        /// <summary>
        /// Predicts the next state using the current state and <paramref name="controlVector"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="controlVector">Set of data for external system control.</param>
        /// <summary>
        /// <para>Estimates the subsequent model state.</para>
        /// <para>
        /// x'(k) = A * x(k-1) + B * u(k).
        /// P'(k) = A * P(k-1) * At + Q
        /// K(k) = P'(k) * Ht * (H * P'(k) * Ht + R)^(-1)
        /// </para>
        /// </summary>
        public void Predict(double[] controlVector)
            //x'(k) = A * x(k-1)
            //this.state = this.state.Multiply(this.TransitionMatrix);
            state = TransitionMatrix.Dot(state);

            //x'(k) =  x'(k) + B * u(k)
            if (controlVector is not null)
                state = state.Add(ControlMatrix.Dot(controlVector));

            //P'(k) = A * P(k-1) * At + Q
            EstimateCovariance = TransitionMatrix.Multiply(EstimateCovariance).Multiply(TransitionMatrix.Transpose()).Add(ProcessNoise);

            /******* calculate Kalman gain **********/
            var measurementMatrixTransponsed = MeasurementMatrix.Transpose();

            //S(k) = H * P'(k) * Ht + R
            ResidualCovariance    = MeasurementMatrix.Multiply(EstimateCovariance).Multiply(measurementMatrixTransponsed).Add(MeasurementNoise);
            ResidualCovarianceInv = ResidualCovariance.Inverse();

            //K(k) = P'(k) * Ht * S(k)^(-1)
            KalmanGain = EstimateCovariance.Multiply(measurementMatrixTransponsed).Multiply(ResidualCovarianceInv);
            /******* calculate Kalman gain **********/
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates entropy from the error covariance matrix.
        /// </summary>
        public double CalculateEntropy()
            if (EstimateCovariance is null || EstimateCovariance.GetLength(0) != EstimateCovariance.GetLength(1))
                throw new ArgumentException("Error covariance matrix (P) must have the same number of rows and columns.");

            var stateVectorDim = EstimateCovariance.GetLength(0);

            var errorCovDet = EstimateCovariance.Determinant();

            return(0.5f * ((stateVectorDim * Log(4 * PI)) + Log(errorCovDet)));
        /// <summary>
        /// Corrects the state error covariance based on innovation vector and Kalman update.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="innovationVector">The difference between predicted state and measurement.</param>
        public void Correct(double[] innovationVector)
            if (innovationVector is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(innovationVector));


            if (innovationVector.Length != MeasurementVectorDimension)
                throw new Exception("PredicitionError error vector (innovation vector) must have the same length as measurement.");

            //correct state using Kalman gain
            state = state.Add(KalmanGain.Dot(innovationVector));

            var identity = Matrix.Identity(StateVectorDimension);

            EstimateCovariance = (identity.Subtract(KalmanGain.Multiply(MeasurementMatrix))).Multiply(EstimateCovariance.Transpose());