        public override Task ProcessAsync(ExtensionContext context, ExtensionConfiguration config)
            // If we're getting called then the user configured dapr in their tye.yaml.
            // We don't have any of our own config.

            if (context.Operation == ExtensionContext.OperationKind.LocalRun)
                // default placement port number
                var daprPlacementImage           = "daprio/dapr";
                var daprPlacementContainerPort   = 50005;
                var daprPlacementPort            = NextPortFinder.GetNextPort();
                var isCustomPlacementPortDefined = false;

                // see if a placement port number has been defined
                if (config.Data.TryGetValue("placement-port", out var obj) && obj?.ToString() is string && int.TryParse(obj.ToString(), out var customPlacementPort))
                    context.Output.WriteDebugLine($"Using Dapr placement service host port {customPlacementPort} from 'placement-port'");
                    daprPlacementPort            = customPlacementPort;
                    isCustomPlacementPortDefined = true;

                // see if a placement image has been defined
                if (config.Data.TryGetValue("placement-image", out obj) && obj?.ToString() is string customPlacementImage)
                    context.Output.WriteDebugLine($"Using Dapr placement service image {customPlacementImage} from 'placement-image'");
                    daprPlacementImage = customPlacementImage;

                // see if a placement container port has been defined
                if (config.Data.TryGetValue("placement-container-port", out obj) && obj?.ToString() is string && int.TryParse(obj.ToString(), out var customPlacementContainerPort))
                    context.Output.WriteDebugLine($"Using Dapr placement service container port {customPlacementContainerPort} from 'placement-container-port'");
                    daprPlacementContainerPort = customPlacementContainerPort;

                // We can only skip injecting a Dapr placement container if a 'placement-port' has been defined and 'exclude-placement-container=true'
                if (!(isCustomPlacementPortDefined && config.Data.TryGetValue("exclude-placement-container", out obj) &&
                      obj?.ToString() is string excludePlacementContainer && excludePlacementContainer == "true"))
                    if (!isCustomPlacementPortDefined)
                        context.Output.WriteDebugLine("A 'placement-port' has not been defined. So the 'exclude-placement-container' will default to 'false'.");

                    context.Output.WriteDebugLine("Injecting Dapr placement service...");
                    var daprPlacement = new ContainerServiceBuilder("placement", daprPlacementImage)
                        Args     = "./placement",
                        Bindings =
                            new BindingBuilder()
                                Port          = daprPlacementPort,
                                ContainerPort = daprPlacementContainerPort,
                                Protocol      = "http"
                    context.Output.WriteDebugLine("Skipping injecting Dapr placement service because 'exclude-placement-container=true'.");

                // For local run, enumerate all projects, and add services for each dapr proxy.
                var projects = context.Application.Services.OfType <ProjectServiceBuilder>().ToList();
                foreach (var project in projects)
                    // Dapr requires http. If this project isn't listening to HTTP then it's not daprized.
                    var httpBinding = project.Bindings.FirstOrDefault(b => b.Protocol == "http");
                    if (httpBinding == null)

                    // See https://github.com/dotnet/tye/issues/260
                    // Currently the pub-sub pattern does not work when you have multiple replicas. Each
                    // daprd instance expects that it has a single application to talk to. So if you're using
                    // pub-sub this means that you'll won't get some messages.
                    // We have no way to know if an app is using pub-sub or not, so just block it.
                    if (project.Replicas > 1)
                        throw new CommandException("Dapr support does not support multiple replicas yet for development.");

                    var daprExecutablePath = GetDaprExecutablePath();

                    var proxy = new ExecutableServiceBuilder($"{project.Name}-dapr", daprExecutablePath)
                        WorkingDirectory = context.Application.Source.DirectoryName,

                        // These environment variables are replaced with environment variables
                        // defined for this service.
                        Args = $"-app-id {project.Name} -app-port %APP_PORT% -dapr-grpc-port %DAPR_GRPC_PORT% --dapr-http-port %DAPR_HTTP_PORT% --metrics-port %METRICS_PORT% --placement-host-address localhost:{daprPlacementPort}",

