 public void Init()
         INDVIFunctionArguments ndviFunctionArguments = (INDVIFunctionArguments) new NDVIFunctionArguments();
         ndviFunctionArguments.InfraredBandID = InfraredBandID;
         ndviFunctionArguments.VisibleBandID = VisibleBandID;
         ndviFunctionArguments.Raster = m_raster;
         IRasterFunction rasterFunction = new NDVIFunction();
         IFunctionRasterDataset functionRasterDataset = new FunctionRasterDataset();
         IFunctionRasterDatasetName functionRasterDatasetName = (IFunctionRasterDatasetName) new FunctionRasterDatasetNameClass();
         functionRasterDatasetName.FullName = @"D:\RDB";
         functionRasterDataset.FullName     = (IName)functionRasterDatasetName;
         functionRasterDataset.Init(rasterFunction, ndviFunctionArguments);
         IRasterDataset2 rstDatasetr2 = (IRasterDataset2)functionRasterDataset;
         m_raster = rstDatasetr2.CreateFullRaster();
     catch (System.Exception ex)//异常处理,输出错误信息
         MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "错误", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
        public void Init()
                IConvolutionFunctionArguments rasterFunctionArguments = (IConvolutionFunctionArguments) new ConvolutionFunctionArguments();

                rasterFunctionArguments.Raster = m_raster;
                rasterFunctionArguments.Type   = (esriRasterFilterTypeEnum)type;
                //创建Raster Function对象
                IRasterFunction            rasterFunction            = new ConvolutionFunction();
                IFunctionRasterDataset     functionRasterDataset     = new FunctionRasterDataset();
                IFunctionRasterDatasetName functionRasterDatasetName = (IFunctionRasterDatasetName) new FunctionRasterDatasetNameClass();
                functionRasterDatasetName.FullName = @"D:\\RDB" + "\\" + outputRaster;
                functionRasterDataset.FullName     = (IName)functionRasterDatasetName;
                functionRasterDataset.Init(rasterFunction, rasterFunctionArguments);

                IRasterDataset rasData = functionRasterDataset as IRasterDataset;
                m_raster = ((IRasterDataset2)rasData).CreateFullRaster();
            catch (System.Exception ex)//异常处理,输出错误信息
                MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "错误", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
        public void Init()
            XmlNode Zfactor = m_xmlNode.SelectSingleNode("Zfactor");
            double  Zfactorvalue;

            if (Zfactor != null)
                Zfactorvalue = double.Parse(Zfactor.InnerText);
                IRaster2 raster2 = m_raster as IRaster2;
                ISlopeFunctionArguments slopeFunctionArugments = (ISlopeFunctionArguments) new SlopeFunctionArguments();
                slopeFunctionArugments.DEM     = raster2;
                slopeFunctionArugments.ZFactor = Zfactorvalue;
                IRasterFunction            rasterFunction            = new SlopeFunction();
                IFunctionRasterDataset     functionRasterDataset     = new FunctionRasterDataset();
                IFunctionRasterDatasetName functionRasterDatasetName = (IFunctionRasterDatasetName) new FunctionRasterDatasetNameClass();
                functionRasterDatasetName.FullName = @"D:\RDB";
                functionRasterDataset.FullName     = (IName)functionRasterDatasetName;
                functionRasterDataset.Init(rasterFunction, slopeFunctionArugments);

                IRasterDataset rstDataset = functionRasterDataset as IRasterDataset;
                m_raster = rstDataset.CreateDefaultRaster();
                MessageBox.Show(" no Zfactor", "ERROR");
        public void Init()
            foreach (XmlNode xnl1 in m_xmlnode.ChildNodes)
                if (xnl1 is XmlComment)

                XmlElement xe = (XmlElement)xnl1;
                if (xe.Name == "Azimuth")
                    m_azimuth = double.Parse(xe.InnerText);
                if (xe.Name == "ZFactor")
                    m_zfactor = double.Parse(xe.InnerText);
                IRaster2 raster2 = m_raster as IRaster2;
                IHillshadeFunctionArguments hillshadeFunctionArugments = (IHillshadeFunctionArguments) new HillshadeFunctionArguments();
                hillshadeFunctionArugments.Azimuth = m_azimuth;
                hillshadeFunctionArugments.ZFactor = m_zfactor;
                hillshadeFunctionArugments.DEM = raster2;
                IRasterFunction rasterFunction = new HillshadeFunction();
                IFunctionRasterDataset functionRasterDataset = new FunctionRasterDataset();
                IFunctionRasterDatasetName functionRasterDatasetName = (IFunctionRasterDatasetName) new FunctionRasterDatasetNameClass();
                functionRasterDatasetName.FullName = @"D:\RDB";
                functionRasterDataset.FullName     = (IName)functionRasterDatasetName;
                functionRasterDataset.Init(rasterFunction, hillshadeFunctionArugments);
                IRasterDataset rasData = functionRasterDataset as IRasterDataset;
                m_raster = rasData.CreateDefaultRaster();
            catch (System.Exception ex)//捕获异常,输出异常信息
                MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "错误", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
        public static void CreateMathFunctionRasterDataset()
            //Create the Raster Function object and Function Arguments object for first operation
            IRasterFunction        rasterFunction1        = new MathFunction();
            IMathFunctionArguments mathFunctionArguments1 = new MathFunctionArguments() as IMathFunctionArguments;

            //Specify operation to be "Plus" for the first operation
            mathFunctionArguments1.Operation = esriGeoAnalysisFunctionEnum.esriGeoAnalysisFunctionPlus;

            //Specify input rasters to the operation
            IRasterDataset ras01 = OpenRasterDataset("c:\\data\\test", "degs");
            IRasterDataset ras02 = OpenRasterDataset("c:\\data\\test", "negs");

            mathFunctionArguments1.Raster  = ras01;
            mathFunctionArguments1.Raster2 = ras02;

            //Create and initialize 1st function raster dataset with the Raster Function object and its arguments object
            IFunctionRasterDataset functionRasterDataset1;

            functionRasterDataset1 = new FunctionRasterDataset();
            functionRasterDataset1.Init(rasterFunction1, mathFunctionArguments1);

