public void VerifyAllEnums()
     var acceleration = new Acceleration(1, AccelerationUnit.BaseUnit);
     var angle = new Angle(1, AngleUnit.BaseUnit);
     var angularAcceleration = new AngularAcceleration(1, AngularAccelerationUnit.BaseUnit);
     var area = new Area(1, AreaUnit.BaseUnit);
     var density = new MassDensity(1, MassDensityUnit.BaseUnit);
     var electricCurrent = new ElectricCurrent(1, ElectricCurrentUnit.BaseUnit);
     var electricResistance = new ElectricResistance(1, ElectricResistanceUnit.BaseUnit);
     var electricVoltage = new ElectricPotential(1, ElectricPotentialUnit.BaseUnit);
     var energy = new Energy(1, EnergyUnit.BaseUnit);
     var force = new Force(1, ForceUnit.BaseUnit);
     var frequency = new Frequency(1, FrequencyUnit.BaseUnit);
     var jerk = new Jerk(1, JerkUnit.BaseUnit);
     var length = new Length(1, LengthUnit.BaseUnit);
     var mass = new Mass(1, MassUnit.BaseUnit);
     var massFlowRate = new MassFlowRate(1, MassFlowRateUnit.BaseUnit);
     var momentum = new Momentum(1, MomentumUnit.BaseUnit);
     var numeric = new Numeric(1, NumericUnit.BaseUnit);
     var power = new Power(1, PowerUnit.BaseUnit);
     var pressure = new Pressure(1, PressureUnit.BaseUnit);
     var speed = new Speed(1, SpeedUnit.BaseUnit);
     var temperature = new Temperature(1, TemperatureUnit.BaseUnit);
     var time = new Time(1, TimeUnit.BaseUnit);
     var torque = new Torque(1, TorqueUnit.BaseUnit);
     var volume = new Volume(1, VolumeUnit.BaseUnit);
     var volumetricFlowRate = new VolumetricFlowRate(1, VolumetricFlowRateUnit.BaseUnit);
 public void OpAddition()
     var force1 = new Force(9.81, ForceUnit.Newtons);
     var force2 = new Force(1, ForceUnit.KilogramForce);
     var expected = new Force(19.62, ForceUnit.Newtons);
     (force1 + force2).ShouldEqual(expected);
     (force2 + force1).ShouldEqual(expected);
	// Use this for initialization
	void Start () {
		// gets the force
		forceObj = GameObject.Find("Force");
		theForce = forceObj.GetComponent("Force") as Force;
		// gets the player controller
		playerController = this.GetComponent("ThirdPersonController") as ThirdPersonController;
        public void OpDivision()
            var force1 = new Force(19.62, ForceUnit.Newtons);
            var force2 = new Force(2, ForceUnit.KilogramForce);
            (force1 / force2).ShouldBeWithinEpsilonOf(1);
            (force2 / force1).ShouldBeWithinEpsilonOf(1);

            (force1 / 2).ShouldEqual(new Force(9.81, ForceUnit.Newtons));
            (force2 / 2).ShouldEqual(new Force(1, ForceUnit.KilogramForce));
 public void OpGreaterThanOrEqual()
     var force1 = new Force(9.81, ForceUnit.Newtons);
     var force2 = new Force(1, ForceUnit.KilogramForce);
     var force3 = new Force(2, ForceUnit.KilogramForce);
     (force1 >= force3).ShouldBeFalse();
     (force3 >= force1).ShouldBeTrue();
     (force1 >= force2).ShouldBeTrue();
     (force2 >= force1).ShouldBeTrue();
 public void OpInverseEquals()
     var force1 = new Force(9.81, ForceUnit.Newtons);
     var force2 = new Force(1, ForceUnit.KilogramForce);
     var force3 = new Force(2, ForceUnit.KilogramForce);
     (force1 != force2).ShouldBeFalse();
     (force2 != force1).ShouldBeFalse();
     (force1 != force3).ShouldBeTrue();
     (force3 != force1).ShouldBeTrue();
 public void OpEquals()
     var force1 = new Force(9.81, ForceUnit.Newtons);
     var force2 = new Force(1, ForceUnit.KilogramForce);
     var force3 = new Force(2, ForceUnit.KilogramForce);
     (force1 == force2).ShouldBeTrue();
     (force2 == force1).ShouldBeTrue();
     (force1 == force3).ShouldBeFalse();
     (force3 == force1).ShouldBeFalse();
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            DataReady = false;
            Kinematics k = new Kinematics();
            dataGridView1.DataSource = null;
            Force PIDCorrection = new Force();

            PIDLoop pid = new PIDLoop(k);

            Force Disturbance = new Force();

            k.mass = 1;
            Double RunningTime = 0;
            k.XPosition = 0;
            k.XVelocity = -20;
            for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++)//sim loop
                RunningTime+= k.time;

                if (i > 50 && i< 3000)
                    Disturbance.X = -100;
                    PIDCorrection.X = pid.calculateCorrection(50);
                else if (i >= 3000)
                    PIDCorrection.X = pid.calculateCorrection(25);
                DataRow newRow = Data.NewRow();
                newRow["time"] = RunningTime;
                newRow["position"] = k.XPosition;

            DataReady = true;
            dataGridView1.DataSource = Data;
    public bool Calc( Vector3 cur, Vector3 birdDir, Collider cld, out Force force )
      var pointOnBounds = MathTools.CalcPointOnBounds( cld, cur );
      var revDir = cur - pointOnBounds;
      var dist = revDir.magnitude;

      if( dist <= MathTools.epsilon )
        //Let's setup the direction to outside of colider
        revDir = (pointOnBounds - cld.transform.position).normalized;

        //and distance to N percent of OptDistance
        dist = 0.1f * optDistance;
        revDir /= dist;

      //Force depends on direction of bird: no need to turn a bird if it is flying in opposite direction
      force.dir = revDir * ( CalcImpl(dist) * MathTools.AngleToFactor(revDir, birdDir) );
      force.pos = pointOnBounds;
      return true;
         * private void SetIsoLocation(double xi)
         * {
         *  SetIsoLocation(new double[] { xi, 0, 0 });
         * }
         * private void SetIsoLocation(double xi, double eta)
         * {
         *  SetIsoLocation(new double[] { xi, eta, 0 });
         * }
         * private void SetIsoLocation(double xi, double eta, double gamma)
         * {
         *  SetIsoLocation(new double[] { xi, eta, gamma });
         * }

