        private static async Task <List <NewTreeItem> > CopyDirectoryIntoTree(GitHubClient github, long repoId, string repoDirectory, string path = "")
            List <NewTreeItem> result   = new List <NewTreeItem>();
            string             fullPath = MiscUtils.MapPath(Path.Join("wwwroot", path));
            await Directory.GetFiles(fullPath).ToList().ForEachAsync(async file =>
                NewBlob newBlob = new NewBlob
                    Content  = Convert.ToBase64String(await File.ReadAllBytesAsync(file)),
                    Encoding = EncodingType.Base64
                BlobReference newBlobCreated = await github.Git.Blob.Create(repoId, newBlob);
                string newBlobSha            = newBlobCreated.Sha;
                result.Add(new NewTreeItem
                    Mode = "100644",
                    Type = TreeType.Blob,
                    Sha  = newBlobSha,
                    Path = Path.Join(repoDirectory, MiscUtils.UnmapPath(file))

            await Directory.GetDirectories(fullPath).ToList().ForEachAsync(async directory =>
                string unmappedPath = MiscUtils.UnmapPath(directory);
                if (unmappedPath == "webwebResources")
                List <NewTreeItem> directoryContents = await CopyDirectoryIntoTree(github, repoId, repoDirectory, unmappedPath);
                result = result.Concat(directoryContents).ToList();

  * If ContinueOnError argument is 'true', return the exception else nope.
 private void DeleteBlobFromAzureStorage(CodeActivityContext context)
     try {
         AzureParamHelper azureStorageHelper = new AzureParamHelper(StorageConnectionString.Get(context), StorageBlobContainer.Get(context));
         IsDeleted.Set(context, AzureHelper.DeleteBlobFromAzureStorage(BlobReference.Get(context)));
     } catch (Exception ex) {
         if (Convert.ToBoolean((int)ContinueOnError))
             throw ex;
 public void BlobValid(BlobReference blobReference, bool valid)
 public void RetrievedBlob(BlobReference blobReference)
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes contents to a specified blob in the specified GitHub repository.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="appConfig">The application configuration object which contains values
        /// for connecting to the specified GitHub repository.</param>
        /// <param name="privateKey">The RSA private key of a registered GitHub app installed in the specified repository.</param>
        /// <returns>A task.</returns>
        public static async Task WriteToRepositoryAsync(ApplicationConfig appConfig, string privateKey)
            if (appConfig == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(appConfig), "Parameter cannot be null");
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(privateKey))
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(privateKey), "Parameter cannot be null or empty");

            var gitHubClient = GitHubClientFactory.GetGitHubClient(appConfig, privateKey);

            // Get repo references
            var references = await gitHubClient.Git.Reference.GetAll(appConfig.GitHubOrganization, appConfig.GitHubRepoName);

            // Check if the working branch is in the refs
            var workingBranch = references.Where(reference => reference.Ref == $"refs/heads/{appConfig.WorkingBranch}").FirstOrDefault();

            // Check if branch already exists
            if (workingBranch == null)
                // Working branch does not exist, so branch off from the reference branch
                var refBranch = references.Where(reference => reference.Ref == $"refs/heads/{appConfig.ReferenceBranch}").FirstOrDefault();

                // Create new branch; exception will throw if branch already exists
                workingBranch = await gitHubClient.Git.Reference.Create(appConfig.GitHubOrganization, appConfig.GitHubRepoName,
                                                                        new NewReference($"refs/heads/{appConfig.WorkingBranch}", refBranch.Object.Sha));

            // Get reference of the working branch
            var workingReference = await gitHubClient.Git.Reference.Get(appConfig.GitHubOrganization,

            // Get the latest commit of this branch
            var latestCommit = await gitHubClient.Git.Commit.Get(appConfig.GitHubOrganization,

            // Create blob
            NewBlob blob = new NewBlob {
                Encoding = EncodingType.Utf8, Content = appConfig.FileContent
            BlobReference blobRef = await gitHubClient.Git.Blob.Create(appConfig.GitHubOrganization,

            // Create new Tree
            var tree = new NewTree {
                BaseTree = latestCommit.Tree.Sha

            var treeMode = (int)appConfig.TreeItemMode;

