public void AppendSelfClosingTagSuffix_VaryingHtmlVersion_AppendsCorrectOutput(HtmlVersion htmlVersion, string expectedOutput) { var template = new DummyTemplate(); string result = template.AppendSelfClosingTagSuffix(htmlVersion); Assert.That(result, Is.EqualTo(expectedOutput)); }
public Attribute(string name, HtmlVersion versions, IAttrCheck attrCheck) { _name = name; _nowrap = false; _literal = false; _versions = versions; _attrCheck = attrCheck; }
public Dict(string name, HtmlVersion versions, int model, IParser parser, ICheckAttribs checkAttribs) { Name = name; Versions = versions; Model = model; Parser = parser; CheckAttribs = checkAttribs; }
public Attribute(string name, HtmlVersion versions, IAttrCheck attrCheck) { Name = name; Nowrap = false; Literal = false; Versions = versions; AttrCheck = attrCheck; }
public void Render(TextWriter writer, HtmlVersion htmlVersion, IDictionary <string, object> viewData) { Invariant.ArgumentNotNull(writer, "textWriter"); _htmlVersion = htmlVersion; ViewData = viewData; HasCodeBlockRepeated = false; CoreRender(writer); }
public void RenderAttributeNameValuePair_BooleanAttribute_WritesCorrectAttributes(string name, string value, HtmlVersion htmlVersion, string expectedOutput) { var template = new DummyTemplate(); template.SetHtmlVersion(htmlVersion); string result = template.RenderAttributeNameValuePair(name, value, '\"'); Assert.That(result, Is.EqualTo(expectedOutput)); }
public Dict(string name, HtmlVersion versions, int model, IParser parser, ICheckAttribs checkAttribs) { _name = name; _versions = versions; _model = model; _parser = parser; _checkAttribs = checkAttribs; }
public void Html5Support(HtmlVersion htmlVersion) { Document doc = new Document(MyDir + "Document.doc"); HtmlSaveOptions saveOptions = new HtmlSaveOptions(); saveOptions.HtmlVersion = htmlVersion; }
public void Render(TextWriter writer, HtmlVersion htmlVersion, IDictionary<string, object> viewData) { Invariant.ArgumentNotNull(writer, "textWriter"); _htmlVersion = htmlVersion; ViewData = viewData; HasCodeBlockRepeated = false; CoreRender(writer); }
private static string GetStrictDocType(HtmlVersion htmlVersion) { switch (htmlVersion) { case HtmlVersion.Html4: return @"<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC ""-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN"" """">"; default: return @"<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC ""-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"" """">"; } }
private static string GetTransitionalDocType(HtmlVersion htmlVersion) { switch (htmlVersion) { case HtmlVersion.Html4: return @"<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC ""-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"" """">"; default: return @"<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC ""-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"" """">"; } }
private static string GetStrictDocType(HtmlVersion htmlVersion) { switch (htmlVersion) { case HtmlVersion.Html4: return(@"<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC ""-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN"" """">"); default: return(@"<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC ""-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"" """">"); } }
private static string GetTransitionalDocType(HtmlVersion htmlVersion) { switch (htmlVersion) { case HtmlVersion.Html4: return(@"<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC ""-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"" """">"); default: return(@"<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC ""-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"" """">"); } }
public void Html5Support(HtmlVersion htmlVersion) { Document doc = new Document(MyDir + "Document.doc"); HtmlSaveOptions saveOptions = new HtmlSaveOptions { HtmlVersion = htmlVersion }; doc.Save(ArtifactsDir + "HtmlSaveOptions.Html5Support.html", saveOptions); }
public void Walk_AutoSelfClosingTag_AppendsCorrectTag(HtmlVersion htmlVersion, string expectedFormat) { // Arrange var tagNode = new HamlNodeTag(new HamlLine("br")); // Act _hamlOptions.HtmlVersion = htmlVersion; _tagWalker.Walk(tagNode); // Assert Assert.That(_classBuilderMock.Build(""), Is.StringContaining(expectedFormat)); }
private static string GetXmlDocType(IList <string> docTypeParts, HtmlVersion htmlVersion) { if (htmlVersion != HtmlVersion.XHtml) { return(""); } string encoding = docTypeParts.Count < 2 ? "utf-8" : docTypeParts[1]; return("<?xml version='1.0' encoding='" + encoding + "' ?>"); }
public HamlOptions() { AutoClosingTags = new List<string> { "area", "base", "br", "col", "hr", "img", "input", "link", "meta", "param" }; HtmlVersion = CodeDom.HtmlVersion.XHtml; }