        #region Deserialization Constructor

        protected ConcentratedLoad(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context) : base(info, context)
            _forceIsoLocation   = (IsoPoint)info.GetValue("_forceIsoLocation", typeof(IsoPoint));
            _force              = (Force)info.GetValue("_force", typeof(Force));
            _coordinationSystem = (CoordinationSystem)(int)info.GetValue("_coordinationSystem", typeof(int));
        // Module defining this command

        // Optional custom code for this activity

        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a configured instance of System.Management.Automation.PowerShell, pre-populated with the command to run.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">The NativeActivityContext for the currently running activity.</param>
        /// <returns>A populated instance of System.Management.Automation.PowerShell</returns>
        /// <remarks>The infrastructure takes responsibility for closing and disposing the PowerShell instance returned.</remarks>
        protected override ActivityImplementationContext GetPowerShell(NativeActivityContext context)
            System.Management.Automation.PowerShell invoker       = global::System.Management.Automation.PowerShell.Create();
            System.Management.Automation.PowerShell targetCommand = invoker.AddCommand(PSCommandName);

            // Initialize the arguments

            if (Path.Expression != null)
                targetCommand.AddParameter("Path", Path.Get(context));

            if (LiteralPath.Expression != null)
                targetCommand.AddParameter("LiteralPath", LiteralPath.Get(context));

            if (Name.Expression != null)
                targetCommand.AddParameter("Name", Name.Get(context));

            if (NewName.Expression != null)
                targetCommand.AddParameter("NewName", NewName.Get(context));

            if (PassThru.Expression != null)
                targetCommand.AddParameter("PassThru", PassThru.Get(context));

            if (Force.Expression != null)
                targetCommand.AddParameter("Force", Force.Get(context));

            if (Filter.Expression != null)
                targetCommand.AddParameter("Filter", Filter.Get(context));

            if (Include.Expression != null)
                targetCommand.AddParameter("Include", Include.Get(context));

            if (Exclude.Expression != null)
                targetCommand.AddParameter("Exclude", Exclude.Get(context));

            if (Credential.Expression != null)
                targetCommand.AddParameter("Credential", Credential.Get(context));

            return(new ActivityImplementationContext()
                PowerShellInstance = invoker
            public GeneralTrusses(double x, double y, double tension_compression)
                //two types--- 0 tension_compression is unknown
                this.x = x;
                this.y = y;
                this.tension_compression = tension_compression;
                this.alpha = Math.Atan(y / x);
                if (tension_compression != 0)

                    this._known_unknown = true;
                    this._ResultantForce = new Force(tension_compression * Math.Cos(this.alpha), tension_compression * Math.Sin(this.alpha));

                    this._known_unknown = false;
                    //if postive
                    //doesn't handle zeros; if term is non zero, use this method.
                    //if it is zero, ignore?
                    this._ResultantForce = new Force(SignSelector(x,Math.Cos(alpha)), SignSelector(y,Math.Sin(alpha)));
 /// <summary>
 /// Add a force
 /// </summary>
 static internal void Remove(Force force)
 /// <summary>
 /// Remove an existing force.  If force is not currently being applied then this method
 /// returns false.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="force">Force to remove.</param>
 /// <returns>True if force was being applied.</returns>
 public bool RemoveForce(Force force)
     for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++)
         if (_forces[i] == force)
             return true;
     return false;
 public void OpMultiplicationScaler()
     var force = new Force(1, ForceUnit.KilogramForce);
     var expected = new Force(2, ForceUnit.KilogramForce);
     (force * 2).ShouldEqual(expected);
     (2 * force).ShouldEqual(expected);
    void InitSwaps()
        Angry.setPosition(new Position(Level.Excluded, Circle.Green));
        Blessing.setPosition(new Position(Level.Excluded, Circle.Purple));
        Child.setPosition(new Position(Level.Excluded, Circle.Red));
        Curse.setPosition(new Position(Level.Excluded, Circle.Cyan));
        Heaven.setPosition(new Position(Level.Tertiary, Circle.GreenPurpleRed));
        Happiness.setPosition(new Position(Level.Tertiary, Circle.GreenRedCyan));
        Dragon.setPosition(new Position(Level.Tertiary, Circle.RedCyanPurple));
        Dream.setPosition(new Position(Level.Secondary, Circle.CyanRed));
        Energy.setPosition(new Position(Level.Secondary, Circle.GreenRed));
        Female.setPosition(new Position(Level.Secondary, Circle.CyanPurple));
        Force.setPosition(new Position(Level.Quaternary, Circle.GreenRedCyanPurple));
        Forest.setPosition(new Position(Level.Excluded, Circle.Purple));
        Friend.setPosition(new Position(Level.Secondary, Circle.GreenPurple));
        Hate.setPosition(new Position(Level.Secondary, Circle.GreenPurple));
        Hope.setPosition(new Position(Level.Excluded, Circle.Green));
        Kindness.setPosition(new Position(Level.Tertiary, Circle.CyanPurpleGreen));
        Longevity.setPosition(new Position(Level.Secondary, Circle.CyanPurple));
        Love.setPosition(new Position(Level.Secondary, Circle.CyanPurple));
        Loyal.setPosition(new Position(Level.Secondary, Circle.GreenRed));
        Spirit.setPosition(new Position(Level.Secondary, Circle.CyanRed));
        Male.setPosition(new Position(Level.Quaternary, Circle.GreenRedCyanPurple));
        Mountain.setPosition(new Position(Level.Secondary, Circle.GreenRed));
        Night.setPosition(new Position(Level.Excluded, Circle.Red));
        Pure.setPosition(new Position(Level.Secondary, Circle.GreenPurple));
        Heart.setPosition(new Position(Level.Secondary, Circle.CyanRed));
        River.setPosition(new Position(Level.Excluded, Circle.Cyan));
        Emotion.setPosition(new Position(Level.Excluded, Circle.Cyan));
        Soul.setPosition(new Position(Level.Excluded, Circle.Purple));
        Urgency.setPosition(new Position(Level.Excluded, Circle.Red));
        Wind.setPosition(new Position(Level.Excluded, Circle.Green));

