnitsStore.Store(component.Id, enemy.OwnerId);


            //foreach (var group in groupedByOwener) {
            //    var others = components.Except(group).OfType<IFieldOfVision>();
            //    foreach (var component in group) {
            //        var spottingUnits = others.Where(x => x.IsInFieldOfVision(component.Position));

            //        foreach (var fieldOfVision in spottingUnits) {
            //            var artificialIntelligence = aiStore.Get(fieldOfVision.OwnerId);
            //            artificialIntelligence.Fire(new ComponentSpottedEvent(fieldOfVision.OwnerId,fieldOfVision.Id,component.Id,component.OwnerId,component.Position.X,component.Position.Y, component.GetType()));
            //            SpottedUnitsStore.Store(component.Id,fieldOfVision.OwnerId);
            //        }
            //    }

            var spottedUnits = SpottedUnitsStore.GetKeys();
            Parallel.ForEach(spottedUnits, (suid,loopState) =>
                                                        var spottedComponent = components.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Id.Equals(suid));
                                                        if(spottedComponent == null)
                                                            var enemyOwnerId = SpottedUnitsStore.Get(suid);
                                                            if(enemyOwnerId == null)
                                                                var enemyUnits =
                                                                components.Where(x => x.OwnerId.Equals(enemyOwnerId)).OfType<IFieldOfVision>();

                                                            if(enemyUnits.All(x => !x.IsInFieldOfVision(spottedComponent.Position)))
                                                                var artificialIntelligence = aiStore.Where(x => x.Id.Equals(enemyOwnerId)).First();
                                                                artificialIntelligence.Fire(new ComponentLeftFieldOfVisionEvent(artificialIntelligence.Id,spottedComponent.Id,spottedComponent.OwnerId,spottedComponent.Position.X,spottedComponent.Position.Y,spottedComponent.GetType()));

        public void AddValues(Category category, IEnumerable<CategoryValue> values)
            if (!_categoryCache.ContainsKey(category.Name))
                throw new CategoryNotFoundException(string.Format("Category '{0}' not found.", category.Name));

            var tempValues = new List<CategoryValue>(category.Values);
            category.Values = tempValues;
        public Inputs(IEnumerable<string> filesOrStandardInput)
            var fileNames = new Glob(Environment.CurrentDirectory);

            inputs = fileNames.Select(f => new Input(f)).ToList();
            if (filesOrStandardInput.Any(Input.IsStandardInput) || inputs.Count == 0)
                inputs.Insert(0, Input.FromStandardInput());
        private void AnalyzeSymbol(SymbolAnalysisContext symbolContext, IEnumerable<INamedTypeSymbol> exportAttributes)
            var namedType = (INamedTypeSymbol)symbolContext.Symbol;
            var namedTypeAttributes = AttributeHelpers.GetApplicableAttributes(namedType);

            // Figure out which export attributes are being used here
            var appliedExportAttributes = exportAttributes.Where(e => namedTypeAttributes.Any(ad => AttributeHelpers.DerivesFrom(ad.AttributeClass, e))).ToList();

            // If we have no exports we're done
            if (appliedExportAttributes.Count == 0)

            var badNamespaces = exportAttributes.Except(appliedExportAttributes).Select(s => s.ContainingNamespace).ToList();

            // Now look at all attributes and see if any are metadata attributes
            foreach (var namedTypeAttribute in namedTypeAttributes)
                if (AttributeHelpers.GetApplicableAttributes(namedTypeAttribute.AttributeClass).Any(ad => badNamespaces.Contains(ad.AttributeClass.ContainingNamespace) &&
                                                                                                          ad.AttributeClass.Name == "MetadataAttributeAttribute"))
                    ReportDiagnostic(symbolContext, namedType, namedTypeAttribute);

            // Also look through all members and their attributes, and see if any are using from bad places
            foreach (var member in namedType.GetMembers())
                foreach (var attribute in member.GetAttributes())
                    if (badNamespaces.Contains(attribute.AttributeClass.ContainingNamespace))
                        ReportDiagnostic(symbolContext, namedType, attribute);

                // if it's a constructor, we should also check parameters since they may have [ImportMany]
                var methodSymbol = member as IMethodSymbol;

                if (methodSymbol != null && methodSymbol.MethodKind == MethodKind.Constructor)
                    foreach (var parameter in methodSymbol.Parameters)
                        foreach (var attribute in parameter.GetAttributes())
                            if (badNamespaces.Contains(attribute.AttributeClass.ContainingNamespace))
                                ReportDiagnostic(symbolContext, namedType, attribute);
 public static CSharpCompilation CreateStandardCompilation(
     IEnumerable <SyntaxTree> trees,
     IEnumerable <MetadataReference> references = null,
     CSharpCompilationOptions options           = null,
     string assemblyName = "")
     if (CoreClrShim.IsRunningOnCoreClr)
         references = references?.Except(s_desktopRefsToRemove);
     return(CreateCompilation(trees, (references != null) ? s_stdRefs.Concat(references) : s_stdRefs, options, assemblyName));
    /// <summary>
    ///     Add or update the identity roles
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="groups">The groups to updates</param>
    /// <param name="identityMember">The member as an identity user</param>
    private async Task <ActionResult <bool> > AddOrUpdateRoles(IEnumerable <string>?groups, MemberIdentityUser identityMember)
        var hasChanges = false;

        // We're gonna look up the current roles now because the below code can cause
        // events to be raised and developers could be manually adding roles to members in
        // their handlers. If we don't look this up now there's a chance we'll just end up
        // removing the roles they've assigned.
        IEnumerable <string> currentRoles = await _memberManager.GetRolesAsync(identityMember);

        // find the ones to remove and remove them
        IEnumerable <string> roles = currentRoles.ToList();
        var rolesToRemove          = roles.Except(groups ?? Enumerable.Empty <string>()).ToArray();

        // Now let's do the role provider stuff - now that we've saved the content item (that is important since
        // if we are changing the username, it must be persisted before looking up the member roles).
        if (rolesToRemove.Any())
            IdentityResult identityResult = await _memberManager.RemoveFromRolesAsync(identityMember, rolesToRemove);

            if (!identityResult.Succeeded)

            hasChanges = true;

        // find the ones to add and add them
        var toAdd = groups?.Except(roles).ToArray();

        if (toAdd?.Any() ?? false)
            // add the ones submitted
            IdentityResult identityResult = await _memberManager.AddToRolesAsync(identityMember, toAdd);

            if (!identityResult.Succeeded)

            hasChanges = true;

