        public string FindDeck()
            DecksTable lastEntry = _context.DecksTable.OrderByDescending(i => i.Id).FirstOrDefault();
            string     deckName  = lastEntry.DeckName;

        public async void AddCardsToDecksTable(string assistedCardId, int quantity)
            // DecksTable lastEntry = (from x in _context.DecksTable where assistedCardId == x.CardId select x.Id).FirstOrDefault();

            AssistedDeckViewModel assistedDeck = new AssistedDeckViewModel();
            var deckStatus = HttpContext.Session.GetString("AssistedDeck") ?? "EmptySession";

            if (deckStatus != "EmptySession")
                assistedDeck = System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.Deserialize <AssistedDeckViewModel>(deckStatus);

            for (int i = 0; i < quantity; i++)
                DecksTable deckTable    = new DecksTable();
                var        userId       = FindUserId();
                var        idCollection = (from x in _context.CardsTable where assistedCardId == x.CardId select x.Id).FirstOrDefault();

                deckTable.CardId    = idCollection;
                deckTable.AspUserId = userId;
                deckTable.DeckName  = assistedDeck.DeckName;
                deckTable.Quantity  = 1;
                if (quantity > 1)
                    deckTable.ColorIdentity = "L";

        //Features that need additional work; not functional yet
        #region WorkInProgress
        public IActionResult AddLand(string DeckName)
            CombinedDeckViewModel combo = new CombinedDeckViewModel();

            List <DecksTable> landData = (from d in _context.DecksTable where d.AspUserId == FindUserId() && d.DeckName == DeckName && d.ColorIdentity == "L" select d).ToList();
            List <CardsTable> cards    = new List <CardsTable>();

            DecksTable passingDeckName = new DecksTable();

            passingDeckName.DeckName = DeckName;
            combo.deckObject         = landData;
            combo.Search             = cards;
            if (landData.Count == 0)
                combo.deckObject = landData;
                for (int i = 0; i < landData.Count; i++)
                    CardsTable index = new CardsTable();
                    combo.Search[i].Name = (from c in _context.CardsTable where c.Id == landData[i].CardId select c.Name).ToString();
        public IActionResult SaveDeckName(string deckName)
            DecksTable lastEntry = _context.DecksTable.OrderByDescending(i => i.Id).FirstOrDefault();

            lastEntry.DeckName = deckName;

            return(RedirectToAction("DeckList", lastEntry));
        public void DragNDropAdd(string CardId)
            DecksTable deckTable = new DecksTable();

            var userId       = FindUserId();
            var idCollection = (from x in _context.CardsTable where CardId == x.CardId select x.Id).FirstOrDefault();

            deckTable.CardId    = idCollection;
            deckTable.AspUserId = userId;

        public IActionResult GetDeckData(string deckName)
            DecksTable decks = new DecksTable();

            List <DecksTable> decksList = (from d in _context.DecksTable where d.DeckName == deckName select d).ToList();

            for (int i = 0; i < decksList.Count; i++)
                decks = decksList[i];

            return(RedirectToAction("DeckList", decks));
        public void AddCardsToDecksTable(string CardId)
            DecksTable lastEntry = _context.DecksTable.OrderByDescending(i => i.Id).FirstOrDefault();
            DecksTable deckTable = new DecksTable();

            var userId       = FindUserId();
            var idCollection = (from x in _context.CardsTable where CardId == x.CardId select x.Id).FirstOrDefault();

            deckTable.CardId    = idCollection;
            deckTable.AspUserId = userId;
            deckTable.DeckName  = lastEntry.DeckName;
            //deckTable.Quantity = quantity;

        public void DecreaseCardQuantity(int Id)
            var        userId       = FindUserId();
            DecksTable idCollection = (from x in _context.DecksTable where Id == x.Id select x).FirstOrDefault();

            if (idCollection.Quantity < 1)
                _context.Entry(idCollection).State = Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.EntityState.Modified;
        public IActionResult UpdateLandCount(int numberOfPlains, int numberOfIslands, int numberOfSwamps, int numberOfMountains, int numberOfForests, int numberOfWastes, string DeckName)
            //this action will update the database with the selected quantity of lands
            List <DecksTable> landData   = (from d in _context.DecksTable where d.AspUserId == FindUserId() && d.DeckName == DeckName && d.ColorIdentity == "L" select d).ToList();
            DecksTable        landsToAdd = new DecksTable();
            DecksTable        deck       = new DecksTable();

            List <int> landCounts = new List <int> {
                numberOfForests, numberOfIslands, numberOfMountains, numberOfPlains, numberOfSwamps, numberOfWastes

            List <DecksTable> deckname       = new List <DecksTable>();
            List <CardsTable> landPrimaryKey = (from c in _context.CardsTable where c.TypeLine.Contains("Basic Land") select c).ToList();