        Debug.LogFormat("[Dragon Energy #{0}] Before swapping, the displayed words are:", _moduleId);
        for (int i = 0; i < displayed.Length; i++)
            Debug.LogFormat("[Dragon Energy #{0}] {1} = {2}", _moduleId, displayed[i].getWord(), displayed[i].getPosition().getCircle().ToReadable());

        char[] letters    = info.GetSerialNumberLetters().ToArray();
        int    vowelCount = 0;

        foreach (char letter in letters)
            if (letter == 'A' || letter == 'E' || letter == 'I' || letter == 'O' || letter == 'U')

        if (info.GetBatteryCount() > 10 && (info.GetSerialNumberNumbers().ToArray()[info.GetSerialNumberNumbers().ToArray().Length - 1] == 5 || info.GetSerialNumberNumbers().ToArray()[info.GetSerialNumberNumbers().ToArray().Length - 1] == 7))
        else if (info.GetPortPlateCount() > info.GetBatteryHolderCount() && (modules.Contains("Morse War") || modules.Contains("Double Color")))
        else if ((info.IsIndicatorOn(KMBombInfoExtensions.KnownIndicatorLabel.SIG) && info.IsIndicatorOn(KMBombInfoExtensions.KnownIndicatorLabel.FRK)) || (info.GetOffIndicators().Count() == 3))
        else if (info.GetModuleNames().Count() > 8)
        else if (vowelCount >= 2)
        else if (info.GetSolvedModuleNames().Count() == 0)
            dependsOnSolvedModules = true;

        Debug.LogFormat("[Dragon Energy #{0}] After swapping, the displayed words are:", _moduleId);
        for (int i = 0; i < displayed.Length; i++)
            Debug.LogFormat("[Dragon Energy #{0}] {1} = {2}", _moduleId, displayed[i].getWord(), displayed[i].getPosition().getCircle().ToReadable());
文件: Form1.cs 项目: warned/Orbit_
        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            bExVisible = false;
            tmrFlash.Enabled = true;
            pbGalaxy.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
            pbGalaxy.BackColor = Color.Black;
            pbGalaxy.Paint += new System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventHandler(this.pbGalaxy_Paint);
            int iDiam = 235;
            Ball bTmp = new Ball(new double[2] { 0,0}, new double[2] { 0, 0 }, new double[2] { 0, 0 },mySysVars.fEarthMass, iDiam, Color.Green, Color.Green, false, false, new Timer(), 0);
            Force fTmp = new Force(new double[2] { 0, 0 }, new double[2] { 0, 0 }, new double[2] { 0, 0 }, new double[2] { 0, 0 }, new double[2] { 0, 0 },0);
            Control cTmp = new Control();
            ComBall Earth = new ComBall(bTmp, fTmp, cTmp);

            tmrDraw.Enabled = true;
 public MagneticFieldStrength(Force f, ElectricCharge c, Time t, Length l)
     _teslas = f.TotalNewtons * t.TotalSeconds / (c.TotalCoulombs * l.TotalMeters);
        public static void Check(Model model, LoadCase lc)
            if (model.Elements.Any(i => !(i is FrameElement2Node)))
                throw new Exception();

            if (model.RigidElements.Any())
                throw new Exception();

            var elms = model.Elements.Cast <FrameElement2Node>().ToArray();

            var cmb = new LoadCombination();

            cmb[lc] = 1.0;

            var l = new Func <FrameElement2Node, double>(e => (e.StartNode.Location - e.EndNode.Location).Length);


            Console.WriteLine("Checking for force equilibrium on every node!");

            var maxF = new Vector();
            var maxM = new Vector();

            for (var idx = 0; idx < elms.Length; idx++)
                var elm = elms[idx];

                var f1 = elm.GetInternalForceAt(0, cmb);
                var f2 = elm.GetInternalForceAt(l(elm), cmb);

                var efs = new Force[2];

                foreach (var ld in elm.Loads)
                    if (ld.Case != lc)

                    var tg = elm.GetGlobalEquivalentNodalLoads(ld);

                    var f1l = elm.TransformGlobalToLocal(tg[0]);
                    var f2l = elm.TransformGlobalToLocal(tg[1]);

                    efs[0] += f1l;
                    efs[1] += f2l;

                var ft1 = efs[0] - f1;
                var ft2 = efs[1] - f2;

                var eq = ft1 - ft2.Move(new Vector(-l(elm), 0, 0));

                Console.WriteLine("Total loads on element # {0}: Force: {1}, Moment: {2}", idx, eq.Forces,


                if (eq.Forces.Length > 1 || eq.Moments.Length > 1)
                    Console.WriteLine("total forces on ");

                if (eq.Forces.Length > maxF.Length)
                    maxF = eq.Forces;

                if (eq.Moments.Length > maxM.Length)
                    maxM = eq.Moments;

            Console.WriteLine("======================================== Summary");

            Console.WriteLine("Maximum non equilibrated force: {0}", maxF);
            Console.WriteLine("Maximum non equilibrated moment: {0}", maxM);
 public MagneticFieldStrength(Force f, ElectricCurrent a, Length l)
     _teslas = f.TotalNewtons / (a.TotalAmperes * l.TotalMeters);
        public void LengthTimesForceEqualsTorque()
            Torque torque = Length.FromMeters(3) * Force.FromNewtons(1);

            Assert.AreEqual(torque, Torque.FromNewtonMeters(3));
        public void ForceTimesLengthEqualsTorque()
            Torque torque = Force.FromNewtons(1) * Length.FromMeters(3);

            Assert.AreEqual(torque, Torque.FromNewtonMeters(3));
        public IEnumerable <Tuple <DoF, double> > GetLoadInternalForceAt(Element targetElement, ElementalLoad load,
                                                                         double[] isoLocation)
            var buff = new List <Tuple <DoF, double> >();

