    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        leaderBoardComp = gameObject.GetComponent <FresviiLeaderBoardGUI>();

        //サインアップ済みなら入力は無し / not input user name when signup already
        if (leaderBoardComp.GetAlreadySignup())
            //子オブジェクトを非表示にする / chidren objects set invisible
            foreach (Transform item in transform)

            //#FGC LeaderBoard Start――――――
            leaderBoardComp.SendPoint(GameController.nowScore, "");
            //#FGC LeaderBoard End――――――

            GameController.isCanInput = false;
            GameController.nowScore   = 0;
            GameController.nowStage   = 1;
            isShow = true;

            //ウィンドウの拡大率と中心座標を取得する / get window scale factor and center position
            scaleFactor.x    = Screen.width / 1136.0f;
            scaleFactor.y    = Screen.height / 640.0f;
            centerOfWindow.x = Screen.width / 2.0f;
            centerOfWindow.y = Screen.height / 2.0f;

            userNameAreaWidth  *= scaleFactor.x;
            userNameAreaHeight *= scaleFactor.y;

            useSkin = Instantiate(mySkin) as GUISkin;
            float fontSize = (float)mySkin.textField.fontSize;
            fontSize *= scaleFactor.x;
            useSkin.textField.fontSize = (int)fontSize;
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        leaderBoardComp = gameObject.GetComponent<FresviiLeaderBoardGUI>();

        //サインアップ済みなら入力は無し / not input user name when signup already
        if (leaderBoardComp.GetAlreadySignup()) {
            //子オブジェクトを非表示にする / chidren objects set invisible
            foreach (Transform item in transform) {

            //#FGC LeaderBoard Start――――――
            leaderBoardComp.SendPoint(GameController.nowScore, "");
            //#FGC LeaderBoard End――――――

            GameController.isCanInput = false;
            GameController.nowScore = 0;
            GameController.nowStage = 1;
        } else {
            isShow = true;

            //ウィンドウの拡大率と中心座標を取得する / get window scale factor and center position
            scaleFactor.x = Screen.width / 1136.0f;
            scaleFactor.y = Screen.height / 640.0f;
            centerOfWindow.x = Screen.width / 2.0f;
            centerOfWindow.y = Screen.height / 2.0f;

            userNameAreaWidth *= scaleFactor.x;
            userNameAreaHeight *= scaleFactor.y;

            useSkin = Instantiate(mySkin) as GUISkin;
            float fontSize = (float)mySkin.textField.fontSize;
            fontSize *= scaleFactor.x;
            useSkin.textField.fontSize = (int)fontSize;