
        public bool GetInputs(out ClearResourcesInputs result)
            result = new ClearResourcesInputs( );

            result.Credentials = AzureConsoleHelper.GetUserSubscriptionCredentials( );
            if (result.Credentials == null)
                result = null;

            ServiceBusNamespace selectedNamespace = AzureConsoleHelper.SelectNamespace(result.Credentials,
                                                                                       "Please select namespace you want to clear resources for: ", "Enter manually (if Namespace was deleted but there are resources with the same name prefix).");

            if (selectedNamespace == null)
                result = null;
            result.NamePrefix = selectedNamespace.Name;

            if (selectedNamespace.Region != null)
                result.NamespaceExists = true;
                result.Location        = selectedNamespace.Region;

            result.SBNamespace        = result.NamePrefix + "-ns";
            result.StorageAccountName = result.NamePrefix.ToLowerInvariant( ) + "storage";


        public bool GetInputs( out ClearResourcesInputs result )
            result = new ClearResourcesInputs( );

            result.Credentials = AzureConsoleHelper.GetUserSubscriptionCredentials( );
            if( result.Credentials == null )
                result = null;
                return false;

            ServiceBusNamespace selectedNamespace = AzureConsoleHelper.SelectNamespace( result.Credentials,
                "Please select namespace you want to clear resources for: ", "Enter manually (if Namespace was deleted but there are resources with the same name prefix)." );
            if( selectedNamespace == null )
                result = null;
                Console.WriteLine( "Quiting..." );
                return false;
            result.NamePrefix = selectedNamespace.Name;

            if( selectedNamespace.Region != null )
                result.NamespaceExists = true;
                result.Location = selectedNamespace.Region;

            result.SBNamespace = result.NamePrefix + "-ns";
            result.StorageAccountName = result.NamePrefix.ToLowerInvariant( ) + "storage";

            return true;
        public bool Run( )
            ClearResourcesInputs inputs = null;

            if (!GetInputs(out inputs))


            Console.WriteLine("Please hit enter to close.");
            Console.ReadLine( );
        private void DeleteResources( ClearResourcesInputs inputs )
            if( inputs.NamespaceExists )
                _ConsoleBuffer.Add( "Connecting to Service Bus..." );
                ServiceBusManagementClient sbMgmt = new ServiceBusManagementClient( inputs.Credentials );

                bool deleteNamespace = ConsoleHelper.AskAndPerformAction(
                    "Do you want to delete whole namespace " + inputs.SBNamespace + " including all entities under it?",
                    "Are you sure you want to delete namespace " + inputs.SBNamespace + "?",
                    "Are you sure you do not want to delete namespace " + inputs.SBNamespace + "?",
                    ( ) =>
                        _ConsoleBuffer.Add( "Sending request to delete " + inputs.SBNamespace + " namespace..." );
                        AzureOperationResponse nsResponse = sbMgmt.Namespaces.Delete( inputs.SBNamespace );
                        if( nsResponse.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK )
                            _ConsoleBuffer.Add( inputs.SBNamespace + " namespace was deleted." );
                    _ConsoleBuffer );

                //if we did not delete whole Namespace, maybe we want to delete some of its Event Hubs?
                if( !deleteNamespace )
                    _ConsoleBuffer.Add( "Reading list of Event Hubs from " + inputs.SBNamespace + " namespace..." );

                    var nsDescription = sbMgmt.Namespaces.GetNamespaceDescription( inputs.SBNamespace );
                    var nsConnectionString = nsDescription.NamespaceDescriptions.First(
                        ( d ) => String.Equals( d.AuthorizationType, "SharedAccessAuthorization" )
                    var nsManager = NamespaceManager.CreateFromConnectionString( nsConnectionString );

                    var eventHubs = nsManager.GetEventHubs( );

                    foreach( var eventHubDescription in eventHubs )
                        EventHubDescription description = eventHubDescription;
                            "Do you want to delete Event Hub " + eventHubDescription.Path +
                            " including all messages under it?",
                            "Are you sure you want to delete Event Hub " + eventHubDescription.Path + "?",
                            "Are you sure you do not want to delete Event Hub " + eventHubDescription.Path + "?",
                            ( ) =>
                                _ConsoleBuffer.Add( "Sending request to delete " + description.Path + " Event Hub..." );
                                nsManager.DeleteEventHub( description.Path );
                                _ConsoleBuffer.Add( "Request to delete " + description.Path + " Event Hub was accepted." );
                            _ConsoleBuffer );

