private static void pawnCalculateControlArea(GameObject pawn) { int iPawn = BoardManagment.searchIndexIOfPiece(pawn); int jPawn = BoardManagment.searchIndexJOfPiece(pawn); //Les deux cases en diagonale if (iPawn == 8 || iPawn == 1) { return; } if (, 1) == "W") { for (int j = jPawn - 1; j <= jPawn + 1; j++) { if (j > 8 || j < 1 || j == jPawn) { continue; } whiteControlArea[iPawn + 1, j].Add(pawn); } } else { for (int j = jPawn - 1; j <= jPawn + 1; j++) { if (j > 8 || j < 1 || j == jPawn) { continue; } blackControlArea[iPawn - 1, j].Add(pawn); } } }
private static void kingCalculateControlArea(GameObject king) { List <GameObject>[,] controlArea = new List <GameObject> [9, 9]; if (, 1) == "W") { controlArea = whiteControlArea; } else { controlArea = blackControlArea; } int jKing = BoardManagment.searchIndexIOfPiece(king); int iKing = BoardManagment.searchIndexJOfPiece(king); Debug.Log("ATTENTION" +; for (int i = iKing - 1; i <= iKing + 1; i++) { for (int j = jKing - 1; j <= jKing + 1; j++) { if (i >= 1 && i <= 8 && j >= 1 && j <= 8) { controlArea[j, i].Add(king); } } } }
void Start() { Camera[] allCam = Camera.allCameras; camera = allCam[0]; if (CurrentCamera == null) { CurrentCamera = camera; } selectionCircle = GameObject.Find("selectionCircle"); particleSelectionCircle = selectionCircle.GetComponent <ParticleSystem>(); particleSelectionCircle.Stop(); GameObject tempObject = GameObject.Find("Canvas"); endGameCanvas = tempObject.GetComponent <Canvas>(); if (endGameCanvas == null) { Debug.Log("CANVAS NULL"); } //initialisation du graveyard (toutes cases libres) et des positions des pièces BoardManagment.startPosition(); VictoryConditions.initializeCheck(); //Color sert a déterminer quel joueur à le focus color = "Black"; vscolor = "White"; camPosition = "Black"; }
public static bool moveAuthorizedWhenKingInCheck(string pieceName, GameObject Target) { GameObject piece = GameObject.Find(pieceName); if (, 4) != "Tile") { int iTarget = BoardManagment.searchIndexIOfPiece(Target); int jTarget = BoardManagment.searchIndexJOfPiece(Target); Target = GameObject.Find("Tile" + iTarget + jTarget); } if (pieceName.Substring(1, 4) == "king" && movementAuthorized[0].IndexOf(Target) >= 0) { return(true); } foreach (List <GameObject> list in movementAuthorized) { if (list[0] == Target) { //Debug.Log("cible valable"); //Debug.Log("Index piece=" + list.IndexOf(piece)); //Debug.Log("taille liste""="+list.Count); foreach (GameObject obj in list) { //Debug.Log(; } if (list.IndexOf(piece) >= 1) { return(true); } } } return(false); }
//return une liste de case, chemin de la pièce au roi mis en échec private static List <GameObject> searchPathToKing(GameObject piece, string playerColor, int iKing, int jKing) { List <GameObject> pathToKing = new List <GameObject>(); int iPiece = BoardManagment.searchIndexIOfPiece(piece); int jPiece = BoardManagment.searchIndexJOfPiece(piece); int jIncrement, iIncrement; if (iKing - iPiece > 0) { iIncrement = 1; } else if (iKing - iPiece < 0) { iIncrement = -1; } else { iIncrement = 0; } if (jKing - jPiece > 0) { jIncrement = 1; } else if (jKing - jPiece < 0) { jIncrement = -1; } else { jIncrement = 0; } int[,] path = Move.pathToTarget(iPiece, jPiece, iKing, jKing, iIncrement, jIncrement); int pathIndex = path[0, 8]; int i = 0; GameObject tile; while (i != pathIndex) { tile = GameObject.Find("Tile" + path[0, i] + path[1, i]); pathToKing.Add(tile); i++; } return(pathToKing); }
private static int calculateControlArea(GameObject piece) { if (, 1) == "p") { pawnCalculateControlArea(piece); return(0); } else if (, 2) == "ki") { kingCalculateControlArea(piece); return(0); } for (int iTarget = 1; iTarget <= 8; iTarget++) { for (int jTarget = 1; jTarget <= 8; jTarget++) { int iPiece = BoardManagment.searchIndexIOfPiece(piece); int jPiece = BoardManagment.searchIndexJOfPiece(piece); GameObject target = BoardManagment.tabPosition[iTarget, jTarget]; if (target == null) { target = GameObject.Find("Tile" + iTarget + jTarget); } if (Move.moveAuthorized(iPiece, jPiece, iTarget, jTarget,, target)) { if (, 1) == "W") { whiteControlArea[iTarget, jTarget].Add(piece); } else { blackControlArea[iTarget, jTarget].Add(piece); } } } } return(0); }
