        public void GetFieldNames()
            //ExSummary:Shows how to get mail merge field names used by the field
            Document doc = new Document(MyDir + "MailMerge.GetFieldNames.docx");

            string[] addressFieldsExpect =
                "Company",           "First Name", "Middle Name", "Last Name", "Suffix", "Address 1", "City", "State",
                "Country or Region", "Postal Code"

            FieldAddressBlock addressBlockField = (FieldAddressBlock)doc.Range.Fields[0];

            string[] addressBlockFieldNames = addressBlockField.GetFieldNames();

            Assert.AreEqual(addressFieldsExpect, addressBlockFieldNames);

            string[] greetingFieldsExpect = { "Courtesy Title", "Last Name" };

            FieldGreetingLine greetingLineField = (FieldGreetingLine)doc.Range.Fields[1];

            string[] greetingLineFieldNames = greetingLineField.GetFieldNames();

            Assert.AreEqual(greetingFieldsExpect, greetingLineFieldNames);
        public static void Run()
            // The path to the documents directory.
            string          dataDir = RunExamples.GetDataDir_WorkingWithFields();
            Document        doc     = new Document(dataDir + "in.doc");
            DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

            // Get paragraph you want to append this merge field to
            Paragraph para = (Paragraph)doc.GetChildNodes(NodeType.Paragraph, true)[1];

            // Move cursor to this paragraph

            // We want to insert a mail merge address block like this:
            // { ADDRESSBLOCK \\c 1 \\d \\e Test2 \\f Test3 \\l \"Test 4\" }

            // Create instance of FieldAddressBlock class and lets build the above field code
            FieldAddressBlock field = (FieldAddressBlock)builder.InsertField(FieldType.FieldAddressBlock, false);

            // { ADDRESSBLOCK \\c 1" }
            field.IncludeCountryOrRegionName = "1";

            // { ADDRESSBLOCK \\c 1 \\d" }
            field.FormatAddressOnCountryOrRegion = true;

            // { ADDRESSBLOCK \\c 1 \\d \\e Test2 }
            field.ExcludedCountryOrRegionName = "Test2";

            // { ADDRESSBLOCK \\c 1 \\d \\e Test2 \\f Test3 }
            field.NameAndAddressFormat = "Test3";

            // { ADDRESSBLOCK \\c 1 \\d \\e Test2 \\f Test3 \\l \"Test 4\" }
            field.LanguageId = "Test 4";

            // Finally update this merge field

            dataDir = dataDir + "InsertMailMergeAddressBlockFieldUsingDOM_out_.doc";

            Console.WriteLine("\nMail Merge address block field using DOM inserted successfully.\nFile saved at " + dataDir);
        public void FieldAddressBlock()
            //ExSummary:Shows how to build a field address block.
            Document        doc     = new Document();
            DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);

            // Use a document builder to insert a field address block
            FieldAddressBlock field = (FieldAddressBlock)builder.InsertField(FieldType.FieldAddressBlock, true);

            // Initially our field is an empty address block field with null attributes
            Assert.AreEqual(" ADDRESSBLOCK ", field.GetFieldCode());

            // Setting this to "2" will cause all countries/regions to be included, unless it is the one specified in the ExcludedCountryOrRegionName attribute
            field.IncludeCountryOrRegionName     = "2";
            field.FormatAddressOnCountryOrRegion = true;
            field.ExcludedCountryOrRegionName    = "United States";

            // Specify our own name and address format
            field.NameAndAddressFormat = "<Title> <Forename> <Surname> <Address Line 1> <Region> <Postcode> <Country>";

            // By default, the language ID will be set to that of the first character of the document
            // In this case we will specify it to be English
            field.LanguageId = "1033";

            // Our field code has changed according to the attribute values that we set
                " ADDRESSBLOCK  \\c 2 \\d \\e \"United States\" \\f \"<Title> <Forename> <Surname> <Address Line 1> <Region> <Postcode> <Country>\" \\l 1033",

            Assert.AreEqual("2", field.IncludeCountryOrRegionName);
            Assert.AreEqual(true, field.FormatAddressOnCountryOrRegion);
            Assert.AreEqual("United States", field.ExcludedCountryOrRegionName);
            Assert.AreEqual("<Title> <Forename> <Surname> <Address Line 1> <Region> <Postcode> <Country>",
            Assert.AreEqual("1033", field.LanguageId);
        public void GetFieldNames()
            Document doc = new Document(MyDir + "MailMerge.GetFieldNames.docx");

            string[] addressFieldsExpect = { "Company", "First Name", "Middle Name", "Last Name", "Suffix", "Address 1", "City", "State", "Country or Region", "Postal Code" };

            FieldAddressBlock addressBlockField = (FieldAddressBlock)doc.Range.Fields[0];

            string[] addressBlockFieldNames = addressBlockField.GetFieldNames();

            Assert.AreEqual(addressFieldsExpect, addressBlockFieldNames);

            string[] greetingFieldsExpect = { "Courtesy Title", "Last Name" };

            FieldGreetingLine greetingLineField = (FieldGreetingLine)doc.Range.Fields[1];

            string[] greetingLineFieldNames = greetingLineField.GetFieldNames();

            Assert.AreEqual(greetingFieldsExpect, greetingLineFieldNames);