        /// <summary>
        /// Authorize that the user is not adding a section to the group that they don't have access to
        /// </summary>
        public Attempt <string?> AuthorizeSectionChanges(
            IEnumerable <string>?existingSections,
            IEnumerable <string>?proposedAllowedSections)
            if (currentUser?.IsAdmin() ?? false)
                return(Attempt <string?> .Succeed());

            var sectionsAdded        = proposedAllowedSections?.Except(existingSections ?? Enumerable.Empty <string>()).ToArray();
            var sectionAccessMissing = sectionsAdded?.Except(currentUser?.AllowedSections ?? Enumerable.Empty <string>()).ToArray();

            return(sectionAccessMissing?.Length > 0
                ? Attempt.Fail("Current user doesn't have access to add these sections " + string.Join(", ", sectionAccessMissing))
                : Attempt <string?> .Succeed());
        public async Task <IList <T> > LoadSomeAsync <T>(IEnumerable <Guid> ids = null,
                                                         Expression <Func <T, bool> > predicate = null, int?skip = null, int?take = null, string orderBy = null, string orderMode = null) where T : EntityBase
            var tracked = _dbContext.ChangeTracker.Entries <T>()
                          .Where(e => ids == null || ids.Contains(e.Entity.Id))
                          .Where(e => predicate == null || predicate.Compile()(e.Entity))
                          .Select(e => e.Entity)

            var idsToTrack = ids?.Except(tracked.Select(e => e.Id)).ToList();
            var toTrack    = new List <T>();

            if (idsToTrack?.Count != 0)
                var set = _dbContext.Set <T>().AsQueryable()
                          .Where(e => idsToTrack.Contains(e.Id));
                if (predicate != null)
                    set = set.Where(predicate);
                toTrack = await set.ToListAsync();


            var query = tracked.AsQueryable();

            if (orderBy != null)
                query = query.OrderBy($"{orderBy} {NormalizeOrderMode(orderMode)}");
                query = query.OrderBy(s => s.Name);

            if (!skip.HasValue && !take.HasValue)
                return(query.Skip(skip ?? 0).Take(take ?? tracked.Count).ToList());
        private static string BuildMessage(
            [NotNull] IEnumerable <object> superset,
            IEnumerable <object>?valuesThatShouldBeThere,
            PrettificationSettings prettySettings = new PrettificationSettings()
                TypeLabelStyle = { Value = TypeNameStyle.Full }

            var badValues = valuesThatShouldBeThere?.Except(superset);

            return(new Dictionary <object, object>()
                [superset.GetType().PrettifyType(prettySettings)] = superset,
                [nameof(valuesThatShouldBeThere)] = valuesThatShouldBeThere,
                ["Disallowed values"] = badValues
        /// <summary>
        /// Delete old rows for the specified table, checkpoint and simulation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tableName">The table name to delete from.</param>
        /// <param name="checkpointName">The checkpoint name to use to match rows to delete.</param>
        /// <param name="simulationNamesThatMayNeedCleaning">Simulation names that may need cleaning up.</param>
        private void DeleteOldRowsInTable(string tableName, string checkpointName = null, IEnumerable <string> simulationNamesThatMayNeedCleaning = null)
            // Can be called by many threads simultaneously.

            List <int> simulationIds = null;

            if (tablesNotNeedingIndexColumns.Contains(tableName))
                // Create a delete row command to remove the rows.
                lock (lockObject)
                    // This will drop the table.
                    commands.Add(new DeleteRowsCommand(Connection, tableName,
                                                       0, simulationIds));
                if (simulationNamesThatMayNeedCleaning != null)
                    IEnumerable <string> simsNeedingCleaning;

                    lock (lockObject)
                        // Have we written anything to this table yet?
                        if (!simulationNamesThatHaveBeenCleanedUp.TryGetValue(tableName, out var simsThatHaveBeenCleanedUp))
                            // No - create a empty list of simulation names that we've cleaned up.
                            simulationNamesThatHaveBeenCleanedUp.Add(tableName, new List <string>());
                            simsNeedingCleaning = simulationNamesThatMayNeedCleaning;
                            // Get a list of simulations that haven't been cleaned up for this table.
                            simsNeedingCleaning = simulationNamesThatMayNeedCleaning.Except(simsThatHaveBeenCleanedUp);

                        simulationIds = new List <int>();
                        if (simsNeedingCleaning.Any())
                            // Add the simulations we're about to clean to our list so
                            // that they aren't cleaned again. Also get id's for each one.
                            foreach (var simulationName in simsNeedingCleaning)
                                simulationIds.Add(GetSimulationID(simulationName, null));

                if (simulationNamesThatMayNeedCleaning == null || simulationIds.Any())
                    // Get a checkpoint id.
                    var checkpointID = 0;
                    if (checkpointName != null)
                        checkpointID = GetCheckpointID(checkpointName);

                    // Create a delete row command to remove the rows.
                    lock (lockObject)
                        commands.Add(new DeleteRowsCommand(Connection, tableName,
 public static IEnumerable <TSource> Except <TSource>(this IEnumerable <TSource> first,
                                                      IEnumerable <TSource> second, Func <TSource, object> fieldSelector)
     return(first.Except(second, new GenericEqualityComparer <TSource>(fieldSelector)));
 public static bool IsSubset <T>(this IEnumerable <T> thisEnumerable, IEnumerable <T> other)
        private async Task ImportInternalAsync(Channel <ImportResource> inputChannel, Channel <ImportProcessingProgress> outputChannel, IImportErrorStore importErrorStore, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
                _logger.LogInformation("Start to import data to SQL data store.");

                Task <ImportProcessingProgress> checkpointTask = Task.FromResult <ImportProcessingProgress>(null);

                long succeedCount        = 0;
                long failedCount         = 0;
                long?lastCheckpointIndex = null;
                long currentIndex        = -1;
                Dictionary <string, DataTable> resourceParamsBuffer = new Dictionary <string, DataTable>();
                List <string> importErrorBuffer = new List <string>();
                Queue <Task <ImportProcessingProgress> > importTasks = new Queue <Task <ImportProcessingProgress> >();

                List <ImportResource> resourceBuffer = new List <ImportResource>();
                await _sqlBulkCopyDataWrapperFactory.EnsureInitializedAsync();

                await foreach (ImportResource resource in inputChannel.Reader.ReadAllAsync(cancellationToken))
                    if (cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
                        throw new OperationCanceledException();

                    lastCheckpointIndex = lastCheckpointIndex ?? resource.Index - 1;
                    currentIndex        = resource.Index;

                    if (resourceBuffer.Count < _importTaskConfiguration.SqlBatchSizeForImportResourceOperation)