            // Add items based on blobs
            tree.Tree.Add(new NewTreeItem
                Path = appConfig.FileContentPath,
                Mode = treeMode.ToString(),
                Type = TreeType.Blob,
                Sha  = blobRef.Sha

            var newTree = await gitHubClient.Git.Tree.Create(appConfig.GitHubOrganization,

            // Create a commit
            var newCommit = new NewCommit(appConfig.CommitMessage,

            var commit = await gitHubClient.Git.Commit.Create(appConfig.GitHubOrganization,

            // Push the commit
            await gitHubClient.Git.Reference.Update(appConfig.GitHubOrganization,
                                                    new ReferenceUpdate(commit.Sha));
        /// <summary>
        ///     Alternative for UploadAndReferenceBlobAsync that uses WalkBlocksAsync instead of the synchronous WalkBlocks.
        ///     Also utilizes the AsyncHttpRetryHelper to mitigate transient exceptions.
        /// </summary>
        public static Task UploadAndReferenceBlobWithRetriesAsync(
            this IBlobStoreHttpClient client,
            BlobIdentifier blobId,
            Stream stream,
            BlobReference reference,
            Context context,
            CancellationToken cts)
            Contract.Requires(stream != null);

            var attempt = 0;

                       async() =>
                bool blobUploaded = false;

                stream.Position = 0;

                await VsoHash.WalkBlocksAsync(
                    blockActionSemaphore: null,
                    multiBlocksInParallel: true,
                    async(block, blockLength, blockHash) =>
                    await client.PutSingleBlockBlobAndReferenceAsync(
                        blobId, block, blockLength, reference, cts).ConfigureAwait(false);
                    blobUploaded = true;
                    (block, blockLength, blockHash, isFinalBlock) =>
                    client.PutBlobBlockAsync(blobId, block, blockLength, cts),
                    multiBlockSealCallback: async blobIdWithBlocks =>
                    var failedRefs = await client.TryReferenceWithBlocksAsync(
                        new Dictionary <BlobIdentifierWithBlocks, IEnumerable <BlobReference> >
                        { blobIdWithBlocks, new[] { reference } }
                        cancellationToken: cts).ConfigureAwait(false);
                    blobUploaded = !failedRefs.Any();

                if (!blobUploaded)
                    throw new AsyncHttpRetryHelper.RetryableException($"Could not upload blob on attempt {attempt}.");
                       maxRetries: 5,
                       tracer: new AppTraceSourceContextAdapter(context, "BlobStoreHttpClient", SourceLevels.All),
                       canRetryDelegate: exception =>
                // HACK HACK: This is an additional layer of retries specifically to catch the SSL exceptions seen in DM.
                // Newer versions of Artifact packages have this retry automatically, but the packages deployed with the M119.0 release do not.
                // Once the next release is completed, these retries can be removed.
                if (exception is HttpRequestException && exception.InnerException is WebException)
                    return true;

                while (exception != null)
                    if (exception is TimeoutException)
                        return true;
                    exception = exception.InnerException;
                return false;
                       cancellationToken: cts,
                       continueOnCapturedContext: false,
                       context: context.Id.ToString()));
        public async Task Apply(string owner, string repository, GhStandardFileSet fileSet)
            Repository repo = await _client.Repository.Get(owner, repository);

            // Determine if auto-content branch exists
            string checkBranch = repo.DefaultBranch;
            var    branchName  = _arguments.BranchName;

                await _client.Repository.Branch.Get(repo.Id, branchName);

                checkBranch = branchName;

                Log.Information("{Repository}: branch '{BranchName}' exists, using that as base instead of '{DefaultBranch}'", repo.FullName, branchName, repo.DefaultBranch);
            catch (NotFoundException)

            // Diff files
            List <string> upToDate            = new List <string>();
            Dictionary <string, byte[]> files = fileSet.GetFiles().ToDictionary(s => s.path, s => s.value);

                foreach ((string path, byte[] value) in files)
                        byte[] existing = await _client.Repository.Content.GetRawContentByRef(owner, repository, path, checkBranch);

                        Utility.NormalizeNewlines(ref existing);

                        if (existing.SequenceEqual(value))
                    catch (NotFoundException)

                if (upToDate.Count == files.Count)
                    Log.Information("{Repository}: is up-to-date", repo.FullName);

            foreach (string path in files.Keys.Except(upToDate))
                Log.Information("{Repository}: '{path}' is outdated", repo.FullName, path);