            //var buf = new FlatShellStressTensor();

            var tr = targetElement.GetTransformationManager();

            var br = targetElement as BarElement;

            var endForces = GetLocalEquivalentNodalLoads(targetElement, load);

            var n = targetElement.Nodes.Length;

            for (var i = 0; i < n; i++)
                endForces[i] = -endForces[i];

            #region 2,1 (due to inverse of equivalent nodal loads)

            Force ends;//internal force in x=0 due to inverse of equivalent nodal loads will store in this variable,

                var xi_s = new double[br.Nodes.Length]; //xi loc of each force
                var x_s  = new double[br.Nodes.Length]; //x loc of each force

                for (var i = 0; i < xi_s.Length; i++)
                    var x_i  = targetElement.Nodes[i].Location - targetElement.Nodes[0].Location;
                    var xi_i = br.LocalCoordsToIsoCoords(x_i.Length)[0];

                    xi_s[i] = xi_i;
                    x_s[i]  = x_i.X;

                ends = new Force();//sum of moved end forces to destination

                for (var i = 0; i < n; i++)
                    if (xi_s[i] < isoLocation[0])
                        var frc_i = endForces[i];// new Force();
                        ends += frc_i.Move(new Point(x_s[i], 0, 0), Point.Origins);


            if (load is UniformLoad || load is PartialNonUniformLoad)
                return(new List <Tuple <DoF, double> >());

            #region concentrated

            if (load is ConcentratedLoad)
                var cns = load as ConcentratedLoad;

                var xi      = isoLocation[0];
                var targetX = br.IsoCoordsToLocalCoords(xi)[0];

                var frc = Force.Zero;

                if (cns.ForceIsoLocation.Xi < xi)
                    frc = cns.Force;

                if (cns.CoordinationSystem == CoordinationSystem.Global)
                    frc = tr.TransformGlobalToLocal(frc);

                var frcX = br.IsoCoordsToLocalCoords(cns.ForceIsoLocation.Xi)[0];

                frc = frc.Move(new Point(frcX, 0, 0), new Point(0, 0, 0));

                if (br.StartReleaseCondition.RX == DofConstraint.Released)
                    frc.Mx = 0;

                frc = frc.Move(new Point(0, 0, 0), new Point(targetX, 0, 0));

                var movedEnds = ends.Move(new Point(0, 0, 0), new Point(targetX, 0, 0));

                var f2 = frc + movedEnds;
                //f2 *= -1;

                buff.Add(Tuple.Create(DoF.Rx, f2.Mx));



            throw new NotImplementedException();
        public override void UpdateCalc()
            // Initiating Model, Nodes and Members
            model = new Model();

            double spt = _spacingTop.Value / 2;
            double spb = _spacingBottom.Value / 2;
            double spv = _spacingVertical.Value;

            var n1a = new BriefFiniteElementNet.Node(-spt, 0, spv)
                Label = "1a"
            var n1b = new BriefFiniteElementNet.Node(spt, 0, spv)
                Label = "1b"
            var n2a = new BriefFiniteElementNet.Node(0, -spb, 0)
                Label = "2a"
            var n2b = new BriefFiniteElementNet.Node(0, spb, 0)
                Label = "2b"

            var e1 = new TrussElement2Node(n1a, n2a)
                Label = "e1"
            var e2 = new TrussElement2Node(n1a, n2b)
                Label = "e2"
            var e3 = new TrussElement2Node(n1b, n2a)
                Label = "e3"
            var e4 = new TrussElement2Node(n1b, n2b)
                Label = "e4"
            var e5 = new TrussElement2Node(n1a, n1b)
                Label = "e5"
            var e6 = new TrussElement2Node(n2a, n2b)
                Label = "e6"

            //Note: labels for all members should be unique,
            //else you will receive InvalidLabelException when adding it to model

            e1.A = e2.A = e3.A = e4.A = e5.A = e6.A = 0.009;
            e1.E = e2.E = e3.E = e4.E = e5.E = e6.E = 210e9;

            model.Nodes.Add(n1a, n1b, n2a, n2b);
            model.Elements.Add(e1, e2, e3, e4, e5, e6);

            //Applying restraints

            n1a.Constraints = Constraint.FromString("100111");
            n1b.Constraints = Constraint.FromString("000111");
            n2a.Constraints = Constraint.FromString("111111");
            n2b.Constraints = Constraint.FromString("101111");

            //Applying load
            var forceA   = new Force(0, 0, -_loadA.Value / 2, 0, 0, 0);
            var forceB   = new Force(0, 0, -_loadA.Value / 2, 0, 0, 0);
            var loadCase = new LoadCase("test", LoadType.Live);

            n1a.Loads.Add(new NodalLoad(forceA, loadCase));
            n1b.Loads.Add(new NodalLoad(forceB, loadCase));
            var loadComb = new LoadCombination();

            loadComb.Add(loadCase, 1);

            //Adds a NodalLoad with Default LoadCase

                var rA        = n2a.GetSupportReaction(loadCase);
                var rB        = n2b.GetSupportReaction(loadCase);
                var T         = e6.GetInternalForceAt(0.5, loadComb);
                var F1        = e1.GetInternalForceAt(0.5, loadComb);
                var F2        = e3.GetInternalForceAt(0.5, loadComb);
                var Fresolved = F1 + F2;

                _reactionA.Value          = rA.Forces.Z;
                _reactionB.Value          = rB.Forces.Z;
                _strutResolvedForce.Value = Fresolved.Forces.Length;
                _tieForce.Value           = T.Forces.Length;
            catch (Exception)
                _reactionA.Value = double.NaN;
                _reactionB.Value = double.NaN;
 internal static global::System.Runtime.InteropServices.HandleRef getCPtr(Force obj) {
   return (obj == null) ? new global::System.Runtime.InteropServices.HandleRef(null, global::System.IntPtr.Zero) : obj.swigCPtr;
        // Module defining this command