public static bool kingInCheck(string color) { GameObject king; if (color == "White") { king = GameObject.Find("Wking"); int iKing = BoardManagment.searchIndexIOfPiece(king); int jKing = BoardManagment.searchIndexJOfPiece(king); if (BoardStateManagment.blackControlArea[iKing, jKing].Count > 0) { Debug.Log("whiteking in check"); return(true); } else { Debug.Log("WhiteKing not in check"); return(false); } } else { king = GameObject.Find("Bking"); int iKing = BoardManagment.searchIndexIOfPiece(king); int jKing = BoardManagment.searchIndexJOfPiece(king); if (BoardStateManagment.whiteControlArea[iKing, jKing].Count > 0) { Debug.Log("blackKing in check"); return(true); } else { Debug.Log("BlackKing not in check"); return(false); } } }
void Update() { //Gestion de la camera if (color != camPosition && color == "White") { StartCoroutine(rotatCam(BlackRotation, WhiteRotation, camBlackPosition, camWhitePosition)); print("change camPosition"); camPosition = color; } if (color != camPosition && color == "Black") { StartCoroutine(rotatCam(WhiteRotation, BlackRotation, camWhitePosition, camBlackPosition)); print("change camPosition"); camPosition = color; } //Si clique gauche if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0) && CurrentCamera != null) { RaycastHit hit; //Lance un rayon de la caméra vers le curseur souris Ray ray = CurrentCamera.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition); if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit, 500)) { MeshRenderer meshRenderer = hit.transform.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>(); //Si l'objet touché possède un Box collider et le tag "WhitePiece" ou "BlackPiece if (meshRenderer != null && hit.collider.transform.tag == color + "Piece") { //Si une piece a déjà été sélectionnée elle est désélectionné if (pieceSelected != null) { BoardStateManagment.eraseControlAreaOf(pieceSelected); } //La nouvelle pièce ciblé devient sélectionnée pieceSelected = GameObject.Find(; BoardManagment.moveSelectionCircle(pieceSelected, selectionCircle); particleSelectionCircle.Play(); /*BoardStateManagment.displayControlAreaOf(pieceSelected); */ } } } //Si clique gauche if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(1)) { RaycastHit hit; Ray ray = CurrentCamera.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition); if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit, 500) && pieceSelected != null) { MeshRenderer meshRenderer = hit.transform.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>(); target = GameObject.Find(; if (meshRenderer != null && (hit.transform.tag == "Tile") || (hit.transform.tag == vscolor + "Piece")) { moveOK = BoardManagment.movePiece(target, pieceSelected); } else { moveOK = -1; } } if (moveOK == 0) { particleSelectionCircle.Stop(); Debug.Log("GameLoop: verif echec"); if (VictoryConditions.kingInCheck(vscolor)) { if (vscolor == "White") { VictoryConditions.whiteKingInCheck = true; } else { VictoryConditions.blackKingInCheck = true; } Debug.Log("VictoryConditions.searchMovementAuthorized"); VictoryConditions.searchMovementAuthorized(vscolor); if (VictoryConditions.kingIsCheckMate()) { GameObject victoryText = GameObject.Find("VictoryMessage"); Text myText = victoryText.GetComponent <Text>(); myText.text = vscolor + "player win the game, click to return menu"; endGameCanvas.enabled = true; } } temp = vscolor; vscolor = color; color = temp; pieceSelected = null; moveOK = 1; } } }
//Renvoie une liste des tiles autorisés pour le déplacement du roi private static List <GameObject> kingMovementAuthorized(string color) { GameObject king; List <GameObject>[,] opponentControlArea = new List <GameObject> [9, 9]; List <GameObject> kingMovement = new List <GameObject>(); List <int> tileNotAllowedByLongRange = new List <int>(); String playerColor, opponentColor; if (color == "White") { playerColor = "W"; opponentColor = "B"; opponentControlArea = BoardStateManagment.blackControlArea; king = GameObject.Find("Wking"); } else { playerColor = "B"; opponentColor = "W"; king = GameObject.Find("Bking"); opponentControlArea = BoardStateManagment.whiteControlArea; } int iKing = BoardManagment.searchIndexIOfPiece(king); int jKing = BoardManagment.searchIndexJOfPiece(king); kingMovement.Add(king); //traitement du cas ou la pièce menaçante est de longue porté BoardManagment.tabPosition[iKing, jKing] = null; foreach (GameObject pieceThreateningKing in opponentControlArea[iKing, jKing]) { String pieceThreateningKingName =, 4); int iPieceThreateningKing = BoardManagment.searchIndexIOfPiece(pieceThreateningKing); int jPieceThreateningKing = BoardManagment.searchIndexJOfPiece(pieceThreateningKing); if (pieceThreateningKingName == "quee") { for (int i = iKing - 1; i <= iKing + 1; i++) { for (int j = jKing - 1; j <= jKing + 1; j++) { if (Move.queenMoveAuthorized(iPieceThreateningKing, jPieceThreateningKing, i, j)) { tileNotAllowedByLongRange.Add(i * 10 + j); } } } } else if (pieceThreateningKingName == "bish") { for (int i = iKing - 1; i <= iKing + 1; i++) { for (int j = jKing - 1; j <= jKing + 1; j++) { if (Move.bishopMoveAuthorized(iPieceThreateningKing, jPieceThreateningKing, i, j)) { tileNotAllowedByLongRange.Add(i * 10 + j); } } } } else if (pieceThreateningKingName == "rook") { for (int i = iKing - 1; i <= iKing + 1; i++) { for (int j = jKing - 1; j <= jKing + 1; j++) { if (Move.rookMoveAuthorized(iPieceThreateningKing, jPieceThreateningKing, i, j)) { tileNotAllowedByLongRange.Add(i * 10 + j); } } } } } BoardManagment.tabPosition[iKing, jKing] = king; for (int i = iKing - 1; i <= iKing + 1; i++) { for (int j = jKing - 1; j <= jKing + 1; j++) { if (i >= 1 && i <= 8 && j >= 1 && j <= 8 && opponentControlArea[i, j].Count == 0) { GameObject isItAnAlly = BoardManagment.tabPosition[i, j]; if (isItAnAlly == null) { if (tileNotAllowedByLongRange.IndexOf(i * 10 + j) >= 0) { continue; } else { kingMovement.Add(GameObject.Find("Tile" + i + j)); } } else { if (, 1) != playerColor) { if (tileNotAllowedByLongRange.IndexOf(i * 10 + j) >= 0) { continue; } else { kingMovement.Add(GameObject.Find("Tile" + i + j)); } } } } } } return(kingMovement); }
public static void searchMovementAuthorized(string playerColor) { List <GameObject>[,] opponentControlArea = new List <GameObject> [9, 9], playerControlArea = new List <GameObject> [9, 9]; String opponentColor; GameObject king = GameObject.Find(playerColor.Substring(0, 1) + "king"); int iKing = BoardManagment.searchIndexIOfPiece(king); int jKing = BoardManagment.searchIndexJOfPiece(king); if (playerColor == "Black") { opponentControlArea = BoardStateManagment.whiteControlArea; playerControlArea = BoardStateManagment.blackControlArea; opponentColor = "W"; } else { opponentControlArea = BoardStateManagment.blackControlArea; playerControlArea = BoardStateManagment.whiteControlArea; opponentColor = "B"; } //calcul des mvts autorisés pour le roi List <GameObject> tilesAuhorizedForKing = new List <GameObject>(); tilesAuhorizedForKing = kingMovementAuthorized(playerColor); movementAuthorized.Add(tilesAuhorizedForKing); //Recherche des cases à occuper pour annuler l'échec au roi (interception ou prise de pièce) foreach (GameObject piece in opponentControlArea[iKing, jKing]) { int iPiece = BoardManagment.searchIndexIOfPiece(piece); int jPiece = BoardManagment.searchIndexJOfPiece(piece); GameObject tileOfPiece = GameObject.Find("Tile" + iPiece + jPiece); movementAuthorized.Add(new List <GameObject> { tileOfPiece }); List <GameObject> pathToKing = new List <GameObject>(); pathToKing = searchPathToKing(piece, playerColor, iKing, jKing); foreach (GameObject tile in pathToKing) { movementAuthorized.Add(new List <GameObject> { tile }); } } //Recherche des pièces pouvant se rendre sur ces cases stockées dans une liste dont le premier élément est la case accessible à ces pièces) foreach (List <GameObject> list in movementAuthorized) { GameObject tileTarget = list[0]; if (, 1) == "k") { continue; } string iTileString =, 1); string jTileString =, 1); int iTile = Int32.Parse(iTileString); int jTile = Int32.Parse(jTileString); int pawnDirectionMovement; //Cas du pion en déplacement en ligne droite if (playerColor == "Black") { pawnDirectionMovement = -1; } else { pawnDirectionMovement = 1; } GameObject isItaPawn = BoardManagment.tabPosition[iTile - pawnDirectionMovement, jTile]; if (isItaPawn != null &&, 4) == "pawn") { list.Add(isItaPawn); } foreach (GameObject piece in playerControlArea[iTile, jTile]) { int jPiece = BoardManagment.searchIndexJOfPiece(piece); //Si la pièce est un pion, traitement des déplacements en diagonales: valide uniquement si une pièce adverse est présente sur le tile visé if (, 4) == "pawn" && jTile != jPiece) { if (BoardManagment.tabPosition[iTile, jTile] != null && BoardManagment.tabPosition[iTile, jTile].name.Substring(0, 1) == opponentColor) { list.Add(piece); } } //traitement des autres pièces else if (, 4) != "king") { list.Add(piece); } } } //private static List<List<GameObject>> movementAuthorized = new List<List<GameObject>>(); foreach (List <GameObject> list in movementAuthorized) { foreach (GameObject obj in list) { Debug.Log(; } } }