    // Called by AIPlayer script to play its move.
    public void AIPlayMoveAt(int cell, pieces piece)
        GridCellScript gcs = gridCells [cell];

        gcs.state = (piece == pieces.X) ? GridCellScript.CellStates.X : GridCellScript.CellStates.O;

        gHandler.NextTurn();                            // trigger next turn.
    // LateUpdate is called once per frame, after everything has been rendered.
    void LateUpdate()
        // This test suspends all GUI activity if a game-over animation is running.
        if (!suspendInteractions)
            if (!(gInfo.state == GameInfo.GameStates.inGUI))

                // Only a minimal GUI is shown in play:
                // We show only the current player's label and piece ("O" or "X") to show whose turn it is.
                // Everything else is hidden...

                if (gInfo.state == GameInfo.GameStates.playing_plr1)
                    player1_O.gameObject.SetActive((gInfo.GetPlayerPiece(GameInfo._PLAYER1) == pieces.O) ? true : false);
                    player1_X.gameObject.SetActive((gInfo.GetPlayerPiece(GameInfo._PLAYER1) == pieces.X) ? true : false);

                else                                                     // must be Player 2's turn...
                    player2_O.gameObject.SetActive((gInfo.GetPlayerPiece(GameInfo._PLAYER2) == pieces.O) ? true : false);
                    player2_X.gameObject.SetActive((gInfo.GetPlayerPiece(GameInfo._PLAYER2) == pieces.X) ? true : false);


            if (gInfo.state == GameInfo.GameStates.inGUI)
                // As we're not playing a game, make sure both player labels are shown:


                // Now update the GUI according to the content of gInfo...

                Player p = gInfo.GetPlayer(GameInfo._PLAYER1);

                // This next test doesn't trigger an error. Its purpose is to prevent a crash.
                if (p != null)
                    player1_Computer.gameObject.SetActive(p.PlayerIs == beings.AI);
                    player1_Human.gameObject.SetActive(p.PlayerIs == beings.Human);
                    player1_O.gameObject.SetActive(p.PlayingAs == pieces.O);
                    player1_X.gameObject.SetActive(p.PlayingAs == pieces.X);

                // ditto for Player 2...

                p = gInfo.GetPlayer(GameInfo._PLAYER2);

                if (p != null)
                    player2_Computer.gameObject.SetActive(p.PlayerIs == beings.AI);
                    player2_Human.gameObject.SetActive(p.PlayerIs == beings.Human);
                    player2_O.gameObject.SetActive(p.PlayingAs == pieces.O);
                    player2_X.gameObject.SetActive(p.PlayingAs == pieces.X);

                // set buttons at top...


            // What follows is very, very messy.
            // Once the new Unity GUI system is released, all you see here will likely be replaced.

            // Basically, when the user clicks on anything in our fake Sprite-based GUI,
            // we simply grab the Collider's tag to find out what they clicked on and act accordingly.

            // Note that we use "GetButtonUp" here.

             * The "ButtonUp" state is only sent when a key or button has been released.
             * GetButtonDown could be used too, but waiting for the button to be released makes it less likely that the player will accidentally toggle an element twice in quick succession.
             * GetButtonDown will always return true if a button is pressed and would result in our toggling the GUI elements very rapidly until the button is released.
             * I'd need to include a latching mechanism to prevent this – a process known as 'debouncing' – which is a process a proper GUI system would take care of for me.

            if (Input.GetButtonUp("Fire1"))
                Ray          ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
                RaycastHit2D hit = Physics2D.GetRayIntersection(ray);
                if (hit)
                    string t = hit.collider.tag;

                    Player p1 = gInfo.GetPlayer(GameInfo._PLAYER1);                                                                     // we'll need this info shortly.
                    Player p2 = gInfo.GetPlayer(GameInfo._PLAYER2);

                    if (!(gInfo.state == GameInfo.GameStates.inGUI))
                        if (t == "btn_RESIGN")                                                                                  // this is the only working button in the GUI when playing.
                            gInfo.state = GameInfo.GameStates.inGUI;
                        else if (t == "gridCell")                                                                               // clicked on a board cell.
                        // the board cells should only be clickable if the current player is a human.
                            if (gInfo.GetCurrentPlayer().PlayerIs == beings.Human)
                                GridCellScript gcScript = hit.collider.gameObject.GetComponent <GridCellScript> ();