                    // When running locally `-config` specifies a filename, not a configuration name. By convention
                    // we'll assume the filename and config name are the same.
                    if (config.Data.TryGetValue("config", out obj) && obj?.ToString() is string daprConfig)
                        var configFile = Path.Combine(context.Application.Source.DirectoryName !, "components", $"{daprConfig}.yaml");
                        if (File.Exists(configFile))
                            proxy.Args += $" -config \"{configFile}\"";
                            context.Output.WriteAlwaysLine($"Could not find dapr config '{configFile}'. Skipping...");

                    if (config.Data.TryGetValue("log-level", out obj) && obj?.ToString() is string logLevel)
                        proxy.Args += $" -log-level {logLevel}";

                    if (config.Data.TryGetValue("components-path", out obj) && obj?.ToString() is string componentsPath)
                        proxy.Args += $" -components-path {componentsPath}";
                    // Add dapr proxy as a service available to everyone.
                    proxy.Dependencies.UnionWith(context.Application.Services.Select(s => s.Name));

                    foreach (var s in context.Application.Services)


                    // Listen for grpc on an auto-assigned port
                    var grpc = new BindingBuilder()
                        Name     = "grpc",
                        Protocol = "https",

                    // Listen for http on an auto-assigned port
                    var http = new BindingBuilder()
                        Name     = "http",
                        Protocol = "http",

                    // Listen for metrics on an auto-assigned port
                    var metrics = new BindingBuilder()
                        Name     = "metrics",
                        Protocol = "http",

                    // Set APP_PORT based on the project's assigned port for http
                    var appPort = new EnvironmentVariableBuilder("APP_PORT")
                        Source = new EnvironmentVariableSourceBuilder(project.Name, binding: httpBinding.Name)
                            Kind = EnvironmentVariableSourceBuilder.SourceKind.Port,

                    // Set DAPR_GRPC_PORT based on this service's assigned port
                    var daprGrpcPort = new EnvironmentVariableBuilder("DAPR_GRPC_PORT")
                        Source = new EnvironmentVariableSourceBuilder(proxy.Name, binding: "grpc")
                            Kind = EnvironmentVariableSourceBuilder.SourceKind.Port,

                    // Add another copy of this envvar to the project.
                    daprGrpcPort = new EnvironmentVariableBuilder("DAPR_GRPC_PORT")
                        Source = new EnvironmentVariableSourceBuilder(proxy.Name, binding: "grpc")
                            Kind = EnvironmentVariableSourceBuilder.SourceKind.Port,

                    // Set DAPR_HTTP_PORT based on this service's assigned port
                    var daprHttpPort = new EnvironmentVariableBuilder("DAPR_HTTP_PORT")
                        Source = new EnvironmentVariableSourceBuilder(proxy.Name, binding: "http")
                            Kind = EnvironmentVariableSourceBuilder.SourceKind.Port,

                    // Add another copy of this envvar to the project.
                    daprHttpPort = new EnvironmentVariableBuilder("DAPR_HTTP_PORT")
                        Source = new EnvironmentVariableSourceBuilder(proxy.Name, binding: "http")
                            Kind = EnvironmentVariableSourceBuilder.SourceKind.Port,

                    // Set METRICS_PORT to a random port
                    var metricsPort = new EnvironmentVariableBuilder("METRICS_PORT")
                        Source = new EnvironmentVariableSourceBuilder(proxy.Name, binding: "metrics")
                            Kind = EnvironmentVariableSourceBuilder.SourceKind.Port,
        public override Task ProcessAsync(ExtensionContext context, ExtensionConfiguration config)
            // If we're getting called then the user configured dapr in their tye.yaml.
            // We don't have any of our own config.

            if (context.Operation == ExtensionContext.OperationKind.LocalRun)
                // For local run, enumerate all projects, and add services for each dapr proxy.
                var projects = context.Application.Services.OfType <ProjectServiceBuilder>().ToList();
                foreach (var project in projects)
                    // Dapr requires http. If this project isn't listening to HTTP then it's not daprized.
                    var httpBinding = project.Bindings.Where(b => b.Protocol == "http").FirstOrDefault();
                    if (httpBinding == null)

