protected override void AddSlider(Slider s)
            SliderTaiko st = (SliderTaiko)s;

            //The sprites get added in the update method - so we don't need to add them here.
            st.SpatialLength *= 1.4f; //See 1.4x multiplication of SliderMultiplier aboove.
            double l = st.SpatialLength;

            l *= st.SegmentCount;
            double v2 = SliderScoringPointDistance *
            double bl = Beatmap.BeatLengthAt(st.StartTime, true); // must be TRUE here so we get the correct duration

            st.EndTime = st.StartTime + (int)(l / v2 * bl);
            double v = SliderVelocityAt(st.StartTime);

            bl = Beatmap.BeatLengthAt(st.StartTime, Beatmap.BeatmapVersion < 8);

            double skipPeriod = Math.Min(
                bl / Beatmap.DifficultySliderTickRate,
                (double)(st.EndTime - st.StartTime) / st.SegmentCount);

            // Only do the conversion if skipPeriod is actually above 0. It can be 0 for sliders with a length of 0 (=> EndTime == StartTime).
            // This avoids an endless loop.
            if (skipPeriod > 0 && Beatmap.PlayMode != PlayModes.Taiko && l / v * 1000 < 2 * bl)
                int i = 0;
                for (double j = st.StartTime; j <= st.EndTime + skipPeriod / 8; j += skipPeriod)
                    HitCircle h;

                    if (st.unifiedSoundAddition)
                        h = hitFactory.CreateHitCircle(Vector2.Zero, (int)j, false, st.SoundType, 0, SampleSet.None, SampleSet.None, CustomSampleSet.Default, 0, "");
                        h = hitFactory.CreateHitCircle(Vector2.Zero, (int)j, false, st.SoundTypeList[i], 0, SampleSet.None, SampleSet.None, CustomSampleSet.Default, 0, "");
                        i = (i + 1) % st.SoundTypeList.Count;

                    Add(h, false);

文件: Slider.cs 项目: fystir/osu
 public override void SetDefaultsFromBeatmap(Beatmap beatmap)
     Velocity = 100 / beatmap.BeatLengthAt(StartTime, true) * beatmap.BeatmapInfo.BaseDifficulty.SliderMultiplier;
        public static int CalculateEndTime(Beatmap beatmap, int startTime, int repeats, double pixelLength)
            int duration = (int)(pixelLength / (100d * beatmap.DifficultySection.SliderMultiplier) * repeats * beatmap.BeatLengthAt(startTime));

            return(startTime + duration);
        void RandomizeBeatmap()
            if (Directory.Exists("RandomizedMap"))
                Directory.Delete("RandomizedMap", true);

            if (File.Exists("RandomizedMap.osz"))

            Random  r     = new Random();
            var     kmap  = LoadedMaps.ElementAt(r.Next(0, LoadedMaps.Count));
            var     ksong = LoadedMaps.ElementAt(r.Next(0, LoadedMaps.Count));
            Beatmap map   = BeatmapDecoder.Decode(kmap.FullName);
            Beatmap song  = BeatmapDecoder.Decode(kmap.FullName);

            while (map.GeneralSection.Mode != song.GeneralSection.Mode && (!checkedListBox1.GetItemChecked(0) && (int)map.BeatLengthAt(0) == (int)song.BeatLengthAt(0)))
                kmap  = LoadedMaps.ElementAt(r.Next(0, LoadedMaps.Count));
                ksong = LoadedMaps.ElementAt(r.Next(0, LoadedMaps.Count));
                map   = BeatmapDecoder.Decode(kmap.FullName);
                song  = BeatmapDecoder.Decode(kmap.FullName);

            while (map.GeneralSection.Mode != song.GeneralSection.Mode && checkedListBox1.GetItemChecked(0))
                kmap  = LoadedMaps.ElementAt(r.Next(0, LoadedMaps.Count));
                ksong = LoadedMaps.ElementAt(r.Next(0, LoadedMaps.Count));
                map   = BeatmapDecoder.Decode(kmap.FullName);
                song  = BeatmapDecoder.Decode(kmap.FullName);
            //create map directory

            map.TimingPoints = song.TimingPoints;
            map.GeneralSection.AudioFilename = song.GeneralSection.AudioFilename;
            map.GeneralSection.Length        = song.GeneralSection.Length;
            map.EventsSection.Breaks         = song.EventsSection.Breaks;

            //copy audio file
            File.Copy(Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(ksong.FullName), song.GeneralSection.AudioFilename), Path.Combine("RandomizedMap", song.GeneralSection.AudioFilename));

            //video randomizer
            if (checkedListBox1.GetItemChecked(2))
                var     kvid = LoadedMaps.ElementAt(r.Next(0, LoadedMaps.Count));
                Beatmap vid  = BeatmapDecoder.Decode(kvid.FullName);
                while (string.IsNullOrEmpty(map.EventsSection.Video))
                    kvid = LoadedMaps.ElementAt(r.Next(0, LoadedMaps.Count));
                    vid  = BeatmapDecoder.Decode(kvid.FullName);
                map.EventsSection.Video       = vid.EventsSection.Video;
                map.EventsSection.VideoOffset = vid.EventsSection.VideoOffset;
                //copy video
                File.Copy(Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(kvid.FullName), vid.EventsSection.Video), Path.Combine("RandomizedMap", vid.EventsSection.Video));

