        protected void submitButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // get DBM object
            DBMaster dbm = new DBMaster();

            // get vars from input
            string productName        = newProductNameInput.Text,
                   productDescription = newProductDescriptionInput.Text,
                   productPrice       = newProductPriceInput.Text,
                   productQuantity    = newProductQuantityInput.Text,

            // generate query
                   query = "INSERT INTO [dbo].[products] ([productName],[description],[price],[currentAmount]) VALUES (\'" + productName + "\',\'" + productDescription + "\',\'" + productPrice + "\',\'" + productQuantity + "\')";

            // execute the query

            // close connection

            // clear text fields
            newProductNameInput.Text        = "";
            newProductDescriptionInput.Text = "";
            newProductPriceInput.Text       = "";
            newProductQuantityInput.Text    = "";
        protected void submit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // vars
            string id     = Session["userID"].ToString(),
                   firstN = fname.Text,
                   lastN  = lname.Text,
                   userN  = usernm.Text,
                   passW  = passw.Text,
                   addres = addrs.Text,
                   emailA = email.Text,
                   phoneN = phone.Text,
                   query  = "UPDATE [dbo].[person] SET [firstName] = \'" + firstN + "\', [lastName] = \'" + lastN + "\', [userName] = \'" + userN + "\', [password] = \'" + passW + "\', [address] = \'" + addres + "\', [email] = \'" + emailA + "\', [phone] = \'" + phoneN + "\' WHERE id = " + id;


            // close connection

            // send user to next page
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // check if user logged in
            if (Session["ID"] == null)

            // Vars
            string ID              = Session["ID"].ToString(),                               // user ID
                   PID             = Request.QueryString["id"],                              // product id passed from product page
                   query           = "select * from [dbo].[person] where id = '" + ID + "'", // query to get personal details of user
                   emailMsg        = "",                                                     // msg that will be emailed to customer
                   customerName    = "",                                                     // first name of customer
                   customerAddress = "",                                                     // customer's address
                   customerEmail   = "",                                                     // customer's email
                   productName     = "",                                                     // name of product with PID
                   productPrice    = "";                                                     // price of product with PID
            uint productAmount     = 0;                                                      // uint ensures positive values only

            // Establish DB connection
            dbm = new DBMaster();

            // Get reader for DB
            SqlDataReader reader = dbm.getReader(query);

            if (reader.Read()) // ensure that valid id was passed
                customerAddress = reader["address"].ToString();
                customerName    = reader["firstName"].ToString();
                customerEmail   = reader["email"].ToString();
            else // Session ID is incorrect, force user to log in again
                Session["ID"] = null;

            // get new reader for person table

            query  = "select * from [dbo].[products] where pid = '" + PID + "'";
            reader = dbm.getReader(query);

            if (reader.Read())
                productName  = reader["productName"].ToString();
                productPrice = reader["price"].ToString();
                string temp = reader["currentAmount"].ToString(); // temp storage

                try                                               // this will fail if currentAmount is not a positive integer
                    if (!UInt32.TryParse(temp, out productAmount))
                        throw new FormatException("invalid database entry 'currentAmount'"); // the conversion did not succeed
                    } // end if (!UInt32.TryParse(temp, out productAmount))
                } // end try
                catch (FormatException error)
                    reader.Close();                                                                                                 // close reader
                    query = "update [dbo].[products] set [currentAmount] = '0' where pid = '" + PID + "'";
                    dbm.executeQuery(query);                                                                                        // set currentAmount to 0 to correct this error
                    Msg.Text = "We are sorry, the item you attempted to purchase is out of stock. You will be redirected shortly."; // display error to user
                    Thread.Sleep(5000);                                                                                             // allow time for user to read error
                    dbm.closeConnection();                                                                                          // close connection to db
                    Response.Redirect("productPage.aspx?error=" + error.Message);                                                   // return user to product page
                } // end catch
            } // end if (reader.Read())
            else // the PID passed was invalid

            // update DB to account for the sale
            query = "update [dbo].[products] set [currentAmount] = '" + (productAmount - 1) + "' where pid = '" + PID + "'";

            // close connection

            // send email to customer
            emailMsg = "Hi " + customerName + " Thank you for your purchase of " + productName + ". <br /> Your credit card on file will be charged $" + productPrice + ", and the item will be shipped to your address at: <br /> " + customerAddress + " <br /> We hope to see you again soon!";
            sendEmail(customerEmail, emailMsg);

            // display message to user that sale was completed
            Msg.Text = "Thank you for your purchase, " + customerName + ". <br /> Your credit card on file will be charged $" + productPrice + " for your purchase of " + productName + ", and the item will be shipped to your address at: <br /> " + customerAddress + " <br /> We hope to see you again soon! <br /> <br /> <b>Note:</b> A copy of this invoice will also be sent to your email on file.";