                    // See https://github.com/dotnet/tye/issues/260
                    // Currently the pub-sub pattern does not work when you have multiple replicas. Each
                    // daprd instance expects that it has a single application to talk to. So if you're using
                    // pub-sub this means that you'll won't get some messages.
                    // We have no way to know if an app is using pub-sub or not, so just block it.
                    if (project.Replicas > 1)
                        throw new CommandException("Dapr support does not support multiple replicas yet for development.");

                    var proxy = new ExecutableServiceBuilder($"{project.Name}-dapr", "daprd")
                        WorkingDirectory = context.Application.Source.DirectoryName,

                        // These environment variables are replaced with environment variables
                        // defined for this service.
                        Args = $"-app-id {project.Name} -app-port %APP_PORT% -dapr-grpc-port %DAPR_GRPC_PORT% --dapr-http-port %DAPR_HTTP_PORT% --metrics-port %METRICS_PORT% --placement-address localhost:50005",

                    // Listen for grpc on an auto-assigned port
                    var grpc = new BindingBuilder()
                        Name     = "grpc",
                        Protocol = "https",

                    // Listen for http on an auto-assigned port
                    var http = new BindingBuilder()
                        Name     = "http",
                        Protocol = "http",

                    // Listen for metrics on an auto-assigned port
                    var metrics = new BindingBuilder()
                        Name     = "metrics",
                        Protocol = "http",

                    // Set APP_PORT based on the project's assigned port for http
                    var appPort = new EnvironmentVariableBuilder("APP_PORT")
                        Source = new EnvironmentVariableSourceBuilder(project.Name, binding: httpBinding.Name)
                            Kind = EnvironmentVariableSourceBuilder.SourceKind.Port,

                    // Set DAPR_GRPC_PORT based on this service's assigned port
                    var daprGrpcPort = new EnvironmentVariableBuilder("DAPR_GRPC_PORT")
                        Source = new EnvironmentVariableSourceBuilder(proxy.Name, binding: "grpc")
                            Kind = EnvironmentVariableSourceBuilder.SourceKind.Port,

                    // Add another copy of this envvar to the project.
                    daprGrpcPort = new EnvironmentVariableBuilder("DAPR_GRPC_PORT")
                        Source = new EnvironmentVariableSourceBuilder(proxy.Name, binding: "grpc")
                            Kind = EnvironmentVariableSourceBuilder.SourceKind.Port,

                    // Set DAPR_Http_PORT based on this service's assigned port
                    var daprHttpPort = new EnvironmentVariableBuilder("DAPR_HTTP_PORT")
                        Source = new EnvironmentVariableSourceBuilder(proxy.Name, binding: "http")
                            Kind = EnvironmentVariableSourceBuilder.SourceKind.Port,

                    // Set METRICS_PORT to a random port
                    var metricsPort = new EnvironmentVariableBuilder("METRICS_PORT")
                        Source = new EnvironmentVariableSourceBuilder(proxy.Name, binding: "metrics")
                            Kind = EnvironmentVariableSourceBuilder.SourceKind.Port,
                // In deployment, enumerate all projects and add anotations to each one.
                var projects = context.Application.Services.OfType <ProjectServiceBuilder>();
                foreach (var project in projects)
                    // Dapr requires http. If this project isn't listening to HTTP then it's not daprized.
                    var httpBinding = project.Bindings.Where(b => b.Protocol == "http").FirstOrDefault();
                    if (httpBinding == null)

                    if (project.ManifestInfo?.Deployment is DeploymentManifestInfo deployment)
                        deployment.Annotations.Add("dapr.io/enabled", "true");
                        deployment.Annotations.Add("dapr.io/id", project.Name);
                        deployment.Annotations.Add("dapr.io/port", (httpBinding.Port ?? 80).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

        public override async Task ProcessAsync(ExtensionContext context, ExtensionConfiguration config)
            // If we're getting called then the user configured dapr in their tye.yaml.
            // We don't have any of our own config.

            var extensionConfiguration = DaprExtensionConfigurationReader.ReadConfiguration(config.Data);

            if (context.Operation == ExtensionContext.OperationKind.LocalRun)
                await VerifyDaprInitialized(context);

