public ActionResult Update(BrandViewModel model) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { var brandDb = this.Mapper.Map<Brand>(model); this.brands.Update(brandDb); this.brands.SaveChanges(); this.HttpContext.Cache.Remove("menu"); } return RedirectToAction("Index"); }
/// <summary> /// 品牌列表頁 (首頁) /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public ActionResult Index() { BrandViewModel viewModel = new BrandViewModel(); // 產品總數 viewModel.productCounter = _productRepository.RetrieveCount(true); // 產品類型 viewModel.brandTypeList = _brandTypeRepository.GetList(false); // 品牌列表 viewModel.brandList = _brandRepository.GetList(0, 0, false); return View(viewModel); }
public ActionResult Add(BrandViewModel brandViewModel, bool fromClientPage = false) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { try { brandViewModel.CreatedBy = this.GetUserName(); brandViewModel.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now; var brand = AutoMapper.Mapper.Map<BikeStore.Models.Brand>(brandViewModel); db.Brands.Add(brand); db.SaveChanges(); if (fromClientPage) { return Json(brand.BrandID, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); } else { return RedirectToAction("Index"); } } catch(DbUpdateException ex) { Elmah.ErrorSignal.FromCurrentContext().Raise(ex); if (ex.IsUniqueConstraintViolation()) { ModelState.AddModelError("", App_GlobalResources.ErrorMessages.BrandNameExists); } else { ModelState.AddModelError("", App_GlobalResources.ErrorMessages.BrandNameCreationError); } } catch (Exception ex) { Elmah.ErrorSignal.FromCurrentContext().Raise(ex); ModelState.AddModelError("", App_GlobalResources.ErrorMessages.BrandNameCreationError ); return View(); } } return View(); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Details(Guid?id) { if (id == null) { return(RecordNotFound()); } var getOperation = await _bo.ReadAsync((Guid)id); if (!getOperation.Success) { return(OperationErrorBackToIndex(getOperation.Exception)); } if (getOperation.Result == null) { return(RecordNotFound()); } var vm = BrandViewModel.Parse(getOperation.Result); Draw("Details", "fa-search"); return(View(vm)); }
public async Task AddEditBrandPost_ReturnsARedirectAndAddBrand_WhenBrandIsValid() { // Arrange var brand = new BrandViewModel { Name = "Apple" }; mockBrandRepo.Setup(x => x.InsertAsync(It.IsAny <Brand>())).Returns(Task.FromResult <Brand>(new Brand())).Verifiable(); mockUOW.Setup(x => x.Repository <Brand>()).Returns(mockBrandRepo.Object); var controller = new BrandController(mockUOW.Object); // Act var result = await controller.AddEditBrand(0, brand); // Assert var redirectResult = Assert.IsType <RedirectToActionResult>(result); Assert.Null(redirectResult.ControllerName); Assert.Equal("Index", redirectResult.ActionName); mockBrandRepo.Verify(); }
/// <summary> /// Add an entity. /// </summary> /// <param name="model"></param> /// <returns></returns> public BrandViewModel Add(BrandViewModel model) { this.ThrowExceptionIfExist(model); var entity = model.ToEntity(); entity = this._BrandsRepository.Add(entity); var entityAr = new Brand { Id = entity.Id, Description = model.DescriptionAr, Name = model.NameAr, Language = Language.Arabic }; entity.ChildTranslatedBrands.Add(entityAr); this._BrandsRepository.Add(entityAr); var entityEn = new Brand { Id = entity.Id, Description = model.DescriptionEn, Name = model.NameEn, Language = Language.English }; entity.ChildTranslatedBrands.Add(entityEn); this._BrandsRepository.Add(entityEn); #region Commit Changes this._unitOfWork.Commit(); #endregion model = entity.ToModel(); return(model); }
