    public void Generate()
        poly = JohnsonPoly.Build(JohnsonPolyType, sides);

        Face face;
        var  sidesFilter = poly.FaceselToFaceFilterFunc(FaceSelections.FourSided);
        var  roleFilter  = poly.FaceselToFaceFilterFunc(FaceSelections.New);
        Func <FilterParams, bool> filterFunc = x => sidesFilter(x);

        for (int i = 0; i < splits; i++)
            face = poly.GetFace(new OpParams(filterFunc), 0);
            if (face != null)
                var edges = face.GetHalfedges();
                poly = poly.SplitLoop(poly.GetFaceLoop(edges[edgeIndex % edges.Count]), splitRatio);
            // Change the filter after the first loop iteration as we can
            // ensure we get the right face based on it's role
            filterFunc = x => sidesFilter(x) && roleFilter(x);

        if (ApplyOp)
            var o1 = new OpParams(op1Amount1, op1Amount2, op1Facesel);
            poly = poly.ApplyOp(op1, o1);

            var o2 = new OpParams(op2Amount1, op2Amount2, op2Facesel);
            poly = poly.ApplyOp(op2, o2);

        if (Canonicalize)
            poly = poly.Canonicalize(0.1, 0.1);

        poly = poly.Transform(Position, Rotation, Scale);

        var mesh = PolyMeshBuilder.BuildMeshFromConwayPoly(poly, false, null, ColorMethod);

        GetComponent <MeshFilter>().mesh = mesh;