                // For local run, enumerate all projects, and add services for each dapr proxy.
                var projects    = context.Application.Services.OfType <ProjectServiceBuilder>().Cast <LaunchedServiceBuilder>();
                var executables = context.Application.Services.OfType <ExecutableServiceBuilder>().Cast <LaunchedServiceBuilder>();
                var services    = projects.Concat(executables).ToList();

                foreach (var project in services)
                    DaprExtensionServiceConfiguration?serviceConfiguration = null;

                    extensionConfiguration?.Services.TryGetValue(project.Name, out serviceConfiguration);

                    if (serviceConfiguration?.Enabled != null && serviceConfiguration.Enabled.Value == false)
                        context.Output.WriteDebugLine($"Dapr has been disabled for service {project.Name}.");

                    var httpBinding = project.Bindings.FirstOrDefault(b => b.Protocol == "http");

                    if (httpBinding == null && project.Bindings.Count == 1 && project.Bindings[0].Protocol == null)
                        // Assume the only untyped binding is HTTP...
                        httpBinding = project.Bindings[0];

                    if (httpBinding == null && (serviceConfiguration?.Enabled == null || !serviceConfiguration.Enabled.Value))
                        context.Output.WriteDebugLine($"Dapr has been disabled for unbound service {project.Name}.");

                    // See https://github.com/dotnet/tye/issues/260
                    // Currently the pub-sub pattern does not work when you have multiple replicas. Each
                    // daprd instance expects that it has a single application to talk to. So if you're using
                    // pub-sub this means that you'll won't get some messages.
                    // We have no way to know if an app is using pub-sub or not, so just block it.
                    if (project.Replicas > 1)
                        throw new CommandException("Dapr support does not support multiple replicas yet for development.");

                    var daprExecutablePath = GetDaprExecutablePath();

                    string appId = serviceConfiguration?.AppId ?? project.Name;

                    var proxy = new ExecutableServiceBuilder($"{project.Name}-dapr", daprExecutablePath, ServiceSource.Extension)
                        WorkingDirectory = context.Application.Source.DirectoryName,

                        // These environment variables are replaced with environment variables
                        // defined for this service.
                        Args = $"run --app-id {appId} --dapr-grpc-port %DAPR_GRPC_PORT% --dapr-http-port %DAPR_HTTP_PORT% --metrics-port %METRICS_PORT%",

                    if (httpBinding != null)
                        proxy.Args += $" --app-port %APP_PORT%";

                    var appMaxConcurrency = serviceConfiguration?.AppMaxConcurrency ?? extensionConfiguration?.AppMaxConcurrency;

                    if (appMaxConcurrency != null)
                        proxy.Args += $" --app-max-concurrency {appMaxConcurrency}";

                    var appProtocol = serviceConfiguration?.AppProtocol ?? extensionConfiguration?.AppProtocol;

                    if (appProtocol != null)
                        proxy.Args += $" --app-protocol {appProtocol}";

                    var appSsl = serviceConfiguration?.AppSsl ?? extensionConfiguration?.AppSsl;

                    if (appSsl == true)
                        proxy.Args += " --app-ssl";

                    var daprPlacementPort = serviceConfiguration?.PlacementPort ?? extensionConfiguration?.PlacementPort;

                    if (daprPlacementPort.HasValue)
                        context.Output.WriteDebugLine($"Using Dapr placement service host port {daprPlacementPort.Value} from 'placement-port' for service {project.Name}.");
                        proxy.Args += $" --placement-host-address localhost:{daprPlacementPort.Value}";

                    string?componentsPath = serviceConfiguration?.ComponentsPath ?? extensionConfiguration?.ComponentsPath;

                    if (componentsPath != null)
                        proxy.Args += $" --components-path {componentsPath}";

                    string?daprConfig = serviceConfiguration?.Config ?? extensionConfiguration?.Config;