            NewTree newTree = new NewTree();

            foreach ((string path, byte[] value) in files)
                BlobReference newBlob = await _client.Git.Blob.Create(repo.Id, new NewBlob
                    Content  = Convert.ToBase64String(value),
                    Encoding = EncodingType.Base64

                newTree.Tree.Add(new NewTreeItem
                    Type = TreeType.Blob,
                    Mode = "100644",
                    Path = path,
                    Sha  = newBlob.Sha

            Reference headReference = await _client.Git.Reference.Get(repo.Id, $"heads/{repo.DefaultBranch}");

            string headCommit = headReference.Object.Sha;

            TreeResponse previousTree = await _client.Git.Tree.Get(repo.Id, headReference.Ref);

            newTree.BaseTree = previousTree.Sha;

            TreeResponse newTreeResponse = await _client.Git.Tree.Create(repo.Id, newTree);

            Commit createdCommit = await _client.Git.Commit.Create(repo.Id, new NewCommit("Updating standard content files for repository", newTreeResponse.Sha, headCommit)
                Author = new Committer(_arguments.CommitAuthor, _arguments.CommitEmail, DateTimeOffset.UtcNow)

            Reference existingBranch = null;

                existingBranch = await _client.Git.Reference.Get(repo.Id, _branchNameRef);
            catch (NotFoundException)

            if (existingBranch != null)
                Log.Information("{Repository}: Force-pushing to '{BranchName}'", repo.FullName, branchName);

                // Update / force-push
                await _client.Git.Reference.Update(repo.Id, _branchNameRef, new ReferenceUpdate(createdCommit.Sha, true));
                Log.Information("{Repository}: Creating '{BranchName}'", repo.FullName, branchName);

                // Create
                await _client.Git.Reference.Create(repo.Id, new NewReference(_branchNameRef, createdCommit.Sha));

                // Create PR
                PullRequest newPr = await _client.Repository.PullRequest.Create(repo.Id, new NewPullRequest("Auto: Updating standardized files", branchName, repo.DefaultBranch));

                Log.Information("{Repository}: PR created #{PrNumber} - {Title}", repo.FullName, newPr.Number, newPr.Title);
        public async Task DeploySite()
            StatusUpdate?.Invoke("Starting deploy...", StatusType.Status);
            if (_githubToken == string.Empty)
                // TODO: Send an error message
                StatusUpdate?.Invoke("No GitHub token configured.", StatusType.Error);

            if (_repoName == string.Empty)
                StatusUpdate?.Invoke("No repository configured.", StatusType.Error);

            string[] splitRepoName = _repoName.Split('/');
            if (splitRepoName.Length != 2)
                StatusUpdate?.Invoke("Repository name format invalid.", StatusType.Error);

            if (_repoDestination == string.Empty)
                StatusUpdate?.Invoke("No destination configured.", StatusType.Error);

            StatusUpdate?.Invoke("Getting repository...", StatusType.Status);
            long repoId = (await _github.Repository.Get(splitRepoName[0], splitRepoName[1])).Id;

            string    headMasterRef = "heads/" + _repoBranch;
            Reference masterReference;

                masterReference = await _github.Git.Reference.Get(repoId, headMasterRef);
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (ex is NotFoundException)
                    // This probably means the branch hasn't been created yet
                    // https://github.com/octokit/octokit.net/issues/1098
                    StatusUpdate?.Invoke("Creating branch " + _repoBranch + "...", StatusType.Status);
                    Reference master = await _github.Git.Reference.Get(repoId, "heads/master");

                    masterReference = await _github.Git.Reference.Create(repoId,
                                                                         new NewReference("refs/" + headMasterRef, master.Object.Sha));

            StatusUpdate?.Invoke("Getting current commit...", StatusType.Status);
            GitHubCommit currentCommit  = (await _github.Repository.Commit.GetAll(repoId)).First();
            string       currentTreeSha = currentCommit.Commit.Tree.Sha;

            NewTree newTree = new NewTree();

            if (_repoDirectory != string.Empty)
                TreeResponse currentTree = await _github.Git.Tree.Get(repoId, currentTreeSha);

                // Copy the current tree to the new tree
                StatusUpdate?.Invoke("Copying current tree to new tree...", StatusType.Status);
                newTree = (await CopySubtree(_github, currentTree, repoId, _repoDirectory)).Tree;