                        // Handle resources in buffer
                        IEnumerable <ImportResource>         resourcesWithError = resourceBuffer.Where(r => r.ContainsError());
                        IEnumerable <SqlBulkCopyDataWrapper> inputResources     = resourceBuffer.Where(r => !r.ContainsError()).Select(r => _sqlBulkCopyDataWrapperFactory.CreateSqlBulkCopyDataWrapper(r));
                        IEnumerable <SqlBulkCopyDataWrapper> mergedResources    = await _sqlImportOperation.BulkMergeResourceAsync(inputResources, cancellationToken);

                        IEnumerable <SqlBulkCopyDataWrapper> duplicateResourcesNotMerged = inputResources.Except(mergedResources);

                        importErrorBuffer.AddRange(resourcesWithError.Select(r => r.ImportError));
                        await FillResourceParamsBuffer(mergedResources.ToArray(), resourceParamsBuffer);

                        AppendDuplicatedResouceErrorToBuffer(duplicateResourcesNotMerged, importErrorBuffer);

                        succeedCount += mergedResources.Count();
                        failedCount  += resourcesWithError.Count() + duplicateResourcesNotMerged.Count();
                        foreach (ImportResource importResource in resourceBuffer)


                    bool shouldCreateCheckpoint = resource.Index - lastCheckpointIndex >= _importTaskConfiguration.SqlImportBatchSizeForCheckpoint;
                    if (shouldCreateCheckpoint)
                        // Create checkpoint for all tables not empty
                        string[] tableNameNeedImport = resourceParamsBuffer.Where(r => r.Value.Rows.Count > 0).Select(r => r.Key).ToArray();

                        foreach (string tableName in tableNameNeedImport)
                            DataTable dataTable = resourceParamsBuffer[tableName];
                            await EnqueueTaskAsync(importTasks, () => ImportDataTableAsync(dataTable, cancellationToken), outputChannel);

                        // wait previous checkpoint task complete
                        await checkpointTask;

                        // upload error logs for import errors
                        string[] importErrors = importErrorBuffer.ToArray();
                        lastCheckpointIndex = resource.Index;
                        checkpointTask      = await EnqueueTaskAsync(importTasks, () => UploadImportErrorsAsync(importErrorStore, succeedCount, failedCount, importErrors, currentIndex, cancellationToken), outputChannel);
                        // import table >= MaxResourceCountInBatch
                        string[] tableNameNeedImport =
                            resourceParamsBuffer.Where(r => r.Value.Rows.Count >= _importTaskConfiguration.SqlBatchSizeForImportParamsOperation).Select(r => r.Key).ToArray();

                        foreach (string tableName in tableNameNeedImport)
                            DataTable dataTable = resourceParamsBuffer[tableName];
                            await EnqueueTaskAsync(importTasks, () => ImportDataTableAsync(dataTable, cancellationToken), outputChannel);

                    // Handle resources in buffer
                    IEnumerable <ImportResource>         resourcesWithError = resourceBuffer.Where(r => r.ContainsError());
                    IEnumerable <SqlBulkCopyDataWrapper> inputResources     = resourceBuffer.Where(r => !r.ContainsError()).Select(r => _sqlBulkCopyDataWrapperFactory.CreateSqlBulkCopyDataWrapper(r));
                    IEnumerable <SqlBulkCopyDataWrapper> mergedResources    = await _sqlImportOperation.BulkMergeResourceAsync(inputResources, cancellationToken);

                    IEnumerable <SqlBulkCopyDataWrapper> duplicateResourcesNotMerged = inputResources.Except(mergedResources);
                    importErrorBuffer.AddRange(resourcesWithError.Select(r => r.ImportError));

                    await FillResourceParamsBuffer(mergedResources.ToArray(), resourceParamsBuffer);

                    AppendDuplicatedResouceErrorToBuffer(duplicateResourcesNotMerged, importErrorBuffer);
                    succeedCount += mergedResources.Count();
                    failedCount  += resourcesWithError.Count() + duplicateResourcesNotMerged.Count();
                    foreach (ImportResource importResource in resourceBuffer)


                // Import all remain tables
                string[] allTablesNotNull = resourceParamsBuffer.Where(r => r.Value.Rows.Count > 0).Select(r => r.Key).ToArray();
                foreach (string tableName in allTablesNotNull)
                    DataTable dataTable = resourceParamsBuffer[tableName];
                    await EnqueueTaskAsync(importTasks, () => ImportDataTableAsync(dataTable, cancellationToken), outputChannel);

                // Wait all table import task complete
                while (importTasks.Count > 0)
                    await importTasks.Dequeue();

                // Upload remain error logs
                ImportProcessingProgress progress = await UploadImportErrorsAsync(importErrorStore, succeedCount, failedCount, importErrorBuffer.ToArray(), currentIndex, cancellationToken);

                await outputChannel.Writer.WriteAsync(progress, cancellationToken);
                _logger.LogInformation("Import data to SQL data store complete.");
 public static IEnumerable <T> Except <T>(this IEnumerable <T> list, T item)
 public static IEnumerable <T> ExceptSingle <T>(this IEnumerable <T> sequence, T addition)
     return(sequence.Except(new T[] { addition }));
    public static IEnumerable <Presence> CalculateFlightTimes(this IEnumerable <Presence> presences, Block block, Worker worker)
        int iterationIndex = 0;

        if (presences.Count() == 0)
            Presence presence = new Presence(block.Start, block.End);
            presence.FlightTime = block.End - block.Start;
            presences           = presences.Concat(new[] { presence });
            IEnumerable <Presence> absentAfterOneBlockEndPresences    = presences.Where(p => p.Arrival > block.End);
            IEnumerable <Presence> absentBeforeOneBlockStartPresences = presences.Where(p => p.Departure < block.Start);
            presences = presences.Except(absentAfterOneBlockEndPresences).Except(absentBeforeOneBlockStartPresences);

            foreach (Presence presence in presences)
                if (iterationIndex == 0)
                    presence.FlightTime = presence.Arrival > block.Start ? presence.Arrival - block.Start : TimeSpan.Zero;

                    if (iterationIndex == presences.Count() - 1)
                        presence.FlightTime += presence.Departure < block.End ? block.End - presence.Departure : TimeSpan.Zero;
                    presence.FlightTime = presence.Arrival - presences.ElementAt(iterationIndex - 1).Departure;

                    if (iterationIndex == presences.Count() - 1)
                        presence.FlightTime += presence.Departure < block.End ? block.End - presence.Departure : TimeSpan.Zero;