public static string GetDocType(string docType, HtmlVersion htmlVersion) { var docTypeParts = docType.Split(' '); if (docTypeParts.Length == 0) { return(GetTransitionalDocType(htmlVersion)); } if (htmlVersion == HtmlVersion.Html5 && docTypeParts[0].ToUpper() != "XML") { return(GetHtml5DocType()); } switch (docTypeParts[0].ToUpper()) { case "STRICT": return(GetStrictDocType(htmlVersion)); case "FRAMESET": return(GetFramesetDocType(htmlVersion)); case "5": return(GetHtml5DocType()); case "1.1": return(GetXHtmlDocType11()); case "BASIC": return(GetBasicDocType()); case "MOBILE": return(GetMobileDocType()); case "RDFA": return(GetRdfaDocType()); case "XML": return(GetXmlDocType(docTypeParts, htmlVersion)); default: return(GetTransitionalDocType(htmlVersion)); } }
public static string GetDocType(string docType, HtmlVersion htmlVersion) { var docTypeParts = docType.Split(' '); if (docTypeParts.Length == 0) return GetTransitionalDocType(htmlVersion); if (htmlVersion == HtmlVersion.Html5 && docTypeParts[0].ToUpper() != "XML") return GetHtml5DocType(); switch (docTypeParts[0].ToUpper()) { case "STRICT": return GetStrictDocType(htmlVersion); case "FRAMESET": return GetFramesetDocType(htmlVersion); case "5": return GetHtml5DocType(); case "1.1": return GetXHtmlDocType11(); case "BASIC": return GetBasicDocType(); case "MOBILE": return GetMobileDocType(); case "RDFA": return GetRdfaDocType(); case "XML": return GetXmlDocType(docTypeParts, htmlVersion); default: return GetTransitionalDocType(htmlVersion); } }
public Lexer(StreamIn input, TidyOptions options) { Input = input; Lines = 1; Columns = 1; State = LEX_CONTENT; BadAccess = 0; BadLayout = 0; BadChars = 0; BadForm = 0; Waswhite = false; Pushed = false; Insertspace = false; Exiled = false; Isvoyager = false; Versions = HtmlVersion.Everything; Doctype = HtmlVersion.Unknown; BadDoctype = false; Txtstart = 0; Txtend = 0; Token = null; Lexbuf = null; Lexlength = 0; Lexsize = 0; Inode = null; Insert = - 1; Istack = new Stack<InlineStack>(); Istackbase = 0; Styles = null; Options = options; SeenBodyEndTag = 0; _nodeList = new List<Node>(); }
public string AppendSelfClosingTagSuffix(HtmlVersion htmlVersion) { base.SetHtmlVersion(htmlVersion); return(base.AppendSelfClosingTagSuffix()); }
public string AppendSelfClosingTagSuffix(HtmlVersion htmlVersion) { base.SetHtmlVersion(htmlVersion); return base.AppendSelfClosingTagSuffix(); }
/* modes for GetToken() MixedContent -- for elements which don't accept PCDATA Preformatted -- white space preserved as is IgnoreMarkup -- for CDATA elements such as script, style */ public virtual Node GetToken(short mode) { int c; int badcomment = 0; var isempty = new MutableBoolean(); if (Pushed) { /* duplicate inlines in preference to pushed text nodes when appropriate */ if (Token.Type != Node.TEXT_NODE || (Insert == - 1 && Inode == null)) { Pushed = false; return Token; } } /* at start of block elements, unclosed inline elements are inserted into the token stream */ if (Insert != - 1 || Inode != null) { return InsertedToken(); } Lines = Input.CursorLine; Columns = Input.CursorColumn; Waswhite = false; Txtstart = Lexsize; Txtend = Lexsize; while (true) { c = Input.ReadChar(); if (c == StreamIn.END_OF_STREAM) { break; } if (Insertspace && mode != IGNORE_WHITESPACE) { AddCharToLexer(' '); Waswhite = true; Insertspace = false; } /* treat \r\n as \n and \r as \n */ if (c == '\r') { c = Input.ReadChar(); if (c != '\n') { Input.UngetChar(c); } c = '\n'; } AddCharToLexer(c); short map; switch (State) { case LEX_CONTENT: map = Map((char) c); /* Discard white space if appropriate. Its cheaper to do this here rather than in parser methods for elements that don't have mixed content. */ if (((map & WHITE) != 0) && (mode == IGNORE_WHITESPACE) && Lexsize == Txtstart + 1) { --Lexsize; Waswhite = false; Lines = Input.CursorLine; Columns = Input.CursorColumn; continue; } if (c == '<') { State = LEX_GT; continue; } if ((map & WHITE) != 0) { /* was previous char white? */ if (Waswhite) { if (mode != PREFORMATTED && mode != IGNORE_MARKUP) { --Lexsize; Lines = Input.CursorLine; Columns = Input.CursorColumn; } } /* prev char wasn't white */ else { Waswhite = true; if (mode != PREFORMATTED && mode != IGNORE_MARKUP && c != ' ') { ChangeChar((byte) ' '); } } continue; } if (c == '&' && mode != IGNORE_MARKUP) { ParseEntity(mode); } /* this is needed to avoid trimming trailing whitespace */ if (mode == IGNORE_WHITESPACE) mode = MIXED_CONTENT; Waswhite = false; continue; case LEX_GT: if (c == '/') { c = Input.ReadChar(); if (c == StreamIn.END_OF_STREAM) { Input.UngetChar(c); continue; } AddCharToLexer(c); map = Map((char) c); if ((map & LETTER) != 0) { Lexsize -= 3; Txtend = Lexsize; Input.UngetChar(c); State = LEX_ENDTAG; Lexbuf[Lexsize] = (byte) '\x0000'; /* debug */ Input.CursorColumn -= 2; /* if some text before the </ return it now */ if (Txtend > Txtstart) { /* trim space char before end tag */ if (mode == IGNORE_WHITESPACE && Lexbuf[Lexsize - 1] == (byte) ' ') { Lexsize -= 1; Txtend = Lexsize; } Token = NewNode(Node.TEXT_NODE, Lexbuf, Txtstart, Txtend); return Token; } continue; /* no text so