            //Create the Raster Function and the Function Arguments object for the 2nd operation
            IRasterFunction        rasterFunction2        = new MathFunction();
            IMathFunctionArguments mathFunctionArguments2 = new MathFunctionArguments() as IMathFunctionArguments;

            //Specify operation to be "Divide" for the 2nd operation
            mathFunctionArguments2.Operation = esriGeoAnalysisFunctionEnum.esriGeoAnalysisFunctionDivide;

            //Specify input rasters to the 2nd operation
            //Use the output function raster dataset from the 1st operation as one of the input
            mathFunctionArguments2.Raster = functionRasterDataset1;
            IRasterDataset ras03 = OpenRasterDataset("c:\\data\\test", "cost");

            mathFunctionArguments2.Raster2 = ras03;

            //Create and initialize the 2nd function raster dataset
            IFunctionRasterDataset functionRasterDataset2;

            functionRasterDataset2 = new FunctionRasterDataset();
            IFunctionRasterDatasetName functionRasterDatasetName = (IFunctionRasterDatasetName) new FunctionRasterDatasetName();

            functionRasterDatasetName.FullName = "c:\\output\\math_out.afr";
            functionRasterDataset2.FullName    = (IName)functionRasterDatasetName;
            functionRasterDataset2.Init(rasterFunction2, mathFunctionArguments2);

            //Save the 2nd function raster dataset
            ITemporaryDataset temporaryDataset = (ITemporaryDataset)functionRasterDataset2;

        public void Init()

            foreach (XmlNode xnl1 in m_xmlnode.ChildNodes)
                if (xnl1 is XmlComment)

                XmlElement xe = (XmlElement)xnl1;
                if (xe.Name == "Azimuth")
                    m_azimuth = double.Parse(xe.InnerText);
                if (xe.Name == "ZFactor")
                    m_zfactor = double.Parse(xe.InnerText);
                IRaster2 raster2 = m_raster as IRaster2;
                IHillshadeFunctionArguments hillshadeFunctionArugments = (IHillshadeFunctionArguments) new HillshadeFunctionArguments();
                hillshadeFunctionArugments.Azimuth = m_azimuth;
                hillshadeFunctionArugments.ZFactor = m_zfactor;
                hillshadeFunctionArugments.DEM     = raster2;

                IRasterFunction            rasterFunction            = new HillshadeFunction();
                IFunctionRasterDataset     functionRasterDataset     = new FunctionRasterDataset();
                IFunctionRasterDatasetName functionRasterDatasetName = (IFunctionRasterDatasetName) new FunctionRasterDatasetNameClass();
                //Random ran = new Random();
                //int rannum = ran.Next(1000);
                functionRasterDatasetName.FullName = @"D:\RDB";
                functionRasterDataset.FullName     = (IName)functionRasterDatasetName;
                functionRasterDataset.Init(rasterFunction, hillshadeFunctionArugments);

                IRasterDataset rasData = functionRasterDataset as IRasterDataset;

                m_raster = rasData.CreateDefaultRaster();
            catch (System.Exception ex)//捕获异常,输出异常信息
                MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "错误", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
        public void Init()
            IRaster2 raster2 = m_raster as IRaster2;

            IRasterFunction            rasterFunction            = new AspectFunction();
            IFunctionRasterDataset     functionRasterDataset     = new FunctionRasterDataset();
            IFunctionRasterDatasetName functionRasterDatasetName = (IFunctionRasterDatasetName) new FunctionRasterDatasetNameClass();

            functionRasterDatasetName.FullName = @"D:\RDB";
            functionRasterDataset.FullName     = (IName)functionRasterDatasetName;
            functionRasterDataset.Init(rasterFunction, raster2);

            IRasterDataset rstDataset = functionRasterDataset as IRasterDataset;

            m_raster = rstDataset.CreateDefaultRaster();
        public static bool AddWatermarkToRD(IRasterDataset RasterDataset, string OutputFolder, string OutputName,
                                            string watermarkImagePath, double blendPercentage, esriWatermarkLocation watermarklocation)
                // Create Watermark Function
                IRasterFunction rasterFunction = new CustomFunction.WatermarkFunction();
                // Create the Watermark Function Arguments object
                IWatermarkFunctionArguments rasterFunctionArguments =
                    new WatermarkFunctionArguments();
                // Set the WatermarkImagePath
                rasterFunctionArguments.WatermarkImagePath = watermarkImagePath;
                // the blending percentage,
                rasterFunctionArguments.BlendPercentage = blendPercentage;
                // and the watermark location.
                rasterFunctionArguments.WatermarkLocation = watermarklocation;
                // Set the Raster Dataset as the input raster
                rasterFunctionArguments.Raster = RasterDataset;

                // Create Function Dataset
                IFunctionRasterDataset functionRasterDataset = new FunctionRasterDataset();
                // Create a Function Raster Dataset Name object
                IFunctionRasterDatasetName functionRasterDatasetName =
                    (IFunctionRasterDatasetName) new FunctionRasterDatasetName();
                // Set the path for the output Function Raster Dataset
                functionRasterDatasetName.FullName = System.IO.Path.Combine(OutputFolder, OutputName);
                functionRasterDataset.FullName     = (IName)functionRasterDatasetName;
                // Initialize the Function Raster Dataset with the function and
                // its arguments object
                functionRasterDataset.Init(rasterFunction, rasterFunctionArguments);

                // Save as Function Raster Dataset as an .afr file
                ITemporaryDataset myTempDset = (ITemporaryDataset)functionRasterDataset;

                Console.WriteLine("Generated " + OutputName + ".");
            catch (Exception exc)
                Console.WriteLine("Exception Caught while adding watermark to Raster Dataset: " + exc.Message);
        public static void CreateMathFunctionRasterDataset()
            //Create the Raster Function object and Function Arguments object for first operation 
            IRasterFunction rasterFunction1 = new MathFunction();
            IMathFunctionArguments mathFunctionArguments1 = new MathFunctionArguments() as IMathFunctionArguments;

            //Specify operation to be "Plus" for the first operation
            mathFunctionArguments1.Operation = esriGeoAnalysisFunctionEnum.esriGeoAnalysisFunctionPlus;

            //Specify input rasters to the operation
            IRasterDataset ras01 = OpenRasterDataset("c:\\data\\test", "degs");
            IRasterDataset ras02 = OpenRasterDataset("c:\\data\\test", "negs");
            mathFunctionArguments1.Raster = ras01;
            mathFunctionArguments1.Raster2 = ras02;            