            // Calculating arrival after block ends
            if (absentAfterOneBlockEndPresences.Count() > 0)
                // If there are no presences related to current block
                if (presences.Where(p => (p.Arrival >= block.Start || p.Arrival <= block.End) || (p.Departure >= block.Start || p.Departure <= block.End)).Count() == 0)
                    Presence firstPresence = absentAfterOneBlockEndPresences.ElementAt(0);
                    firstPresence.FlightTime = firstPresence.Arrival - block.End;
                    presences = presences.Concat(new[] { firstPresence });

                    // Remove the block from worked blocks because worker is absent
                    if (worker.blocksWorked.Contains(block))

            // Calculating departure before block starts (**This may not be needed**. If it is not needed, this code part can be safely disabled)
            // See last presence (new Presence(new DateTime(1899, 12, 6, 8, 0, 0), new DateTime(1899, 12, 6, 12, 59, 0)))
            // Ex. 08:00 - 12:59
            if (absentBeforeOneBlockStartPresences.Count() > 0)
                // If there are no presences related to current block
                if (presences.Where(p => (p.Arrival >= block.Start || p.Arrival <= block.End) || (p.Departure >= block.Start || p.Departure <= block.End)).Count() == 0)
                    Presence lastPresence = absentBeforeOneBlockStartPresences.ElementAt(absentBeforeOneBlockStartPresences.Count() - 1);
                    lastPresence.FlightTime = block.Start - lastPresence.Departure;
                    presences = presences.Concat(new[] { lastPresence });

                    // Remove the block from worked blocks because worker is absent
                    if (worker.blocksWorked.Contains(block))

 public static void TryUpdateManyToMany <T, TKey>(this DbContext db, IEnumerable <T> currentItems, IEnumerable <T> newItems, Func <T, TKey> getKey) where T : class
     db.Set <T>().RemoveRange(currentItems.Except(newItems, getKey));
     db.Set <T>().AddRange(newItems.Except(currentItems, getKey));
        public void SearchIndexTest_GivenSearchSchemasAndModels_EnsureFieldsMatch()
            // Arrange
            IList <string>         ErrorLog = new List <string>();
            DatasetDefinitionIndex datasetDefinitionIndex = new DatasetDefinitionIndex();
            ProvidersIndex         providersIndex         = new ProvidersIndex();
            PublishedFundingIndex  publishedfundingindex  = new PublishedFundingIndex();
            PublishedProviderIndex publishedProviderIndex = new PublishedProviderIndex();
            SpecificationIndex     specificationindex     = new SpecificationIndex();
            TemplateIndex          templateIndex          = new TemplateIndex();

            IEnumerable <Type> searchIndexTypes = GetTypesWithSearchIndexAttribute();

            IEnumerable <string> indexNames = Directory
                                              .GetDirectories(searchIndexDirectoryPath, "*index", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly)
                                              .Select(m => new DirectoryInfo(m).Name);

            foreach (string indexName in indexNames)
                    string jsonFilePath = $@"{searchIndexDirectoryPath}\{indexName}\{indexName}.json";

                    string            jsonText          = File.ReadAllText(jsonFilePath, Encoding.UTF8);
                    SearchIndexSchema searchIndexSchema = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <SearchIndexSchema>(jsonText);
                    if (searchIndexSchema?.Name == null)
                            ? $"{indexName} json is blank"
                            : $"{indexName} json name is not available");
                    else if (searchIndexSchema.Name != indexName)
                        ErrorLog.Add($"Expected to find index { indexName }, but found { searchIndexSchema.Name }");
                        Type searchIndexType = searchIndexTypes
                                               .FirstOrDefault(m => m.CustomAttributes
                                                               .FirstOrDefault(p => p.NamedArguments
                                                                               .Any(n => n.TypedValue.Value.ToString() == searchIndexSchema.Name)) != null);

                        IEnumerable <string> searchIndexProperties = searchIndexType.GetProperties()
                                                                     .Select(m => m.CustomAttributes
                                                                             .FirstOrDefault(a => a.AttributeType.Name == "JsonPropertyAttribute")
                                                                     .Where(p => p != null);

                        IEnumerable <string> searchIndexJsonProperties = searchIndexSchema.Fields
                                                                         .Select(m => m.Name.ToLower())
                                                                         .Where(p => p != null);

                        if (!searchIndexProperties.Any())
                            ErrorLog.Add($"Index {indexName}: The model contains no properties");
                        else if (!searchIndexJsonProperties.Any())
                            ErrorLog.Add($"Index {indexName}: The json contains no properties");
                            IEnumerable <string> notInJson = searchIndexProperties.Except(searchIndexJsonProperties);
                            if (notInJson.Any())
                                string properties = string.Join(",", notInJson);
                                ErrorLog.Add($"Index {indexName}: The model contains the following properties not found in the json schema ({properties})");

                            IEnumerable <string> notInModel = searchIndexJsonProperties.Except(searchIndexProperties);
                            if (notInModel.Any())
                                string properties = string.Join(",", notInModel);
                                ErrorLog.Add($"Index {indexName}: The json schema contains the following properties not found in the model ({properties})");
                catch (Exception e)
                    ErrorLog.Add($"Unexpected error checking '{indexName}': {e.Message}{Environment.NewLine}{ e.StackTrace }");

            if (ErrorLog.Any())
                Assert.Fail(string.Join(Environment.NewLine, ErrorLog));
        public void DrawEffects(IEnumerable <IntVec3> effectRadial)
            if (lastRadial == null)

            var curCell = effectRadial.Except(lastRadial).RandomElement();

            var fadeIn    = .2f;
            var fadeOut   = .25f;
            var solidTime = .05f;