                    // When running locally `-config` specifies a filename, not a configuration name. By convention
                    // we'll assume the filename and config name are the same.
                    if (daprConfig != null)
                        string configDirectory = componentsPath ?? Path.Combine(context.Application.Source.DirectoryName !, "components");
                        var    configFile      = Path.Combine(configDirectory, $"{daprConfig}.yaml");
                        if (File.Exists(configFile))
                            proxy.Args += $" --config \"{configFile}\"";
                            context.Output.WriteAlwaysLine($"Could not find dapr config '{configFile}'. Skipping...");

                    int?httpMaxRequestSize = serviceConfiguration?.HttpMaxRequestSize ?? extensionConfiguration?.HttpMaxRequestSize;

                    if (httpMaxRequestSize != null)
                        proxy.Args += $" --dapr-http-max-request-size {httpMaxRequestSize}";

                    if ((serviceConfiguration?.EnableProfiling ?? extensionConfiguration?.EnableProfiling) == true)
                        proxy.Args += "  --enable-profiling";

                    string?logLevel = serviceConfiguration?.LogLevel ?? extensionConfiguration?.LogLevel;

                    if (logLevel != null)
                        proxy.Args += $" --log-level {logLevel}";

                    // Add dapr proxy as a service available to everyone.
                    proxy.Dependencies.UnionWith(context.Application.Services.Select(s => s.Name));

                    foreach (var s in context.Application.Services)


                    // Listen for grpc on an auto-assigned port
                    var grpc = new BindingBuilder()
                        Name     = "grpc",
                        Protocol = "https",
                        Port     = serviceConfiguration?.GrpcPort

                    // Listen for http on an auto-assigned port
                    var http = new BindingBuilder()
                        Name     = "http",
                        Protocol = "http",
                        Port     = serviceConfiguration?.HttpPort

                    // Listen for metrics on an auto-assigned port
                    var metrics = new BindingBuilder()
                        Name     = "metrics",
                        Protocol = "http",
                        Port     = serviceConfiguration?.MetricsPort

                    if (httpBinding != null)
                        // Set APP_PORT based on the project's assigned port for http
                        var appPort = new EnvironmentVariableBuilder("APP_PORT")
                            Source = new EnvironmentVariableSourceBuilder(project.Name, binding: httpBinding.Name)
                                Kind = EnvironmentVariableSourceBuilder.SourceKind.Port,

                    // Set DAPR_GRPC_PORT based on this service's assigned port
                    var daprGrpcPort = new EnvironmentVariableBuilder("DAPR_GRPC_PORT")
                        Source = new EnvironmentVariableSourceBuilder(proxy.Name, binding: "grpc")
                            Kind = EnvironmentVariableSourceBuilder.SourceKind.Port,

                    // Add another copy of this envvar to the project.
                    daprGrpcPort = new EnvironmentVariableBuilder("DAPR_GRPC_PORT")
                        Source = new EnvironmentVariableSourceBuilder(proxy.Name, binding: "grpc")
                            Kind = EnvironmentVariableSourceBuilder.SourceKind.Port,

                    // Set DAPR_HTTP_PORT based on this service's assigned port
                    var daprHttpPort = new EnvironmentVariableBuilder("DAPR_HTTP_PORT")
                        Source = new EnvironmentVariableSourceBuilder(proxy.Name, binding: "http")
                            Kind = EnvironmentVariableSourceBuilder.SourceKind.Port,

                    // Add another copy of this envvar to the project.
                    daprHttpPort = new EnvironmentVariableBuilder("DAPR_HTTP_PORT")
                        Source = new EnvironmentVariableSourceBuilder(proxy.Name, binding: "http")
                            Kind = EnvironmentVariableSourceBuilder.SourceKind.Port,

                    // Set METRICS_PORT to a random port
                    var metricsPort = new EnvironmentVariableBuilder("METRICS_PORT")
                        Source = new EnvironmentVariableSourceBuilder(proxy.Name, binding: "metrics")
                            Kind = EnvironmentVariableSourceBuilder.SourceKind.Port,

                    // TODO: Do we add a means of dynamically using the profile port?
                    if (serviceConfiguration?.ProfilePort != null)
                        proxy.Args += $" --profile-port %PROFILE_PORT%";

                        var profile = new BindingBuilder()
                            Name     = "profile",
                            Protocol = "http",
                            Port     = serviceConfiguration.ProfilePort