            //Create and initialize 1st function raster dataset with the Raster Function object and its arguments object
            IFunctionRasterDataset functionRasterDataset1;
            functionRasterDataset1 = new FunctionRasterDataset();
            functionRasterDataset1.Init(rasterFunction1, mathFunctionArguments1);

            //Create the Raster Function and the Function Arguments object for the 2nd operation
            IRasterFunction rasterFunction2 = new MathFunction();
            IMathFunctionArguments mathFunctionArguments2 = new MathFunctionArguments() as IMathFunctionArguments;

            //Specify operation to be "Divide" for the 2nd operation
            mathFunctionArguments2.Operation = esriGeoAnalysisFunctionEnum.esriGeoAnalysisFunctionDivide;

            //Specify input rasters to the 2nd operation
            //Use the output function raster dataset from the 1st operation as one of the input             
            mathFunctionArguments2.Raster = functionRasterDataset1;
            IRasterDataset ras03 = OpenRasterDataset("c:\\data\\test", "cost");
            mathFunctionArguments2.Raster2 = ras03;

            //Create and initialize the 2nd function raster dataset
            IFunctionRasterDataset functionRasterDataset2;
            functionRasterDataset2 = new FunctionRasterDataset();
            IFunctionRasterDatasetName functionRasterDatasetName = (IFunctionRasterDatasetName)new FunctionRasterDatasetName();
            functionRasterDatasetName.FullName = "c:\\output\\math_out.afr";
            functionRasterDataset2.FullName = (IName)functionRasterDatasetName;
            functionRasterDataset2.Init(rasterFunction2, mathFunctionArguments2);
            //Save the 2nd function raster dataset            
            ITemporaryDataset temporaryDataset = (ITemporaryDataset)functionRasterDataset2;            
        public static bool AddNDVICustomToRD(IRasterDataset RasterDataset, string OutputFolder, string OutputName,
                                             string bandIndices)
                // Create NDVI Custom Function
                IRasterFunction rasterFunction = new CustomFunction.NDVICustomFunction();
                // Create the NDVI Custom Function Arguments object
                INDVICustomFunctionArguments rasterFunctionArguments = new NDVICustomFunctionArguments();
                // Set the Band Indices
                rasterFunctionArguments.BandIndices = bandIndices;

                // Set the RasterDataset as the input raster
                rasterFunctionArguments.Raster = RasterDataset;

                // Create Function Dataset
                IFunctionRasterDataset functionRasterDataset = new FunctionRasterDataset();
                // Create a Function Raster Dataset Name object
                IFunctionRasterDatasetName functionRasterDatasetName =
                    (IFunctionRasterDatasetName) new FunctionRasterDatasetName();
                // Set the path for the output Function Raster Dataset
                functionRasterDatasetName.FullName = System.IO.Path.Combine(OutputFolder, OutputName);
                functionRasterDataset.FullName     = (IName)functionRasterDatasetName;
                // Initialize the Function Raster Dataset with the function and
                // its arguments object
                functionRasterDataset.Init(rasterFunction, rasterFunctionArguments);

                // Save as Function Raster Dataset as an .afr file
                ITemporaryDataset myTempDset = (ITemporaryDataset)functionRasterDataset;

                Console.WriteLine("Generated " + OutputName + ".");
            catch (Exception exc)
                Console.WriteLine("Exception Caught while adding NDVI Custom Function to Raster Dataset: " + exc.Message);
        public void Init()
                IStretchFunctionArguments stretchFunctionArguments = (IStretchFunctionArguments) new StretchFunctionArguments();
                stretchFunctionArguments.Raster = m_raster;
                stretchFunctionArguments.StretchType = (esriRasterStretchType)StretchType;

                if (cmb_StretchType.SelectedItem.ToString() == "StandardDeviation")//如果是按标准差拉伸,需要设置参数N
                    stretchFunctionArguments.NumberOfStandardDeviations = NumberOfStandardDeviations;
                else if (cmb_StretchType.SelectedItem.ToString() == "PercentMinimumMaximum")//如果是按最大最小百分比拉伸,需要设置最大最小百分比
                    stretchFunctionArguments.MinPercent = MinPercent;
                    stretchFunctionArguments.MaxPercent = MaxPercent;
                IRasterFunction rasterFunction = new StretchFunction();
                IFunctionRasterDataset functionRasterDataset = new FunctionRasterDataset();
                IFunctionRasterDatasetName functionRasterDatasetName = (IFunctionRasterDatasetName) new FunctionRasterDatasetNameClass();
                functionRasterDatasetName.FullName = @"D:\RDB";
                functionRasterDataset.FullName     = (IName)functionRasterDatasetName;
                functionRasterDataset.Init(rasterFunction, stretchFunctionArguments);
                IRasterDataset2 rstDatasetr2 = (IRasterDataset2)functionRasterDataset;
                m_raster = rstDatasetr2.CreateFullRaster();
            catch (System.Exception ex)//异常处理,输出错误信息
                MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "错误", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
        static void Main(string[] args)
            ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.AoInitialize aoInit;

            #region Initialize License
                Console.WriteLine("Obtaining license");
                aoInit = new AoInitializeClass();
                esriLicenseStatus licStatus = aoInit.Initialize(esriLicenseProductCode.esriLicenseProductCodeBasic);
                Console.WriteLine("Ready with license.");
            catch (Exception exc)
                // If it fails at this point, shutdown the test and ignore any subsequent errors.