            //Lands are pulled from the API in alphabetical order, therefore the CardsTable list will always pull from the table in alphabetical order
            //By setting up the land add in this manner the add will be immune to database resets.
            for (int i = 0; i < landCounts.Count; i++)
                if (landCounts[i] != 0)
                    for (int j = 0; j < landCounts[i]; j++)
                        landsToAdd.DeckName      = DeckName;
                        landsToAdd.Quantity      = 1;
                        landsToAdd.ColorIdentity = "L";
                        landsToAdd.CardId        = landPrimaryKey[i].Id;
                        landsToAdd.AspUserId     = FindUserId();

                        landsToAdd.Id = 0;

            deck.DeckName = DeckName;

            return(RedirectToAction("DeckList", deck));
        public async void CreateDeckName(int commanderId, string colorId)
            AssistedDeckViewModel assistedDeck = new AssistedDeckViewModel();
            var deckStatus = HttpContext.Session.GetString("AssistedDeck") ?? "EmptySession";

            if (deckStatus != "EmptySession")
                assistedDeck = System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.Deserialize <AssistedDeckViewModel>(deckStatus);
            string     assistedDeckName = "";
            DecksTable deckTable        = new DecksTable();

            string userName = FindUserId();

            int deckNumber = (from n in _context.DecksTable where n.AspUserId == userName select n.DeckName).Count();

            assistedDeckName        = ($"assistedDeck_{deckNumber + 1}");
            assistedDeck.DeckName   = assistedDeckName;
            assistedDeck.DeckStatus = "fffff";
            assistedDeck.Creatures  = 5;
            string assistedDeckJSON = System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer.Serialize(assistedDeck);

            HttpContext.Session.SetString("AssistedDeck", assistedDeckJSON);

            deckTable.DeckName      = assistedDeckName;
            deckTable.CardId        = commanderId;
            deckTable.AspUserId     = userName;
            deckTable.Quantity      = 1;
            deckTable.ColorIdentity = colorId;

        public IActionResult SaveCommander(int cId)
            //find the last deck this user made
            //save the chosen commanderid to the deck table

            string userName = FindUserId();

            //DecksTable lastEntry = _context.DecksTable.OrderByDescending(i => i.Id).FirstOrDefault();
            DecksTable lastEntry   = new DecksTable();
            CardsTable commanderId = _context.CardsTable.Where(c => c.Id == cId).FirstOrDefault();

            string colorId = FindColorId(commanderId);

            lastEntry.CardId        = commanderId.Id;
            lastEntry.ColorIdentity = colorId;
            lastEntry.AspUserId     = userName;
            lastEntry.Quantity      = 1;


        public async Task <IActionResult> AddCard(CardsTable cId, DecksTable dName)
            var userId = FindUserId();

            string id = cId.CardId;

            if (_context.CardsTable.Where(x => x.CardId == id).FirstOrDefault() == null)
                Cardobject cardItem = await ScryfallDAL.GetApiResponse <Cardobject>("cards", id, "https://api.scryfall.com/", "" + RemoveDuplicatesFromEndpoint(dName.DeckName));

                cId.CardArtUrl = cardItem.image_uris.normal;
                cId.CardId     = cardItem.id;
                cId.Cmc        = cardItem.cmc;
                cId.ManaCost   = cardItem.mana_cost;
                cId.Name       = cardItem.name;
                cId.OracleText = cardItem.oracle_text;
                cId.TypeLine   = cardItem.type_line;
                cId.EdhrecRank = cardItem.edhrec_rank;
                if (cardItem.prices.usd == null)
                    cardItem.prices.usd = "0.00";
                cId.CardPrice = decimal.Parse(cardItem.prices.usd);
                if (cardItem.color_identity.Contains("B"))
                    cId.Black = "B";
                if (cardItem.color_identity.Contains("U"))
                    cId.Blue = "U";
                if (cardItem.color_identity.Contains("W"))
                    cId.White = "W";
                if (cardItem.color_identity.Contains("G"))
                    cId.Green = "G";
                if (cardItem.color_identity.Contains("R"))
                    cId.Red = "R";

            //if the card the user is adding exists in the decks table, return to deckview with an error
            //otherwise, add the card

            //find ID of the card in the cards table
            var idCollection = (from x in _context.CardsTable where id == x.CardId select x.Id).FirstOrDefault();
            //find if the card exists in the decks table for this user and this deck
            var cardExists = (from d in _context.DecksTable where idCollection == d.CardId && FindUserId() == d.AspUserId && dName.DeckName == d.DeckName select d).FirstOrDefault();

            //if the linq statement returns null, the card doesn't exist and needs to be added.
            if (cardExists == null || cardExists.CardId == 5633 || cardExists.CardId == 5634 || cardExists.CardId == 5635 || cardExists.CardId == 5636 || cardExists.CardId == 5637)
                if (cId.ManaCost != null)
                    string colorId = FindColorId(cId);
                    dName.ColorIdentity = colorId;
                    dName.ColorIdentity = "L";
                dName.CardId   = idCollection;
                dName.Quantity = 1;

                if (userId != null)
                    dName.AspUserId = userId;


                return(RedirectToAction("DeckList", dName));
            //else redirect to the decklist
                dName.errorMessage = "The card you've added already exists in your deck!";
                return(RedirectToAction("DeckList", dName));
        public IActionResult DeckList(DecksTable dName)
            CardsTable cd = new CardsTable();
            string     id = FindUserId();