                        var profilePort = new EnvironmentVariableBuilder("PROFILE_PORT")
                            Source = new EnvironmentVariableSourceBuilder(proxy.Name, binding: "profile")
                                Kind = EnvironmentVariableSourceBuilder.SourceKind.Port,
                // In deployment, enumerate all projects and add anotations to each one.
                var projects = context.Application.Services.OfType <ProjectServiceBuilder>();
                foreach (var project in projects)
                    DaprExtensionServiceConfiguration?serviceConfiguration = null;

                    extensionConfiguration?.Services.TryGetValue(project.Name, out serviceConfiguration);

                    // Dapr requires http. If this project isn't listening to HTTP then it's not daprized.
                    var httpBinding = project.Bindings.FirstOrDefault(b => b.Protocol == "http");
                    if (httpBinding == null)

                    if (!(project.ManifestInfo?.Deployment is { } deployment))

                    string appId = serviceConfiguration?.AppId ?? project.Name;

                    deployment.Annotations.Add("dapr.io/enabled", "true");
                    deployment.Annotations.Add("dapr.io/app-id", appId);
                    deployment.Annotations.Add("dapr.io/app-port", (httpBinding.Port ?? 80).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

                    string?daprConfig = serviceConfiguration?.Config ?? extensionConfiguration?.Config;

                    if (daprConfig != null)
                        deployment.Annotations.TryAdd("dapr.io/config", daprConfig);

                    string?logLevel = serviceConfiguration?.LogLevel ?? extensionConfiguration?.LogLevel;

                    if (logLevel != null)
                        deployment.Annotations.TryAdd("dapr.io/log-level", logLevel);
        public override Task ProcessAsync(ExtensionContext context, ExtensionConfiguration config)
            // If we're getting called then the user configured dapr in their tye.yaml.
            // We don't have any of our own config.

            if (context.Operation == ExtensionContext.OperationKind.LocalRun)
                // For local run, enumerate all projects, and add services for each dapr proxy.
                var projects = context.Application.Services.OfType <ProjectServiceBuilder>().ToList();
                foreach (var project in projects)
                    // Dapr requires http. If this project isn't listening to HTTP then it's not daprized.
                    var httpBinding = project.Bindings.Where(b => b.Protocol == "http").FirstOrDefault();
                    if (httpBinding == null)

                    var proxy = new ExecutableServiceBuilder($"{project.Name}-dapr", "daprd")
                        WorkingDirectory = context.Application.Source.DirectoryName,

                        // These environment variables are replaced with environment variables
                        // defined for this service.
                        Args = $"-app-id {project.Name} -app-port %APP_PORT% -dapr-grpc-port %DAPR_GRPC_PORT% --dapr-http-port %DAPR_HTTP_PORT% --metrics-port %METRICS_PORT% -log-level %LOG_LEVEL% -config %CONFIG% --placement-address localhost:50005",

                    // Listen for grpc on an auto-assigned port
                    var grpc = new BindingBuilder()
                        AutoAssignPort = true,
                        Name           = "grpc",
                        Protocol       = "https",

                    // Listen for http on an auto-assigned port
                    var http = new BindingBuilder()
                        AutoAssignPort = true,
                        Name           = "http",
                        Protocol       = "http",

                    // Listen for metrics on an auto-assigned port
                    var metrics = new BindingBuilder()
                        AutoAssignPort = true,
                        Name           = "metrics",
                        Protocol       = "http",

                    // Set APP_PORT based on the project's assigned port for http
                    var appPort = new EnvironmentVariableBuilder("APP_PORT")
                        Source = new EnvironmentVariableSourceBuilder(project.Name, binding: httpBinding.Name)
                            Kind = EnvironmentVariableSourceBuilder.SourceKind.Port,

                    // Set DAPR_GRPC_PORT based on this service's assigned port
                    var daprGrpcPort = new EnvironmentVariableBuilder("DAPR_GRPC_PORT")
                        Source = new EnvironmentVariableSourceBuilder(proxy.Name, binding: "grpc")
                            Kind = EnvironmentVariableSourceBuilder.SourceKind.Port,

