public void DisplayMoneyFloatingText(float money, Vector3 position) { //Transform tr string moneyMessage = "+" + money.ToString() + " $"; FloatingTextManager.CreateFloatingText(moneyMessage, position); }
public void IncrementScore(int scoreChange, float xPos, float yPos) { Debug.Log("Score Changed"); if (m_localPortrait) { m_localPortrait.IncrementScore(scoreChange); } else { m_portraits[0].IncrementScore(scoreChange); } Transform tempPos = this.transform; tempPos.position = new Vector3(xPos, yPos, -3.5f); if (scoreChange > 0) { FloatingTextManager.CreateFloatingText("+" + scoreChange, tempPos,; } else { FloatingTextManager.CreateFloatingText("" + scoreChange, tempPos,; } }
private void Awake() { if (instance == null) { instance = this; } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { SceneManager.SetActiveScene(SceneManager.GetSceneByBuildIndex(7)); m_currState = GameState.Setup; m_hammers = new List <GameObject>(); m_spawner = new float[SPAWNERS]; for (int i = 0; i < SPAWNERS; i++) { m_spawner[i] = Random.Range(0.1f, maxSpawnTime); } FloatingTextManager.Initialise(); m_playerIDObject = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player"); m_overworldGM = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("GameManager"); //m_clientID = m_playerIDObject.GetComponent<CustomLobby>().playerDetails.Identifier; newCanvas = Instantiate(tutorialCanvas, new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), Quaternion.identity); m_background = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Background"); tutorialTimerTxt = GUIText.FindObjectOfType <Text>(); m_gameTime = startTime; m_isOldTouch = false; }
//start function void Start() { SceneManager.SetActiveScene(SceneManager.GetSceneByBuildIndex(5)); //FadeOutAnimation = GameObject.Find("FadeOut").GetComponent<StopAnimationScript>(); FadeInAnimation = GameObject.Find("FadeIn").GetComponent <StopAnimationScript> (); fade.SetActive(false); newCanvas = Instantiate(tutorialCanvas, new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), Quaternion.identity); tutorialTimeTxt = GUIText.FindObjectOfType <Text>(); //if the background music prefab isnt in the scene then it will not try and search for it if (GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("BGMusic") != null) { backgroundMusic = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("BGMusic"); m_musicFadeOut = backgroundMusic.GetComponent <MusicFadeOut>(); } //initialise timer m_gameTimer = (int)gameDuration; //floating text manager public static utility class initialisation FloatingTextManager.Initialise(); //set up screen orientation and plant grid Screen.orientation = ScreenOrientation.Landscape; //get the component stuff from the portait prefabs //Player1Stats = Player1.GetComponent<PortaitScript> (); //Player2Stats = Player2.GetComponent<PortaitScript> (); //Player3Stats = Player3.GetComponent<PortaitScript> (); // Player4Stats = Player4.GetComponent<PortaitScript> (); }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Awake() { holdAttack = true; FindNewDirection(); // alertLight.intensity = 0; movementTimer = GetRandomInRange(movementTimes); floatingText = GameObject.Find("Floating Text Manager").GetComponent <FloatingTextManager>(); }
private void Start() { textManager = GetComponent <FloatingTextManager>(); animator = GetComponent <Animator>(); animatorTime = GetComponent <AnimationManager>().GetAnimationLength("Combat Dummy Hit"); previousHealth = health; previousTransform = transform.position; }
private void Start() { if (Colour != "" && Colour != null) { ColourEventManager.ColourEvents[Colour].OnActivated += PistonScript_OnActivated; } FTM = FindObjectOfType <FloatingTextManager>(); }
private void Start() { if (Colour != "" && Colour != null) { ColourEventManager.ColourEvents[Colour].OnActivated += CannonScript_OnActivated; } LevelManager.LevelRestartEvent += LevelManager_LevelRestartEvent; FTM = FindObjectOfType <FloatingTextManager>(); }
void Start() { if (instance == null) { instance = this; } else { Destroy(this); } }
private void Awake() { if (Instance != null) { Destroy(gameObject); } else { Instance = this; } }
private void Awake() { if (instance == null) { instance = this; } else if (instance != this) { Destroy(gameObject); } }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Awake() { // Get first and last names firstNames = Resources.Load <TextAsset>("FirstNames").text.Split("\n"[0]); lastNames = Resources.Load <TextAsset>("LastNames").text.Split("\n"[0]); string name = $"{firstNames[Random.Range(0, firstNames.Length)]} {lastNames[Random.Range(0, lastNames.Length)]}"; floatingTextManager = GameObject.Find("Floating Text Manager").GetComponent <FloatingTextManager>(); floatingTextManager.CreateFloatingText(player, $"{name}, reporting in!"); }