        // Optional custom code for this activity

        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a configured instance of System.Management.Automation.PowerShell, pre-populated with the command to run.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">The NativeActivityContext for the currently running activity.</param>
        /// <returns>A populated instance of Sytem.Management.Automation.PowerShell</returns>
        /// <remarks>The infrastructure takes responsibility for closing and disposing the PowerShell instance returned.</remarks>
        protected override ActivityImplementationContext GetPowerShell(NativeActivityContext context)
            System.Management.Automation.PowerShell invoker       = global::System.Management.Automation.PowerShell.Create();
            System.Management.Automation.PowerShell targetCommand = invoker.AddCommand(PSCommandName);

            // Initialize the arguments

            if (ProcessorArchitecture.Expression != null)
                targetCommand.AddParameter("ProcessorArchitecture", ProcessorArchitecture.Get(context));

            if (SessionType.Expression != null)
                targetCommand.AddParameter("SessionType", SessionType.Get(context));

            if (Name.Expression != null)
                targetCommand.AddParameter("Name", Name.Get(context));

            if (AssemblyName.Expression != null)
                targetCommand.AddParameter("AssemblyName", AssemblyName.Get(context));

            if (ApplicationBase.Expression != null)
                targetCommand.AddParameter("ApplicationBase", ApplicationBase.Get(context));

            if (ConfigurationTypeName.Expression != null)
                targetCommand.AddParameter("ConfigurationTypeName", ConfigurationTypeName.Get(context));

            if (RunAsCredential.Expression != null)
                targetCommand.AddParameter("RunAsCredential", RunAsCredential.Get(context));

            if (ThreadApartmentState.Expression != null)
                targetCommand.AddParameter("ThreadApartmentState", ThreadApartmentState.Get(context));

            if (ThreadOptions.Expression != null)
                targetCommand.AddParameter("ThreadOptions", ThreadOptions.Get(context));

            if (AccessMode.Expression != null)
                targetCommand.AddParameter("AccessMode", AccessMode.Get(context));

            if (UseSharedProcess.Expression != null)
                targetCommand.AddParameter("UseSharedProcess", UseSharedProcess.Get(context));

            if (StartupScript.Expression != null)
                targetCommand.AddParameter("StartupScript", StartupScript.Get(context));

            if (MaximumReceivedDataSizePerCommandMB.Expression != null)
                targetCommand.AddParameter("MaximumReceivedDataSizePerCommandMB", MaximumReceivedDataSizePerCommandMB.Get(context));

            if (MaximumReceivedObjectSizeMB.Expression != null)
                targetCommand.AddParameter("MaximumReceivedObjectSizeMB", MaximumReceivedObjectSizeMB.Get(context));

            if (SecurityDescriptorSddl.Expression != null)
                targetCommand.AddParameter("SecurityDescriptorSddl", SecurityDescriptorSddl.Get(context));

            if (ShowSecurityDescriptorUI.Expression != null)
                targetCommand.AddParameter("ShowSecurityDescriptorUI", ShowSecurityDescriptorUI.Get(context));

            if (Force.Expression != null)
                targetCommand.AddParameter("Force", Force.Get(context));

            if (NoServiceRestart.Expression != null)
                targetCommand.AddParameter("NoServiceRestart", NoServiceRestart.Get(context));

            if (PSVersion.Expression != null)
                targetCommand.AddParameter("PSVersion", PSVersion.Get(context));

            if (SessionTypeOption.Expression != null)
                targetCommand.AddParameter("SessionTypeOption", SessionTypeOption.Get(context));

            if (TransportOption.Expression != null)
                targetCommand.AddParameter("TransportOption", TransportOption.Get(context));

            if (ModulesToImport.Expression != null)
                targetCommand.AddParameter("ModulesToImport", ModulesToImport.Get(context));

            if (Path.Expression != null)
                targetCommand.AddParameter("Path", Path.Get(context));

            return(new ActivityImplementationContext()
                PowerShellInstance = invoker
文件: Form1.cs 项目: warned/Orbit_
 public ComBall(Ball b, Force f, Control c)
     this.b = b;
     this.f = f;
     this.c = c;
        public static void Run()
            // Two span beam of 20m overall length with elements of 1m length
            // Vertical 'springs' are used at supports

            List <Node>       nodeList    = new List <Node>();
            List <BarElement> elementList = new List <BarElement>();
            LoadCase          loadCase1   = new LoadCase("test", LoadType.Other);// LoadCase.DefaultLoadCase;  // new LoadCase("L1", LoadType.Dead);

            var model = new BriefFiniteElementNet.Model();

            for (double n = 0; n <= 20; n = n + 1)
                nodeList.Add(new Node(x: n, y: 0.0, z: 0.0)
                    Label = "N" + n

            nodeList.Add(new Node(x: 0, y: 0.0, z: -2.0)
                Label = "N21"
            nodeList.Add(new Node(x: 10, y: 0.0, z: -2.0)
                Label = "N22"
            nodeList.Add(new Node(x: 20, y: 0.0, z: -2.0)
                Label = "N23"

            //var load1 = new BriefFiniteElementNet.Loads.UniformLoad(loadCase1, new Vector(0, 0, 1), 0, CoordinationSystem.Global);  // Load in N/m (UDL = 0 N/m)

            var a  = 0.1;                           // m²
            var iy = 0.008333
            ;                                       // m4
            var iz    = 8.333e-5;                   // m4
            var j     = 0.1 * 0.1 * 0.1 * 1 / 12.0; // m4
            var e     = 205e9;                      // N/m²
            var nu    = 0.3;                        // Poisson's ratio
            var secAA = new BriefFiniteElementNet.Sections.UniformParametric1DSection(a, iy, iz, j);

            var mat = BriefFiniteElementNet.Materials.UniformIsotropicMaterial.CreateFromYoungPoisson(e, nu);

            for (int m = 0; m <= 19; m++)
                BarElement el = new BarElement(nodeList[m], nodeList[m + 1]);
                el.Section  = secAA;
                el.Material = mat;