            if (direction.ToAngleFlat() >= -135 && direction.ToAngleFlat() < -45)
                EffectMaker.MakeEffect(WizardryDefOf.Mote_WolfSong_North, curCell.ToVector3(), Map, .8f,
                                       angle + Rand.Range(-20, 20), Rand.Range(5, 8), 0, solidTime, fadeOut, fadeIn, true);
                if (Find.TickManager.TicksGame % 3 == 0)
                    var effectRadialSmall = GenRadial.RadialCellsAround(ExactPosition.ToIntVec3(), 1, true);
                    curCell = effectRadialSmall.RandomElement();
                    EffectMaker.MakeEffect(WizardryDefOf.Mote_WolfSong_North, curCell.ToVector3(), Map, .8f,
                                           angle + Rand.Range(-20, 20), Rand.Range(10, 15), 0, solidTime, fadeOut, fadeIn, true);
            else if (direction.ToAngleFlat() >= 45 && direction.ToAngleFlat() < 135)
                EffectMaker.MakeEffect(WizardryDefOf.Mote_WolfSong_South, curCell.ToVector3(), Map, .8f,
                                       angle + Rand.Range(-20, 20), Rand.Range(5, 8), 0, solidTime, fadeOut, fadeIn, true);
                if (Find.TickManager.TicksGame % 3 == 0)
                    var effectRadialSmall = GenRadial.RadialCellsAround(ExactPosition.ToIntVec3(), 1, true);
                    curCell = effectRadialSmall.RandomElement();
                    EffectMaker.MakeEffect(WizardryDefOf.Mote_WolfSong_South, curCell.ToVector3(), Map, .8f,
                                           angle + Rand.Range(-20, 20), Rand.Range(10, 15), 0, solidTime, fadeOut, fadeIn, true);
            else if (direction.ToAngleFlat() >= -45 && direction.ToAngleFlat() < 45)
                EffectMaker.MakeEffect(WizardryDefOf.Mote_WolfSong_East, curCell.ToVector3(), Map, .8f,
                                       angle + Rand.Range(-20, 20), Rand.Range(5, 8), 0, solidTime, fadeOut, fadeIn, true);
                if (Find.TickManager.TicksGame % 3 == 0)
                    var effectRadialSmall = GenRadial.RadialCellsAround(ExactPosition.ToIntVec3(), 1, true);
                    curCell = effectRadialSmall.RandomElement();
                    EffectMaker.MakeEffect(WizardryDefOf.Mote_WolfSong_East, curCell.ToVector3(), Map, .8f,
                                           angle + Rand.Range(-20, 20), Rand.Range(10, 15), 0, solidTime, fadeOut, fadeIn, true);
                EffectMaker.MakeEffect(WizardryDefOf.Mote_WolfSong_West, curCell.ToVector3(), Map, .8f,
                                       angle + Rand.Range(-20, 20), Rand.Range(5, 8), 0, solidTime, fadeOut, fadeIn, true);
                if (Find.TickManager.TicksGame % 3 == 0)
                    var effectRadialSmall = GenRadial.RadialCellsAround(ExactPosition.ToIntVec3(), 1, true);
                    curCell = effectRadialSmall.RandomElement();
                    EffectMaker.MakeEffect(WizardryDefOf.Mote_WolfSong_West, curCell.ToVector3(), Map, .8f,
                                           angle + Rand.Range(-20, 20), Rand.Range(10, 15), 0, solidTime, fadeOut, fadeIn, true);

            curCell = lastRadial.RandomElement();
            if (!curCell.InBounds(Map) || !curCell.IsValid)

            FleckMaker.ThrowSmoke(curCell.ToVector3(), Map, Rand.Range(.4f, .6f));
            //var moteSmoke = ThingDef.Named("Mote_Smoke");
            //if (Rand.Chance(.5f))
            //    EffectMaker.MakeEffect(moteSmoke, curCell.ToVector3(), Map, Rand.Range(.8f, 1.3f),
            //        direction.ToAngleFlat(), Rand.Range(.4f, .6f), Rand.Range(-2, 2));
            //    EffectMaker.MakeEffect(moteSmoke, curCell.ToVector3(), Map, Rand.Range(.8f, 1.3f),
            //        180 + direction.ToAngleFlat(), Rand.Range(.4f, .6f), Rand.Range(-2, 2));
        private IEnumerable <CashMatchingDto> CalculateMatchableDocumentDetails(IEnumerable <CashMatchingDto> documentsToMatch, bool isEdit, long?matchFlag)
            // get the total avilable amount for each cash.
            List <CashMatchingDto> matchableDocuments = new List <CashMatchingDto>();

            // get all invoices which are not yet used for cash/document matching
            matchableDocuments.AddRange(documentsToMatch.Where(a => a.MatchFlagId == 0).ToList());

            // get the invoices which already used in document matching.
            List <CashMatchingDto> invoicesWithMatchFlagId = documentsToMatch.Except(matchableDocuments).ToList();

            if (invoicesWithMatchFlagId.Count > 0)
                // calculate the total amount paid for each invoice
                List <CashMatchingDto> result = invoicesWithMatchFlagId.GroupBy(d => d.DocumentReference)
                                                .Select(g => new CashMatchingDto {
                    DocumentReference = g.Key, AmountToBePaid = g.Sum(s => s.AmountToBePaid),

                foreach (var item in result)
                    var document = invoicesWithMatchFlagId.FirstOrDefault(a => a.DocumentReference == item.DocumentReference);
                    if (document != null)
                        item.DocumentReference         = document.DocumentReference;
                        item.DocumentType              = document.DocumentType;
                        item.TransactionDocumentId     = document.TransactionDocumentId;
                        item.TransactionDocumentTypeId = document.TransactionDocumentTypeId;
                        item.CurrencyCode              = document.CurrencyCode;
                        item.DocumentDate              = document.DocumentDate;
                        item.AuthorizedForPosting      = document.AuthorizedForPosting;
                        item.CounterPartyId            = document.CounterPartyId;
                        item.PaymentTermId             = document.PaymentTermId;
                        item.DepartmentId              = document.DepartmentId;
                        item.Amount                     = document.Amount - item.AmountToBePaid;
                        item.ExternalReference          = document.ExternalReference;
                        item.Narrative                  = document.Narrative;
                        item.DepartmentId               = document.DepartmentId;
                        item.CharterId                  = document.CharterId;
                        item.TransactionDirectionID     = document.TransactionDirectionID;
                        item.ValueDate                  = document.ValueDate;
                        item.SecondaryDocumentReference = document.SecondaryDocumentReference;
                        item.AccountLineTypeId          = document.AccountLineTypeId;
                        item.InvoiceGLDate              = document.InvoiceGLDate;
                        item.SourceCashLineId           = document.SourceCashLineId;
                        item.SourceInvoiceId            = document.SourceInvoiceId;
                        item.SourceJournalLineId        = document.SourceJournalLineId;

