static BaseFormatter()
            if (!Serializer.SerializeUnityEngineObjectReferences && !Serializer.DeserializeUnityEngineObjectReferences && typeof(T).ImplementsOrInherits(typeof(UnityEngine.Object)))
                DefaultLoggers.DefaultLogger.LogWarning("A formatter has been created for the UnityEngine.Object type " + typeof(T).Name + " - this is *strongly* discouraged. Unity should be allowed to handle serialization and deserialization of its own weird objects. Remember to serialize with a UnityReferenceResolver as the external index reference resolver in the serialization context.\n\n Stacktrace: " + new System.Diagnostics.StackTrace().ToString());

            var methods = typeof(T).GetMethods(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);

            Func <MethodInfo, SerializationCallback> selector;

            selector = (info) =>
                var parameters = info.GetParameters();
                if (parameters.Length == 0)
                    var action = EmitUtilities.CreateInstanceRefMethodCaller <T>(info);
                    return((ref T value, StreamingContext context) => action(ref value));
                else if (parameters.Length == 1 && parameters[0].ParameterType == typeof(StreamingContext) && parameters[0].ParameterType.IsByRef == false)
                    var action = EmitUtilities.CreateInstanceRefMethodCaller <T, StreamingContext>(info);
                    return((ref T value, StreamingContext context) => action(ref value, context));
                    DefaultLoggers.DefaultLogger.LogWarning("The method " + info.GetNiceName() + " has an invalid signature and will be ignored by the serialization system.");

            OnSerializingCallbacks = methods.Where(n => n.IsDefined(typeof(OnSerializingAttribute), true))
                                     .Where(n => n != null)

            OnSerializedCallbacks = methods.Where(n => n.IsDefined(typeof(OnSerializedAttribute), true))
                                    .Where(n => n != null)

            OnDeserializingCallbacks = methods.Where(n => n.IsDefined(typeof(OnDeserializingAttribute), true))
                                       .Where(n => n != null)

            OnDeserializedCallbacks = methods.Where(n => n.IsDefined(typeof(OnDeserializedAttribute), true))
                                      .Where(n => n != null)
        private static SerializationCallback CreateCallback(MethodInfo info)
            var parameters = info.GetParameters();

            if (parameters.Length == 0)
                var action = EmitUtilities.CreateInstanceRefMethodCaller <T>(info);
                return((ref T value, StreamingContext context) => action(ref value));
                return((ref T value, StreamingContext context) =>
                    object obj = value;
                    info.Invoke(obj, null);
                    value = (T)obj;
            else if (parameters.Length == 1 && parameters[0].ParameterType == typeof(StreamingContext) && parameters[0].ParameterType.IsByRef == false)
                var action = EmitUtilities.CreateInstanceRefMethodCaller <T, StreamingContext>(info);
                return((ref T value, StreamingContext context) => action(ref value, context));
                return((ref T value, StreamingContext context) =>
                    object obj = value;
                    info.Invoke(obj, new object[] { context });
                    value = (T)obj;
                DefaultLoggers.DefaultLogger.LogWarning("The method " + info.GetNiceName() + " has an invalid signature and will be ignored by the serialization system.");