/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="sqlIdentifier"></param>
		/// <param name="dialect"></param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public string ToAliasString( string sqlIdentifier, Dialect.Dialect dialect )
			bool isQuoted = dialect.IsQuoted( sqlIdentifier );
			string unquoted;

			if( isQuoted )
				unquoted = dialect.UnQuote( sqlIdentifier );
				unquoted = sqlIdentifier;

			// Oracle doesn't like underscores at the start of identifiers (NH-320).
			// It should be safe to trim them here, because the aliases are postfixed
			// with a unique number anyway, so they won't collide.
			unquoted = unquoted.TrimStart( '_' );

			if( unquoted.Length > length )
				unquoted = unquoted.Substring( 0, length );

			if( suffix != null )
				unquoted += suffix;

			if( isQuoted )
				return dialect.QuoteForAliasName( unquoted );
				return unquoted;

		/// <summary>
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="sqlIdentifier"></param>
		/// <param name="dialect"></param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public string ToUnquotedAliasString(string sqlIdentifier, Dialect.Dialect dialect)
			string unquoted = dialect.UnQuote(sqlIdentifier);

			// See comment in ToAliasString above
			unquoted = unquoted.TrimStart('_');

			if (unquoted.Length > length)
				unquoted = unquoted.Substring(0, length);

			if (suffix != null)
				unquoted += suffix;

			return unquoted;