keep going */ } /* otherwise treat as CDATA */ Waswhite = false; State = LEX_CONTENT; continue; } if (mode == IGNORE_MARKUP) { /* otherwise treat as CDATA */ Waswhite = false; State = LEX_CONTENT; continue; } /* look out for comments, doctype or marked sections this isn't quite right, but its getting there ... */ if (c == '!') { c = Input.ReadChar(); if (c == '-') { c = Input.ReadChar(); if (c == '-') { State = LEX_COMMENT; /* comment */ Lexsize -= 2; Txtend = Lexsize; /* if some text before < return it now */ if (Txtend > Txtstart) { Token = NewNode(Node.TEXT_NODE, Lexbuf, Txtstart, Txtend); return Token; } Txtstart = Lexsize; continue; } Report.Warning(this, null, null, Report.MALFORMED_COMMENT); } else if (c == 'd' || c == 'D') { State = LEX_DOCTYPE; /* doctype */ Lexsize -= 2; Txtend = Lexsize; mode = IGNORE_WHITESPACE; /* skip until white space or '>' */ for (;;) { c = Input.ReadChar(); if (c == StreamIn.END_OF_STREAM || c == '>') { Input.UngetChar(c); break; } map = Map((char) c); if ((map & WHITE) == 0) { continue; } /* and skip to end of whitespace */ for (;;) { c = Input.ReadChar(); if (c == StreamIn.END_OF_STREAM || c == '>') { Input.UngetChar(c); break; } map = Map((char) c); if ((map & WHITE) != 0) { continue; } Input.UngetChar(c); break; } break; } /* if some text before < return it now */ if (Txtend > Txtstart) { Token = NewNode(Node.TEXT_NODE, Lexbuf, Txtstart, Txtend); return Token; } Txtstart = Lexsize; continue; } else if (c == '[') { /* Word 2000 embeds <![if ...]> ... <![endif]> sequences */ Lexsize -= 2; State = LEX_SECTION; Txtend = Lexsize; /* if some text before < return it now */ if (Txtend > Txtstart) { Token = NewNode(Node.TEXT_NODE, Lexbuf, Txtstart, Txtend); return Token; } Txtstart = Lexsize; continue; } /* otherwise swallow chars up to and including next '>' */ while (true) { c = Input.ReadChar(); if (c == '>') { break; } if (c == - 1) { Input.UngetChar(c); break; } } Lexsize -= 2; Lexbuf[Lexsize] = (byte) '\x0000'; State = LEX_CONTENT; continue; } /* processing instructions */ if (c == '?') { Lexsize -= 2; State = LEX_PROCINSTR; Txtend = Lexsize; /* if some text before < return it now */ if (Txtend > Txtstart) { Token = NewNode(Node.TEXT_NODE, Lexbuf, Txtstart, Txtend); return Token; } Txtstart = Lexsize; continue; } /* Microsoft ASP's e.g. <% ... server-code ... %> */ if (c == '%') { Lexsize -= 2; State = LEX_ASP; Txtend = Lexsize; /* if some text before < return it now */ if (Txtend > Txtstart) { Token = NewNode(Node.TEXT_NODE, Lexbuf, Txtstart, Txtend); return Token; } Txtstart = Lexsize; continue; } /* Netscapes JSTE e.g. <# ... server-code ... #> */ if (c == '#') { Lexsize -= 2; State = LEX_JSTE; Txtend = Lexsize; /* if some text before < return it now */ if (Txtend > Txtstart) { Token = NewNode(Node.TEXT_NODE, Lexbuf, Txtstart, Txtend); return Token; } Txtstart = Lexsize; continue; } map = Map((char) c); /* check for start tag */ if ((map & LETTER) != 0) { Input.UngetChar(c); /* push back letter */ Lexsize -= 2; /* discard "<" + letter */ Txtend = Lexsize; State = LEX_STARTTAG; /* ready to read tag name */ /* if some text before < return it now */ if (Txtend > Txtstart) { Token = NewNode(Node.TEXT_NODE, Lexbuf, Txtstart, Txtend); return Token; } continue; /* no text so keep going */ } /* otherwise treat as CDATA */ State = LEX_CONTENT; Waswhite = false; continue; case LEX_ENDTAG: Txtstart = Lexsize - 1; Input.CursorColumn += 2; c = ParseTagName(); Token = NewNode(Node.END_TAG, Lexbuf, Txtstart, Txtend, GetString(Lexbuf, Txtstart, Txtend - Txtstart)); Lexsize = Txtstart; Txtend = Txtstart; /* skip to '>' */ while (c != '>') { c = Input.ReadChar(); if (c == StreamIn.END_OF_STREAM) { break; } } if (c == StreamIn.END_OF_STREAM) { Input.UngetChar(c); continue; } State = LEX_CONTENT; Waswhite = false; return Token; /* the endtag token */ case LEX_STARTTAG: Txtstart = Lexsize - 1; /* set txtstart to first letter */ c = ParseTagName(); isempty.Val = false; AttVal attributes = null; Token = NewNode((isempty.Val ? Node.START_END_TAG : Node.START_TAG), Lexbuf, Txtstart, Txtend, GetString(Lexbuf, Txtstart, Txtend - Txtstart)); /* parse attributes, consuming closing ">" */ if (c != '>') { if (c == '/') { Input.UngetChar(c); } attributes = ParseAttrs(isempty); } if (isempty.Val) { Token.Type = Node.START_END_TAG; } Token.Attributes = attributes; Lexsize = Txtstart; Txtend = Txtstart; /* swallow newline following start tag */ /* special check needed for CRLF sequence */ /* this doesn't apply to empty elements */ if (ExpectsContent(Token) || Token.Tag == Options.TagTable.TagBr) { c = Input.ReadChar(); if (c == '\r') { c = Input.ReadChar(); if (c != '\n') { Input.UngetChar(c); } } else if (c != '\n' && c != '\f') { Input.UngetChar(c); } Waswhite = true; /* to swallow leading whitespace */ } else { Waswhite = false; } State = LEX_CONTENT; if (Token.Tag == null) { Report.Error(this, null, Token, Report.UNKNOWN_ELEMENT); } else