/// <summary> /// Get the list of brand by passing brand_id=0 and a single brand by passing brand_id /// </summary> /// <param name="BrandObj"></param> /// <returns>response object</returns> public async Task <ResponseViewModel <BrandViewModel> > Get(BrandViewModel BrandObj) { ResponseViewModel <BrandViewModel> ResObj = new ResponseViewModel <BrandViewModel>(); try { if (BrandObj != null) { InventoryDBContext dbContext = new InventoryDBContext(await connMethod.GetConnectionString(BrandObj.ConnectionString)); var brand = dbContext.Brand.Where(x => x.Brand_Id == BrandObj.Brand_Id || BrandObj.Brand_Id == 0).ToList(); if (brand.Count() > 0) { ResObj.Data = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <BrandViewModel> >(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(brand.ToList())); ResObj.IsSuccess = true; } else { ResObj.IsSuccess = false; ResObj.ErrorCode = 404; ResObj.ErrorDetails = "No record found."; } } else { ResObj.IsSuccess = false; ResObj.ErrorCode = 400; ResObj.ErrorDetails = "Parameter not provided."; } } catch (Exception ex) { ResObj.IsSuccess = false; ResObj.ErrorCode = 500; ResObj.ErrorDetails = ex.ToString(); } return(await Task.Run(() => { return ResObj; })); }
public async Task <IActionResult> InsertBrandConfirm(BrandViewModel model) { string nvm; var currentUser = await userManager.FindByNameAsync(User.Identity.Name); try { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { nvm = NotificationHandler.SerializeMessage <string>(NotificationHandler.Wrong_Values, contentRootPath); return(RedirectToAction("InsertBrand", new { notification = nvm })); } if (model != null) { Brand brand = new Brand() { Name = model.Name, LatinName = model.LatinName, Description = model.Description, UserId = currentUser.Id, Status = model.Status }; dbBrand.Insert(brand); nvm = NotificationHandler.SerializeMessage <string>(NotificationHandler.Success_Insert, contentRootPath); return(RedirectToAction("ShowBrand", new { notification = nvm })); } nvm = NotificationHandler.SerializeMessage <string>(NotificationHandler.Failed_Insert, contentRootPath); return(RedirectToAction("ShowBrand", new { notification = nvm })); } catch (Exception) { nvm = NotificationHandler.SerializeMessage <string>(NotificationHandler.Failed_Operation, contentRootPath); return(RedirectToAction("InsertBrand", new { notification = nvm })); } }
public async Task <ActionResult> Details(int id) { BrandsClient brandsClient = new BrandsClient(); var brand = await brandsClient.GetByIdAsync(id); if (brand == null) { return(NotFound()); } var result = new BrandViewModel { Id = brand.Id, BrandName = brand.BrandName, ManufacturerCountry = brand.ManufacturerCountry, ProductClass = brand.ProductClass, Rating = brand.Rating }; await brandsClient.CloseAsync(); return(View(result)); }
public IActionResult Create(BrandViewModel model) { if (model == null) { return(NotFound()); } if (ModelState.IsValid) { var brand = _mapper.Map <BrandViewModel, Brand>(model); brand.AddedBy = _admin.Name; brand.AddedDate = DateTime.Now; if (model.File != null) { brand.Logo = _fileManager.Upload(model.File); } else { brand.Logo = null; } _aboutRepository.AddBrand(brand); return(RedirectToAction("index")); } return(View(model)); }
public async Task <IActionResult> AddEditBrand(long?id) { BrandViewModel brandViewModel = new BrandViewModel(); if (id.HasValue) { var brand = await _uow.Brands.GetAsync(id.Value); if (brand == null) { _logger.LogInformation(LogMessageConstant.ItemNotFound, brandViewModel); return(NotFound()); } brandViewModel = _mapper.Map <BrandViewModel>(brand); brandViewModel.IsActiveSelectList = new SelectList(GetIsActiveSelectList(), "Value", "Text", brandViewModel.IsActive); } else { brandViewModel.IsActiveSelectList = new SelectList(GetIsActiveSelectList(), "Value", "Text", "True"); } return(PartialView("~/Areas/Admin/Views/Brand/_AddEditBrand.cshtml", brandViewModel)); }