            BarElement el2 = new BarElement(nodeList[0], nodeList[21]); el2.Section = secAA; el2.Material = mat; elementList.Add(el2);
            BarElement el3 = new BarElement(nodeList[10], nodeList[22]); el3.Section = secAA; el3.Material = mat; elementList.Add(el3);
            BarElement el4 = new BarElement(nodeList[20], nodeList[23]); el4.Section = secAA; el4.Material = mat; elementList.Add(el4);

            nodeList[21].Constraints = Constraints.MovementFixed & Constraints.FixedRX;                       // Constraints.FixedDX & Constraints.FixedDY & Constraints.FixedDZ & Constraints.FixedRY & Constraints.FixedRZ;
            nodeList[22].Constraints = Constraints.FixedDZ & Constraints.FixedDY & Constraints.FixedRX;       // z = vertical
            nodeList[23].Constraints = Constraints.FixedDZ & Constraints.FixedDY & Constraints.FixedRX;       // z = vertical

            nodeList[22].Settlements.Add(new Settlement(loadCase1, new Displacement(0, 0, -0.010, 0, 0, 0))); // -10mm settlement


            model.Solve_MPC(loadCase1);//or model.Solve();

            var disp = nodeList[10].GetNodalDisplacement(loadCase1);

            Console.WriteLine("Node 10 displacement in Z direction is {0:0.000} m", disp.DZ);
            Console.WriteLine("Node 10 rotation in YY direction is {0:0.000} rads\n", disp.RY);

            foreach (BarElement elem in elementList)
                Force f1 = elem.GetExactInternalForceAt(-0.999999, loadCase1);  // -1 = start, 0 = mid, 1 = end, exact solver takes UDL on member into account, doesn't then accept -1 or 1
                Console.WriteLine("Element BMyy is {0:0.000} kNm at start,    SFz is {1:0.000} kN at start", f1.My / 1000, f1.Fz / 1000);
                Force f2 = elem.GetExactInternalForceAt(0.999999, loadCase1);
                Console.WriteLine("Element BMyy is {0:0.000} kNm at end,    SFz is {1:0.000} kN at start", f2.My / 1000, f2.Fz / 1000);

            Console.WriteLine("Node 21 vertical reaction {0:0.000} kN", model.Nodes[21].GetSupportReaction(loadCase1).Fz / 1000);  // gives      51.171 kN  CORRECT
            Console.WriteLine("Node 22 vertical reaction {0:0.000} kN", model.Nodes[22].GetSupportReaction(loadCase1).Fz / 1000);  // gives  102397.658 kN  INCORRECT   (EXPECT -102.342 kN)
            Console.WriteLine("Node 23 vertical reaction {0:0.000} kN", model.Nodes[23].GetSupportReaction(loadCase1).Fz / 1000);  // gives      51.171 kN  CORRECT

    void JumpDone(Force f)
        Force jumpMomentum = GetForce("JumpMomentum");

        IsJumping = false;

        if ((!HasGround || !CurrentGround.IsTouching) && jumpMomentum != null)
            AddForce("FallMomentum", jumpMomentum.From,, 1f);
        // Module defining this command

        // Optional custom code for this activity

        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a configured instance of System.Management.Automation.PowerShell, pre-populated with the command to run.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">The NativeActivityContext for the currently running activity.</param>
        /// <returns>A populated instance of System.Management.Automation.PowerShell</returns>
        /// <remarks>The infrastructure takes responsibility for closing and disposing the PowerShell instance returned.</remarks>
        protected override ActivityImplementationContext GetPowerShell(NativeActivityContext context)
            System.Management.Automation.PowerShell invoker       = global::System.Management.Automation.PowerShell.Create();
            System.Management.Automation.PowerShell targetCommand = invoker.AddCommand(PSCommandName);

            // Initialize the arguments

            if (Job.Expression != null)
                targetCommand.AddParameter("Job", Job.Get(context));

            if (Location.Expression != null)
                targetCommand.AddParameter("Location", Location.Get(context));

            if (Session.Expression != null)
                targetCommand.AddParameter("Session", Session.Get(context));

            if (Keep.Expression != null)
                targetCommand.AddParameter("Keep", Keep.Get(context));

            if (NoRecurse.Expression != null)
                targetCommand.AddParameter("NoRecurse", NoRecurse.Get(context));

            if (Force.Expression != null)
                targetCommand.AddParameter("Force", Force.Get(context));

            if (Wait.Expression != null)
                targetCommand.AddParameter("Wait", Wait.Get(context));

            if (AutoRemoveJob.Expression != null)
                targetCommand.AddParameter("AutoRemoveJob", AutoRemoveJob.Get(context));

            if (WriteEvents.Expression != null)
                targetCommand.AddParameter("WriteEvents", WriteEvents.Get(context));

            if (WriteJobInResults.Expression != null)
                targetCommand.AddParameter("WriteJobInResults", WriteJobInResults.Get(context));

            if (Name.Expression != null)
                targetCommand.AddParameter("Name", Name.Get(context));

            if (InstanceId.Expression != null)
                targetCommand.AddParameter("InstanceId", InstanceId.Get(context));

            if (JobId.Expression != null)
                targetCommand.AddParameter("Id", JobId.Get(context));

            if (GetIsComputerNameSpecified(context) && (PSRemotingBehavior.Get(context) == RemotingBehavior.Custom))
                targetCommand.AddParameter("ComputerName", PSComputerName.Get(context));

            return(new ActivityImplementationContext()
                PowerShellInstance = invoker
 /// <summary>
 /// Get strength of given force, scaled between Force.MinStrength and Force.MaxStrength.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="force">Force to query.</param>
 /// <returns>Raw strength of force.</returns>
 public float GetRawForceStrength(Force force)
     for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++)
         if (_forces[i] == force)
             return GetRawForceStrength(i);
     return 0.0f;
        public void MassByAccelerationEqualsForce()
            Force force = Force.FromMassByAcceleration(Mass.FromKilograms(85), Acceleration.FromMeterPerSecondSquared(-4));

            Assert.Equal(force, Force.FromNewtons(-340));
 public void SaveForcesLocal(Force forces)
        public void SpeedTimesForceEqualsPower()
            Power power = Speed.FromMetersPerSecond(10.0) * Force.FromNewtons(27.0);