if (!Options.XmlTags) { Versions &= Token.Tag.Versions; if ((Token.Tag.Versions & HtmlVersion.Proprietary) != 0) { if (!Options.MakeClean && (Token.Tag == Options.TagTable.TagNobr || Token.Tag == Options.TagTable.TagWbr)) { Report.Warning(this, null, Token, Report.PROPRIETARY_ELEMENT); } } if (Token.Tag.CheckAttribs != null) { Token.CheckUniqueAttributes(this); Token.Tag.CheckAttribs.Check(this, Token); } else { Token.CheckAttributes(this); } } return Token; /* return start tag */ case LEX_COMMENT: if (c != '-') { continue; } c = Input.ReadChar(); AddCharToLexer(c); if (c != '-') { continue; } while (true) { c = Input.ReadChar(); if (c == '>') { if (badcomment != 0) { Report.Warning(this, null, null, Report.MALFORMED_COMMENT); } Txtend = Lexsize - 2; // AQ 8Jul2000 Lexbuf[Lexsize] = (byte) '\x0000'; State = LEX_CONTENT; Waswhite = false; Token = NewNode(Node.COMMENT_TAG, Lexbuf, Txtstart, Txtend); /* now look for a line break */ c = Input.ReadChar(); if (c == '\r') { c = Input.ReadChar(); if (c != '\n') { Token.Linebreak = true; } } if (c == '\n') { Token.Linebreak = true; } else { Input.UngetChar(c); } return Token; } /* note position of first such error in the comment */ if (badcomment == 0) { Lines = Input.CursorLine; Columns = Input.CursorColumn - 3; } badcomment++; if (Options.FixComments) { Lexbuf[Lexsize - 2] = (byte) '='; } AddCharToLexer(c); /* if '-' then look for '>' to end the comment */ if (c != '-') { break; } } /* otherwise continue to look for --> */ Lexbuf[Lexsize - 2] = (byte) '='; continue; case LEX_DOCTYPE: map = Map((char) c); if ((map & WHITE) != 0) { if (Waswhite) { Lexsize -= 1; } Waswhite = true; } else { Waswhite = false; } if (c != '>') { continue; } Lexsize -= 1; Txtend = Lexsize; Lexbuf[Lexsize] = (byte) '\x0000'; State = LEX_CONTENT; Waswhite = false; Token = NewNode(Node.DOC_TYPE_TAG, Lexbuf, Txtstart, Txtend); /* make a note of the version named by the doctype */ Doctype = FindGivenVersion(Token); return Token; case LEX_PROCINSTR: if (Lexsize - Txtstart == 3) { if ((GetString(Lexbuf, Txtstart, 3)).Equals("php")) { State = LEX_PHP; continue; } } if (Options.XmlPIs) { /* insist on ?> as terminator */ if (c != '?') { continue; } /* now look for '>' */ c = Input.ReadChar(); if (c == StreamIn.END_OF_STREAM) { Report.Warning(this, null, null, Report.UNEXPECTED_END_OF_FILE); Input.UngetChar(c); continue; } AddCharToLexer(c); } if (c != '>') { continue; } Lexsize -= 1; Txtend = Lexsize; Lexbuf[Lexsize] = (byte) '\x0000'; State = LEX_CONTENT; Waswhite = false; Token = NewNode(Node.PROC_INS_TAG, Lexbuf, Txtstart, Txtend); return Token; case LEX_ASP: if (c != '%') { continue; } /* now look for '>' */ c = Input.ReadChar(); if (c != '>') { Input.UngetChar(c); continue; } Lexsize -= 1; Txtend = Lexsize; Lexbuf[Lexsize] = (byte) '\x0000'; State = LEX_CONTENT; Waswhite = false; Token = NewNode(Node.ASP_TAG, Lexbuf, Txtstart, Txtend); return Token; case LEX_JSTE: if (c != '#') { continue; } /* now look for '>' */ c = Input.ReadChar(); if (c != '>') { Input.UngetChar(c); continue; } Lexsize -= 1; Txtend = Lexsize; Lexbuf[Lexsize] = (byte) '\x0000'; State = LEX_CONTENT; Waswhite = false; Token = NewNode(Node.JSTE_TAG, Lexbuf, Txtstart, Txtend); return Token; case LEX_PHP: if (c != '?') { continue; } /* now look for '>' */ c = Input.ReadChar(); if (c != '>') { Input.UngetChar(c); continue; } Lexsize -= 1; Txtend = Lexsize; Lexbuf[Lexsize] = (byte) '\x0000'; State = LEX_CONTENT; Waswhite = false; Token = NewNode(Node.PHP_TAG, Lexbuf, Txtstart, Txtend); return Token; case LEX_SECTION: if (c == '[') { if (Lexsize == (Txtstart + 6) && (GetString(Lexbuf, Txtstart, 6)).Equals("CDATA[")) { State = LEX_CDATA; Lexsize -= 6; continue; } } if (c != ']') { continue; } /* now look for '>' */ c = Input.ReadChar(); if (c != '>') { Input.UngetChar(c); continue; } Lexsize -= 1; Txtend = Lexsize; Lexbuf[Lexsize] = (byte) '\x0000'; State = LEX_CONTENT; Waswhite = false; Token = NewNode(Node.SECTION_TAG, Lexbuf, Txtstart, Txtend); return Token; case LEX_CDATA: if (c != ']') { continue; } /* now look for ']' */ c = Input.ReadChar(); if (c != ']') { Input.UngetChar(c); continue; } /* now look for '>' */ c = Input.ReadChar(); if (c != '>') { Input.UngetChar(c); continue; } Lexsize -= 1; Txtend = Lexsize; Lexbuf[Lexsize] = (byte) '\x0000'; State = LEX_CONTENT; Waswhite = false; Token = NewNode(Node.CDATA_TAG, Lexbuf, Txtstart, Txtend); return Token; } } if (State == LEX_CONTENT) { /* text string */ Txtend = Lexsize; if (Txtend > Txtstart) { Input.UngetChar(c); if (Lexbuf[Lexsize - 1] == (byte) ' ') { Lexsize -= 1; Txtend = Lexsize; } Token = NewNode(Node.TEXT_NODE, Lexbuf, Txtstart, Txtend); return Token; } } else if (State == LEX_COMMENT) { /* comment */ if (c == StreamIn.END_OF_STREAM) { Report.Warning(this, null, null, Report.MALFORMED_COMMENT); } Txtend = Lexsize; Lexbuf[Lexsize] = (byte) '\x0000'; State = LEX_CONTENT; Waswhite = false; Token = NewNode(Node.COMMENT_TAG, Lexbuf, Txtstart, Txtend); return Token; } return null; }