// to get the detial of product public IActionResult SelectBrand(BrandViewModel brandVm) { BrandModel brandModel = new BrandModel(_db); ProductModel prodModel = new ProductModel(_db); List <Product> productsListByBrand = prodModel.GetByBrand(brandVm.BrandId); List <ProductViewModel> prodVMList = new List <ProductViewModel>(); if (productsListByBrand.Count > 0) { // give me the details of each product by foreach loop foreach (Product prod in productsListByBrand) { ProductViewModel prodVM = new ProductViewModel(); prodVM.QtyOnHand = 0; prodVM.BrandId = prod.BrandId; prodVM.BrandName = brandModel.GetName(prod.BrandId); prodVM.Description = prod.Description; prodVM.CostPrice = prod.CostPrice; prodVM.Id = prod.Id; prodVM.GraphicName = prod.GraphicName; prodVM.MSRP = prod.MSRP; prodVM.ProductName = prod.ProductName; prodVM.QtyOnHand = prod.QtyOnHand; prodVM.QtyOnBackOrder = prod.QtyOnBackOrder; prodVMList.Add(prodVM); } ProductViewModel[] myProdArray = prodVMList.ToArray(); HttpContext.Session.Set <ProductViewModel[]>("productSession", myProdArray); } brandVm.SetBrands(HttpContext.Session.Get <List <Brands> >("brandSession")); return(View("Index", brandVm)); }
public async Task <JsonResult> OnGetCreateOrEdit(int id = 0) { var brandsResponse = await _mediator.Send(new GetAllBrandsCachedQuery()); if (id == 0) { var brandViewModel = new BrandViewModel(); return(new JsonResult(new { isValid = true, html = await _viewRenderer.RenderViewToStringAsync("_CreateOrEdit", brandViewModel) })); } else { var response = await _mediator.Send(new GetBrandByIdQuery() { Id = id }); if (response.Succeeded) { var brandViewModel = _mapper.Map <BrandViewModel>(response.Data); return(new JsonResult(new { isValid = true, html = await _viewRenderer.RenderViewToStringAsync("_CreateOrEdit", brandViewModel) })); } return(null); } }
public ActionResult AddOrEditBrand(Guid?id, BrandViewModel model, HttpPostedFileBase logo) { try { bool isNew = !id.HasValue; string localFile = Server.MapPath("~/Content/img/logocarousel/"); // isNew = true update UpdatedDate of product // isNew = false get it by id var brand = isNew ? new Brand { UpdatedDate = DateTime.Now } : _brandService.GetById(id.Value); brand.Name = model.Name; brand.Summary = model.Summary; brand.Logo = _brandService.UpFile(logo, localFile); brand.IsActive = true; if (isNew) { brand.CreatedDate = DateTime.Now; brand.Id = Guid.NewGuid(); _brandService.Insert(brand); } else { _brandService.Update(brand); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public ActionResult Create(BrandViewModel brandViewModel) { brandViewModel.CategoryList = _categoryBusiness.GetListWT().Select(x => new SelectListItem { Text = x.CategoryName.ToString(), Value = x.CategoryId.ToString() }).ToList(); if (ModelState.IsValid) { Mapper.CreateMap <BrandViewModel, Brand>(); Brand brand = Mapper.Map <BrandViewModel, Brand>(brandViewModel); var result = _brandBusiness.ValidateBrand(brand, "I"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(result)) { ModelState.AddModelError("", result); return(View(brandViewModel)); } else { brand.TokenKey = GlobalMethods.GetToken(); bool isSuccess = _brandBusiness.AddUpdateDeleteBrand(brand, "I"); if (isSuccess) { TempData["Success"] = "Brand Created Successfully!!"; TempData["isSuccess"] = "true"; return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } else { TempData["Success"] = "Failed to create Brand!!"; TempData["isSuccess"] = "false"; } } } return(View(brandViewModel)); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Put([FromForm] BrandViewModel model) { string userId = User.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier).Value; var editedBrand = await _brandService.EditBrandAsync(model.Id, model.Name, userId); if (editedBrand != null) { return(Ok(new OperationResponse <Brand> { IsSuccess = true, Message = $"{editedBrand.Name} has been edited successfully!", Record = editedBrand })); } return(BadRequest(new OperationResponse <Brand> { Message = "Something went wrong", IsSuccess = false })); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Edit(int id) { var brand = await _repo.GetBrandAsync(id); if (brand == null) { return(NotFound()); } PersianCalendar p = new PersianCalendar(); var model = new BrandViewModel { Id = brand.Id, Title = brand.Title, Slug = brand.Slug, State = brand.State.ToString(), Creator = brand.Creator.FirstName + " " + brand.Creator.LastName, CreateDate = p.PersianDate(brand.CreateDate), LastModifyDate = brand.LastModifyDate.HasValue ? p.PersianDate(brand.LastModifyDate.Value) : null, LastModifier = brand.LastModifier?.FirstName + " " + brand.LastModifier?.LastName }; ViewBag.Id = id; return(View("AddBrand", model)); }