                    // Add another copy of this envvar to the project.
                    daprGrpcPort = new EnvironmentVariableBuilder("DAPR_GRPC_PORT")
                        Source = new EnvironmentVariableSourceBuilder(proxy.Name, binding: "grpc")
                            Kind = EnvironmentVariableSourceBuilder.SourceKind.Port,

                    // Set DAPR_Http_PORT based on this service's assigned port
                    var daprHttpPort = new EnvironmentVariableBuilder("DAPR_HTTP_PORT")
                        Source = new EnvironmentVariableSourceBuilder(proxy.Name, binding: "http")
                            Kind = EnvironmentVariableSourceBuilder.SourceKind.Port,

                    // Set METRICS_PORT to a random port
                    var metricsPort = new EnvironmentVariableBuilder("METRICS_PORT")
                        Source = new EnvironmentVariableSourceBuilder(proxy.Name, binding: "metrics")
                            Kind = EnvironmentVariableSourceBuilder.SourceKind.Port,
                // In deployment, enumerate all projects and add anotations to each one.
                var projects = context.Application.Services.OfType <ProjectServiceBuilder>();
                foreach (var project in projects)
                    // Dapr requires http. If this project isn't listening to HTTP then it's not daprized.
                    var httpBinding = project.Bindings.Where(b => b.Protocol == "http").FirstOrDefault();
                    if (httpBinding == null)

                    if (project.ManifestInfo?.Deployment is DeploymentManifestInfo deployment)
                        deployment.Annotations.Add("dapr.io/enabled", "true");
                        deployment.Annotations.Add("dapr.io/id", project.Name);
                        deployment.Annotations.Add("dapr.io/port", (httpBinding.Port ?? 80).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

                        if (config.Data.TryGetValue("config", out var daprConfig) && daprConfig is object)
                            deployment.Annotations.TryAdd("dapr.io/config", daprConfig !.ToString() ?? string.Empty);

                        if (config.Data.TryGetValue("log-level", out var logLevel) && logLevel is object)
                            deployment.Annotations.TryAdd("dapr.io/log-level", logLevel !.ToString() ?? string.Empty);

        public override Task ProcessAsync(ExtensionContext context, ExtensionConfiguration config)
            // If we're getting called then the user configured dapr in their tye.yaml.
            // We don't have any of our own config.

            if (context.Operation == ExtensionContext.OperationKind.LocalRun)
                // For local run, enumerate all projects, and add services for each dapr proxy.
                var projects = context.Application.Services.OfType <ProjectServiceBuilder>().ToList();
                foreach (var project in projects)
                    // Dapr requires http. If this project isn't listening to HTTP then it's not daprized.
                    var httpBinding = project.Bindings.FirstOrDefault(b => b.Protocol == "http");
                    if (httpBinding == null)

                    // See https://github.com/dotnet/tye/issues/260
                    // Currently the pub-sub pattern does not work when you have multiple replicas. Each
                    // daprd instance expects that it has a single application to talk to. So if you're using
                    // pub-sub this means that you'll won't get some messages.
                    // We have no way to know if an app is using pub-sub or not, so just block it.
                    if (project.Replicas > 1)
                        throw new CommandException("Dapr support does not support multiple replicas yet for development.");

                    var daprExecutablePath = GetDaprExecutablePath();

                    var proxy = new ExecutableServiceBuilder($"{project.Name}-dapr", daprExecutablePath)
                        WorkingDirectory = context.Application.Source.DirectoryName,

                        // These environment variables are replaced with environment variables
                        // defined for this service.
                        Args = $"-app-id {project.Name} -app-port %APP_PORT% -dapr-grpc-port %DAPR_GRPC_PORT% --dapr-http-port %DAPR_HTTP_PORT% --metrics-port %METRICS_PORT% --placement-address localhost:50005",

