        /// <summary>
        /// Given an estimator, get an estimate.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="estimatorStream"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <remarks>Needed only when the first estimate fails. An alternative is now calculating the filter here and sending it to the other actor (depends upon which actor wants to know the difference).</remarks>
        public long?GetEstimate(MemoryStream estimatorStream)
            Console.WriteLine($"Estimator size: {estimatorStream.Length} ");
            var otherEstimator =
                (HybridEstimatorData <int, TCount>)
                _protobufModel.Deserialize(estimatorStream, null, typeof(HybridEstimatorData <int, TCount>));

        public void HybridEstimatorPerformanceMeasurement()
            var configuration = new LargeBloomFilterConfiguration();
            var testSizes     = new [] { 5000, 10000, 100000, 500000 };
            var errorSizes    = new [] { 1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 75, 100 };
            var capacities    = new long[] { 80, 250, 1000 };
            var stratas       = new byte[] { 3, 7, 9, 13, 19, 25, 32 };

            foreach (var dataSize in testSizes)
                foreach (var errorSize in errorSizes)
                    using (
                        var writer =
                            new StreamWriter(File.Open($"hybridestimator-{dataSize}-{errorSize}.csv",
                        foreach (var capacity in capacities)
                            foreach (var strata in stratas)
                                var timeSpanAggregate       = new TimeSpan[50];
                                var countAggregate          = new int[50];
                                var modCountResultAggregate = new int[50];
                                var decodeResult            = new int[50];

                                for (var run = 0; run < 50; run++)
                                    var testData   = DataGenerator.Generate().Take(dataSize).ToList();
                                    var modCount   = (int)(dataSize / 100.0D * errorSize);
                                    var startTime  = DateTime.UtcNow;
                                    var estimator1 = new HybridEstimator <TestEntity, long, int>(capacity, strata, configuration);
                                    estimator1.Initialize((uint)testData.Count, 2, 10);
                                    foreach (var item in testData)
                                    var estimator2 = new HybridEstimator <TestEntity, long, int>(capacity, strata, configuration);
                                    estimator2.Initialize((uint)testData.Count, 2, 10);
                                    foreach (var item in testData)
                                    var measuredModCount = estimator1.Decode(estimator2);
                                    timeSpanAggregate[run]       = DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(startTime);
                                    countAggregate[run]          = modCount;
                                    modCountResultAggregate[run] = (int)(measuredModCount ?? 0L);
                                    decodeResult[run]            = measuredModCount.HasValue ? 1 : 0;
                                var timeAvg          = new TimeSpan((long)timeSpanAggregate.Select(t => t.Ticks).Average());
                                var countAvg         = (long)countAggregate.Average();
                                var modCountResult   = (long)modCountResultAggregate.Average();
                                var differenceResult =
                                    modCountResultAggregate.Select((r, i) => r - countAggregate[i]).ToArray();
                                var differenceSd = Math.Sqrt(differenceResult.Variance());
                                    $"{timeAvg.TotalMilliseconds},{dataSize},{strata},{capacity},{countAvg},{modCountResult},{(long) differenceResult.Average()},{differenceSd},{1.0D * decodeResult.Sum() / 50}");