public static BrandViewModel CreateViewModel(this Brand brand) { var model = new BrandViewModel(); brand.CopyTo(model); return model; }
public static Brand Create(this BrandViewModel model) { var brand = new Brand(); model.CopyTo(brand); return brand; }
public static void CopyTo(this Brand brand, BrandViewModel model) { model.Id = brand.Id; model.Name = brand.Name; model.Order = brand.Order; }
public ActionResult Edit(int Id) { BrandViewModel BrandViewModel = Mapper.Map <Brand, BrandViewModel>(this._BrandService.GetById(Id)); return(base.View(BrandViewModel)); }
public ActionResult Edit(FormCollection formCollection, [FetchBrand(KeyName = "id")] BrandEntity entity, BrandViewModel vo) { if (entity == null || !ModelState.IsValid) { ModelState.AddModelError("", "参数验证失败."); return(View(vo)); } entity.Name = vo.Name; entity.Group = vo.Group; entity.WebSite = vo.WebSite ?? string.Empty; entity.Description = vo.Description ?? string.Empty; entity.EnglishName = vo.EnglishName ?? string.Empty; entity.UpdatedDate = DateTime.Now; entity.UpdatedUser = CurrentUser.CustomerId; using (var ts = new TransactionScope()) { if (ControllerContext.HttpContext.Request.Files.Count > 0) { var oldImage = _resourceRepository.Get(r => r.SourceType == (int)SourceType.BrandLogo && r.SourceId == entity.Id).FirstOrDefault(); if (oldImage != null) { _resourceService.Del(oldImage.Id); } var resources = this._resourceService.Save(ControllerContext.HttpContext.Request.Files , CurrentUser.CustomerId , -1, entity.Id , SourceType.BrandLogo); if (resources != null && resources.Count() > 0) { entity.Logo = resources[0].AbsoluteUrl; } } _brandRepository.Update(entity); ts.Complete(); } return(RedirectToAction("Details", new { id = entity.Id })); }
private static void CopyToBrand(this BrandViewModel model, Brand brand) { brand.Name = model.Name; brand.Order = model.Order; }
public async Task <ResponseViewModel <BrandViewModel> > Delete([FromBody] BrandViewModel BrandObj) { return(await brandMethod.Delete(BrandObj)); }
public static KeyValuePair<Table, TableViewModel> FieldsTestMap() { var idTable = Guid.NewGuid(); var tableName = "Just a table!"; var countryName = "Cuba"; var countryId = Guid.NewGuid(); var table = new Table { Id = idTable, Name = tableName, Manufacturer = new Country { Id = countryId, Name = countryName }, Sizes = new List<Size>(), Brands = new List<Brand>() }; var tableViewModel = new TableViewModel { Id = idTable, Name = tableName, Manufacturer = new CountryViewModel { Id = countryId, Name = countryName }, Sizes = new List<SizeViewModel>(), Brands = new List<BrandViewModel>() }; for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { var brandId = Guid.NewGuid(); var name = string.Format("Brand {0}", i); var brand = new Brand { Id = brandId, Name = name, }; var brandViewModel = new BrandViewModel { Id = brandId, Name = name, }; table.Brands.Add(brand); tableViewModel.Brands.Add(brandViewModel); } for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) { var sizeId = Guid.NewGuid(); var name = string.Format("Size {0}", i); var size = new Size { Id = sizeId, Name = name, }; var sizeViewModel = new SizeViewModel { Id = sizeId, Name = name, }; table.Sizes.Add(size); tableViewModel.Sizes.Add(sizeViewModel); } return new KeyValuePair<Table, TableViewModel>(table, tableViewModel); }
public void CreateBrand(BrandViewModel brandViewModel) { brandAdapter.CreateBrand(brandViewModel); }
public static void UpdateBrand(this lu_brand brand, BrandViewModel brandVm) { brand.brand_desc = brandVm.brand_desc; }