            Assert.Equal(power, Power.FromWatts(270));
        /// <summary>
        /// Print the object's XML to the XmlWriter.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="objWriter">XmlTextWriter to write with.</param>
        /// <param name="objCulture">Culture in which to print numbers.</param>
        /// <param name="strLanguageToPrint">Language in which to print.</param>
        public void Print(XmlTextWriter objWriter, CultureInfo objCulture, string strLanguageToPrint)
            // Translate the Critter name if applicable.
            string  strName           = Name;
            XmlNode objXmlCritterNode = GetNode(strLanguageToPrint);

            if (strLanguageToPrint != GlobalOptions.DefaultLanguage)
                strName = objXmlCritterNode?["translate"]?.InnerText ?? Name;

            objWriter.WriteElementString("name", strName);
            objWriter.WriteElementString("name_english", Name);
            objWriter.WriteElementString("crittername", CritterName);
            objWriter.WriteElementString("fettered", Fettered.ToString(GlobalOptions.InvariantCultureInfo));
            objWriter.WriteElementString("bound", Bound.ToString(GlobalOptions.InvariantCultureInfo));
            objWriter.WriteElementString("services", ServicesOwed.ToString(objCulture));
            objWriter.WriteElementString("force", Force.ToString(objCulture));

            if (objXmlCritterNode != null)
                //Attributes for spirits, named differently as to not confuse <attribtue>

                Dictionary <string, int> dicAttributes = new Dictionary <string, int>();
                foreach (string strAttribute in new[] { "bod", "agi", "rea", "str", "cha", "int", "wil", "log", "ini" })
                    string strInner = string.Empty;
                    if (objXmlCritterNode.TryGetStringFieldQuickly(strAttribute, ref strInner))
                        int intValue;
                            intValue = Convert.ToInt32(CommonFunctions.EvaluateInvariantXPath(strInner.Replace("F", _intForce.ToString())));
                        catch (XPathException)
                            if (!int.TryParse(strInner, out intValue))
                                intValue = _intForce; //if failed to parse, default to force
                        catch (OverflowException)
                            if (!int.TryParse(strInner, out intValue))
                                intValue = _intForce; //if failed to parse, default to force
                        catch (FormatException)
                            if (!int.TryParse(strInner, out intValue))
                                intValue = _intForce; //if failed to parse, default to force
                        intValue = Math.Max(intValue, 1); //Min value is 1
                        objWriter.WriteElementString(strAttribute, intValue.ToString(objCulture));

                        dicAttributes[strAttribute] = intValue;


                //Dump skills, (optional)powers if present to output

                XmlDocument objXmlPowersDocument = XmlManager.Load("spiritpowers.xml", strLanguageToPrint);
                XmlNode     xmlPowersNode        = objXmlCritterNode["powers"];
                if (xmlPowersNode != null)
                    foreach (XmlNode objXmlPowerNode in xmlPowersNode.ChildNodes)
                        PrintPowerInfo(objWriter, objXmlPowersDocument, objXmlPowerNode.InnerText, GlobalOptions.Language);
                xmlPowersNode = objXmlCritterNode["optionalpowers"];
                if (xmlPowersNode != null)
                    foreach (XmlNode objXmlPowerNode in xmlPowersNode.ChildNodes)
                        PrintPowerInfo(objWriter, objXmlPowersDocument, objXmlPowerNode.InnerText, GlobalOptions.Language);

                xmlPowersNode = objXmlCritterNode["skills"];
                if (xmlPowersNode != null)
                    foreach (XmlNode xmlSkillNode in xmlPowersNode.ChildNodes)
                        string strAttrName = xmlSkillNode.Attributes?["attr"]?.Value ?? string.Empty;
                        if (!dicAttributes.TryGetValue(strAttrName, out int intAttrValue))
                            intAttrValue = _intForce;
                        int intDicepool = intAttrValue + _intForce;

                        objWriter.WriteElementString("name", xmlSkillNode.InnerText);
                        objWriter.WriteElementString("attr", strAttrName);
                        objWriter.WriteElementString("pool", intDicepool.ToString(objCulture));

                xmlPowersNode = objXmlCritterNode["weaknesses"];
                if (xmlPowersNode != null)
                    foreach (XmlNode objXmlPowerNode in xmlPowersNode.ChildNodes)
                        PrintPowerInfo(objWriter, objXmlPowersDocument, objXmlPowerNode.InnerText, GlobalOptions.Language);

                //Page in book for reference
                string strSource = string.Empty;
                string strPage   = string.Empty;

                if (objXmlCritterNode.TryGetStringFieldQuickly("source", ref strSource))
                    objWriter.WriteElementString("source", CommonFunctions.LanguageBookShort(strSource, strLanguageToPrint));
                if (objXmlCritterNode.TryGetStringFieldQuickly("altpage", ref strPage) || objXmlCritterNode.TryGetStringFieldQuickly("page", ref strPage))
                    objWriter.WriteElementString("page", strPage);

            objWriter.WriteElementString("bound", Bound.ToString());
            objWriter.WriteElementString("type", EntityType.ToString());

            if (_objCharacter.Options.PrintNotes)
                objWriter.WriteElementString("notes", Notes);
        public void ForceDividedByAreaEqualsPressure()
            Pressure pressure = Force.FromNewtons(90) / Area.FromSquareMeters(9);

            Assert.Equal(pressure, Pressure.FromNewtonsPerSquareMeter(10));
 public ConcentratedLoad(Force force, IsoPoint forceIsoLocation, CoordinationSystem coordinationSystem)
     Force              = force;
     ForceIsoLocation   = forceIsoLocation;
     CoordinationSystem = coordinationSystem;
        public void PressureByAreaEqualsForceUsingArea()
            Force force = Force.FromPressureByArea(Pressure.FromNewtonsPerSquareMeter(5), Area.FromSquareMeters(7));

            Assert.Equal(force, Force.FromNewtons(35));
 private void internal_add_force(Vector2D force, int index)
     Force my_force = new Force();
     my_force._force = force;
     my_force._index = index;
        public void PressureByAreaEqualsForceUsingLength2D()
            var force = Force.FromPressureByArea(Pressure.FromNewtonsPerSquareMeter(6), Length2d.FromMeters(5, 2));

            Assert.Equal(force, Force.FromNewtons(60));
        protected void _SetupForce(Force force, ref ForceInstance fi)
            Assert.Fatal(SceneObject != null, "Cannot set up force before adding to scene");