                    // When running locally `-config` specifies a filename, not a configuration name. By convention
                    // we'll assume the filename and config name are the same.
                    if (config.Data.TryGetValue("config", out var obj) && obj?.ToString() is string daprConfig)
                        var configFile = Path.Combine(context.Application.Source.DirectoryName !, "components", $"{daprConfig}.yaml");
                        if (File.Exists(configFile))
                            proxy.Args += $" -config \"{configFile}\"";
                            context.Output.WriteAlwaysLine($"Could not find dapr config '{configFile}'. Skipping...");

                    if (config.Data.TryGetValue("log-level", out obj) && obj?.ToString() is string logLevel)
                        proxy.Args += $" -log-level {logLevel}";

                    if (config.Data.TryGetValue("components-path", out obj) && obj?.ToString() is string componentsPath)
                        proxy.Args += $" -components-path {componentsPath}";
                    // Add dapr proxy as a service available to everyone.
                    proxy.Dependencies.UnionWith(context.Application.Services.Select(s => s.Name));

                    foreach (var s in context.Application.Services)


                    // Listen for grpc on an auto-assigned port
                    var grpc = new BindingBuilder()
                        Name     = "grpc",
                        Protocol = "https",

                    // Listen for http on an auto-assigned port
                    var http = new BindingBuilder()
                        Name     = "http",
                        Protocol = "http",

                    // Listen for metrics on an auto-assigned port
                    var metrics = new BindingBuilder()
                        Name     = "metrics",
                        Protocol = "http",

                    // Set APP_PORT based on the project's assigned port for http
                    var appPort = new EnvironmentVariableBuilder("APP_PORT")
                        Source = new EnvironmentVariableSourceBuilder(project.Name, binding: httpBinding.Name)
                            Kind = EnvironmentVariableSourceBuilder.SourceKind.Port,

                    // Set DAPR_GRPC_PORT based on this service's assigned port
                    var daprGrpcPort = new EnvironmentVariableBuilder("DAPR_GRPC_PORT")
                        Source = new EnvironmentVariableSourceBuilder(proxy.Name, binding: "grpc")
                            Kind = EnvironmentVariableSourceBuilder.SourceKind.Port,

                    // Add another copy of this envvar to the project.
                    daprGrpcPort = new EnvironmentVariableBuilder("DAPR_GRPC_PORT")
                        Source = new EnvironmentVariableSourceBuilder(proxy.Name, binding: "grpc")
                            Kind = EnvironmentVariableSourceBuilder.SourceKind.Port,

                    // Set DAPR_HTTP_PORT based on this service's assigned port
                    var daprHttpPort = new EnvironmentVariableBuilder("DAPR_HTTP_PORT")
                        Source = new EnvironmentVariableSourceBuilder(proxy.Name, binding: "http")
                            Kind = EnvironmentVariableSourceBuilder.SourceKind.Port,

                    // Add another copy of this envvar to the project.
                    daprHttpPort = new EnvironmentVariableBuilder("DAPR_HTTP_PORT")
                        Source = new EnvironmentVariableSourceBuilder(proxy.Name, binding: "http")
                            Kind = EnvironmentVariableSourceBuilder.SourceKind.Port,

                    // Set METRICS_PORT to a random port
                    var metricsPort = new EnvironmentVariableBuilder("METRICS_PORT")
                        Source = new EnvironmentVariableSourceBuilder(proxy.Name, binding: "metrics")
                            Kind = EnvironmentVariableSourceBuilder.SourceKind.Port,
                // In deployment, enumerate all projects and add anotations to each one.
                var projects = context.Application.Services.OfType <ProjectServiceBuilder>();
                foreach (var project in projects)
                    // Dapr requires http. If this project isn't listening to HTTP then it's not daprized.
                    var httpBinding = project.Bindings.FirstOrDefault(b => b.Protocol == "http");
                    if (httpBinding == null)

                    if (!(project.ManifestInfo?.Deployment is { } deployment))

                    deployment.Annotations.Add("dapr.io/enabled", "true");
                    deployment.Annotations.Add("dapr.io/id", project.Name);
                    deployment.Annotations.Add("dapr.io/port", (httpBinding.Port ?? 80).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));

                    if (config.Data.TryGetValue("config", out var obj) && obj?.ToString() is string daprConfig)
                        deployment.Annotations.TryAdd("dapr.io/config", daprConfig);

                    if (config.Data.TryGetValue("log-level", out obj) && obj?.ToString() is string logLevel)
                        deployment.Annotations.TryAdd("dapr.io/log-level", logLevel);