            CombinedDeckViewModel combo = new CombinedDeckViewModel();

            List <DecksTable> deckList = (from d in _context.DecksTable
                                          where d.AspUserId == id && d.DeckName == dName.DeckName
                                          select d).ToList();

            List <CardsTable> cardlist = new List <CardsTable>();
            //List<DecksTable> userDecks = new List<DecksTable>();
            int cardCount = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < deckList.Count; i++)

            float   cmc  = 0;
            decimal?cost = 0;

            foreach (CardsTable card in cardlist)
                cmc  += card.Cmc;
                cost += card.CardPrice;

                if (card.TypeLine.Contains("Creature"))
                    combo.creatureCount += 1;
                if (card.TypeLine.Contains("Instant"))
                    combo.instantCount += 1;
                if (card.TypeLine.Contains("Sorcery"))
                    combo.sorceryCount += 1;
                if (card.TypeLine.Contains("Artifact") && !card.TypeLine.Contains("Creature") && !card.TypeLine.Contains("Enchantment"))
                    combo.artifactCount += 1;
                if (card.TypeLine.Contains("Enchantment") && !card.TypeLine.Contains("Creature") && !card.TypeLine.Contains("Artifact"))
                    combo.enchantmentCount += 1;
                if (card.TypeLine.Contains("Land") && !card.TypeLine.Contains("Creature") && !card.TypeLine.Contains("Artifact") && !card.TypeLine.Contains("Enchantment"))
                    combo.landCount += 1;
            combo.DeckCost = cost?.ToString("C2");


            combo.Search     = cardlist;
            combo.deckObject = deckList;

        public async Task <IActionResult> CardList(string cardName, DecksTable dName)
            CardsTable            cardTable = new CardsTable();
            ScryfallDAL           dl        = new ScryfallDAL();
            List <CardsTable>     cardList  = new List <CardsTable>();
            CombinedDeckViewModel combo     = new CombinedDeckViewModel();

            var cardId = _context.CardsTable.Where(x => x.Name.Contains(cardName)).FirstOrDefault();

            if (cardId == null)
                CardSearchObject cardItem = await dl.GetListOfCards($"{cardName}+{ RemoveDuplicatesFromEndpoint(dName.DeckName)}");

                if (cardItem.data != null)
                    for (int i = 0; i < cardItem.data.Length; i++)
                        if (cardItem.data[i].image_uris == null)
                            cardTable.CardArtUrl = "https://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140414012548/villains/images/8/86/Dennis_Nedry.png";
                            cardTable.CardArtUrl = cardItem.data[i].image_uris.normal;
                        cardTable.CardId     = cardItem.data[i].id;
                        cardTable.Cmc        = cardItem.data[i].cmc;
                        cardTable.ManaCost   = cardItem.data[i].mana_cost;
                        cardTable.Name       = cardItem.data[i].name;
                        cardTable.OracleText = cardItem.data[i].oracle_text;
                        cardTable.TypeLine   = cardItem.data[i].type_line;
                        cardTable.EdhrecRank = cardItem.data[i].edhrec_rank;
                        if (cardItem.data[i].prices == null)
                            cardItem.data[i].prices.usd      = "0.00";
                            cardItem.data[i].prices.eur      = "0.00";
                            cardItem.data[i].prices.usd_foil = "0.00";
                            cardItem.data[i].prices.tix      = "0.00";
                        else if (cardItem.data[i].prices.usd == null)
                            cardItem.data[i].prices.usd = "0.00";
                        cardTable.CardPrice = decimal.Parse(cardItem.data[i].prices.usd);

                        if (cardItem.data[i].color_identity.Contains("B"))
                            cardTable.Black = "B";
                        if (cardItem.data[i].color_identity.Contains("U"))
                            cardTable.Blue = "U";
                        if (cardItem.data[i].color_identity.Contains("W"))
                            cardTable.White = "W";
                        if (cardItem.data[i].color_identity.Contains("G"))
                            cardTable.Green = "G";
                        if (cardItem.data[i].color_identity.Contains("R"))
                            cardTable.Red = "R";

                        cardTable.Id = 0;

                    dName.errorMessage = "Unable to find the requested card";
                    return(RedirectToAction("DeckList", dName));

            //now that the card exists in the card table
            //we need to get the card from the cards table and save
            //first to the cardList then to the combo

            List <DecksTable> deckList = new List <DecksTable>();

            combo.Search     = cardList;
            combo.deckObject = deckList;

            cardList = (from c in _context.CardsTable where c.Name.Contains(cardName) select c).ToList();


            for (int i = 0; i < cardList.Count; i++)

            combo.deckObject = deckList;