            SceneObject.RegisterInterface(this, fi._strength);
            fi._strength.Value = force.InitialStrength;

            if (force.LinkName != null && force.LinkName != String.Empty)
                fi._linkPosition = SceneObject.Components.GetInterface<ValueInterface<Vector2>>("vector2", force.LinkName);
                fi._linkRotation = SceneObject.Components.GetInterface<ValueInterface<float>>("float", force.LinkName);
        public void ForceDividedByMassEqualsAcceleration()
            Acceleration acceleration = Force.FromNewtons(27) / Mass.FromKilograms(9);

            Assert.Equal(acceleration, Acceleration.FromMeterPerSecondSquared(3));
public bool Equals(Force obj) 
    if (obj == null) return false;
    return (obj.swigCPtr.Handle == this.swigCPtr.Handle);
        public void ForceDividedByAccelerationEqualsMass()
            Mass acceleration = Force.FromNewtons(200) / Acceleration.FromMeterPerSecondSquared(50);

            Assert.Equal(acceleration, Mass.FromKilograms(4));
文件: Form1.cs 项目: warned/Orbit_
        private void pbGalaxy_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int iDiam = 20;
            Point screenCoordinates = this.PointToScreen(new Point(0, 0));
            Timer tmr = new Timer();

            tmr.Interval = 4000;
            tmr.Tick += new System.EventHandler(this.tmrBeforeDelete_Tick);
            Ball bTmp = new Ball(new double[2] { ((MousePosition.X - screenCoordinates.X) - ((pbGalaxy.Width) / 2)), ((screenCoordinates.Y - MousePosition.Y) + (pbGalaxy.Height / 2))}, new double[2] { 0, 0 }, new double[2] { 0, 0 }, 1, iDiam, Color.White, Color.White, false, false, tmr, 0);
            Force fTmp = new Force(new double[2] { 0, 0 }, new double[2] { 0, 0 }, new double[2] { 0, 0 }, new double[2] { 0, 0 }, new double[2] { 0, 0 }, 0);
            Control cTmp = new Control(System.DateTime.Now, System.DateTime.Now, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false);
            ComBall moon = new ComBall(bTmp, fTmp, cTmp);
        public void ForceDividedByLengthEqualsForcePerLength()
            ForcePerLength forcePerLength = Force.FromNewtons(200) / Length.FromMeters(50);

            Assert.Equal(forcePerLength, ForcePerLength.FromNewtonsPerMeter(4));
        protected void _GetForceData(Force force, ForceInstance fi, out Vector2 offset, out Vector2 direction)
            offset = SceneObject.GetWorldLinkPosition(fi._linkPosition, fi._linkRotation, force.Offset) - SceneObject.Position;

            float dirRot;
            if (force.UseLinkDirection)
                dirRot = SceneObject.GetWorldLinkRotation(fi._linkRotation, force.RotationOffset);
                dirRot = force.ConstantDirection;
                if (!force.ConstantDirectionIsWorldSpace)
                    dirRot += SceneObject.Rotation;
                dirRot = (dirRot + force.RotationOffset) % 360.0f;

            direction = T2DVectorUtil.VectorFromAngle(dirRot);
 public void OpLessThan()
     var force1 = new Force(9.81, ForceUnit.Newtons);
     var force2 = new Force(1, ForceUnit.KilogramForce);
     var force3 = new Force(2, ForceUnit.KilogramForce);
     (force1 < force3).ShouldBeTrue();
     (force3 < force1).ShouldBeFalse();
     (force1 < force2).ShouldBeFalse();
     (force2 < force1).ShouldBeFalse();
    public void AddForce(string name, Vector3 from, Vector3 to, float time, Action<Force> onDone)
        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
            forces[name] = new Force { From = from, To = to, Time = time, Elapsed = 0, OnDone = onDone };

            // We need to remove any pending expires on this force
 protected void SetScalarValue(DependencyProperty property, Force? quantity)
     // we set this flag to prevent from setting scalar value changing quantity values.
     this.isUpdatingScalarValue = true;
     var value = quantity != null
         ? this.Unit.GetScalarValue(quantity.Value)
         : (double?)null;
     this.SetCurrentValue(property, value);
     this.isUpdatingScalarValue = false;
 /// <summary>
 /// Determine whether a given force is being applied to this object.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="force">Force to test.</param>
 /// <returns>True if force is being applied.</returns>
 public bool HasForce(Force force)
     for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++)
         if (_forces[i] == force)
             return true;
     return false;
        public void EqualsReturnsFalseOnNull()
            Force newton = Force.FromNewtons(1);

 public void OpSubtraction()
     var force1 = new Force(19.62, ForceUnit.Newtons);
     var force2 = new Force(1, ForceUnit.KilogramForce);
     (force1 - force2).ShouldEqual(new Force(9.81, ForceUnit.Newtons));
     (force2 - force1).ShouldEqual(new Force(-1, ForceUnit.KilogramForce));
 /// <summary>
 /// Add a force
 /// </summary>
 static internal void Add(Force force)
 public double Magnitude(Force a)
     return Math.Sqrt(i * i + j * j);
 /// <summary>
 /// Add an instantaneous force
 /// </summary>
 static internal void AddInstantaneous(Force force)
        public void MassByAccelerationEqualsForceUsingDouble()
            var force = Force.FromMassByAcceleration(Mass.FromKilograms(9), 3);

            Assert.Equal(force, Force.FromNewtons(27));
 /// <summary>
 /// Add a new force to this object.  Force will continue to be applied until RemoveForce
 /// is called for the force.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="force">Force to applye.</param>
 public void AddForce(Force force)
     ForceInstance fi = new ForceInstance();
     fi._strength = new ValueInPlaceInterface<float>();
     if (SceneObject != null)
         _SetupForce(force, ref fi);
        public void EqualsReturnsFalseOnTypeMismatch()
            Force newton = Force.FromNewtons(1);

            Assert.IsFalse(newton.Equals(new object()));
 protected virtual void OnMaxValueChanged(Force? oldValue, Force? newValue)
     this.SetScalarValue(ScalarMaxValueProperty, newValue);