                // Specify input directory and dataset name.
                string inputWorkspace   = @"C:\Data";
                string inputDatasetName = "8bitSampleImage.tif";
                // Specify output filename.
                string outputDataset = @"c:\Temp\testArithmaticCS.afr";

                // Open the Raster Dataset
                Type factoryType = Type.GetTypeFromProgID("esriDataSourcesRaster.RasterWorkspaceFactory");
                IWorkspaceFactory workspaceFactory = (IWorkspaceFactory)Activator.CreateInstance(factoryType);
                IWorkspace        workspace        = workspaceFactory.OpenFromFile(inputWorkspace, 0);
                IRasterWorkspace  rasterWorkspace  = (IRasterWorkspace)workspace;
                IRasterDataset    myRasterDataset  = rasterWorkspace.OpenRasterDataset(inputDatasetName);

                // Create the Function Arguments object
                IArithmeticFunctionArguments rasterFunctionArguments =
                    (IArithmeticFunctionArguments) new ArithmeticFunctionArguments();
                // Set the parameters for the function:
                // Specify the operation as addition (esriRasterPlus)
                rasterFunctionArguments.Operation = esriRasterArithmeticOperation.esriRasterPlus;
                // Specify the first operand, i.e. the Raster Dataset opened above.
                rasterFunctionArguments.Raster = myRasterDataset;
                // For the second operand, create an array of double values
                // containing the scalar value to be used as the second operand
                // to each band of the input dataset.
                // The number of values in the array should equal the number
                // of bands of the input dataset.
                double[] scalars = { 128.0, 128.0, 128.0 };
                // Create a new Scalar object and specify
                // the array as its value.
                IScalar scalarVals = new ScalarClass();
                scalarVals.Value = scalars;
                // Specify the scalar object as the second operand.
                rasterFunctionArguments.Raster2 = scalarVals;

                // Create the Raster Function object.
                IRasterFunction rasterFunction = new ArithmeticFunction();
                rasterFunction.PixelType = rstPixelType.PT_USHORT;

                // Create the Function Raster Dataset Object.
                IFunctionRasterDataset functionRasterDataset = new FunctionRasterDataset();

                // Create a name object for the Function Raster Dataset.
                IFunctionRasterDatasetName functionRasterDatasetName =
                    (IFunctionRasterDatasetName) new FunctionRasterDatasetName();

                // Specify the output filename for the new dataset (including
                // the .afr extension at the end).
                functionRasterDatasetName.FullName = outputDataset;
                functionRasterDataset.FullName     = (IName)functionRasterDatasetName;
                // Initialize the new Function Raster Dataset with the Raster Function
                // and its arguments.
                functionRasterDataset.Init(rasterFunction, rasterFunctionArguments);

                // QI for the Temporary Dataset interface
                ITemporaryDataset myTempDset = (ITemporaryDataset)functionRasterDataset;
                // and make it a permanent dataset. This creates the afr file.

                // Report
                Console.WriteLine("Press any key...");

                // Shutdown License
            catch (Exception exc)
                // Report
                Console.WriteLine("Exception Caught while creating Function Raster Dataset. " + exc.Message);
                Console.WriteLine("Press any key...");

                // Shutdown License
        private ISimpleSurface GetRasterSurface(
            [NotNull] IRaster sourceRaster,
            [NotNull] IEnvelope box,
            [CanBeNull] out IDataset memoryRasterDataset)
            // Remark:
            // surface values outside 'raster'.envelope (but within 'box') are 0

            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(sourceRaster, nameof(sourceRaster));
            Assert.ArgumentNotNull(box, nameof(box));

            IRasterFunction        rasterFunction    = new ClipFunctionClass();
            IClipFunctionArguments functionArguments = new ClipFunctionArgumentsClass();

            functionArguments.Raster = sourceRaster;

            IEnvelope clipBox = GetClipBox(box, sourceRaster);

            functionArguments.Extent           = clipBox;
            functionArguments.ClippingGeometry = clipBox;
            functionArguments.ClippingType     = esriRasterClippingType.esriRasterClippingOutside;

            IFunctionRasterDataset functionRasterDataset = new FunctionRasterDataset();

            functionRasterDataset.Init(rasterFunction, functionArguments);
            functionRasterDataset.RasterInfo.NoData = (float)-9999;

            // unsicher, wie die memory verwaltung ist

            // zum sicherstellen der memory-verwaltung
            // --> inmemory raster erstellen
            var            save   = (ISaveAs2)functionRasterDataset;
            IWorkspaceName wsName = WorkspaceUtils.CreateInMemoryWorkspace("raster");
            var            ws     = (IWorkspace)((IName)wsName).Open();

            save.SaveAs("clipped", ws, "MEM");

            IRasterDataset rasterDataset = ((IRasterWorkspace2)ws).OpenRasterDataset("clipped");

            IRaster rasterData = rasterDataset.CreateDefaultRaster();

            // Problems and workarounds for raster(-mosaic) data in surfaces
            // -------------------------------------------------------------
            // Extent completly within footprint of mosaic dataset: -> no NoDataValues -> no problems
            // Extent partly within footprint of mosaic dataset : -> double.NaN returned for values outside footprint -> no problems (TODO: verifiy)
            // Extent completely outside footprint of mosaic dataset, but within extent of mosaic data set:
            //    0-values returned for Null-raster values
            //    workaround: ((IRasterProps) rasterData).NoDataValue = (float)0; works, if ((IRasterProps) raster).NoDataValue = null and no Height == 0
            //    workaround to test: use CustomPixelFilter (see https://github.com/Esri/arcobjects-sdk-community-samples/tree/master/Net/Raster/CustomNodataFilter/CSharp
            // Extent completely outside extent of mosaic dataset
            //    0-values returned for Null-raster values, rasterData.Height = 1, rasterData.Width = 1
            //    workaround 1: use custom RasterSurface class.
            //    workaround 2: ((IRasterProps) rasterData).NoDataValue = (float)0; works, if ((IRasterProps) raster).NoDataValue = null and no Height == 0

            memoryRasterDataset = (IDataset)rasterDataset;

            ISimpleSurface rasterSurface = RasterReference.CreateSurface(rasterData);

        static void Main(string[] args)
            ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.AoInitialize aoInit;

            #region Initialize License
                Console.WriteLine("Obtaining license");
                aoInit = new AoInitializeClass();
                esriLicenseStatus licStatus = aoInit.Initialize(esriLicenseProductCode.esriLicenseProductCodeBasic);
                Console.WriteLine("Ready with license.");
            catch (Exception exc)
                // If it fails at this point, shutdown the test and ignore any subsequent errors.