public static KeyValuePair <FashionProduct, FashionProductViewModel> ComplexMap() { var sizes = new List <Size>(); var sizesViewModels = new List <SizeViewModel>(); var random = new Random(); var sizeCount = random.Next(3, 10); var cityCount = random.Next(4, 10); for (var i = 0; i < sizeCount; i++) { var newGuid = Guid.NewGuid(); var name = string.Format("Size {0}", i); var alias = string.Format("Alias Size {0}", i); sizes.Add( new Size { Id = newGuid, Name = name, Alias = alias, SortOrder = i }); sizesViewModels.Add(new SizeViewModel { Id = newGuid, Name = name, Alias = alias, SortOrder = i }); } var cities = new List <City>(); var cityViewModels = new List <CityViewModel>(); var ftRandom = new Random(); for (var i = 0; i < cityCount; i++) { var newGuid = Guid.NewGuid(); var name = string.Format("City {0}", i); var featureCount = ftRandom.Next(7, 50); var features = new Feature[featureCount]; var featureViewModels = new List <FeatureViewModel>(); for (var j = 0; j < featureCount; j++) { var fId = Guid.NewGuid(); var fName = string.Format("Feature - {0}", j); var fDescription = string.Format("Description Feature - {0}", j); features[j] = new Feature { Id = fId, Name = fName, Description = fDescription, Rank = 8 }; featureViewModels.Add(new FeatureViewModel { Id = fId, Name = fName, Description = fDescription, Rank = 8 }); } cities.Add(new City { Id = newGuid, Name = name, Features = features }); cityViewModels.Add(new CityViewModel { Id = newGuid, Name = name, FeaturesList = featureViewModels }); } var brandId = Guid.NewGuid(); var brandName = "Brand name"; var brand = new Brand { Id = brandId, Name = brandName }; var brandViewModel = new BrandViewModel { Id = brandId, Name = brandName }; var supId = Guid.NewGuid(); var supplierName = "Supplier name"; var agreementDate = DateTime.Now; var supplier = new Supplier { Id = supId, Name = supplierName, AgreementDate = agreementDate, Rank = 6, Sizes = sizes, }; var supplierViewModel = new SupplierViewModel { Id = supId, Name = supplierName, AgreementDate = agreementDate, Sizes = sizesViewModels, }; var sizeId = Guid.NewGuid(); var lonelySize = "Lonely size"; var sizeSAlias = "Size's alias"; var size = new Size { Id = sizeId, Name = lonelySize, Alias = sizeSAlias, SortOrder = 5 }; var sizeViewModel = new SizeViewModel { Id = sizeId, Name = lonelySize, Alias = sizeSAlias, SortOrder = 5 }; var optionsCount = random.Next(10, 50); var options = new List <ProductOption>(); var optionViewModels = new List <ProductOptionViewModel>(); for (var i = 0; i < optionsCount; i++) { var optionId = Guid.NewGuid(); var color = "Random"; var discount = 54M; var price = 34M; var stock = 102; var weight = 23; options.Add( new ProductOption { Id = optionId, Cities = cities, Color = color, Discount = discount, Price = price, Stock = stock, Weight = weight, Size = size }); optionViewModels.Add( new ProductOptionViewModel { Id = optionId, Cities = cityViewModels, Color = color, Discount = discount, Price = price, Stock = stock, Weight = weight, Size = sizeViewModel, DiscountedPrice = Math.Floor(price * discount / 100) }); } var fpId = Guid.NewGuid(); var fashionProductDescription = "Fashion product description"; var ean = "6876876-5345345-345345tgreg-435345df-adskf34"; var topFashionProductName = "Top Fashion Product"; var createdOn = DateTime.Now; var end = DateTime.Now.AddDays(30); var start = DateTime.Now; var warehouseOn = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-3); var fashionProduct = new FashionProduct { Id = fpId, Brand = brand, CreatedOn = createdOn, Description = fashionProductDescription, Ean = ean, End = end, Gender = GenderTypes.Unisex, Name = topFashionProductName, Options = options, Start = start, Supplier = supplier, WarehouseOn = warehouseOn }; var fashionProductViewModel = new FashionProductViewModel { Id = fpId, Brand = brandViewModel, CreatedOn = createdOn, Description = fashionProductDescription, Ean = ean, End = end, OptionalGender = null, Name = topFashionProductName, Options = optionViewModels, Start = start, Supplier = supplierViewModel, WarehouseOn = warehouseOn }; var result = new KeyValuePair <FashionProduct, FashionProductViewModel>(fashionProduct, fashionProductViewModel); return(result); }
