    public IEnumerator PrepareNewChoice(float delay)
        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(delay)); // Wait for animations to finish

        if (CheckStatsForDefeat())
            // Bad ending
            GameObject.Find("Jukebox").GetComponent <AutomaticSoundPlayer>().SilenceAllSounds();
            Image bg = GameObject.Find("Black_bg").GetComponent <Image>();
            DOTween.To(() => bg.color, x => bg.color = x, new Color(0, 0, 0, 1.0f), 1.0f);
            expectingInput = false;
            theEnd         = true;
            yield break;

        Choice choice = _deckManager.GetRandomUnseenChoice();

        if (choice == null)
            // Good ending
            Image bg = GameObject.Find("Black_bg").GetComponent <Image>();
            DOTween.To(() => bg.color, x => bg.color = x, new Color(255, 255, 255, 1.0f), 1.0f);
            _deckManager._textManager.UpdateSituationText_black("You have proven to be capable of balancing between greed and humility, popularity and infrequency, chaos and peace, doubts and certainty. You have managed to do that while also facing unexpected outcomes. Who knows what could come up next year.\nThank you for playing our game.");
            expectingInput = false;
            theEnd         = true;
            yield break;