                #region Specify input directory and dataset name
                // The directory which contains the Panchromatic Image.
                string panDir = @"C:\Data\QB\Pan";
                // The directory which contains the Multispectral Image.
                string rgbDir = @"C:\Data\QB\MS";
                string panImageName = "05JAN27104436-P1BS-005533787010_01_P002.TIF";
                string rgbImageName = "05JAN27104436-M1BS-005533787010_01_P002.TIF";

                // Output filename.
                string outputDataset = @"c:\Temp\QBTemplateCS.afr";

                #region Initialize
                // Setup Workspaces.
                Type factoryType = Type.GetTypeFromProgID("esriDataSourcesRaster.RasterWorkspaceFactory");
                IWorkspaceFactory workspaceFactory = (IWorkspaceFactory)Activator.CreateInstance(factoryType);
                IRasterWorkspace panRasterWorkspace = (IRasterWorkspace)workspaceFactory.OpenFromFile(panDir, 0);
                IRasterWorkspace rgbRasterWorkspace = (IRasterWorkspace)workspaceFactory.OpenFromFile(rgbDir, 0);

                // Open Datasets
                IRasterDataset panDataset = panRasterWorkspace.OpenRasterDataset(panImageName);
                IRasterDataset rgbDataset = rgbRasterWorkspace.OpenRasterDataset(rgbImageName);

                #region Create Variables
                // Create one variable of type IRasterFunctionVariable for each 
                // Raster Dataset opened above
                // Create a new Raster Function Variable
                IRasterFunctionVariable panVar = new RasterFunctionVariableClass();
                // Set the name of the variable
                panVar.Name = "panImage";
                // Describe the variable
                panVar.Description = "Panchromatic Image to be used for pansharpening";
                // Specify whether it represents a dataset
                panVar.IsDataset = true;

                // Create a new Raster Function Variable
                IRasterFunctionVariable rgbVar = new RasterFunctionVariableClass();
                // Set the name of the variable
                rgbVar.Name = "rgbImage";
                // Describe the variable
                rgbVar.Description = "Multispectral Image to be used for pansharpening";
                // Specify whether it represents a dataset
                rgbVar.IsDataset = true;

                #region Prepare the Pan Image
                // Setup statistics for each band
                IArray statsArrayPan = new ArrayClass();
                IRasterStatistics statsPanBand = new RasterStatisticsClass();
                statsPanBand.Minimum = 1;
                statsPanBand.Maximum = 2047;
                // Create the arguments object for the stretching function
                IStretchFunctionArguments stretchingPanFunctionArguements = new StretchFunctionArgumentsClass();
                // Set the stretching type
                stretchingPanFunctionArguements.StretchType =
                // Set the statistics created above
                stretchingPanFunctionArguements.Statistics = statsArrayPan;
                // Set the input raster, in this case, the variable for the Pan Image
                stretchingPanFunctionArguements.Raster = panVar;

                // Create the function object to stretch the Pan Image.
                IRasterFunction stretchingPanFunction = new StretchFunction();

                // Create a Raster Function Template object for the stretch function
                IRasterFunctionTemplate stretchingPanFunctionT = new RasterFunctionTemplateClass();
                // Set the function on the template
                stretchingPanFunctionT.Function = (IRasterFunction)stretchingPanFunction;
                // Set the arguments for the function
                stretchingPanFunctionT.Arguments = stretchingPanFunctionArguements;

                #region Prepare the Multispectral (RGB) Image
                // Create an array which defines the order of bands
                ILongArray bandIDs = new LongArrayClass();
                // Create an Extract Band Function Arguments object
                IExtractBandFunctionArguments extractRgbBandFunctionArgs = (IExtractBandFunctionArguments)
                    new ExtractBandFunctionArguments();
                // Set the order of bands of the output
                extractRgbBandFunctionArgs.BandIDs = bandIDs;
                // Set the input raster, in this case the variable for the Multispectral Image
                extractRgbBandFunctionArgs.Raster = rgbVar;

                // Create the Extract Band Function object
                IRasterFunction extractRgbBandFunction = new ExtractBandFunction();

                // Create a Raster Function Template object for the function created above
                IRasterFunctionTemplate extractRgbBandFunctionT = new RasterFunctionTemplateClass();
                // Set the function on the template
                extractRgbBandFunctionT.Function = (IRasterFunction)extractRgbBandFunction;
                // Set the arguments for the function
                extractRgbBandFunctionT.Arguments = extractRgbBandFunctionArgs;

                // Setup statistics for each band
                IArray statsArray = new ArrayClass();
                IRasterStatistics statsMulBand1 = new RasterStatisticsClass();
                statsMulBand1.Minimum = 100;
                statsMulBand1.Maximum = 1721;
                IRasterStatistics statsMulBand2 = new RasterStatisticsClass();
                statsMulBand2.Minimum = 95;
                statsMulBand2.Maximum = 2047;
                IRasterStatistics statsMulBand3 = new RasterStatisticsClass();
                statsMulBand3.Minimum = 34;
                statsMulBand3.Maximum = 2006;

                // Create a stretching function for the multispectral image
                IRasterFunction stretchingRGBFunction = new StretchFunction();
                // Create an arguments object for the stretch function
                IStretchFunctionArguments stretchingRGBFunctionArguments = 
                    new StretchFunctionArgumentsClass();
                // Set the type of stretchings to perform
                stretchingRGBFunctionArguments.StretchType =
                // Set the statistics created above
                stretchingRGBFunctionArguments.Statistics = statsArray;
                // Set the extract band function template created above as the input
                stretchingRGBFunctionArguments.Raster = extractRgbBandFunctionT;

                // Create a Raster Function Template object for the function created above
                IRasterFunctionTemplate stretchingRGBFunctionT = new RasterFunctionTemplateClass();
                // Set the function on the template
                stretchingRGBFunctionT.Function = (IRasterFunction)stretchingRGBFunction;
                // Set the arguments for the function
                stretchingRGBFunctionT.Arguments = stretchingRGBFunctionArguments;

                #region Pansharpen the Pan Image with the Multispectral
                // Create a Raster Function Arguments object for the pansharpen function
                IPansharpeningFunctionArguments pansharpFunctionArguements = 
                    new PansharpeningFunctionArgumentsClass();
                // Set the Panchromatic image which has been prepared above
                pansharpFunctionArguements.PanImage = stretchingPanFunctionT;
                // Set the Multispectral image which has been prepared above
                pansharpFunctionArguements.MSImage = stretchingRGBFunctionT;