public void Update(BrandViewModel blogCategoryVm) { var blogCategory = Mapper.Map <BrandViewModel, Brand>(blogCategoryVm); _brandRepository.Update(blogCategory); }
public static void CopyTo(this BrandViewModel Model, Brand brand) { brand.Name = Model.Name; brand.Order = Model.Order; }
public static KeyValuePair<FashionProduct, FashionProductViewModel> ComplexMap() { var sizes = new List<Size>(); var sizesViewModels = new List<SizeViewModel>(); var random = new Random(); var sizeCount = random.Next(3, 10); var cityCount = random.Next(4, 10); for (var i = 0; i < sizeCount; i++) { var newGuid = Guid.NewGuid(); var name = string.Format("Size {0}", i); var alias = string.Format("Alias Size {0}", i); sizes.Add( new Size { Id = newGuid, Name = name, Alias = alias, SortOrder = i }); sizesViewModels.Add(new SizeViewModel { Id = newGuid, Name = name, Alias = alias, SortOrder = i }); } var cities = new List<City>(); var cityViewModels = new List<CityViewModel>(); var ftRandom = new Random(); for (var i = 0; i < cityCount; i++) { var newGuid = Guid.NewGuid(); var name = string.Format("City {0}", i); var featureCount = ftRandom.Next(7 , 50); var features = new Feature[featureCount]; var featureViewModels = new List<FeatureViewModel>(); for (var j = 0; j < featureCount; j++) { var fId = Guid.NewGuid(); var fName = string.Format("Feature - {0}", j); var fDescription = string.Format("Description Feature - {0}", j); features[j] = new Feature { Id = fId, Name = fName, Description = fDescription, Rank = 8 }; featureViewModels.Add(new FeatureViewModel { Id = fId, Name = fName, Description = fDescription, Rank = 8 }); } cities.Add(new City { Id = newGuid, Name = name, Features = features }); cityViewModels.Add(new CityViewModel { Id = newGuid, Name = name, FeaturesList = featureViewModels }); } var brandId = Guid.NewGuid(); var brandName = "Brand name"; var brand = new Brand { Id = brandId, Name = brandName }; var brandViewModel = new BrandViewModel { Id = brandId, Name = brandName }; var supId = Guid.NewGuid(); var supplierName = "Supplier name"; var agreementDate = DateTime.Now; var supplier = new Supplier { Id = supId, Name = supplierName, AgreementDate = agreementDate, Rank = 6, Sizes = sizes, }; var supplierViewModel = new SupplierViewModel { Id = supId, Name = supplierName, AgreementDate = agreementDate, Sizes = sizesViewModels, }; var sizeId = Guid.NewGuid(); var lonelySize = "Lonely size"; var sizeSAlias = "Size's alias"; var size = new Size { Id = sizeId, Name = lonelySize, Alias = sizeSAlias, SortOrder = 5 }; var sizeViewModel = new SizeViewModel { Id = sizeId, Name = lonelySize, Alias = sizeSAlias, SortOrder = 5 }; var optionsCount = random.Next(10, 50); var options = new List<ProductOption>(); var optionViewModels = new List<ProductOptionViewModel>(); for (var i = 0; i < optionsCount; i++) { var optionId = Guid.NewGuid(); var color = "Random"; var discount = 54M; var price = 34M; var stock = 102; var weight = 23; options.Add( new ProductOption { Id = optionId, Cities = cities, Color = color, Discount = discount, Price = price, Stock = stock, Weight = weight, Size = size }); optionViewModels.Add( new ProductOptionViewModel { Id = optionId, Cities = cityViewModels, Color = color, Discount = discount, Price = price, Stock = stock, Weight = weight, Size = sizeViewModel, DiscountedPrice = Math.Floor(price * discount / 100) }); } var fpId = Guid.NewGuid(); var fashionProductDescription = "Fashion product description"; var ean = "6876876-5345345-345345tgreg-435345df-adskf34"; var topFashionProductName = "Top Fashion Product"; var createdOn = DateTime.Now; var end = DateTime.Now.AddDays(30); var start = DateTime.Now; var warehouseOn = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-3); var fashionProduct = new FashionProduct { Id = fpId, Brand = brand, CreatedOn = createdOn, Description = fashionProductDescription, Ean = ean, End = end, Gender = GenderTypes.Unisex, Name = topFashionProductName, Options = options, Start = start, Supplier = supplier, WarehouseOn = warehouseOn }; var fashionProductViewModel = new FashionProductViewModel { Id = fpId, Brand = brandViewModel, CreatedOn = createdOn, Description = fashionProductDescription, Ean = ean, End = end, OptionalGender = null, Name = topFashionProductName, Options = optionViewModels, Start = start, Supplier = supplierViewModel, WarehouseOn = warehouseOn }; var result = new KeyValuePair<FashionProduct, FashionProductViewModel>(fashionProduct, fashionProductViewModel); return result; }
public async Task <IActionResult> DeleteBrand(BrandViewModel viewModel) { var data = await _repository.DeleteBrand(viewModel); return(RedirectToAction("Index", new RouteValueDictionary(new { status = data }))); }
public IActionResult Index() { var model = new BrandViewModel(); return(View(model)); }
public GenericResult Add(AnnouncementViewModel announcementViewModel, List <AnnouncementUserViewModel> announcementUsers, BrandViewModel brandViewModel) { try { _brandRepository.Add(_mapper.Map <BrandViewModel, Brand>(brandViewModel)); // Real Time var announcement = _mapper.Map <AnnouncementViewModel, Announcement>(announcementViewModel); _announceRepository.Add(announcement); foreach (var announcementUserViewModel in announcementUsers) { _announceUserRepository.Add(_mapper.Map <AnnouncementUserViewModel, AnnouncementUser>(announcementUserViewModel)); } return(new GenericResult(true, "Add Successful", "Successful")); } catch (Exception) { return(new GenericResult(false, "Add Failed", "Error")); } }
public string GetCars(string treeNodeName, int color, int volEngine, int colsNum, string minPrice, string maxPrice, string dateTime) { decimal min = decimal.Parse(minPrice); decimal max = decimal.Parse(maxPrice); var searchDate = dateTime.Split('/'); DateTime date = new DateTime(Convert.ToInt32(searchDate[0]), Convert.ToInt32(searchDate[1]), Convert.ToInt32(searchDate[2])); if (treeNodeName == "ALL") { cars = Mapper.Map <IEnumerable <CarDTO>, List <CarViewModel> >(carService.GetAllCars()); } else { BrandViewModel brand = Mapper.Map <BrandDTO, BrandViewModel>(brandService.GetAllBrands().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == treeNodeName)); if (brand != null) { cars = Mapper.Map <IEnumerable <CarDTO>, List <CarViewModel> >(carService.GetAllCars().Where(x => x.BrandId == brand.Id)); } else { ModelViewModel model = Mapper.Map <ModelDTO, ModelViewModel>(modelService.GetAllModels().FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == treeNodeName)); if (model != null) { cars = Mapper.Map <IEnumerable <CarDTO>, List <CarViewModel> >(carService.GetAllCars().Where(x => x.BrandId == model.BrandId && x.ModelId == model.Id)); } } } if (color - 1 >= 0) { cars = cars.FindAll(x => x.Color == (Auxiliary.COLOR)(color - 1)); } if (volEngine - 1 >= 0) { cars = cars.FindAll(x => x.VolumeEngine == Auxiliary.VolumeEngine[volEngine - 1]); } List <CarTileModel> tiles = new List <CarTileModel>(); foreach (var item in cars) { var time = item.Prices.Where(x => DateTime.Compare(x.Date, date) < 0).ToList(); if (time.Count == 0) { continue; } var price = time.OrderByDescending(x => x.Date).First(); if (price.Price < min || price.Price > max) { continue; } CarTileModel model = new CarTileModel() { PhotoUrl = item.Model.PhotoUrl, Photo = item.Brand.Photo, Name = item.Model.Name, Color = item.Color, VolumeEngine = item.VolumeEngine, Description = item.Description , Date = price.Date, Price = price.Price }; tiles.Add(model); } return(CarCatalog.Helpers.CarsListHelper.CreateCarsList(tiles, colsNum).ToString()); }