            // Now, create all of the files in the tree
            StatusUpdate?.Invoke("Uploading compiled pages and adding to tree...", StatusType.Status);
            await _context.CompiledPages.ToList().ForEachAsync(async page =>
                NewBlob newBlob = new NewBlob
                    Content  = MiscUtils.Base64Encode(page.Contents),
                    Encoding = EncodingType.Base64
                BlobReference newBlobCreated = await _github.Git.Blob.Create(repoId, newBlob);
                string newBlobSha            = newBlobCreated.Sha;
                newTree.Tree.Add(new NewTreeItem
                    Mode = "100644",
                    Type = TreeType.Blob,
                    Sha  = newBlobSha,
                    Path = Path.Join(_repoDirectory, page.Title + ".html")

            // Upload all of the files from the wwwroot directory
            StatusUpdate?.Invoke("Uploading other files and adding to tree...", StatusType.Status);
            (await CopyDirectoryIntoTree(_github, repoId, _repoDirectory)).ForEach(item => { newTree.Tree.Add(item); });

            StatusUpdate?.Invoke("Creating commit...", StatusType.Status);
            string    newTreeSha    = (await _github.Git.Tree.Create(repoId, newTree)).Sha;
            NewCommit newCommit     = new NewCommit("Automated deploy from webweb", newTreeSha, masterReference.Object.Sha);
            Commit    createdCommit = await _github.Git.Commit.Create(repoId, newCommit);

            await _github.Git.Reference.Update(repoId, headMasterRef, new ReferenceUpdate(createdCommit.Sha));

            StatusUpdate?.Invoke("Deploy complete.", StatusType.Success);
 public PageCreated(Guid crawlId, Guid siteId, Guid pageId, string url, BlobReference blobReference, DateTime timeOfCreation)
     : base(crawlId)
     SiteId = siteId;
     PageId = pageId;
     Url = url;
     BlobReference = blobReference;
     TimeOfCreation = timeOfCreation;
 public PageContentChanged(Guid siteId, Guid pageId, BlobReference blobReference, DateTime timeOfChange)
     : base(siteId)
     PageId = pageId;
     BlobReference = blobReference;
     TimeOfChange = timeOfChange;
        protected override async Task <IEnumerable <IDocument> > ExecuteConfigAsync(
            IDocument input,
            IExecutionContext context,
            IMetadata values)
            // See http://www.levibotelho.com/development/commit-a-file-with-the-github-api/

            // Set up the client
            GitHubClient github = new GitHubClient(new ProductHeaderValue("Statiq"), GitHubClient.GitHubApiUrl);

            if (values.TryGetValue(Token, out string token))
                github.Credentials = new Credentials(token);
            else if (values.TryGetValue(Username, out string username) && values.TryGetValue(Password, out string password))
                github.Credentials = new Credentials(username, password);
                throw new ExecutionException("Could not determine GitHub credentials");
            if (!values.TryGetValue(Owner, out string owner) ||
                string.IsNullOrEmpty(owner) ||
                !values.TryGetValue(Name, out string name) ||
                throw new ExecutionException("Invalid repository owner or name");

            // Get the current head tree
            string    branch    = values.GetString(Branch, DefaultBranch);
            Reference reference = await github.Git.Reference.Get(owner, name, "heads/" + branch);

            Commit commit = await github.Git.Commit.Get(owner, name, reference.Object.Sha);

            // Iterate the output path, adding new tree items
            // Don't reference a base tree so that any items not reflected in the new tree will be deleted
            NormalizedPath sourcePath = values.GetPath(SourcePath, context.FileSystem.GetOutputPath());
            NewTree        newTree    = new NewTree();

            foreach (string outputFile in Directory.GetFiles(sourcePath.FullPath, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories))
                // Upload the blob
                BlobReference blob = await github.Git.Blob.Create(owner, name, new NewBlob
                    Content  = Convert.ToBase64String(await File.ReadAllBytesAsync(outputFile)),
                    Encoding = EncodingType.Base64

                // Add the new blob to the tree
                string relativePath = Path.GetRelativePath(sourcePath.FullPath, outputFile).Replace("\\", "/");
                newTree.Tree.Add(new NewTreeItem
                    Path = relativePath,
                    Mode = "100644",
                    Type = TreeType.Blob,
                    Sha  = blob.Sha

            // Create the new tree
            TreeResponse newTreeResponse = await github.Git.Tree.Create(owner, name, newTree);