            //Deleting Storage
            _ConsoleBuffer.Add( "Reading list of Storage Accounts..." );
            StorageManagementClient stgMgmt = new StorageManagementClient( inputs.Credentials );
            HashSet<string> storageAccounts = new HashSet<string>( );
            foreach( var storageAccount in stgMgmt.StorageAccounts.List( ) )
                storageAccounts.Add( storageAccount.Name );

            int deletedCount = 0;
            if( storageAccounts.Contains( inputs.StorageAccountName ) )
                    "Do you want to delete " + inputs.StorageAccountName + " storage account?",
                    "Are you sure you want to delete " + inputs.StorageAccountName + " storage account?",
                    "Are you sure you do not want to delete " + inputs.StorageAccountName + " storage account?",
                    ( ) =>
                        _ConsoleBuffer.Add( "Sending request to delete " + inputs.StorageAccountName + " Storage account..." );
                        AzureOperationResponse resultStg = stgMgmt.StorageAccounts.Delete( inputs.StorageAccountName );
                        deletedCount += 1;
                        if( resultStg.StatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK )
                            _ConsoleBuffer.Add( "Storage account " + inputs.StorageAccountName + " was deleted." );
                    _ConsoleBuffer );
            if( deletedCount == 0 )
                _ConsoleBuffer.Add( "No related Storage account was detected." );

            //Deleting Stream Analytics jobs
            _ConsoleBuffer.Add( "Reading list of Stream Analytics jobs..." );
            StreamAnalyticsManagementClient saMgmt = new StreamAnalyticsManagementClient( inputs.Credentials );
            JobListResponse jobListResponse = saMgmt.StreamingJobs.ListJobsInSubscription( new JobListParameters { PropertiesToExpand = string.Empty } );
            deletedCount = 0;
            foreach( var job in jobListResponse.Value )
                if( job.Name.StartsWith( inputs.NamePrefix ) )
                    Job jobToAsk = job;
                        "Do you want to delete Stream Analytics job " + job.Name + "?",
                        "Are you sure you want to delete Stream Analytics job  " + job.Name + "?",
                        "Are you sure you do not want to delete namespace " + job.Name + "?",
                        ( ) =>
                            //we need to figure out wat resourceGroup this job belongs to
                            const string resourceGroupPath = "/resourceGroups/";
                            const string providersPath = "/providers/";

                            int resourceGroupPathIndex = jobToAsk.Id.IndexOf( resourceGroupPath, System.StringComparison.Ordinal );
                            int providersPathIndex = jobToAsk.Id.IndexOf( providersPath, System.StringComparison.Ordinal );
                            int resourceGroupIdStartIndex = resourceGroupPathIndex + resourceGroupPath.Length;

                            string resourceGroup = jobToAsk.Id.Substring( resourceGroupIdStartIndex, providersPathIndex - resourceGroupIdStartIndex );

                            deletedCount += 1;
                            _ConsoleBuffer.Add( "Sending request to delete " + jobToAsk.Name + " Stream Analytics job..." );
                            LongRunningOperationResponse response = saMgmt.StreamingJobs.Delete( resourceGroup, jobToAsk.Name );
                            if( response.Status == OperationStatus.Succeeded )
                                _ConsoleBuffer.Add( "Stream Analytics job " + jobToAsk.Name + " was deleted." );
                        _ConsoleBuffer );
            if( deletedCount == 0 )
                _ConsoleBuffer.Add( "No Stream Analytics job was deleted." );
        private void DeleteResources(ClearResourcesInputs inputs)
            if (inputs.NamespaceExists)
                _ConsoleBuffer.Add("Connecting to Service Bus...");
                ServiceBusManagementClient sbMgmt = new ServiceBusManagementClient(inputs.Credentials);

                bool deleteNamespace = ConsoleHelper.AskAndPerformAction(
                    "Do you want to delete whole namespace " + inputs.SBNamespace + " including all entities under it?",
                    "Are you sure you want to delete namespace " + inputs.SBNamespace + "?",
                    "Are you sure you do not want to delete namespace " + inputs.SBNamespace + "?",
                    () =>
                    _ConsoleBuffer.Add("Sending request to delete " + inputs.SBNamespace + " namespace...");
                    AzureOperationResponse nsResponse = sbMgmt.Namespaces.Delete(inputs.SBNamespace);
                    if (nsResponse.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK)
                        _ConsoleBuffer.Add(inputs.SBNamespace + " namespace was deleted.");

