        public static StructureValueCollection[] ReadReflexive(IReader reader, int count, uint address,
                                                               StructureLayout entryLayout, FileSegmentGroup metaArea)
            if (entryLayout.Size == 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("The entry layout must have a size associated with it.");

            // Handle null pointers
            if (count <= 0 || !metaArea.ContainsPointer(address))
                return(new StructureValueCollection[0]);

            // Convert the address to an offset and seek to it
            int offset = metaArea.PointerToOffset(address);


            // Read the entries
            var result = new StructureValueCollection[count];

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                result[i] = StructureReader.ReadStructure(reader, entryLayout);

        private void Load(StructureValueCollection values, FileSegmentGroup metaArea, Dictionary <int, ITagGroup> groupsById)
            // Load the tag group by looking up the magic value that's stored
            var groupMagic = (int)values.GetInteger("tag group magic");

            if (groupMagic != -1)
                Group = groupsById[groupMagic];

            Index = new DatumIndex(values.GetInteger("datum index"));

            // NOTE: cant really split filenames into a segment
            //       because offset is relative to the meta header
            uint nameOffset = (uint)values.GetInteger("name offset");

            if (nameOffset > 0)
                FileNameOffset = SegmentPointer.FromPointer(nameOffset, metaArea);
            //FileNameOffset = SegmentPointer.FromOffset((int)nameOffset, metaArea);

            uint offset = (uint)values.GetInteger("offset");

            // checking the meta area contains the offset
            // and that the tag element is not pointing to a data file
            if (offset > 0 && metaArea.ContainsPointer(offset) &&
                (values.GetInteger("is in data file") != 1))
                MetaLocation = SegmentPointer.FromPointer(offset, metaArea);
            // TODO (Dragon): the offset can actually be 0 when used
            //                as a data file table index
            //else if (offset > 0 && !metaArea.ContainsPointer(offset))
            // TODO (Dragon): load the tag from a data file
            //                bitm: bitmaps.map
            //                font: loc.map
            //                ustr: loc.map
            //                hmt : loc.map