        private static void Game_OnStart(EventArgs args)
            QSS = new Item(ItemId.Quicksilver_Sash);
            if (Game.MapId == GameMapId.CrystalScar)
                Mercurial = new Item(ItemId.Dervish_Blade);
                Mercurial = new Item(ItemId.Mercurial_Scimitar);

            Menu = MainMenu.AddMenu("PreStun", "PreStun");
            CC   = Menu.AddSubMenu("QSS Manager", "qsmg");
            Ult  = Menu.AddSubMenu("Ults Manager", "ults");

            Menu.Add("keybind", new KeyBind("Auto QSS", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.PressToggle, 'L'));
            Menu.Add("drawk", new CheckBox("Draw Keybind"));
            Menu.Add("buffduration", new Slider("Min duration to QSS", 0, 0, 4));
            Menu.Add("minbuff", new Slider("Min buffs to QSS", 1, 1, 4));

            Menu.AddLabel("(You can increase / decrease the min buffs without pressing shift)");
            var a = Menu.Add("increase", new KeyBind("Increase the min buffs to QSS", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'J'));
            var b = Menu.Add("decrease", new KeyBind("Decrease the min buffs to QSS", false, KeyBind.BindTypes.HoldActive, 'N'));

            a.OnValueChange += delegate
                               (ValueBase <bool> sender, ValueBase <bool> .ValueChangeArgs Aargs)
                if (Aargs.NewValue)
                    Menu["minbuff"].Cast <Slider>().CurrentValue++;
            b.OnValueChange += delegate
                               (ValueBase <bool> sender, ValueBase <bool> .ValueChangeArgs Aargs)
                if (Aargs.NewValue)
                    Menu["minbuff"].Cast <Slider>().CurrentValue--;
            CC.AddGroupLabel("AutoQSS if :");
            CC.Add("Taunt", new CheckBox("Taunt"));
            CC.Add("Stun", new CheckBox("Stun"));
            CC.Add("Snare", new CheckBox("Snare"));
            CC.Add("Polymorph", new CheckBox("Polymorph"));
            CC.Add("Blind", new CheckBox("Blind", false));
            CC.Add("Fear", new CheckBox("Fear"));
            CC.Add("Charm", new CheckBox("Charm"));
            CC.Add("Suppression", new CheckBox("Suppression"));
            CC.Add("Silence", new CheckBox("Silence", false));
            CC.Add("CCDelay", new Slider("Delay for CC", 400, 0, 2000));

            Ult.Add("ZedUlt", new CheckBox("Zed Ult"));
            Ult.Add("VladUlt", new CheckBox("Vlad Ult"));
            Ult.Add("FizzUlt", new CheckBox("Fizz Ult"));
            Ult.Add("MordUlt", new CheckBox("Mordekaiser Ult"));
            Ult.Add("PoppyUlt", new CheckBox("Poppy Ult"));
            Ult.Add("UltDelay", new Slider("Delay for Ults", 1000, 0, 3000));

            Obj_AI_Base.OnBuffGain += OnBuffGain;
            Obj_AI_Base.OnBuffLose += OnBuffLose;
            Drawing.OnDraw         += Game_OnDraw;