/* fixup doctype if missing */ public virtual bool FixDocType(Node root) { Node doctype; HtmlVersion guessed = HtmlVersion.Html40Strict; int i; if (this.badDoctype) { Report.Warning(this, null, null, Report.MALFORMED_DOCTYPE); } if (Options.XmlOut) { return true; } doctype = root.FindDocType(); if (Options.DocType == TidyNet.DocType.Omit) { if (doctype != null) { Node.DiscardElement(doctype); } return true; } if (Options.DocType == TidyNet.DocType.Strict) { Node.DiscardElement(doctype); doctype = null; guessed = HtmlVersion.Html40Strict; } else if (Options.DocType == TidyNet.DocType.Loose) { Node.DiscardElement(doctype); doctype = null; guessed = HtmlVersion.Html40Loose; } else if (Options.DocType == TidyNet.DocType.Auto) { if (doctype != null) { if (this.doctype == HtmlVersion.Unknown) { return false; } switch (this.doctype) { case HtmlVersion.Unknown: return false; case HtmlVersion.Html20: if ((this.versions & HtmlVersion.Html20) != 0) { return true; } break; /* to replace old version by new */ case HtmlVersion.Html32: if ((this.versions & HtmlVersion.Html32) != 0) { return true; } break; /* to replace old version by new */ case HtmlVersion.Html40Strict: if ((this.versions & HtmlVersion.Html40Strict) != 0) { return true; } break; /* to replace old version by new */ case HtmlVersion.Html40Loose: if ((this.versions & HtmlVersion.Html40Loose) != 0) { return true; } break; /* to replace old version by new */ case HtmlVersion.Frames: if ((this.versions & HtmlVersion.Frames) != 0) { return true; } break; /* to replace old version by new */ } /* INCONSISTENT_VERSION warning is now issued by ApparentVersion() */ } /* choose new doctype */ guessed = GetHtmlVersion(); } if (guessed == HtmlVersion.Unknown) { return false; } /* for XML use the Voyager system identifier */ if (this.Options.XmlOut || this.Options.XmlTags || this.isvoyager) { if (doctype != null) Node.DiscardElement(doctype); for (i = 0; i < W3CVersion.Length; ++i) { if (guessed == W3CVersion[i].Version) { FixHtmlNameSpace(root, W3CVersion[i].Profile); break; } } return true; } if (doctype == null) { doctype = NewNode(Node.DocTypeTag, this.lexbuf, 0, 0); doctype.Next = root.Content; doctype.Parent = root; doctype.Prev = null; root.Content = doctype; } this.txtstart = this.lexsize; this.txtend = this.lexsize; /* use the appropriate public identifier */ AddStringLiteral("html PUBLIC "); if (Options.DocType == TidyNet.DocType.User && Options.DocTypeStr != null) { AddStringLiteral(Options.DocTypeStr); } else if (guessed == HtmlVersion.Html20) { AddStringLiteral("\"-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN\""); } else { AddStringLiteral("\"-//W3C//DTD "); for (i = 0; i < W3CVersion.Length; ++i) { if (guessed == W3CVersion[i].Version) { AddStringLiteral(W3CVersion[i].Name); break; } } AddStringLiteral("//EN\""); } this.txtend = this.lexsize; doctype.Start = this.txtstart; doctype.End = this.txtend; return true; }
public virtual bool SetXhtmlDocType(Node root) { string fpi = " "; string sysid = ""; string namespace_Renamed = XHTML_NAMESPACE; Node doctype; doctype = root.FindDocType(); if (Options.DocType == TidyNet.DocType.Omit) { if (doctype != null) Node.DiscardElement(doctype); return true; } if (Options.DocType == TidyNet.DocType.Auto) { /* see what flavor of XHTML this document matches */ if ((this.versions & HtmlVersion.Html40Strict) != 0) { /* use XHTML strict */ fpi = "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"; sysid = voyager_strict; } else if ((this.versions & HtmlVersion.Loose) != 0) { fpi = "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"; sysid = voyager_loose; } else if ((this.versions & HtmlVersion.Frames) != 0) { /* use XHTML frames */ fpi = "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Frameset//EN"; sysid = voyager_frameset; } else { /* lets assume XHTML transitional */ fpi = "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"; sysid = voyager_loose; } } else if (Options.DocType == TidyNet.DocType.Strict) { fpi = "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"; sysid = voyager_strict; } else if (Options.DocType == TidyNet.DocType.Loose) { fpi = "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"; sysid = voyager_loose; } FixHtmlNameSpace(root, namespace_Renamed); if (doctype == null) { doctype = NewNode(Node.DocTypeTag, this.lexbuf, 0, 0); doctype.Next = root.Content; doctype.Parent = root; doctype.Prev = null; root.Content = doctype; } if (Options.DocType == TidyNet.DocType.User && Options.DocTypeStr != null) { fpi = Options.DocTypeStr; sysid = ""; } this.txtstart = this.lexsize; this.txtend = this.lexsize; /* add public identifier */ AddStringLiteral("html PUBLIC "); /* check if the fpi is quoted or not */ if (fpi[0] == '"') { AddStringLiteral(fpi); } else { AddStringLiteral("\""); AddStringLiteral(fpi); AddStringLiteral("\""); } if (sysid.Length + 6 >= this.Options.WrapLen) { AddStringLiteral("\n\""); } else { AddStringLiteral("\n \""); } /* add system identifier */ AddStringLiteral(sysid); AddStringLiteral("\""); this.txtend = this.lexsize; doctype.Start = this.txtstart; doctype.End = this.txtend; return false; }