                //if we did not delete whole Namespace, maybe we want to delete some of its Event Hubs?
                if (!deleteNamespace)
                    _ConsoleBuffer.Add("Reading list of Event Hubs from " + inputs.SBNamespace + " namespace...");

                    var nsDescription      = sbMgmt.Namespaces.GetNamespaceDescription(inputs.SBNamespace);
                    var nsConnectionString = nsDescription.NamespaceDescriptions.First(
                        (d) => String.Equals(d.AuthorizationType, "SharedAccessAuthorization")
                    var nsManager = NamespaceManager.CreateFromConnectionString(nsConnectionString);

                    var eventHubs = nsManager.GetEventHubs( );

                    foreach (var eventHubDescription in eventHubs)
                        EventHubDescription description = eventHubDescription;
                            "Do you want to delete Event Hub " + eventHubDescription.Path +
                            " including all messages under it?",
                            "Are you sure you want to delete Event Hub " + eventHubDescription.Path + "?",
                            "Are you sure you do not want to delete Event Hub " + eventHubDescription.Path + "?",
                            () =>
                            _ConsoleBuffer.Add("Sending request to delete " + description.Path + " Event Hub...");
                            _ConsoleBuffer.Add("Request to delete " + description.Path + " Event Hub was accepted.");

            //Deleting Storage
            _ConsoleBuffer.Add("Reading list of Storage Accounts...");
            StorageManagementClient stgMgmt         = new StorageManagementClient(inputs.Credentials);
            HashSet <string>        storageAccounts = new HashSet <string>( );

            foreach (var storageAccount in stgMgmt.StorageAccounts.List( ))

            int deletedCount = 0;

            if (storageAccounts.Contains(inputs.StorageAccountName))
                    "Do you want to delete " + inputs.StorageAccountName + " storage account?",
                    "Are you sure you want to delete " + inputs.StorageAccountName + " storage account?",
                    "Are you sure you do not want to delete " + inputs.StorageAccountName + " storage account?",
                    () =>
                    _ConsoleBuffer.Add("Sending request to delete " + inputs.StorageAccountName + " Storage account...");
                    AzureOperationResponse resultStg = stgMgmt.StorageAccounts.Delete(inputs.StorageAccountName);
                    deletedCount += 1;
                    if (resultStg.StatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK)
                        _ConsoleBuffer.Add("Storage account " + inputs.StorageAccountName + " was deleted.");
            if (deletedCount == 0)
                _ConsoleBuffer.Add("No related Storage account was detected.");

            //Deleting Stream Analytics jobs
            _ConsoleBuffer.Add("Reading list of Stream Analytics jobs...");
            StreamAnalyticsManagementClient saMgmt = new StreamAnalyticsManagementClient(inputs.Credentials);
            JobListResponse jobListResponse        = saMgmt.StreamingJobs.ListJobsInSubscription(new JobListParameters {
                PropertiesToExpand = string.Empty

            deletedCount = 0;
            foreach (var job in jobListResponse.Value)
                if (job.Name.StartsWith(inputs.NamePrefix))
                    Job jobToAsk = job;
                        "Do you want to delete Stream Analytics job " + job.Name + "?",
                        "Are you sure you want to delete Stream Analytics job  " + job.Name + "?",
                        "Are you sure you do not want to delete namespace " + job.Name + "?",
                        () =>
                        //we need to figure out wat resourceGroup this job belongs to
                        const string resourceGroupPath = "/resourceGroups/";
                        const string providersPath     = "/providers/";

                        int resourceGroupPathIndex    = jobToAsk.Id.IndexOf(resourceGroupPath, System.StringComparison.Ordinal);
                        int providersPathIndex        = jobToAsk.Id.IndexOf(providersPath, System.StringComparison.Ordinal);
                        int resourceGroupIdStartIndex = resourceGroupPathIndex + resourceGroupPath.Length;

                        string resourceGroup = jobToAsk.Id.Substring(resourceGroupIdStartIndex, providersPathIndex - resourceGroupIdStartIndex);

                        deletedCount += 1;
                        _ConsoleBuffer.Add("Sending request to delete " + jobToAsk.Name + " Stream Analytics job...");
                        LongRunningOperationResponse response = saMgmt.StreamingJobs.Delete(resourceGroup, jobToAsk.Name);
                        if (response.Status == OperationStatus.Succeeded)
                            _ConsoleBuffer.Add("Stream Analytics job " + jobToAsk.Name + " was deleted.");
            if (deletedCount == 0)
                _ConsoleBuffer.Add("No Stream Analytics job was deleted.");