        public void TestSearcherDoesntUpdateWhenTagsChangeOnUnsearchableObject()
            MW(() => EditSearchButton.PerformClick());

            // select Tags for the query type
            MWWaitFor(() => QueryTypeComboButton.SelectItem <QueryElement.QueryType>(qt => qt.ToString() == "Tags"),
                      "Couldn't select Tags");

            string newTag = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

            // add a new tag to the object.
            Tags.AddTag(GetAnyVBD(), newTag);

            // now check that this new tag has not been added to the searcher.
            MWWaitFor(() => null == ComboButton.Items.Find(ts => ts.Text == newTag),
                      "New tag added to the Searcher with VBD selected.");
        public void TestSearcherUpdatesWhenCustomFieldsChange()
            MW(() => EditSearchButton.PerformClick());

            // create a new custom field
            string newCustomField = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            VM     vm             = GetAnyVM();

            CustomFieldsManager.AddCustomField(vm.Connection.Session, vm.Connection,
                                               new CustomFieldDefinition(newCustomField, CustomFieldDefinition.Types.String));

            // now see if this new custom field has been added to the searcher.
                // need to click for repopulate.
                return(null != QueryTypeComboButton.Items.Find(ts => ts.Text == newCustomField));
            }, "New custom field not added to the Searcher.");
        public void TestSearcherUpdatesWhenTagsChange()
            MW(() => EditSearchButton.PerformClick());

            // now test that the filter-value combo updates when the tags change for each of these objects.
            foreach (IXenObject xenObject in new IXenObject[] { GetAnyHost(), GetAnyNetwork(), GetAnyPool(), GetAnySR(), GetAnyVM() })
                // select Tags for the query type
                MWWaitFor(() => QueryTypeComboButton.SelectItem <QueryElement.QueryType>(qt => qt.ToString() == "Tags"),
                          "Couldn't select Tags");

                string newTag = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

                // add a new tag to the object.
                Tags.AddTag(xenObject, newTag);

                // now see if this new tag has been added to the searcher.
                MWWaitFor(() => null != ComboButton.Items.Find(ts => ts.Text == newTag),
                          "New tag not added to the Searcher with " + xenObject.GetType() + " selected.");