public W3CVersionInfo(string name, string voyagerName, string profile, HtmlVersion version) { Name = name; VoyagerName = voyagerName; Profile = profile; Version = version; }
public void SetHtmlVersion(HtmlVersion htmlVersion) { _htmlVersion = htmlVersion; }
public void Walk_ReturnsCorrectDocType(string docTypeId, HtmlVersion htmlVersion, string expectedDocType) { var docType = DocTypeFactory.GetDocType(docTypeId, htmlVersion); Assert.That(docType, Is.EqualTo(expectedDocType)); }
private static string GetXmlDocType(IList<string> docTypeParts, HtmlVersion htmlVersion) { if (htmlVersion != HtmlVersion.XHtml) return ""; string encoding = docTypeParts.Count < 2 ? "utf-8" : docTypeParts[1]; return "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='" + encoding + "' ?>"; }
public void Render(TextWriter writer, T model, HtmlVersion htmlVersion) { Model = model; base.Render(writer, htmlVersion); }
public Lexer(StreamIn input, TidyOptions options) { this.input = input; this.lines = 1; this.columns = 1; this.state = LEX_CONTENT; this.badAccess = 0; this.badLayout = 0; this.badChars = 0; this.badForm = 0; this.waswhite = false; this.pushed = false; this.insertspace = false; this.exiled = false; this.isvoyager = false; this.versions = HtmlVersion.Everything; this.doctype = HtmlVersion.Unknown; this.badDoctype = false; this.txtstart = 0; this.txtend = 0; this.token = null; this.lexbuf = null; this.lexlength = 0; this.lexsize = 0; this.inode = null; this.insert = - 1; this.istack = new Stack(); this.istackbase = 0; this.styles = null; this.Options = options; this.seenBodyEndTag = 0; this.nodeList = new ArrayList(); }
public void Render(TextWriter writer, HtmlVersion htmlVersion) { Render(writer, htmlVersion, ViewData ?? new Dictionary <string, object>()); }
/* modes for GetToken() MixedContent -- for elements which don't accept PCDATA Preformatted -- white space preserved as is IgnoreMarkup -- for CDATA elements such as script, style */ public virtual Node GetToken(short mode) { short map; int c = 0; int lastc; int badcomment = 0; MutableBoolean isempty = new MutableBoolean(); AttVal attributes; if (pushed) { /* duplicate inlines in preference to pushed text nodes when appropriate */ if (token.Type != Node.TextNode || (insert == - 1 && inode == null)) { pushed = false; return token; } } /* at start of block elements, unclosed inline elements are inserted into the token stream */ if (insert != - 1 || inode != null) { return InsertedToken(); } lines = input.curline; columns = input.curcol; waswhite = false; txtstart = lexsize; txtend = lexsize; while (true) { c = input.ReadChar(); if (c == StreamIn.EndOfStream) { break; } if (insertspace && mode != IgnoreWhitespace) { AddCharToLexer(' '); waswhite = true; insertspace = false; } /* treat \r\n as \n and \r as \n */ if (c == '\r') { c = input.ReadChar(); if (c != '\n') { input.UngetChar(c); } c = '\n'; } AddCharToLexer(c); switch (state) { case LEX_CONTENT: map = MAP((char) c); /* Discard white space if appropriate. Its cheaper to do this here rather than in parser methods for elements that don't have mixed content. */ if (((map & WHITE) != 0) && (mode == IgnoreWhitespace) && lexsize == txtstart + 1) { --lexsize; waswhite = false; lines = input.curline; columns = input.curcol; continue; } if (c == '<') { state = LEX_GT; continue; } if ((map & WHITE) != 0) { /* was previous char white? */ if (waswhite) { if (mode != Preformatted && mode != IgnoreMarkup) { --lexsize; lines = input.curline; columns = input.curcol; } } /* prev char wasn't white */ else { waswhite = true; lastc = c; if (mode != Preformatted && mode != IgnoreMarkup && c != ' ') { ChangeChar((byte) ' '); } } continue; } else if (c == '&' && mode != IgnoreMarkup) { ParseEntity(mode); } /* this is needed to avoid trimming trailing whitespace */ if (mode == IgnoreWhitespace) mode = MixedContent; waswhite = false; continue; case LEX_GT: if (c == '/') { c = input.ReadChar(); if (c == StreamIn.EndOfStream) { input.UngetChar(c); continue; } AddCharToLexer(c); map = MAP((char) c); if ((map & LETTER) != 0) { lexsize -= 3; txtend = lexsize; input.UngetChar(c); state = LEX_ENDTAG; lexbuf[lexsize] = (byte) '\x0000'; /* debug */ input.curcol -= 2; /* if some text before the </ return it now */ if (txtend > txtstart) { /* trim space char before end tag */ if (mode == IgnoreWhitespace && lexbuf[lexsize - 1] == (byte) ' ') { lexsize -= 1; txtend = lexsize; } token = NewNode(Node.TextNode, lexbuf, txtstart, txtend); return token; } continue; /* no text so keep going */ } /* otherwise treat as CDATA */ waswhite = false; state = LEX_CONTENT; continue; } if (mode == IgnoreMarkup) { /* otherwise treat as CDATA */ waswhite = false; state = LEX_CONTENT; continue; } /* look out for comments, doctype or marked sections this isn't quite right, but its getting there ... */ if (c == '!') { c = input.ReadChar(); if (c == '-') { c = input.ReadChar(); if (c == '-') { state = LEX_COMMENT; /* comment */ lexsize -= 2; txtend = lexsize; /* if some text before < return it now */ if (txtend > txtstart) { token = NewNode(Node.TextNode, lexbuf, txtstart, txtend); return token; } txtstart = lexsize; continue; } Report.Warning(this, null, null, Report.MALFORMED_COMMENT); } else if (c == 'd' || c == 'D') { state = LEX_DOCTYPE; /* doctype */ lexsize -= 2; txtend = lexsize; mode = IgnoreWhitespace; /* skip until white space or '>' */ for (; ; ) { c = input.ReadChar(); if (c == StreamIn.EndOfStream || c == '>') { input.UngetChar(c); break; } map = MAP((char) c); if ((map & WHITE) == 0) { continue; } /* and skip to end of whitespace */ for (; ; ) { c = input.ReadChar(); if (c == StreamIn.EndOfStream || c == '>') { input.UngetChar(c); break; } map = MAP((char) c); if ((map & WHITE) != 0) { continue; } input.UngetChar(c); break; } break; } /* if some text before < return it now */ if (txtend > txtstart) { token = NewNode(Node.TextNode, lexbuf, txtstart, txtend); return token; } txtstart = lexsize; continue; } else if (c == '[') { /* Word 2000 embeds <![if ...]> ... <![endif]> sequences */ lexsize -= 2; state = LEX_SECTION; txtend = lexsize; /* if some text before < return it now */ if (txtend > txtstart) { token = NewNode(Node.TextNode, lexbuf, txtstart, txtend); return token; } txtstart = lexsize; continue; } /* otherwise swallow chars up to and including next '>' */ while (true) { c = input.ReadChar(); if (c == '>') { break; } if (c == - 1) { input.UngetChar(c); break; } } lexsize -= 2; lexbuf[lexsize] = (byte) '\x0000'; state = LEX_CONTENT; continue; } /* processing instructions */ if (c == '?') { lexsize -= 2; state = LEX_PROCINSTR; txtend = lexsize; /* if some text before < return it now */ if (txtend > txtstart) { token = NewNode(Node.TextNode, lexbuf, txtstart, txtend); return token; } txtstart = lexsize; continue; } /* Microsoft ASP's e.g. <% ... server-code ... %> */ if (c == '%') { lexsize -= 2; state = LEX_ASP; txtend = lexsize; /* if some text before < return it now */ if (txtend > txtstart) { token = NewNode(Node.TextNode, lexbuf, txtstart, txtend); return token; } txtstart = lexsize; continue; } /* Netscapes JSTE e.g. <# ... server-code ... #> */ if (c == '#') { lexsize -= 2; state = LEX_JSTE; txtend = lexsize; /* if some text before < return it now */ if (txtend > txtstart) { token = NewNode(Node.TextNode, lexbuf, txtstart, txtend); return token; } txtstart = lexsize; continue; } map = MAP((char) c); /* check for start tag */ if ((map & LETTER) != 0) { input.UngetChar(c); /* push back letter */ lexsize -= 2; /* discard "<" + letter */ txtend = lexsize; state = LEX_STARTTAG; /* ready to read tag name */ /* if some text before < return it now */ if (txtend > txtstart) { token = NewNode(Node.TextNode, lexbuf, txtstart, txtend); return token; } continue; /* no text so keep going */ } /* otherwise treat as CDATA */ state = LEX_CONTENT; waswhite = false; continue; case LEX_ENDTAG: txtstart = lexsize - 1; input.curcol += 2; c = ParseTagName(); token = NewNode(Node.EndTag, lexbuf, txtstart, txtend, GetString(lexbuf, txtstart, txtend - txtstart)); lexsize = txtstart; txtend = txtstart; /* skip to '>' */ while (c != '>') { c = input.ReadChar(); if (c == StreamIn.EndOfStream) { break; } } if (c == StreamIn.EndOfStream) { input.UngetChar(c); continue; } state = LEX_CONTENT; waswhite = false; return token; /* the endtag token */ case LEX_STARTTAG: txtstart = lexsize - 1; /* set txtstart to first letter */ c = ParseTagName(); isempty.Val = false; attributes = null; token = NewNode((isempty.Val ? Node.StartEndTag : Node.StartTag), lexbuf, txtstart, txtend, GetString(lexbuf, txtstart, txtend - txtstart)); /* parse attributes, consuming closing ">" */ if (c != '>') { if (c == '/') { input.UngetChar(c); } attributes = ParseAttrs(isempty); } if (isempty.Val) { token.Type = Node.StartEndTag; } token.Attributes = attributes; lexsize = txtstart; txtend = txtstart; /* swallow newline following start tag */ /* special check needed for CRLF sequence */ /* this doesn't apply to empty elements */ if (ExpectsContent(token) || token.Tag == { c = input.ReadChar(); if (c == '\r') { c = input.ReadChar(); if (c != '\n') { input.UngetChar(c); } } else if (c != '\n' && c != '\f') { input.UngetChar(c); } waswhite = true; /* to swallow leading whitespace */ } else { waswhite = false; } state = LEX_CONTENT; if (token.Tag == null) { Report.Error(this, null, token, Report.UNKNOWN_ELEMENT); } else if (!Options.XmlTags) { versions &= token.Tag.Versions; if ((token.Tag.Versions & HtmlVersion.Proprietary) != 0) { if (!Options.MakeClean && (token.Tag == || token.Tag == { Report.Warning(this, null, token, Report.PROPRIETARY_ELEMENT); } } if (token.Tag.CheckAttribs != null) { token.CheckUniqueAttributes(this); token.Tag.CheckAttribs.Check(this, this.token); } else { token.CheckAttributes(this); } } return token; /* return start tag */ case LEX_COMMENT: if (c != '-') { continue; } c = input.ReadChar(); AddCharToLexer(c); if (c != '-') { continue; } while (true) { c = input.ReadChar(); if (c == '>') { if (badcomment != 0) { Report.Warning(this, null, null, Report.MALFORMED_COMMENT); } txtend = lexsize - 2; // AQ 8Jul2000 lexbuf[lexsize] = (byte) '\x0000'; state = LEX_CONTENT; waswhite = false; token = NewNode(Node.CommentTag, lexbuf, txtstart, txtend); /* now look for a line break */ c = input.ReadChar(); if (c == '\r') { c = input.ReadChar(); if (c != '\n') { token.Linebreak = true; } } if (c == '\n') { token.Linebreak = true; } else { input.UngetChar(c); } return token; } /* note position of first such error in the comment */ if (badcomment == 0) { lines = input.curline; columns = input.curcol - 3; } badcomment++; if (Options.FixComments) { lexbuf[lexsize - 2] = (byte) '='; } AddCharToLexer(c); /* if '-' then look for '>' to end the comment */ if (c != '-') { break; } } /* otherwise continue to look for --> */ lexbuf[lexsize - 2] = (byte) '='; continue; case LEX_DOCTYPE: map = MAP((char) c); if ((map & WHITE) != 0) { if (waswhite) { lexsize -= 1; } waswhite = true; } else { waswhite = false; } if (c != '>') { continue; } lexsize -= 1; txtend = lexsize; lexbuf[lexsize] = (byte) '\x0000'; state = LEX_CONTENT; waswhite = false; token = NewNode(Node.DocTypeTag, lexbuf, txtstart, txtend); /* make a note of the version named by the doctype */ doctype = FindGivenVersion(token); return token; case LEX_PROCINSTR: if (lexsize - txtstart == 3) { if ((GetString(lexbuf, txtstart, 3)).Equals("php")) { state = LEX_PHP; continue; } } if (Options.XmlPIs) { /* insist on ?> as terminator */ if (c != '?') { continue; } /* now look for '>' */ c = input.ReadChar(); if (c == StreamIn.EndOfStream) { Report.Warning(this, null, null, Report.UNEXPECTED_END_OF_FILE); input.UngetChar(c); continue; } AddCharToLexer(c); } if (c != '>') { continue; } lexsize -= 1; txtend = lexsize; lexbuf[lexsize] = (byte) '\x0000'; state = LEX_CONTENT; waswhite = false; token = NewNode(Node.ProcInsTag, lexbuf, txtstart, txtend); return token; case LEX_ASP: if (c != '%') { continue; } /* now look for '>' */ c = input.ReadChar(); if (c != '>') { input.UngetChar(c); continue; } lexsize -= 1; txtend = lexsize; lexbuf[lexsize] = (byte) '\x0000'; state = LEX_CONTENT; waswhite = false; token = NewNode(Node.AspTag, lexbuf, txtstart, txtend); return this.token; case LEX_JSTE: if (c != '#') { continue; } /* now look for '>' */ c = input.ReadChar(); if (c != '>') { input.UngetChar(c); continue; } lexsize -= 1; txtend = lexsize; lexbuf[lexsize] = (byte) '\x0000'; state = LEX_CONTENT; waswhite = false; token = NewNode(Node.JsteTag, lexbuf, txtstart, txtend); return token; case LEX_PHP: if (c != '?') { continue; } /* now look for '>' */ c = input.ReadChar(); if (c != '>') { input.UngetChar(c); continue; } lexsize -= 1; txtend = lexsize; lexbuf[lexsize] = (byte) '\x0000'; state = LEX_CONTENT; waswhite = false; token = NewNode(Node.PhpTag, lexbuf, txtstart, txtend); return token; case LEX_SECTION: if (c == '[') { if (lexsize == (txtstart + 6) && (GetString(lexbuf, txtstart, 6)).Equals("CDATA[")) { state = LEX_CDATA; lexsize -= 6; continue; } } if (c != ']') { continue; } /* now look for '>' */ c = input.ReadChar(); if (c != '>') { input.UngetChar(c); continue; } lexsize -= 1; txtend = lexsize; lexbuf[lexsize] = (byte) '\x0000'; state = LEX_CONTENT; waswhite = false; token = NewNode(Node.SectionTag, lexbuf, txtstart, txtend); return token; case LEX_CDATA: if (c != ']') { continue; } /* now look for ']' */ c = input.ReadChar(); if (c != ']') { input.UngetChar(c); continue; } /* now look for '>' */ c = input.ReadChar(); if (c != '>') { input.UngetChar(c); continue; } lexsize -= 1; txtend = lexsize; lexbuf[lexsize] = (byte) '\x0000'; state = LEX_CONTENT; waswhite = false; token = NewNode(Node.CDATATag, lexbuf, txtstart, txtend); return token; } } if (state == LEX_CONTENT) { /* text string */ txtend = lexsize; if (txtend > txtstart) { input.UngetChar(c); if (lexbuf[lexsize - 1] == (byte) ' ') { lexsize -= 1; txtend = lexsize; } token = NewNode(Node.TextNode, lexbuf, txtstart, txtend); return token; } } else if (state == LEX_COMMENT) { /* comment */ if (c == StreamIn.EndOfStream) { Report.Warning(this, null, null, Report.MALFORMED_COMMENT); } txtend = lexsize; lexbuf[lexsize] = (byte) '\x0000'; state = LEX_CONTENT; waswhite = false; token = NewNode(Node.CommentTag, lexbuf, txtstart, txtend); return token; } return null; }
public void Render(TextWriter writer, HtmlVersion htmlVersion) { Render(writer, htmlVersion, ViewData ?? new Dictionary<string, object>()); }