public async Task <Employee> CreateEmployeeAsync(Employee e)
            // enforce the new immutable ID here, so if we expand to other consumers later the rule is still enforced
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(e.ImmutableId))
                e.ImmutableId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            // since cosmos' auto-generated IDs are all guids, need to come up with a shorthand here that's easy for humans to use
            // todo: figure out something better than Random - sticking to 4 digits here for readability but obviously this would need to change
            // todo: at this point, it might be cheaper to just ping the DB with the ID to check for a result rather than wait for and catch an exception, although not found throws an exception too
            var r     = new Random();
            var empId = r.Next(0, 9999).ToString("D4");

            e.CompanyId = empId;
                var employeeRecord = await _repo.CreateDocumentAsync(e);

                if (!employeeRecord.Success && employeeRecord.ErrorCode == "Conflict")
                    // retry, basically get a new ID because ours conflicted
                    e = await CreateEmployeeAsync(e);
                //todo : handle other error cases better than rethrowing
                else if (!employeeRecord.Success && employeeRecord.Exception != null)
                    throw employeeRecord.Exception;
                else if (!employeeRecord.Success)
                    throw new Exception(employeeRecord.Message);

                // todo: reconsider this, perhaps totally OOB photo uploading (for supporting multiple)
                //e = await SaveEmployeePhoto(e);

            catch (Exception ex)
                // todo: needs exception handling and retry for all these network calls
            // todo: hate to return null