protected virtual void DoDisplayName(bool state) { if (state) { FloatingTextManager.Add(gameObject,"(Clone)", ""), this.m_Color, this.m_Offset); } else { FloatingTextManager.Remove(gameObject); } }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (!m_isHit) { if (m_pieScript.GetLaunched() == true) { //cast a ray out of all the objects and store them in an array RaycastHit[] hit = Physics.RaycastAll(gameObject.transform.position, new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f), Mathf.Infinity); for (int i = 0; i < hit.Length; i++) { m_isHit = true; m_pieScript.SetHit(m_isHit); PedScript pedScript; //get the ped script of the object that the pie has collided with pedScript = hit[i].collider.gameObject.GetComponent <PedScript>(); //get the animator component to transition the animation states Animator pedAnimator = hit [i].collider.gameObject.GetComponent <Animator> (); AudioSource pedSound = hit[i].collider.gameObject.GetComponent <AudioSource>(); //play impact sounds pedSound.Play(); m_pieSplatSound.Play(); pedAnimator.Play("Impact"); //stop the move speed to allow the animation to play pedScript.SetMoveSpeed(0.0f); //add a delay to the destruction of the enemy to allow for the animation to play Destroy(hit [i].collider.gameObject, 1.0f); //get the unique score of the collided object m_hitScore = pedScript.GetScore(); //add the score to the player's score m_gameManagerScript.AddScore(m_hitScore); FloatingTextManager.CreateFloatingText(m_hitScore.ToString(), hit [i].collider.transform,; //respawn the pie m_pieScript.Respawn(); m_pieScript.Destroy(); //stop the velocity of the pie for animation purposes m_pieScript.SetDistance(new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)); break; } } m_pieScript.SetHit(m_isHit); } }
// Start is called before the first frame update void Start() { FTM = FindObjectOfType <FloatingTextManager>(); Agent = GetComponent <NavMeshAgent>(); RagdollActive = false; FinishLocation = EnemyTarget.position; SetupRagdoll(); // Make enemy move to specified location MoveToPosition(FinishLocation); }
public void Perform(GameObject target, CharacterData attackerData, FloatingTextManager floatingTxtMgr) { float healAmount = 3 * Formula.CalculateHealing(attackerData.healPower); // Apply dmg to target if (target.tag == "Player" || target.tag == "Enemy") { target.BroadcastMessage("ApplyHeal", healAmount); Vector3 textOffset = new Vector3(0, 30); floatingTxtMgr.CreateFloatingText(healAmount.ToString(), target.transform.position + textOffset, this.CategoryColor().fontColor, this.CategoryColor().outlineColor); } }
void Start() { Instance = this; ResourceManager.Instance.AllocateAndStore("Prefabs/Numbers/0", "Number0"); ResourceManager.Instance.AllocateAndStore("Prefabs/Numbers/1", "Number1"); ResourceManager.Instance.AllocateAndStore("Prefabs/Numbers/2", "Number2"); ResourceManager.Instance.AllocateAndStore("Prefabs/Numbers/3", "Number3"); ResourceManager.Instance.AllocateAndStore("Prefabs/Numbers/4", "Number4"); ResourceManager.Instance.AllocateAndStore("Prefabs/Numbers/5", "Number5"); ResourceManager.Instance.AllocateAndStore("Prefabs/Numbers/6", "Number6"); ResourceManager.Instance.AllocateAndStore("Prefabs/Numbers/7", "Number7"); ResourceManager.Instance.AllocateAndStore("Prefabs/Numbers/8", "Number8"); ResourceManager.Instance.AllocateAndStore("Prefabs/Numbers/9", "Number9"); }
private void AttachStateManagers() { StateMgr.AddGameState(currentPlayer); FloatingTextMgr = new FloatingTextManager(this); StateMgr.AddGameState(FloatingTextMgr); LevelEnv = new LevelEnvironment(); StateMgr.AddGameState(LevelEnv); AlertMessageMgr = new AlertMessageManager(this, 0.5f); StateMgr.AddGameState(AlertMessageMgr); SpectatorActionMgr = new SpectatorActionsManager(); StateMgr.AddGameState(SpectatorActionMgr); ScreenShakingMgr = new ScreenShakingManager(this); StateMgr.AddGameState(ScreenShakingMgr); }
// Perform this attack on a single target public void Perform(GameObject target, CharacterData attackerData, FloatingTextManager floatingTxtMgr) { float dmgAmount = Formula.CalculateDamage(attackerData.attackPower); // Apply dmg to target if (target.tag == "Player" || target.tag == "Enemy" || target.tag == "Trap" || target.tag == "Collectable") { target.BroadcastMessage("ApplyDamage", dmgAmount); Vector3 textOffset = new Vector3(0, 30); floatingTxtMgr.CreateFloatingText(dmgAmount.ToString(), target.transform.position + textOffset,, Color.yellow); DmgEffectManager.CreateHit(target.transform.position); } }
// Perform this attack on multiple targets public void Perform(GameObject[] area, CharacterData attackerData, FloatingTextManager floatingTxtMgr) { foreach (GameObject t in area) { float dmgAmount = Formula.CalculateExplosiveDamage(t.transform.position, Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition), attackerData.attackPower); if (t.tag == "Player" || t.tag == "Enemy" || t.tag == "Trap" || t.tag == "Collectable") { t.BroadcastMessage("ApplyDamage", dmgAmount); Vector3 textOffset = new Vector3(0, 30); floatingTxtMgr.CreateFloatingText(dmgAmount.ToString(), t.transform.position + textOffset, this.CategoryColor().fontColor, this.CategoryColor().outlineColor); DmgEffectManager.CreateHit(t.transform.position); } } }