            //storyboard randomizer

             * if (checkedListBox1.GetItemChecked(3))
             * {
             *  var ksb = LoadedMaps.ElementAt(r.Next(0, LoadedMaps.Count));
             *  Beatmap sb = BeatmapDecoder.Decode(ksb.FullName);
             *  while (!sb.EventsSection.Storyboard.)
             *  {
             *      ksb = LoadedMaps.ElementAt(r.Next(0, LoadedMaps.Count));
             *      sb = BeatmapDecoder.Decode(ksb.FullName);
             *  }
             *  map.EventsSection.Video = sb.EventsSection.Video;
             *  map.EventsSection.VideoOffset = sb.EventsSection.VideoOffset;
             *  //copy video
             *  File.Copy(Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(ksb.FullName), sb.EventsSection.Video), Path.Combine("RandomizedMap", sb.EventsSection.Video));
             * }

            if (checkedListBox1.GetItemChecked(4))
                map.DifficultySection.CircleSize = r.Next(0, 100) / 10f;

            if (checkedListBox1.GetItemChecked(5))
                map.DifficultySection.ApproachRate = r.Next(0, 100) / 10f;

            if (checkedListBox1.GetItemChecked(6))
                map.DifficultySection.OverallDifficulty = r.Next(0, 100) / 10f;

            if (checkedListBox1.GetItemChecked(7))
                map.DifficultySection.HPDrainRate = r.Next(0, 100) / 10f;

            map.MetadataSection.Artist  = "osu!map randomizer";
            map.MetadataSection.Title   = "Randomized map";
            map.MetadataSection.Creator = "osu!map randomizer";
            //copy background
            File.Copy(Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(kmap.FullName), song.EventsSection.BackgroundImage), Path.Combine("RandomizedMap", song.EventsSection.BackgroundImage));
            map.Save(Path.Combine("RandomizedMap", "map.osu"));
            ZipFile.CreateFromDirectory(Path.GetFullPath("RandomizedMap"), "RandomizedMap.osz");
        protected override void PostProcessing()
            isPost = true;

            Beatmap.StackLeniency = 0;

            double  t            = firstObjectTime;
            int     i            = 0;
            Vector2 lastPosition = new Vector2(256, 197);

            double speed = 0;
            double angle = targetRandom.NextDouble() * Math.PI * 2;

            while (t < lastObjectTime)
                double progress = (t - firstObjectTime) / (lastObjectTime - firstObjectTime);

                bool speedIncrease = i % 8 == 0;

                if (lastComboIndex < comboTimes.Count && t >= comboTimes[lastComboIndex])

                if (speedIncrease)
                    speed = HitObjectRadius + (int)(progress * 40) / 40d * 333;

                Vector2 movement;

                ControlPoint cp = Beatmap.ControlPointAt(t);

                double multiplier = cp.KiaiMode ? 1.2 : 1;

                if (speedIncrease)
                    multiplier *= 1.5;

                angle += (targetRandom.NextDouble() - 0.5) * 2;

                movement.X = lastPosition.X + (float)(speed * multiplier * Math.Cos(angle));
                movement.Y = lastPosition.Y + (float)(speed * multiplier * Math.Sin(angle));

                int tryCount = 0;
                while (movement.X < 0 || movement.Y < 0 || movement.X > 512 || movement.Y > 384 || (speed > HitObjectRadius && closeToRecent(movement, tryCount)))
                    angle      = targetRandom.NextDouble() * Math.PI * 2;
                    movement.X = lastPosition.X + (float)(speed * multiplier * Math.Cos(angle));
                    movement.Y = lastPosition.Y + (float)(speed * multiplier * Math.Sin(angle));

                    if (++tryCount > 10)
                        multiplier *= 0.9;

                lastPosition = movement;

                HitCircleOsuTarget h = new HitCircleOsuTarget(this, lastPosition + new Vector2(0, -10), (int)t, speedIncrease, HitObjectSoundType.Normal, 0);

                EventBreak b = eventManager.eventBreaks.Find(br => br.StartTime <= t && br.EndTime >= t);
                if (b == null)
                    int found = intendedObjects.BinarySearch(h);
                    if (found < 0)
                        found = ~found - 1;

                    if (found >= 0 && found > lastUsedIntended && found < intendedObjects.Count)
                        lastUsedIntended = found;
                        HitObject closest = intendedObjects[found];
                        h.SampleSet          = closest.SampleSet;
                        h.SampleSetAdditions = closest.SampleSetAdditions;
                        h.SoundType          = closest.SoundType;
                        h.CustomSampleSet    = closest.CustomSampleSet;

                    foreach (pSprite p in h.SpriteCollection)
                        //physics.Add(p, new Vector2((float)(progress * (GameBase.random.NextDouble() - 0.5)), 0), true).weight = -100;
                        p.Transformations.Add(new Transformation(TransformationType.Scale, p.Scale * 0.5f, p.Scale, (int)t - PreEmpt, (int)t));

                t += Beatmap.BeatLengthAt(t, false);