                // Create a new pansharpen raster function object
                IRasterFunction pansharpenFunction = new PansharpeningFunction();
                // Create a new pansharpen function arguments object
                IPansharpeningFunctionArguments pansharpenFunctionArguements = 
                    new PansharpeningFunctionArgumentsClass();
                // Set the pansharpening type
                pansharpenFunctionArguements.PansharpeningType = 
                // Create an array of doubles that sets the weights for each band
                IDoubleArray weightsArray = new DoubleArrayClass();
                // and set it on the arguments object
                pansharpenFunctionArguements.Weights = weightsArray;

                // Create a Raster Function Template object for the pansharpen function
                IRasterFunctionTemplate rasterFunction = new RasterFunctionTemplateClass();
                rasterFunction.Function = (IRasterFunction)pansharpenFunction;
                rasterFunction.Arguments = pansharpFunctionArguements;
                ((IRasterFunction)rasterFunction).PixelType = rstPixelType.PT_UCHAR;

                #region Resolve variables
                // Create a PropertySet object to set the values for the 
                // Raster Function Variables created above
                IPropertySet variables = new PropertySet();
                variables.SetProperty("panImage", panDataset);
                variables.SetProperty("rgbImage", rgbDataset);

                #region Create the Function Raster Dataset
                // Create the Function Raster Dataset Object for the Pansharpened Dataset
                IFunctionRasterDataset functionRasterDataset = new FunctionRasterDataset();
                // Create a name object for the Function Raster Dataset.
                IFunctionRasterDatasetName functionRasterDatasetName =
                    new FunctionRasterDatasetNameClass();
                // Specify the output filename for the new dataset (including 
                // the .afr extension at the end).
                functionRasterDatasetName.FullName = outputDataset;
                functionRasterDataset.FullName = (IName)functionRasterDatasetName;
                // Initialize the new Function Raster Dataset with the Raster Function 
                // Template and the property set containing the variables and their values.
                functionRasterDataset.Init((IRasterFunction)rasterFunction, variables);

                ITemporaryDataset myTempDset = (ITemporaryDataset)functionRasterDataset;

                #region Shutdown
                Console.WriteLine("Press any key...");

                // Shutdown License
            catch (Exception exc)
                #region Shutdown
                Console.WriteLine("Exception Caught while creating Function Raster Dataset. " + exc.Message);
                Console.WriteLine("Press any key...");

                // Shutdown License
        public static bool AddWatermarkToRD(IRasterDataset RasterDataset, string OutputFolder, string OutputName,
            string watermarkImagePath, double blendPercentage, esriWatermarkLocation watermarklocation)
                // Create Watermark Function
                IRasterFunction rasterFunction = new CustomFunction.WatermarkFunction();
                // Create the Watermark Function Arguments object
                IWatermarkFunctionArguments rasterFunctionArguments =
                    new WatermarkFunctionArguments();
                // Set the WatermarkImagePath
                rasterFunctionArguments.WatermarkImagePath = watermarkImagePath;
                // the blending percentage,
                rasterFunctionArguments.BlendPercentage = blendPercentage;
                // and the watermark location.
                rasterFunctionArguments.WatermarkLocation = watermarklocation;
                // Set the Raster Dataset as the input raster
                rasterFunctionArguments.Raster = RasterDataset;

                // Create Function Dataset
                IFunctionRasterDataset functionRasterDataset = new FunctionRasterDataset();
                // Create a Function Raster Dataset Name object
                IFunctionRasterDatasetName functionRasterDatasetName =
                    (IFunctionRasterDatasetName)new FunctionRasterDatasetName();
                // Set the path for the output Function Raster Dataset
                functionRasterDatasetName.FullName = System.IO.Path.Combine(OutputFolder, OutputName);
                functionRasterDataset.FullName = (IName)functionRasterDatasetName;
                // Initialize the Function Raster Dataset with the function and 
                // its arguments object
                functionRasterDataset.Init(rasterFunction, rasterFunctionArguments);

                // Save as Function Raster Dataset as an .afr file
                ITemporaryDataset myTempDset = (ITemporaryDataset)functionRasterDataset;

                Console.WriteLine("Generated " + OutputName + ".");
                return true;
            catch (Exception exc)
                Console.WriteLine("Exception Caught while adding watermark to Raster Dataset: " + exc.Message);
                return false;
        static void Main(string[] args)
            ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.AoInitialize aoInit;

            #region Initialize License
                Console.WriteLine("Obtaining license");
                aoInit = new AoInitializeClass();
                esriLicenseStatus licStatus = aoInit.Initialize(esriLicenseProductCode.esriLicenseProductCodeBasic);
                Console.WriteLine("Ready with license.");
            catch (Exception exc)
                // If it fails at this point, shutdown the test and ignore any subsequent errors.

                // Specify input directory and dataset name.
                string inputWorkspace = @"C:\Data";
                string inputDatasetName = "8bitSampleImage.tif";
                // Specify output filename.
                string outputDataset = @"c:\Temp\testArithmaticCS.afr";

                // Open the Raster Dataset
                Type factoryType = Type.GetTypeFromProgID("esriDataSourcesRaster.RasterWorkspaceFactory");
                IWorkspaceFactory workspaceFactory = (IWorkspaceFactory)Activator.CreateInstance(factoryType);
                IWorkspace workspace = workspaceFactory.OpenFromFile(inputWorkspace, 0);
                IRasterWorkspace rasterWorkspace = (IRasterWorkspace)workspace;
                IRasterDataset myRasterDataset = rasterWorkspace.OpenRasterDataset(inputDatasetName);

                // Create the Function Arguments object
                IArithmeticFunctionArguments rasterFunctionArguments =
                    (IArithmeticFunctionArguments)new ArithmeticFunctionArguments();                
                // Set the parameters for the function:
                // Specify the operation as addition (esriRasterPlus)
                rasterFunctionArguments.Operation = esriRasterArithmeticOperation.esriRasterPlus;
                // Specify the first operand, i.e. the Raster Dataset opened above.
                rasterFunctionArguments.Raster = myRasterDataset;
                // For the second operand, create an array of double values
                // containing the scalar value to be used as the second operand 
                // to each band of the input dataset.
                // The number of values in the array should equal the number 
                // of bands of the input dataset.
                double[] scalars = { 128.0, 128.0, 128.0 };
                // Create a new Scalar object and specify
                // the array as its value.
                IScalar scalarVals = new ScalarClass();
                scalarVals.Value = scalars;
                // Specify the scalar object as the second operand.
                rasterFunctionArguments.Raster2 = scalarVals;