public void Perform(GameObject[] targets, CharacterData attackerData, FloatingTextManager floatingTxtMgr) { // Apply heal to all targets foreach (GameObject t in targets) { float healAmount = Formula.CalculateExplosiveDamage(t.transform.position, Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition), attackerData.healPower); if (t.tag == "Player" || t.tag == "Enemy") { t.BroadcastMessage("ApplyHeal", healAmount); Vector3 textOffset = new Vector3(0, 30); floatingTxtMgr.CreateFloatingText(healAmount.ToString(), t.transform.position + textOffset, this.CategoryColor().fontColor, this.CategoryColor().outlineColor); } } }
public void Perform(GameObject target, CharacterData attackerData, FloatingTextManager floatingTxtMgr) { float suppressAmount = 5 + (attackerData.level / 10); BattleManager.ActiveCharacter.PlayShootAnim(); // Apply dmg to target if (target.tag == "Player" || target.tag == "Enemy") { target.BroadcastMessage("Suppress", suppressAmount); Debug.Log("Suppress fire fired"); Vector3 textOffset = new Vector3(0, 30); floatingTxtMgr.CreateFloatingText("Recovery +" + suppressAmount.ToString(), target.transform.position + textOffset, this.CategoryColor().fontColor, this.CategoryColor().outlineColor); } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { FloatingTextManager.Initialise(); //find the two spawners to acces scripts m_pieSpawner = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("PieSpawner"); m_pedSpawner = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("PedSpawner"); m_pieSplatSound = this.GetComponent <AudioSource>(); //get the script and component references m_pieScript = m_pieSpawner.GetComponent <PieScript>(); m_gameManagerScript = m_pedSpawner.GetComponent <PieThrowManagerScript>(); m_sr = gameObject.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>(); m_pieSpriteManager = gameObject.GetComponent <PieSpriteChanger> (); m_isHit = false; }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { if (instance != null) { Destroy(instance.gameObject); } instance = this; floatingTextManager = GetComponent <FloatingTextManager>(); healthBarManager = GetComponent <HealthBarManager>(); playerGUI = GetComponent <PlayerGUI>(); itemPopup = itemPopupObject.GetComponent <ItemPopup>(); loadScreen = GetComponent <LoadScreen>(); deathScreen = GetComponent <DeathScreen>(); bossGUI = GetComponent <BossGUI>(); }
void Awake() { if (_instance == null) { //If I am the fist instance, make me the first Singleton _instance = this; DontDestroyOnLoad(gameObject); } else { //If a Singleton already exists and you find another reference in scene, destroy it if (_instance != this) { Destroy(gameObject); } } }
//if tile is swiped over public int Swiped(out BasePlant plant) { int tempScore = 0; plant = basePlant; //if the plant is already active if (basePlant.GetActive()) { //get the score from the plant tempScore = basePlant.GetScore(); Debug.Log(basePlant.GetScore()); //if the plant is type of double plant if (basePlant is DoubleScorePlant) { //white text FloatingTextManager.CreateFloatingText("+" + basePlant.GetScore().ToString(), basePlant.transform, Color.white); } else if (basePlant is NormalPlant) { //yellow text FloatingTextManager.CreateFloatingText("+" + basePlant.GetScore().ToString(), basePlant.transform); } else if (basePlant is DebuffPlant) { FloatingTextManager.CreateFloatingText("+" + basePlant.GetScore().ToString(), basePlant.transform,; DebuffPlant debuff = basePlant as DebuffPlant; Destroy(lightning); } //activate the dead plant animation m_animator.SetTrigger("DeadPlant"); //Set the plant state to be inactive basePlant.SetActive(false); for (int i = 0; i < emmiters.Count; i++) { emmiters [i].Play(); } } return(tempScore); }
private void OnMouseUp() { FloatingTextManager ftm = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Respawn").GetComponent <FloatingTextManager>(); if (destination != null && Vector3.Distance(gameObject.transform.position, destination.position) < 1.2f && ftm.PuzzlePlaced(index)) { transform.position = destination.position; transform.localScale = new Vector3(1f, 1f, 1f); GetComponent <PolygonCollider2D>().enabled = false; GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sortingOrder--; myTween.Kill(); if (hasRotation) { hasRotation = false; transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity; } } else { myTween.Play(); } }
void Awake() { gameLogic = GameObject.Find("GameGlobal").GetComponent <GameLogic>(); if (gameLogic == null) { Debug.Log("Error: <gameLogic> not found!"); } timerText = GetComponent <TextMeshProUGUI>(); if (timerText == null) { Debug.Log("Error: <timerText> not found!"); } floatingTextManager = GameObject.Find("FloatingTextManager").GetComponent <FloatingTextManager>(); if (floatingTextManager == null) { Debug.Log("Error: <floatingTextManager> not found!"); } player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player"); if (player == null) { Debug.Log("Error: <player> not found!"); } }
private void Start() { Instance = this; }