protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs pe)
            using (var g = pe.Graphics)
                var gameCountWidth     = (int)(this.Width * _gameCountFactor);
                var gameCountRectF     = new RectangleF(0, 0, gameCountWidth, this.Height);
                var gameCountTextSize  = g.MeasureString(GameCount.ToString("0,0"), this.Font);
                var gameCountTextRectF = new RectangleF(gameCountRectF.Width - gameCountTextSize.Width, 0, gameCountTextSize.Width, this.Height);

                var whiteRectF     = new RectangleF(gameCountWidth, 0, (this.Width - gameCountWidth) * this.WhitePercent / 100, this.Height);
                var whiteTextSize  = g.MeasureString($"{this.WhitePercent}%", this.Font);
                var whiteTextRectF = new RectangleF(whiteRectF.X + (whiteRectF.Width - whiteTextSize.Width) / 2, 0, whiteTextSize.Width, this.Height);

                var nullRectF     = new RectangleF(gameCountWidth + whiteRectF.Width, 0, (this.Width - gameCountWidth) * this.NullPercent / 100, this.Height);
                var nullTextSize  = g.MeasureString($"{this.NullPercent}%", this.Font);
                var nullTextRectF = new RectangleF(nullRectF.X + (nullRectF.Width - nullTextSize.Width) / 2, 0, nullTextSize.Width, this.Height);

                var blackRectF     = new RectangleF(gameCountWidth + whiteRectF.Width + nullRectF.Width, 0, this.Width - (gameCountRectF.Width + whiteRectF.Width + nullRectF.Width), this.Height);
                var blackTextSize  = g.MeasureString($"{this.BlackPercent}%", this.Font);
                var blackTextRectF = new RectangleF(blackRectF.X + (blackRectF.Width - blackTextSize.Width) / 2, 0, blackTextSize.Width, this.Height);

                //  Draw Game Count
                g.FillRectangle(Brushes.Black, gameCountRectF);
                if (GameCount == 0)
                    g.DrawString("??", this.Font, Brushes.Gainsboro, gameCountTextRectF);
                    if (gameCountTextSize.Width < gameCountRectF.Width)
                        g.DrawString(GameCount.ToString("0,0"), this.Font, Brushes.Gainsboro, gameCountTextRectF);

                //  Draw White percentage
                g.FillRectangle(_whiteBrush, whiteRectF);
                if (GameCount == 0)
                    g.DrawString("??", this.Font, Brushes.Black, whiteTextRectF);
                    if (whiteTextSize.Width < whiteRectF.Width)
                        g.DrawString($"{this.WhitePercent}%", this.Font, Brushes.Black, whiteTextRectF);

                //  Draw null percentage
                g.FillRectangle(_nullBrush, nullRectF);
                if (GameCount == 0)
                    g.DrawString("??", this.Font, Brushes.Gainsboro, nullTextRectF);
                    if (nullTextSize.Width < nullRectF.Width)
                        g.DrawString($"{this.NullPercent}%", this.Font, Brushes.Gainsboro, nullTextRectF);

                //  Draw Blacks percentage
                g.FillRectangle(_blackBrush, blackRectF);
                if (GameCount == 0)
                    g.DrawString("??", this.Font, Brushes.Gainsboro, blackTextRectF);
                    if (blackTextSize.Width < blackRectF.Width)
                        g.DrawString($"{this.BlackPercent}%", this.Font, Brushes.Gainsboro, blackTextRectF);

        /// <summary>
        /// Transforms the game record.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>False is this game record must be skipped (e.g. by RemoveNoShowdown). The game record may be nevertheless partially transformed.</returns>
        public bool Transform(GameRecord gameRecord)

            // Now we know the hero
            int heroPos = GetHeroPos(gameRecord);

            if (RemoveNoHeroMoves)
                bool heroMoved = false;
                foreach (PokerAction pa in gameRecord.Actions)
                    if (pa.IsPlayerAction(heroPos))
                        heroMoved = true;
                if (!heroMoved)

            GameState gs = new GameState(gameRecord, null);

            if (gs.IsGameOver)
                if (RemoveNoShowdown && !gs.IsShowdownRequired)

            if (HideOpponentCards)
                DoHideOpponentCards(gameRecord, heroPos);
            if (NormalizeCards)
            if (ResetResults)
                foreach (GameRecord.Player p in gameRecord.Players)
                    p.Result = 0;
            if (ResetStacks)
                foreach (GameRecord.Player p in gameRecord.Players)
                    p.Stack = 0;
            if (NormalizeStakes >= 0)
                double factor = NormalizeStakes;
                if (NormalizeStakes == 0 && gameRecord.Players.Count >= 2)
                    factor = gameRecord.Players[1].Blind;
            // Do renaming at the end in case we removed some games.
            if (RenumerateGames)
                gameRecord.Id = GameCount.ToString();

            if (FinalizeGames)
                gameRecord.IsGameOver = true;