                // Create the Raster Function object.
                IRasterFunction rasterFunction = new ArithmeticFunction();
                rasterFunction.PixelType = rstPixelType.PT_USHORT;

                // Create the Function Raster Dataset Object.
                IFunctionRasterDataset functionRasterDataset = new FunctionRasterDataset();

                // Create a name object for the Function Raster Dataset.
                IFunctionRasterDatasetName functionRasterDatasetName =
                    (IFunctionRasterDatasetName)new FunctionRasterDatasetName();

                // Specify the output filename for the new dataset (including 
                // the .afr extension at the end).
                functionRasterDatasetName.FullName = outputDataset;
                functionRasterDataset.FullName = (IName)functionRasterDatasetName;
                // Initialize the new Function Raster Dataset with the Raster Function 
                // and its arguments.
                functionRasterDataset.Init(rasterFunction, rasterFunctionArguments);

                // QI for the Temporary Dataset interface
                ITemporaryDataset myTempDset = (ITemporaryDataset)functionRasterDataset;
                // and make it a permanent dataset. This creates the afr file.

                // Report
                Console.WriteLine("Press any key...");

                // Shutdown License
            catch (Exception exc)
                // Report
                Console.WriteLine("Exception Caught while creating Function Raster Dataset. " + exc.Message);
                Console.WriteLine("Press any key...");

                // Shutdown License
        public static bool AddNDVICustomToRD(IRasterDataset RasterDataset, string OutputFolder, string OutputName,
            string bandIndices)
                // Create NDVI Custom Function
                IRasterFunction rasterFunction = new CustomFunction.NDVICustomFunction();
                // Create the NDVI Custom Function Arguments object
                INDVICustomFunctionArguments rasterFunctionArguments = new NDVICustomFunctionArguments();
                // Set the Band Indices
                rasterFunctionArguments.BandIndices = bandIndices;

                // Set the RasterDataset as the input raster
                rasterFunctionArguments.Raster = RasterDataset;

                // Create Function Dataset
                IFunctionRasterDataset functionRasterDataset = new FunctionRasterDataset();
                // Create a Function Raster Dataset Name object
                IFunctionRasterDatasetName functionRasterDatasetName =
                    (IFunctionRasterDatasetName)new FunctionRasterDatasetName();
                // Set the path for the output Function Raster Dataset
                functionRasterDatasetName.FullName = System.IO.Path.Combine(OutputFolder, OutputName);
                functionRasterDataset.FullName = (IName)functionRasterDatasetName;
                // Initialize the Function Raster Dataset with the function and 
                // its arguments object
                functionRasterDataset.Init(rasterFunction, rasterFunctionArguments);

                // Save as Function Raster Dataset as an .afr file
                ITemporaryDataset myTempDset = (ITemporaryDataset)functionRasterDataset;

                Console.WriteLine("Generated " + OutputName + ".");
                return true;
            catch (Exception exc)
                Console.WriteLine("Exception Caught while adding NDVI Custom Function to Raster Dataset: " + exc.Message);
                return false;
        static void Main(string[] args)
            ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.AoInitialize aoInit;

            #region Initialize License
                Console.WriteLine("Obtaining license");
                aoInit = new AoInitializeClass();
                esriLicenseStatus licStatus = aoInit.Initialize(esriLicenseProductCode.esriLicenseProductCodeBasic);
                Console.WriteLine("Ready with license.");
            catch (Exception exc)
                // If it fails at this point, shutdown the test and ignore any subsequent errors.

                #region Specify input directory and dataset name
                // The directory which contains the Panchromatic Image.
                string panDir = @"C:\Data\QB\Pan";
                // The directory which contains the Multispectral Image.
                string rgbDir = @"C:\Data\QB\MS";

                string panImageName = "05JAN27104436-P1BS-005533787010_01_P002.TIF";
                string rgbImageName = "05JAN27104436-M1BS-005533787010_01_P002.TIF";

                // Output filename.
                string outputDataset = @"c:\Temp\QBTemplateCS.afr";

                #region Initialize
                // Setup Workspaces.
                Type factoryType = Type.GetTypeFromProgID("esriDataSourcesRaster.RasterWorkspaceFactory");
                IWorkspaceFactory workspaceFactory   = (IWorkspaceFactory)Activator.CreateInstance(factoryType);
                IRasterWorkspace  panRasterWorkspace = (IRasterWorkspace)workspaceFactory.OpenFromFile(panDir, 0);
                IRasterWorkspace  rgbRasterWorkspace = (IRasterWorkspace)workspaceFactory.OpenFromFile(rgbDir, 0);

                // Open Datasets
                IRasterDataset panDataset = panRasterWorkspace.OpenRasterDataset(panImageName);
                IRasterDataset rgbDataset = rgbRasterWorkspace.OpenRasterDataset(rgbImageName);

                #region Create Variables
                // Create one variable of type IRasterFunctionVariable for each
                // Raster Dataset opened above

                // Create a new Raster Function Variable
                IRasterFunctionVariable panVar = new RasterFunctionVariableClass();
                // Set the name of the variable
                panVar.Name = "panImage";
                // Describe the variable
                panVar.Description = "Panchromatic Image to be used for pansharpening";
                // Specify whether it represents a dataset
                panVar.IsDataset = true;

                // Create a new Raster Function Variable
                IRasterFunctionVariable rgbVar = new RasterFunctionVariableClass();
                // Set the name of the variable
                rgbVar.Name = "rgbImage";
                // Describe the variable
                rgbVar.Description = "Multispectral Image to be used for pansharpening";
                // Specify whether it represents a dataset
                rgbVar.IsDataset = true;

                #region Prepare the Pan Image
                // Setup statistics for each band
                IArray            statsArrayPan = new ArrayClass();
                IRasterStatistics statsPanBand  = new RasterStatisticsClass();
                statsPanBand.Minimum = 1;
                statsPanBand.Maximum = 2047;
                // Create the arguments object for the stretching function
                IStretchFunctionArguments stretchingPanFunctionArguements = new StretchFunctionArgumentsClass();
                // Set the stretching type
                stretchingPanFunctionArguements.StretchType =
                // Set the statistics created above
                stretchingPanFunctionArguements.Statistics = statsArrayPan;
                // Set the input raster, in this case, the variable for the Pan Image
                stretchingPanFunctionArguements.Raster = panVar;