            // Create the commit
            Commit newCommit = await github.Git.Commit.Create(owner, name, new NewCommit($"Deployment from Statiq", newTreeResponse.Sha, commit.Sha));

            // Update the head ref
            await github.Git.Reference.Update(owner, name, reference.Ref, new ReferenceUpdate(newCommit.Sha, true));

            return(await input.YieldAsync());
  * If ContinueOnError argument is 'true', return the exception else nope.
 private void UploadToAzureStorage(CodeActivityContext context)
     try {
         AzureParamHelper azureStorageHelper = new AzureParamHelper(StorageConnectionString.Get(context), StorageBlobContainer.Get(context));
         BlobUri.Set(context, AzureHelper.UploadToAzureStorage(SourceFile.Get(context), BlobReference.Get(context), Convert.ToBoolean((int)DeleteSourceAfterUpload)));
     } catch (Exception ex) {
         if (Convert.ToBoolean((int)ContinueOnError))
             throw ex;
 public void BlobValid(BlobReference blobReference, bool valid)
         ? $"Valid blob: {blobReference.Name}"
         : $"Invalid blob: {blobReference.Name}");
 public void RetrievedBlob(BlobReference blobReference)
     Console.WriteLine($"Restored blob: {blobReference.Name}");
 public void StoredBlob(BlobReference blobReference)
     Console.WriteLine($"Stored blob: {blobReference.Name}");
 public void StoredBlob(BlobReference blobReference)
        public async Task WriteToRepositoryAsync(ApplicationConfig appConfig, string privateKey)
            if (appConfig == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(appConfig), "Parameter cannot be null");

                string token = await GitHubAuthService.GetGithubAppTokenAsync(appConfig, privateKey);

                // Pass the JWT as a Bearer token to Octokit.net
                var finalClient = new GitHubClient(new ProductHeaderValue(appConfig.GitHubAppName))
                    Credentials = new Credentials(token, AuthenticationType.Bearer)

                // Get repo references
                var references = await finalClient.Git.Reference.GetAll(appConfig.GitHubOrganization, appConfig.GitHubRepoName);

                // Check if the working branch is in the refs
                var workingBranch = references.Where(reference => reference.Ref == $"refs/heads/{appConfig.WorkingBranch}").FirstOrDefault();

                // Check if branch already exists.
                if (workingBranch == null)
                    // Working branch does not exist so branch off reference branch
                    var refBranch = references.Where(reference => reference.Ref == $"refs/heads/{appConfig.ReferenceBranch}").FirstOrDefault();

                    // Exception will throw if branch already exists
                    var newBranch = await finalClient.Git.Reference.Create(appConfig.GitHubOrganization, appConfig.GitHubRepoName,
                                                                           new NewReference($"refs/heads/{appConfig.WorkingBranch}", refBranch.Object.Sha));

                    // create file
                    var createChangeSet = await finalClient.Repository.Content.CreateFile(
                        new CreateFileRequest(appConfig.CommitMessage,
                    // Get reference of the working branch
                    var masterReference = await finalClient.Git.Reference.Get(appConfig.GitHubOrganization,
                                                                              appConfig.GitHubRepoName, workingBranch.Ref);

                    // Get the latest commit of this branch
                    var latestCommit = await finalClient.Git.Commit.Get(appConfig.GitHubOrganization, appConfig.GitHubRepoName,

                    // Create blob
                    NewBlob blob = new NewBlob {
                        Encoding = EncodingType.Utf8, Content = appConfig.FileContent
                    BlobReference blobRef =
                        await finalClient.Git.Blob.Create(appConfig.GitHubOrganization, appConfig.GitHubRepoName, blob);

                    // Create new Tree
                    var tree = new NewTree {
                        BaseTree = latestCommit.Tree.Sha

                    // Add items based on blobs
                    tree.Tree.Add(new NewTreeItem
                        Path = appConfig.FileContentPath, Mode = appConfig.TreeItemMode.ToString(), Type = TreeType.Blob, Sha = blobRef.Sha

                    var newTree = await finalClient.Git.Tree.Create(appConfig.GitHubOrganization, appConfig.GitHubRepoName, tree);

                    // Create commit
                    var newCommit = new NewCommit(appConfig.CommitMessage, newTree.Sha,
                    var commit =
                        await finalClient.Git.Commit.Create(appConfig.GitHubOrganization, appConfig.GitHubRepoName, newCommit);