                                if (gcScript.state == GridCellScript.CellStates.empty)
                                    // we know we're playing a game, the target cell is empty, and the current player is a human, so work out whose turn it is and put their symbol on the cell.
                                    if (gInfo.GetCurrentPlayer().PlayingAs == pieces.O)
                                        gcScript.state = GridCellScript.CellStates.O;
                                        gcScript.state = GridCellScript.CellStates.X;

                                    NextTurn();                                                                                                                 // Swap player.
                    else                                                                                // (i.e. not playing a game)
                    // these are all simple toggles, so clicking on "Computer" will set the player to "Human",
                    // clicking on "X" sets the piece to "O", etc.

                        if (t == "player1_Computer")
                            // set to "Human" player.
                            gInfo.SetPlayer(GameInfo._PLAYER1, beings.Human, p1.PlayerName, p1.PlayingAs);

                        // second verse, same as the first...
                        if (t == "player1_Human")
                            // set to "Computer" player.
                            gInfo.SetPlayer(GameInfo._PLAYER1, beings.AI, p1.PlayerName, p1.PlayingAs);

                        // The rest is much the same...

                        if (t == "player1_O")
                            // set to "X" piece. This means toggling Player 2's piece too.
                            gInfo.SetPlayer(GameInfo._PLAYER1, p1.PlayerIs, p1.PlayerName, pieces.X);
                            gInfo.SetPlayer(GameInfo._PLAYER2, p2.PlayerIs, p2.PlayerName, pieces.O);

                        if (t == "player1_X")
                            // set to "O" piece...
                            gInfo.SetPlayer(GameInfo._PLAYER1, p1.PlayerIs, p1.PlayerName, pieces.O);
                            gInfo.SetPlayer(GameInfo._PLAYER2, p2.PlayerIs, p2.PlayerName, pieces.X);

                        // And now, the same trick again, but for Player 2...0

                        if (t == "player2_Computer")
                            // set to "Human" player.
                            gInfo.SetPlayer(GameInfo._PLAYER2, beings.Human, p2.PlayerName, p2.PlayingAs);

                        // Praise be to whoever invented copy and paste...
                        if (t == "player2_Human")
                            // set to "Computer" player.
                            gInfo.SetPlayer(GameInfo._PLAYER2, beings.AI, p2.PlayerName, p2.PlayingAs);

                        if (t == "player2_O")
                            // set to "X" piece. This means toggling Player 1's piece too.
                            gInfo.SetPlayer(GameInfo._PLAYER2, p2.PlayerIs, p2.PlayerName, pieces.X);
                            gInfo.SetPlayer(GameInfo._PLAYER1, p1.PlayerIs, p1.PlayerName, pieces.O);

                        if (t == "player2_X")
                            // set to "O" piece...
                            gInfo.SetPlayer(GameInfo._PLAYER2, p2.PlayerIs, p2.PlayerName, pieces.O);
                            gInfo.SetPlayer(GameInfo._PLAYER1, p1.PlayerIs, p1.PlayerName, pieces.X);

                        // We're not yet playing a game, so we'll check for the "Play" button here...

                        if (t == "btn_PLAY")
                            // Now we need to hide most of the GUI.
                            // We only want the "Player [n]: [piece]" part, alternating each turn.
                            // So first, we'll hide the rest...

                            Player p = gInfo.GetPlayer(GameInfo._PLAYER1);

                            player1_O.gameObject.SetActive(p.PlayingAs == pieces.O);
                            player1_X.gameObject.SetActive(p.PlayingAs == pieces.X);

                            // Player 1 always plays first, so hide Player 2's info...


                            // PLAY button clicked, so set Game In Progress status:

                            CheckAndPlayAI();                                                                                                   // check if current player is an AI, and play his move if so.