                // Create the function object to stretch the Pan Image.
                IRasterFunction stretchingPanFunction = new StretchFunction();

                // Create a Raster Function Template object for the stretch function
                IRasterFunctionTemplate stretchingPanFunctionT = new RasterFunctionTemplateClass();
                // Set the function on the template
                stretchingPanFunctionT.Function = (IRasterFunction)stretchingPanFunction;
                // Set the arguments for the function
                stretchingPanFunctionT.Arguments = stretchingPanFunctionArguements;

                #region Prepare the Multispectral (RGB) Image
                // Create an array which defines the order of bands
                ILongArray bandIDs = new LongArrayClass();
                // Create an Extract Band Function Arguments object
                IExtractBandFunctionArguments extractRgbBandFunctionArgs = (IExtractBandFunctionArguments)
                                                                           new ExtractBandFunctionArguments();
                // Set the order of bands of the output
                extractRgbBandFunctionArgs.BandIDs = bandIDs;
                // Set the input raster, in this case the variable for the Multispectral Image
                extractRgbBandFunctionArgs.Raster = rgbVar;

                // Create the Extract Band Function object
                IRasterFunction extractRgbBandFunction = new ExtractBandFunction();

                // Create a Raster Function Template object for the function created above
                IRasterFunctionTemplate extractRgbBandFunctionT = new RasterFunctionTemplateClass();
                // Set the function on the template
                extractRgbBandFunctionT.Function = (IRasterFunction)extractRgbBandFunction;
                // Set the arguments for the function
                extractRgbBandFunctionT.Arguments = extractRgbBandFunctionArgs;

                // Setup statistics for each band
                IArray            statsArray    = new ArrayClass();
                IRasterStatistics statsMulBand1 = new RasterStatisticsClass();
                statsMulBand1.Minimum = 100;
                statsMulBand1.Maximum = 1721;
                IRasterStatistics statsMulBand2 = new RasterStatisticsClass();
                statsMulBand2.Minimum = 95;
                statsMulBand2.Maximum = 2047;
                IRasterStatistics statsMulBand3 = new RasterStatisticsClass();
                statsMulBand3.Minimum = 34;
                statsMulBand3.Maximum = 2006;

                // Create a stretching function for the multispectral image
                IRasterFunction stretchingRGBFunction = new StretchFunction();
                // Create an arguments object for the stretch function
                IStretchFunctionArguments stretchingRGBFunctionArguments =
                    new StretchFunctionArgumentsClass();
                // Set the type of stretchings to perform
                stretchingRGBFunctionArguments.StretchType =
                // Set the statistics created above
                stretchingRGBFunctionArguments.Statistics = statsArray;
                // Set the extract band function template created above as the input
                stretchingRGBFunctionArguments.Raster = extractRgbBandFunctionT;

                // Create a Raster Function Template object for the function created above
                IRasterFunctionTemplate stretchingRGBFunctionT = new RasterFunctionTemplateClass();
                // Set the function on the template
                stretchingRGBFunctionT.Function = (IRasterFunction)stretchingRGBFunction;
                // Set the arguments for the function
                stretchingRGBFunctionT.Arguments = stretchingRGBFunctionArguments;

                #region Pansharpen the Pan Image with the Multispectral
                // Create a Raster Function Arguments object for the pansharpen function
                IPansharpeningFunctionArguments pansharpFunctionArguements =
                    new PansharpeningFunctionArgumentsClass();
                // Set the Panchromatic image which has been prepared above
                pansharpFunctionArguements.PanImage = stretchingPanFunctionT;
                // Set the Multispectral image which has been prepared above
                pansharpFunctionArguements.MSImage = stretchingRGBFunctionT;

                // Create a new pansharpen raster function object
                IRasterFunction pansharpenFunction = new PansharpeningFunction();
                // Create a new pansharpen function arguments object
                IPansharpeningFunctionArguments pansharpenFunctionArguements =
                    new PansharpeningFunctionArgumentsClass();
                // Set the pansharpening type
                pansharpenFunctionArguements.PansharpeningType =
                // Create an array of doubles that sets the weights for each band
                IDoubleArray weightsArray = new DoubleArrayClass();
                // and set it on the arguments object
                pansharpenFunctionArguements.Weights = weightsArray;

                // Create a Raster Function Template object for the pansharpen function
                IRasterFunctionTemplate rasterFunction = new RasterFunctionTemplateClass();
                rasterFunction.Function  = (IRasterFunction)pansharpenFunction;
                rasterFunction.Arguments = pansharpFunctionArguements;
                ((IRasterFunction)rasterFunction).PixelType = rstPixelType.PT_UCHAR;

                #region Resolve variables
                // Create a PropertySet object to set the values for the
                // Raster Function Variables created above
                IPropertySet variables = new PropertySet();
                variables.SetProperty("panImage", panDataset);
                variables.SetProperty("rgbImage", rgbDataset);

                #region Create the Function Raster Dataset
                // Create the Function Raster Dataset Object for the Pansharpened Dataset
                IFunctionRasterDataset functionRasterDataset = new FunctionRasterDataset();
                // Create a name object for the Function Raster Dataset.
                IFunctionRasterDatasetName functionRasterDatasetName =
                    new FunctionRasterDatasetNameClass();
                // Specify the output filename for the new dataset (including
                // the .afr extension at the end).
                functionRasterDatasetName.FullName = outputDataset;
                functionRasterDataset.FullName     = (IName)functionRasterDatasetName;
                // Initialize the new Function Raster Dataset with the Raster Function
                // Template and the property set containing the variables and their values.
                functionRasterDataset.Init((IRasterFunction)rasterFunction, variables);

                ITemporaryDataset myTempDset = (ITemporaryDataset)functionRasterDataset;

                #region Shutdown
                Console.WriteLine("Press any key...");

                // Shutdown License
            catch (Exception exc)
                #region Shutdown
                Console.WriteLine("Exception Caught while creating Function Raster Dataset. " + exc.Message);
                Console.WriteLine("Press any key...");

                // Shutdown License