                    // Push the commit
                    await finalClient.Git.Reference.Update(appConfig.GitHubOrganization, appConfig.GitHubRepoName, workingBranch.Ref,
                                                           new ReferenceUpdate(commit.Sha));

                // Create PR
                var pullRequest = await finalClient.Repository.PullRequest.Create(appConfig.GitHubOrganization,
                                                                                  new NewPullRequest(appConfig.PullRequestTitle, appConfig.WorkingBranch, appConfig.ReferenceBranch) { Body = appConfig.PullRequestBody });

                // Add reviewers
                var teamMembers     = appConfig.Reviewers;
                var reviewersResult = await finalClient.Repository.PullRequest.ReviewRequest.Create(appConfig.GitHubOrganization,
                                                                                                    appConfig.GitHubRepoName, pullRequest.Number,
                                                                                                    new PullRequestReviewRequest(teamMembers.AsReadOnly(), null));

                // Add label
                var issueUpdate = new IssueUpdate();

                // Update the PR with the relevant info
                await finalClient.Issue.Update(appConfig.GitHubOrganization, appConfig.GitHubRepoName, pullRequest.Number,
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
        async Task InvokeBatchExecutionService(string accountNameInput, string accountKeyInput, string containerInput, string inputBlobName, string inputFileName, OutputObject outputObj)
            // Upload file to Blob if pathFile given

            if (isHasInput && input_radio_File.Checked)
                accountNameInput = outputObj.AccountName;
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(accountNameInput))
                    //Console.WriteLine("Upload Error");
                    ShowError("Please enter Account Name");
                accountKeyInput = outputObj.AccountKey;
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(accountKeyInput))
                    //Console.WriteLine("Upload Error");
                    ShowError("Please enter Account Key");
                containerInput = outputObj.Container;
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(containerInput))
                    //Console.WriteLine("Upload Error");
                    ShowError("Please enter Container Name");

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_fileUpload.FileName))
                    //Console.WriteLine("Upload Error");
                    ShowError("Please choose input file");

                inputBlobName = inputFileName;

                //ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, Page.GetType(), "disable", "$(\"#btnclear\").prop(\"disabled\",true);", true);

                bool uploadresult = await uploadBigFile(accountNameInput, accountKeyInput, containerInput, inputFileName);


                if (!uploadresult)
                    //Console.WriteLine("Upload Error");
                    ShowError("Upload Error");

            // First collect and fill in the URI and access key for your web service endpoint.
            // These are available on your service's API help page.
            var    endpointUri = paramObj.Url;
            string accessKey   = Crypto.DecryptStringAES(paramObj.APIKey);

            // Create an Azure Machine Learning runtime client for this endpoint
            var runtimeClient = new RuntimeClient(endpointUri, accessKey);

            // Define the request information for your batch job. This information can contain:
            // -- A reference to the AzureBlob containing the input for your job run
            // -- A set of values for global parameters defined as part of your experiment and service
            // -- A set of output blob locations that allow you to redirect the job's results

            // NOTE: This sample is applicable, as is, for a service with explicit input port and
            // potential global parameters. Also, we choose to also demo how you could override the
            // location of one of the output blobs that could be generated by your service. You might
            // need to tweak these features to adjust the sample to your service.
            // All of these properties of a BatchJobRequest shown below can be optional, depending on
            // your service, so it is not required to specify all with any request.  If you do not want to
            // use any of the parameters, a null value should be passed in its place.

            // Define the reference to the blob containing your input data. You can refer to this blob by its
            // connection string / container / blob name values; alternatively, we also support references
            // based on a blob SAS URI

            string ext = ".csv";//inputBlobName.Substring(inputBlobName.LastIndexOf("."));

            BlobReference inputBlob;

            if (isHasInput)
                inputBlob = BlobReference.CreateFromConnectionStringData(
                    connectionString: string.Format("DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName={0};AccountKey={1}", accountNameInput, accountKeyInput),
                    containerName: containerInput,
                    blobName: inputBlobName);
                ext = inputBlobName.Substring(inputBlobName.LastIndexOf("."));
                inputBlob = null;

            // If desired, one can override the location where the job outputs are to be stored, by passing in
            // the storage account details and name of the blob where we want the output to be redirected to.