                // now update the amount and amounttobepaid for each invoice based in isedit and matchflagid
                var invoicedDetailsForTheSelectedCash = invoicesWithMatchFlagId.Where(a => a.MatchFlagId == matchFlag).ToList();
                foreach (var item in result)
                    // update  each invoice details the cash selected with amount and amounttobepaid
                    CashMatchingDto obj = invoicedDetailsForTheSelectedCash.FirstOrDefault(a => a.DocumentReference == item.DocumentReference);
                    if (obj != null)
                        // cash is in edit mode , so calculate abvailable total amount n update amountobepaid feild for the invoice belong to this cash
                        if (isEdit)
                            item.Amount         = item.Amount + obj.AmountToBePaid;
                            item.AmountToBePaid = obj.AmountToBePaid;
                            item.IsChecked      = true;
                            item.AmountToBePaid = 0;
                        item.AmountToBePaid = 0;

                return(matchableDocuments.Concat(result.Where(a => a.Amount != 0)).OrderBy(d => d.DocumentReference));

            return(matchableDocuments.OrderBy(d => d.DocumentReference));
 /// <summary>
 /// Extension method for Except LINQ extension method that allows us to use lambda
 /// expression in our LINQ statements instead of custom classes that implement IEqualityComparer.
 /// </summary>
 /// <example><![CDATA[
 ///     List<AuthorInfo> list = GetCurrentAuthorList();
 ///     List<AuthorInfo> newAuthors = GetNewAuthorList();
 ///     // we don't want duplicates - use Author ID to see if authors are the same
 ///     var uniqueAuthors = newAuthors.Except(list, a=> a.AuthorID);
 ///     AddAuthors(uniqueAuthors);
 /// ]]></example>
 public static IEnumerable <T> Except <T, TKey>(this IEnumerable <T> first, IEnumerable <T> second, Func <T, TKey> keyExtractor)
     return(first.Except(second, new KeyEqualityComparer <T, TKey>(keyExtractor)));
        private static IEnumerable <IObservable> MergeHydraulicBoundaryLocationCalculations(
            ObservableList <HydraulicBoundaryLocationCalculationsForTargetProbability> targetCalculations,
            IEnumerable <HydraulicBoundaryLocationCalculationsForTargetProbability> sourceCalculations,
            IEnumerable <HydraulicBoundaryLocation> hydraulicBoundaryLocations)
            HydraulicBoundaryLocationCalculationsForTargetProbability[] calculationsToMerge = sourceCalculations.Where(stp => targetCalculations
                                                                                                                       .Select(c => c.TargetProbability)

            var changedObjects = new List <IObservable>();

            changedObjects.AddRange(MergeCalculations(targetCalculations, calculationsToMerge));

            IEnumerable <HydraulicBoundaryLocationCalculationsForTargetProbability> calculationsToAdd = sourceCalculations.Except(calculationsToMerge);

            if (calculationsToAdd.Any())
                AddCalculations(targetCalculations, calculationsToAdd, hydraulicBoundaryLocations);


        public void AddDeleteChildren <T, TP, TKey, TIdentity>(IEnumerable <T> itemsToSave,
                                                               TP parent,
                                                               Func <T, TKey> getKey,
                                                               Func <T, TIdentity> getIdentity,
                                                               Func <TP, IEnumerable <T> > getChild,
                                                               //  Expression<Func<T, bool>> parentFilter,
                                                               string childRelationName
            where T : class, new()
            where TP : class, new()
            var repository = uow.GetRepository <T>();

            var parentRepository = uow.GetRepository <TP>();

            Type parentType = typeof(TP);
            Type type       = typeof(T);

            IEnumerable <T> existingItems = null;

            // check is a identity column exists for the child item.
            //if so , we have to create it in Mongo DB as well
            var identityName = repository.GetIdentityName();
            int next         = 0;

            //MaxIdentity<TC, TCKey>(Func<TEntity, IEnumerable<TC>> getChild, Func<TC, TCKey> getChildKey)

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(identityName))
                var maxIdentityInDB       = Convert.ToInt64(repository.Get().Max(getIdentity));
                var maxIdentityInVersions = Convert.ToInt64(parentRepository.MaxIdentity <T, TIdentity>(getChild, getIdentity));
                next = (int)Math.Max(maxIdentityInDB, maxIdentityInVersions) + 1;

            //    //existingItems = repository.GetByID(getParentKey, childRelationName,version);

            existingItems = getChild(parent); //(IEnumerable<T>)parentType.GetProperty(childRelationName).GetValue(parent, null);

            var addedItems = itemsToSave.Except <T, TKey>(existingItems, getKey);

            var deletedItems = existingItems.Except <T, TKey>(itemsToSave, getKey); //, tchr => tchr.RemoteImageID);

            var count = addedItems.Count();

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(identityName))
                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    type.GetProperty(identityName).SetValue(addedItems.ElementAt(i), next, null);

                //will not do insert untill approved

            List <T> saveList = existingItems.Union(addedItems).ToList();

            count = saveList.Count();

            foreach (var deleted in deletedItems)
                for (int i = count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                    var item = saveList.ElementAt(i);
                    if (getKey(deleted).Equals(getKey(item)))

            // var modifiedItems = images.Except(addedItems, tchr => tchr.RemoteImageID);

            // add or delete child items , based on availability.
            //////var count = addedItems.Count();
            //////for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
            //////    repository.Insert(addedItems.ElementAt(i));

            //var count = deletedItems.Count();
            //for (int i = count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
            //    repository.Delete(deletedItems.ElementAt(i));

            // if the entity is existing and the primary keys (imageID field. not the unique keys accommodationID and RemoteImageID. ) are not sent along with the
            //foreach (var existing in existingItems)
            //    foreach (var tosave in itemsToSave)
            //    {
            //        if (getKey(existing).Equals(getKey(tosave)))
            //        {
            //            //set the key from existing entry to the new entry
            //            repository.SetKey(existing, tosave);
            //        }
            //    }

            // when updating the children a new version is created . this can be modified to save children to the save version.
            // may be usefull when both are saved in one click.
            parentRepository.UpdateChildren <T>(parent, saveList, childRelationName);
 public static IEnumerable <T> Except <T>(this IEnumerable <T> array, T item)
     return(array.Except(new T[] { item }));
 IEnumerable <Renderer> MergeRenderers(
     IEnumerable <Renderer> prev,
     IEnumerable <Renderer> next) =>
 prev.Except(next, MetadataRendererComparer.Default).
 Concat(next.Except(prev, MetadataRendererComparer.Default));
        /// <summary>
        /// The get files.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="path">
        /// The path.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="filters">
        /// The filters.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="searchOption">
        /// The search option.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="directoryAttributesToIgnore">
        /// The directory attributes to ignore.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="fileAttributesToIgnore">
        /// The file attributes to ignore.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The <see cref="string[]"/>.
        /// </returns>
        public static string[] GetFiles(
            string path,
            string filters,
            SearchOption searchOption,
            FileAttributes directoryAttributesToIgnore,
            FileAttributes fileAttributesToIgnore)
            if (!Directory.Exists(path))
                return(new string[] { });

            var directoryInfo = new DirectoryInfo(path);

            if (directoryInfo.Parent != null && AnyFlagSet(directoryInfo.Attributes, directoryAttributesToIgnore))
                return(new string[] { });

            IEnumerable <string> include =
                from filter in filters.Split(new[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
                where !string.IsNullOrEmpty(filter.Trim())
                select filter.Trim();

