    /// <summary>
    /// Spawns a consist on a track section
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="startSection"></param>
    /// <returns>The lead car of this consist</returns>
    public TrainController Spawn(TrackSection startSection)
        Driver driverInstance = null;

        if (driver != null)
            driverInstance = GameObject.Instantiate(driver.gameObject).GetComponent <Driver>();

        TrainController controller;
        TrainController previous = null;
        TrainController lead     = null;

        TrackSection currentSection;

        currentSection = startSection;
        // Spawn from the end of the track
        float spawnPosition = currentSection.length - 10.0f;

        // Spawn vehicles front to back
        for (int i = 0; i < vehicles.Length; i++)
            controller = GameObject.Instantiate(vehicles[i].vehicleController.gameObject).GetComponent <TrainController>();
            //TODO: TrackVehicle facing directions works but gets ignored by driving logic, e.g. it's only visual.
            controller.trackVehicle = new TrackVehicle(currentSection, spawnPosition, Direction.Forward, vehicles[i].faceDirection, controller.length, controller.wheelBase);

            if (i == 0)
                lead = controller;

            // Add engines to driver if we have one
            TrainEngineController engine = controller as TrainEngineController;
            if (engine != null && driverInstance != null)

            if (previous != null)
                previous.next       = controller;
                controller.previous = previous;

                //Move ourselfs back on the track
                controller.trackVehicle.Move(controller.length * 0.5f + previous.length * 0.5f);
                //Change spawn position to our new location
                spawnPosition -= controller.length * 0.5f + previous.length * 0.5f;
            previous = controller;

        if (driverInstance != null)