            var outputLocations = new Dictionary <string, BlobReference>();

            foreach (var keyvalue in outputObj.NodeOutputName)

                        connectionString: string.Format("DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName={0};AccountKey={1}", outputObj.AccountName, outputObj.AccountKey),
                        containerName: outputObj.Container,
                        blobName: !outputObj.isAddTime ? keyvalue.Value + "_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("MMddyy_hhmmss") + ext : keyvalue.Value + ext

            // If applicable, you can also set the global parameters for your service
            var globalParameters = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            foreach (var global in paramObj.listGlobalParameter)
                string columnValue = "";
                var    control     = FindControl(global.Name);
                if (control is TextBox)
                    TextBox txt = control as TextBox;
                    if (txt.Text != "")
                        columnValue = txt.Text;
                else if (control is DropDownList)
                    DropDownList lb = control as DropDownList;
                    if (lb.SelectedIndex != -1)
                        columnValue = lb.SelectedValue;
                if (control is RadioButtonList)
                    RadioButtonList ct = control as RadioButtonList;
                    if (ct.SelectedIndex != -1)
                        columnValue = ct.SelectedValue;
                globalParameters.Add(global.Name, columnValue);

            var jobRequest = new BatchJobRequest
                Input            = inputBlob,
                GlobalParameters = globalParameters,
                Outputs          = outputLocations

                // Register the batch job with the system, which will grant you access to a job object
                BatchJob job = await runtimeClient.RegisterBatchJobAsync(jobRequest);

                AddJobIdCookie(job.Id, job.CreatedAt.ToLocalTime().ToString());

                // Start the job to allow it to be scheduled in the running queue
                await job.StartAsync();

                //ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, typeof(Page), "OpenWindow", "window.open('Status.aspx?jobid=" + job.Id + "');", true);

                Response.Redirect("Status.aspx?jobid=" + job.Id);

                // Wait for the job's completion and handle the output

                //BatchJobStatus jobStatus = await job.WaitForCompletionAsync();
                //while (job.CheckStatus().JobState != JobState.Finished && job.CheckStatus().JobState != JobState.Failed)
                //    Console.WriteLine(job.Id + ":" + job.CreatedAt.ToLocalTime() + job.CheckStatus().JobState);

                //BatchJobStatus jobStatus = job.CheckStatus();
                //if (jobStatus.JobState == JobState.Finished)
                //    // Process job outputs
                //    //Console.WriteLine(@"Job {0} has completed successfully and returned {1} outputs", job.Id, jobStatus.Results.Count);
                //    lblJobIdSuccess.Text = job.Id;
                //    ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, Page.GetType(), "CompleteSuccess", "$('#CompleteSuccess').modal();", true);

                //    foreach (var output in jobStatus.Results)
                //    {
                //        //Console.WriteLine(@"\t{0}: {1}", output.Key, output.Value.AbsoluteUri);
                //        Response.Redirect(output.Value.AbsoluteUri);

                //    }
                //else if (jobStatus.JobState == JobState.Failed)
                //    // Handle job failure
                //    //Console.WriteLine(@"Job {0} has failed with this error: {1}", job.Id, jobStatus.Details);
                //    txtresultModal.Text = jobStatus.Details;
                //    ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, Page.GetType(), "failModal", "$('#failModal').modal();", true);
            catch (ArgumentException ex)
                //Console.WriteLine("Argument {0} is invalid: {1}", aex.ParamName, aex.Message);
                //txtresultModal.Text = ex.Message;
                //ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, Page.GetType(), "failModal", "$('#failModal').modal();", true);
            catch (RuntimeException runtimeError)
                //Console.WriteLine("Runtime error occurred: {0} - {1}", runtimeError.ErrorCode, runtimeError.Message);
                //Console.WriteLine("Error details:");
                string error = "";
                foreach (var errorDetails in runtimeError.Details)
                    error += string.Format("\t{0} - {1}", errorDetails.Code, errorDetails.Message);
                //txtresultModal.Text = error;
                //ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, Page.GetType(), "failModal", "$('#failModal').modal();", true);
            catch (Exception ex)
                //Console.WriteLine("Unexpected error occurred: {0} - {1}", ex.GetType().Name, ex.Message);
                //txtresultModal.Text = ex.Message;
                //ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, Page.GetType(), "failModal", "$('#failModal').modal();", true);