            IEnumerable <string> exclude = from filter in include where filter.Contains(@"!") select filter;

            include = include.Except(exclude);

            if (!include.Any())
                include = new[] { "*" };

            IEnumerable <string> excludeFilters = from filter in exclude
                                                  let replace =
                filter.Replace("!", string.Empty)
                .Replace(".", @"\.")
                .Replace("*", ".*")
                .Replace("?", ".")
                select string.Format("^{0}$", replace);

            var excludeRegex = new Regex(string.Join("|", excludeFilters.ToArray()), RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);

            var pathsToSearch = new Queue <string>();
            var foundFiles    = new List <string>();


            while (pathsToSearch.Count > 0)
                string dir = pathsToSearch.Dequeue();

                if (searchOption == SearchOption.AllDirectories)
                    foreach (string subDir in
                                 subDir =>
                                 (!AnyFlagSet(new DirectoryInfo(subDir).Attributes, directoryAttributesToIgnore))))

                foreach (string filter in include)
                    string[] allfiles = Directory.GetFiles(dir, filter, SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly);

                    IEnumerable <string> collection = exclude.Any()
                                                         ? allfiles.Where(p => !excludeRegex.Match(p).Success)
                                                         : allfiles;

                        collection.Where(p => (!AnyFlagSet(new FileInfo(p).Attributes, fileAttributesToIgnore))));

        public static void CreateDiffScript(IRepository sourceRepository, IRepository targetRepository, IGenerator generator, bool includeTargetDrops)
            List <string> sourceTables = sourceRepository.GetAllTableNames();
            List <string> targetTables = targetRepository.GetAllTableNames();

            // Script each table not in the target
            foreach (string tableName in sourceTables.Except(targetTables))
            foreach (string tableName in sourceTables.Except(targetTables))
            foreach (string tableName in sourceTables.Except(targetTables))
                List <string> tableIndexes = sourceRepository.GetIndexesFromTable(tableName).Select(i => i.IndexName).Distinct().ToList();
                foreach (var index in tableIndexes)
                    generator.GenerateIndexScript(tableName, index);
            foreach (string tableName in sourceTables.Except(targetTables))

            // Drop each table in the target but not the source
            if (includeTargetDrops)
                foreach (string tableName in targetTables.Except(sourceTables))

            //For each table both in target and source
            foreach (string tableName in sourceTables.Intersect(targetTables))
                // Check columns for the table: Dropped, added or changed ?
                IEnumerable <Column> sourceColumns = from c in sourceRepository.GetColumnsFromTable()
                                                     where c.TableName == tableName
                                                     select c;
                IEnumerable <Column> targetColumns = from c in targetRepository.GetColumnsFromTable()
                                                     where c.TableName == tableName
                                                     select c;

                // Added columns
                foreach (var column in sourceColumns.Except(targetColumns, new ColumnComparer()))
                // Same columns, check for changes
                foreach (var sourceColumn in sourceColumns.Intersect(targetColumns, new ColumnComparer()))
                    bool altered = false;
                    // Check if they have any differences:
                    var targetColumn = (from c in targetColumns
                                        where c.TableName == sourceColumn.TableName && c.ColumnName == sourceColumn.ColumnName
                                        select c).Single();
                    if (sourceColumn.IsNullable != targetColumn.IsNullable)
                        altered = true;
                    if (sourceColumn.NumericPrecision != targetColumn.NumericPrecision)
                        altered = true;
                    if (sourceColumn.NumericScale != targetColumn.NumericScale)
                        altered = true;
                    if (sourceColumn.AutoIncrementBy != targetColumn.AutoIncrementBy)
                        altered = true;
                    if (sourceColumn.CharacterMaxLength != targetColumn.CharacterMaxLength)
                        altered = true;
                    if (sourceColumn.DataType != targetColumn.DataType)
                        altered = true;

                    if (altered)

                    // Changed defaults is special case
                    if (!targetColumn.ColumnHasDefault && sourceColumn.ColumnHasDefault)
                    if (!sourceColumn.ColumnHasDefault && targetColumn.ColumnHasDefault)
                    // If both columns have defaults, but they are different
                    if ((sourceColumn.ColumnHasDefault && targetColumn.ColumnHasDefault) && (sourceColumn.ColumnDefault != targetColumn.ColumnDefault))

                //Check primary keys
                List <PrimaryKey> sourcePK = sourceRepository.GetAllPrimaryKeys().Where(p => p.TableName == tableName).ToList();
                List <PrimaryKey> targetPK = targetRepository.GetAllPrimaryKeys().Where(p => p.TableName == tableName).ToList();

                // Add the PK
                if (targetPK.Count == 0 && sourcePK.Count > 0)

                // Do we have the same columns, if not, drop and create.
                if (sourcePK.Count > 0 && targetPK.Count > 0)
                    if (sourcePK.Count == targetPK.Count)
                        //Compare columns
                        for (int i = 0; i < sourcePK.Count; i++)
                            if (sourcePK[i].ColumnName != targetPK[i].ColumnName)
                                generator.GeneratePrimaryKeyDrop(sourcePK[i], tableName);
                    // Not same column count, just drop and create
                        generator.GeneratePrimaryKeyDrop(sourcePK[0], tableName);

                // Check indexes
                List <Index> sourceIXs = sourceRepository.GetIndexesFromTable(tableName);
                List <Index> targetIXs = targetRepository.GetIndexesFromTable(tableName);

                // Check added indexes (by name only)
                foreach (var index in sourceIXs)
                    var targetIX = targetIXs.Where(s => s.IndexName == index.IndexName);
                    if (targetIX.Count() == 0)
                        generator.GenerateIndexScript(index.TableName, index.IndexName);

                // Check foreign keys
                List <Constraint> sourceFKs = sourceRepository.GetAllForeignKeys(tableName);
                List <Constraint> targetFKs = targetRepository.GetAllForeignKeys(tableName);

                // Check added foreign keys (by name only)
                foreach (var fk in sourceFKs)
                    Constraint targetFK = targetFKs.Where(s => s.ConstraintName == fk.ConstraintName).SingleOrDefault();
                    if (targetFK == null)
                // Check deleted FKs (by name only)
                foreach (var fk in targetFKs)
                    Constraint sourceFK = sourceFKs.Where(s => s.ConstraintName == fk.ConstraintName).SingleOrDefault();
                    if (sourceFK == null)

                // Check deleted indexes (by name only)
                foreach (var index in targetIXs)
                    var sourceIX = sourceIXs.Where(s => s.IndexName == index.IndexName);
                    if (sourceIX.Count() == 0)
                        generator.GenerateIndexOnlyDrop(index.TableName, index.IndexName);

                // Dropped columns
                foreach (var column in targetColumns.Except(sourceColumns, new ColumnComparer()))
 public static IEnumerable <T> SniffOutVoided <T>(this IEnumerable <T> oldStuff, IEnumerable <T> newStuff, IEqualityComparer <T> comparer)
     return(oldStuff.Except(newStuff, comparer).ToList());
        public virtual void InitMediaNavigation(out string mediaNavigationMode, out NavigationData navigationData)

            string             nextScreenName;
            AbstractScreenData nextScreen = null;

            // Try to load the prefered next screen from settings.
            if (NavigationData.LoadScreenHierarchy(_viewName, out nextScreenName))
                // Support for browsing mode.
                if (nextScreenName == Consts.USE_BROWSE_MODE)

                if (_availableScreens != null)
                    nextScreen = _availableScreens.FirstOrDefault(s => s.GetType().ToString() == nextScreenName);

            IEnumerable <Guid> optionalMIATypeIDs = MediaNavigationModel.GetMediaSkinOptionalMIATypes(MediaNavigationMode);

            if (_optionalMias != null)
                optionalMIATypeIDs = optionalMIATypeIDs.Union(_optionalMias);
                optionalMIATypeIDs = optionalMIATypeIDs.Except(_necessaryMias);

            IFilterTree filterTree = _rootRole.HasValue ? new RelationshipFilterTree(_rootRole.Value) : (IFilterTree) new SimpleFilterTree();


            // Prefer custom view specification.
            ViewSpecification rootViewSpecification = _customRootViewSpecification ??
                                                      new MediaLibraryQueryViewSpecification(_viewName, filterTree, _necessaryMias, optionalMIATypeIDs, true)
                MaxNumItems = Consts.MAX_NUM_ITEMS_VISIBLE

            if (nextScreen == null)
                nextScreen = _defaultScreen;

            ScreenConfig nextScreenConfig;

            NavigationData.LoadLayoutSettings(nextScreen.GetType().ToString(), out nextScreenConfig);

            Sorting.Sorting nextSortingMode  = _availableSortings.FirstOrDefault(sorting => sorting.GetType().ToString() == nextScreenConfig.Sorting) ?? _defaultSorting;
            Sorting.Sorting nextGroupingMode = _availableGroupings == null || String.IsNullOrEmpty(nextScreenConfig.Grouping) ? null : _availableGroupings.FirstOrDefault(grouping => grouping.GetType().ToString() == nextScreenConfig.Grouping) ?? _defaultGrouping;

            navigationData = new NavigationData(null, _viewName, MediaNavigationRootState,
                                                MediaNavigationRootState, rootViewSpecification, nextScreen, _availableScreens, nextSortingMode, nextGroupingMode)
                AvailableSortings  = _availableSortings,
                AvailableGroupings = _availableGroupings,
                LayoutType         = nextScreenConfig.LayoutType,
                LayoutSize         = nextScreenConfig.LayoutSize
            mediaNavigationMode = MediaNavigationMode;
 public static IEnumerable <T> Except <T>(this IEnumerable <T> source, T item)
     return(source?.Except(Enumerable.Repeat(item, 1)));
 public static IEnumerable <T> SymmetricDifference <T>(this IEnumerable <T> xs, IEnumerable <T> ys)
     // this is probably a shockingly-slow way to do this, but it's concise.
 private IEnumerable <string> GetTargetLanguages(IEnumerable <string> targetLanguages, TreeNode node)
     return(chkSkipTranslated.Checked ? targetLanguages.Except(node.GetTranslatedCultures()) : targetLanguages);
        // TODO: Add tests
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds tags to <paramref name="entity"/> based on <paramref name="tags"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tags"></param>
        /// <param name="entity"></param>
        /// <param name="allTagEntities"></param>
        public static void SetTags <TEntity, TRelation>(IEnumerable <string> tags, TEntity entity, ICollection <Tag> allTagEntities)
            where TEntity : IHasTags
            where TRelation : class, ITagRelation
            if (tags.IsNull())

            var nameOfEntity          = entity.GetType().Name;
            var nameOfJoiningProperty = $"{nameOfEntity}{nameof(Tag)}s";                                                 // ie NewsTags

            var joiningTableType = typeof(Tag).GetProperty(nameOfJoiningProperty).PropertyType.GetGenericArguments()[0]; // ie NewsTag

            // Get all tag entities that already is created
            var exisitingTagEntities = allTagEntities?
                                       .Where(k => tags.Contains(k.Name, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                                       ?? new List <Tag>();

            // Get a list of all tags that is already attached to the entity to avoid duplicates etc
            var alreadyAttachedTagEntities = exisitingTagEntities?
                                             .Where(k =>
                                                    GetJoiningCollectionInternal <TRelation>(k, nameOfJoiningProperty)?
                                                    .Any(jt => GetEntityInternal <TEntity>(jt, nameOfEntity).Id == entity.Id) == true

            // Get all joining tables, ie NewsTag, that is already attached
            var alreadyAttachedJoiningTagEntities = exisitingTagEntities?
                                                    .SelectMany(k => GetJoiningCollectionInternal <TRelation>(k, nameOfJoiningProperty))?
                                                    .Where(jt => GetEntityInternal <TEntity>(jt, nameOfEntity).Id == entity.Id) ?? new List <TRelation>();

            // Get all existing tags as strings compare them to the param to avoid creating them again
            var existingTags = exisitingTagEntities?
                               .Select(k => k.Name) ?? new List <string>();

            // Finally we have a list of all tags we have to create
            var newTags = tags?.Except(existingTags);

            // Create entities
            var newTagEntities = newTags?
                                 .Select(name => new Tag
                Name = name,
                Url  = CustomUrlHelper.URLFriendly(name),

            // Get a list of all tag entities that have be attached to the entity
            var allTagEntitiesToBeAttached = exisitingTagEntities
                                             .Concat(newTagEntities ?? new List <Tag>());

            // Create new relations between the tag entities and the entity (many-to-many)
            var joiningTagEntities = allTagEntitiesToBeAttached?
                                     .Select(k => Activator.CreateInstance(joiningTableType, k))?
                                     // Add all old entities that is already attached (meaning there already exists entities for them)
                                     .Select(k => k as TRelation)?

            // Set the new list of relationship entities to the correct property of the entity
            entity.GetType().GetProperty(nameOfJoiningProperty).SetValue(entity, joiningTagEntities);
 /// <summary>
 /// Determine if an array contains all elements in another array
 /// </summary>
 /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
 /// <param name="containingList"></param>
 /// <param name="lookupList"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static bool ContainsAll <T>(this IEnumerable <T> containingList, IEnumerable <T> lookupList)